Sex Toys for Every Star Sign & Pleasure Persona: A Gift Guide

Toys for your zodiac sign, from audacious Aries to poetic Pisces
Gemini Libra Sagittarius Uranus Pleasure Personalities
Clockwise from the top left cor­ner: Capricorn, Libra, Sagittarius, Uranus, Gemini

This stel­lar shop­ping guide pairs sex-​positive prod­ucts with astrology-​inspired arche­types — div­ing into the sym­bol­ism and Hellenic plan­et ruler­ship to match your erot­ic energy.

Non-​believer? No prob­lem! You'll like­ly rec­og­nize pieces of your pals’ per­son­al­i­ties in these astrol­o­gy gift guide descrip­tions. Take what resonates.

Since the focus is on per­son­al­i­ty types, I've labeled the list by traits but arranged them by sun sign dates.

Aries Leo Cancer Taurus Scorpio Pleasure Product Personalities
Clockwise from the top left cor­ner: Aries, Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer

If you do appre­ci­ate astrol­o­gy, you'll notice that I'm going off of Venus and Mars signs more than sun signs.

Let's kick off this cos­mic journey.

Aries, the Ram: Igniting the Hero's Journey

Approximate Aries sun dates: March 19 – April 19

Aries Star Sign Traits

Aries is a car­di­nal fire sign, mark­ing the begin­ning of the astro­log­i­cal year and the first day of spring. Its mar­tial — ruled by Mars — ener­gy is asso­ci­at­ed with:

  • Lively new beginnings
  • Boldness, brash, bravado
  • Striking the match for fire-starting
  • Dynamically lead­ing and succeeding
  • Passionate pow­er and determination

Restlessness and zesty zeal are two sides of the same coin for our fiery friends.

Aries Personality Pleasure Product Picks

Aries Personality as Sex Toys

In Toyland, the arche­typ­al Aries per­son­al­i­ty brings up bold bulges and sig­nif­i­cant sensations:

Evolved Novelties’ Gyro Vibe thumps and quakes with lit­tle sub­tle­ty on my clit — its motor is the def­i­n­i­tion of extra, for bet­ter or worse!

The Tantus Magma fea­tures lava-​like drips that grip and pull at the walls with every G‑spotty out­stroke, while the tip can go all the way in with its 7” insertable length.

La Boutique Voila's Mighty Hammer was inspired by Thor's war ham­mer, Mjolnir. It sym­bol­izes pow­er and strength, much like Aries’ pert presence.

Uberrime's A‑Spot Avenger rounds off Aries’ role as the myth­i­cal hero of the zodi­ac. This deep pen­e­tra­tion dil­do comes in three col­or schemes you might rec­og­nize: The Incredible, The Mighty, and The Patriot.

Patriot A-Spot Avenger superhero-themed deep penetration dildo

Taurus, the Bull: Solid, Sensual & Luxurious Loving

Approximate Taurus sun dates: April 19 – May 20

Taurus Star Sign Personality

We're set­tling into spring and the grow­ing sea­son. In con­trast to Aries’ mar­tial con­no­ta­tions, Taurus is an earth sign ruled by the realm of Venus:

  • Attuned to sen­so­ry experiences
  • Deriving plea­sure from the phys­i­cal world
  • Deep appre­ci­a­tion for beau­ty, lux­u­ry, and comfort
  • Lush grounds loy­al loving

Aries is what I call “wham-​bam”; Taurus can be sen­su­al but still bold­ly embodied.

Taurus Personality Pleasure Product Picks

Taurus as Pleasure Products

Je Joue vibra­tors embody Taurean ener­gy in a sex toy line. They're intense if you want them to be, deliv­er­ing deep, purring rum­ble that res­onates and finess­es your favorite hot spots. Moreover, their con­trols and speed range make them rad and reli­able for any mood.

My favorite Je Joue sex toys include the following.

Je Joue Vita, Amour, and Duet bullet vibrators

Exsens’ body care prod­ucts and Foria Intimacy Botanicals also give big Taurus vibes. My faves from them include:

After all, what is fine din­ing with­out slow­ing down for a tan­ta­liz­ing amuse-​bouche or hors d'oeuvre?

Gemini, the Twin: Switchy, Versatile Variety

Approximate Gemini sun dates: May 20 – June 20

Gemini Venus & Mars Personality

Gemini sym­bol­izes facets and dual­i­ty, with mer­cu­r­ial traits like:

  • The blend­ing of mas­cu­line and fem­i­nine in one
  • The ana­lyt­i­cal intel­lect and the gre­gar­i­ous gabbing
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Mastery of dirty talk
  • A love for variety
Gemini Personality Pleasure Product Gifts

Sex Shop Picks for Gemini

Fun Factory's Limba Flex is adapt­able like a Gemini. It comes in three sizes, and its pos­able wire core bends into steep C‑curves and shal­low S‑curves, hit­ting a range of inter­nal eroge­nous zones.

Pair the Limba Flex with a strap-​on har­ness for more vers vibes. Or get a strap­less strap-​on like the Share Lite. Will you top or bot­tom? Why not both?

Flip to a ran­dom page in Kate Sloan's book, 101 Kinky Things Even You Can Do. Whether you're mild or wild, you'll more than like­ly find a kinky sug­ges­tion you've nev­er tried before.

If you'd rather read some­thing fun­ny and odd­ly spe­cif­ic, I can't think of any­thing more mer­cu­r­ial than Mary Roach's Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex. It's one of many things that can hap­pen when sex is an ADHDer's spe­cial inter­est. (My blog is anoth­er. Can you guess what my Mars sign is?)

Fun Factory Limba Flex Small Medium Large

Eye of Love's Matchmaker Black Diamond pheromone per­fume is a uni­sex scent of cedar, black cur­rant, and lemon with under­tones of oak, amber, and musk — beck­on­ing bi babes and gen­der ben­ders. Fittingly, there's an “Attract Them” option!

Cancer, the Crab: Soft, Strong & Soul-Nourishing

Approximate Cancer sun dates: June 20 – July 22

Cancer Star Sign Personality

Cancer is the car­di­nal water sign — “Big Mama” of the zodi­ac. This leader of the summer:

  • Is hard on the out­side but mushy on the inside, like a crab
  • Tenaciously pro­tects, like a “mama bear”
  • Intuitively picks up on wax­ing and wan­ing changes around them
  • Nurtures and loves deeply
  • Grows and births beau­ty in the world

Yes, Cancer is asso­ci­at­ed with emo­tion­al ebbs and flows like the moon, but also the wis­dom and expan­sion endowed by big, bold Jupiter. It nour­ish­es, grows, and creates.

Cancer Zodiac Personality Pleasure Products

Cancer Zodiac Sign as Sex Toys

Uberrime's Amante triple-​density dil­do has a firm core, a gooey gel-​like mid­dle lay­er, and a medium-​soft tip and “skin” lay­er. It's mushi­er on the inside than on the outside.

The Happy Moon toy deliv­ers assertive air puls­es despite its cutesy exte­ri­or — like how Cancerians are some­times dis­missed as the “sen­si­tive cry­ba­bies” of the zodi­ac when the arche­type is more of a fierce moth­er fig­ure. Get it from SheVibe or Spectrum Boutique.

For sensitive-​breasted babes, OhMiBod's Sphinx vibrat­ing nip­ple clamps offer state-​of-​the-​art Bluetooth remote con­trol capa­bil­i­ty. More impor­tant­ly, they pack more punch than com­peti­tors I've tried — buzzy but will still make me cum through the wax­ing and wan­ing waves con­trolled by a partner.

Crotchless panties with pearl strands along the cen­ter add fem­i­nine flair and tex­ture. Because of their aquat­ic influ­ence and resem­blance to the moon, pearls could be con­sid­ered a sec­ondary birth­stone for Cancerians. We're lumi­nous, lay­ered, and full of grit.

Leo, the Lion: Vibrant Vim & Verve

Approximate Leo sun dates: July 22 – August 22
Flashy, bold, fun color sex toys

Leo Zodiac Symbolism

Leo is ruled by the Sun. As the cen­ter of the solar sys­tem and life ener­gy, this sign is asso­ci­at­ed with:

  • Leading with charis­ma, espe­cial­ly in the limelight
  • Expressing affec­tion with pas­sion­ate gusto
  • Generosity, spoil­ing their part­ner with grand gestures
  • Thriving on admi­ra­tion and praise from others

Leo Star Sign as Sex Toys

Leo's asso­ci­a­tion with solar vital­i­ty makes its sex toy avatar a no-​brainer: this sign is the Fun Factory Vim.

Vim is a bold, bright, regal ruler of its domain — seri­ous­ly, it's the rum­bli­est recharge­able wand I've ever tried. Such pas­sion and ener­gy, and it comes in a Sunrise Orange swatch? The Fun Factory Vim per­fect­ly embod­ies Leo in a sex toy.

Leos are also flashy and attention-​seeking, like the njoy Disco's light-​catching mir­ror shine and cap­ti­vat­ing curves. Its stain­less steel is also sta­ble and stiff, fit­ting of a fixed sign.

Uberrime's Spiral, AKA Helios 2.0, was named after the Hellenic per­son­i­fi­ca­tion of the sun. One of its orig­i­nal col­or schemes is a firey fusion of Candy Apple Red, Orangesicle, and Lemon Pop (but the palette shown above is more like a nebula.

Fun Factory's Tiger G5 is avail­able in bright India red, and its afford­able knock­off, Yummy Sunshine, is lemon but­ter­cream yellow.

Fun Factory Vim massager, Boss dildo, and Nos ring vibra
Vim has Leo's per­son­al­i­ty, while I see Big Boss as more Capricorn. It's paired with the Nos cock ring here.

The pop­ping palettes and row­dy rib­bing on these toys will def­i­nite­ly seize attention.

Virgo, the Maiden: Devotion in the Details

Approximate Virgo sun dates: August 22 – September 22

Virgo Venus Traits

Think of your friend who blazes at 3x speed through audio­books about cutting-​edge research on roman­tic attach­ment and com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills. That's Virgo Venus.

Virgo Venus applies ana­lyt­i­cal think­ing to mat­ters of the heart:

  • Rock-​solid reli­a­bil­i­ty, sin­cer­i­ty, and transparency
  • Health con­scious­ness and high stan­dards of cleanliness
  • Attention to detail in sub­tle ges­tures and every­day acts
  • Service-​oriented support
  • Discerning and prag­mat­ic problem-solving
  • Thoughtful, prac­ti­cal gifts that make you feel very seen
Virgo sex toy gift guide

Virgo Venus Sex Toys & Gifts

Virgo Venus wants the best in class, even if it could be clin­i­cal. I asso­ciate Virgo Venus with:

The Magic Wand Plus cord­ed wand — rum­bli­er than the orig­i­nal, has excel­lent con­trols (up and down but­tons), and is cost-​effective for every­thing it does. It's seri­ous­ly one of the best inti­mate mas­sagers you could get for the price.

Positioning cush­ions lever­age opti­mal angles for pen­e­tra­tion. Elevate your (or your partner's) hips to go deep­er and aim with inten­tion. Try the Dame Pillo or vari­a­tions of the Liberator Wedge.

BMS's Swan Maximum bul­let is rumbly AF, has a wide speed range that goes beyond the cult clas­sic We-​Vibe Tango X in strength, and, of course, has but­tons for increas­ing and decreas­ing speed as you go through dif­fer­ent phas­es of arousal and orgasm.

BMS Swan Maximum Bullet powerful vibrator with silicone cuff

GoLove CBD lube is water-​based, mak­ing it com­pat­i­ble with con­doms and sil­i­cone toys. Its ingre­di­ents are spe­cial­ly select­ed to stay close to the vagina's nat­ur­al pH and osmot­ic bal­ances. In short, get the sen­su­al relax­ation of CBD with a range of ways to play and a flora-​friendly formulation.

Books that get into the nitty-​gritty of com­mu­ni­ca­tion, with exam­ples of what to do (and what not to do) and prompts and fuel for thought:

Bonk by Mary Roach and desk accessories
I'd say unscent­ed pheromones are very Virgo, while Bonk is more Gemini, and the Lovelife Lily is Libra

Libra, the Scales: Serene Sensations & Artful Aesthetics

Approximate Libra sun dates: September 22 – October 22

Libra Venus Traits

Libra loves love itself — vib­ing well with Venus! Traits asso­ci­at­ed with plac­ing the plan­et of love in Libra include:

  • Ample aes­thet­ic appre­ci­a­tion — think art, cul­ture, and the fin­er things in life
  • Seeking har­mo­ny and peace
  • Alluring and affec­tion­ate, radi­at­ing romance
  • Yielding, ced­ing to con­flict by bal­ance and compromise
  • Delicate diplo­ma­cy comes nat­u­ral­ly to them
Libra's sensual loving personality as sex toy gifts

Libra Star Sign as Sex Toys

Crystal Delights’ twist­ing glass dil­dos are, above all, lux­u­ri­ous and beau­ti­ful — pleas­ing my pussy and my eyes. The smooth slid­ing against my walls caress­es my clit from the inside.

Uberrime's Rosae rose-​shaped sil­i­cone cli­toral grinder fea­tures soft petals for my petals — and con­verges into a cushy clit-​massaging mound at the cen­ter. It yields and push­es back just enough.

Crave's Vesper neck­lace vibra­tor is dain­ty, dis­creet, and pin­point enough to be worth it for casu­al users. Wear this icon of plea­sure in plain sight — if you know it, you know it.

How frig­gin’ cute is Shots’ Loveline Lily vibra­tor? It mea­sures 1.25” across and along the bulk of the bulb — a delight­ful tip driller for pen­e­tra­tion. (I'm will­ing to over­look the puny vibra­tions for the ele­gant exte­ri­or here. Libra is about soft­ness and bal­ance any­way, yeah?)

Taurus and Libra Venus sensual body care
Taurus and Libra Venus plea­sure products

Eye of Love's pheromone per­fume fits Libra since the com­bi­na­tion of androstenol and estrate­traenol is meant to influ­ence the emo­tion­al side of social bond­ing. (Contrast it to the more car­nal cop­ulins men­tioned in my sec­tion about Taurean pheromone perfume.)

  • The Bloom Sunny Daze fra­grance is a decid­ed­ly sweet and fem­i­nine mix of berg­amot, Damascus rose, and jasmine.
  • Morning Glow is anoth­er bright blend of fruity and flo­ral, with ylang-​ylang, freesia, jas­mine, vio­let, and musky base notes.

Scorpio, the Scorpion: Deep, Dark Desires & Possessive Passion

Approximate Scorpio Sun dates: October 22 – November 21

Scorpio & Sexuality

Scorpio Venus and Mars are known for their inten­si­ty — for worse and for bet­ter, respec­tive­ly. I asso­ciate Scorpio Venus with:

  • Intense pas­sion and mag­net­ic attraction
  • Emotional depth and sensitivity
  • A yearn­ing for rad­i­cal hon­esty and trust
  • Possession and jealousy

That last point is fun fan­ta­sy fod­der for kinky Scorpio Mars lust, but some­times it doesn't play out well with Scorpio Venus's desires in love.

Pluto is the mod­ern rul­ing plan­et of Scorpio and rep­re­sents the sub­con­scious, pow­er, and the deep, dark side of emo­tion. Classical astrol­o­gy, how­ev­er, focus­es more on Mars’ assertive and pas­sion­ate qual­i­ties in Scorpio.

Bold, all-consuming Scorpio Venus as sex toys

Scorpio Sex Toys & Kink Accessories

There isn't any­thing more Scorpio Venus than the viral rose suc­tion toy or rose-​emblazoned Doxy Die Cast wand.

Of all the rose toys, the most well-​known “soul snatch­er” is super strong with no sub­tle­ty, going from 0 to 60 to 100 real­ly fast.

And that's quite fit­ting of Scorpio Venus: intense, allur­ing, deep, and poten­tial­ly over­pow­er­ing. The rose's air puls­es are all-or-nothing.

Meanwhile, you might get some mer­cy from adjust­ing the pres­sure with the Doxy Die Cast. Or you could use straps around a submissive's legs to hold the wand in place with no escape.

Consider also muf­fling moans with sil­i­cone rose gags. Add a rose butt plug if that's your thing.

Last but not least, Velvet Alley's anatom­i­cal heart toys fit the vibe, too. The heart is sen­si­tive to every emo­tion, beat­ing fer­vent­ly and pump­ing blood to amorous organs. And heart­break… well, it hurts. Try:

How's that for passion?

Sagittarius, the Archer: Spontaneous, Stimulating Spirit

Sagittarius, the archer, wonderer, and wanderer personality in sex toys
Approximate Sagittarius sun dates: November 21 – December 21

Sagittarian Personality in Love & Sex

Big, bold, expan­sive Jupiter rules Sagittarius. Those with this per­son­al­i­ty won­der and wan­der for wisdom.Their ecsta­t­ic explo­ration may include:

  • Adventurous novelty-​seeking
  • Highly valu­ing intel­lec­tu­al stim­u­la­tion and philo­soph­i­cal conversations
  • Preferring rela­tion­ships that allow for inde­pen­dence and freedom
  • Sharing expe­ri­ences that expand horizons

Sagittarius as Sex Toys, Smut, and More

Since the archer sym­bol­izes this sign, I imag­ine Sagittarian sex toys as tar­get­ed hot spot “snipers”:

  • The njoy Pure Wand was engi­neered for wham-​bam front wall focus — if your G‑spot is just past the pubic bone, this dil­do will pound it like no other
  • Try the NS Novelties Glass G‑Spot Wand if you want to go a bit deep­er along the A‑spot. Similar deal: unyield­ing, rock-​hard, will pum­mel your pussy — but it can go deep­er than the Pure Wand
  • Hot Octopuss's Pulse Queen is a con­cen­trat­ed cli­toral thumper with seri­ous power
Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen focused thumping oscillator

Want to get past the mas­cot — and appeal to intel­lect? Try:

  • A sub­scrip­tion to PinkLabel​.TV, an alter­na­tive queer-​friendly porn site with indie flicks, spir­i­tu­al instruc­tion­als, vin­tage videos, social­ly con­scious com­men­tary, and more.
  • A gift card to an inde­pen­dent sex shop with a curat­ed col­lec­tion of expan­sive edu­ca­tion­al resources — try Aphrodisia Boutique, Spectrum Boutique, Early to Bed, or Bunny Shoppe

Even after years of blog­ging, these shops are still show­ing me sex­u­al con­cepts I hadn't con­sid­ered before. Many were or are ahead of their time.

Gift cards to boutique-​style shops leave room to scope the selec­tion — on one's own wan­der­ing (and wicked?) whims.

Capricorn, the Sea-Goat: Dutiful Daddy Dom

Approximate Capricorn sun dates: December 21 – January 19

Capricorn Personality in Sex and Love

“Time Daddy” Saturn rules Capricorn. Having Venus or Mars placed in this sign is asso­ci­at­ed with:

  • Sharing dri­ve and deter­mi­na­tion with a partner
  • Appreciating tra­di­tion­al val­ues, sta­bil­i­ty, and security
  • Having a strong sense of duty and responsibility
  • Possibly being per­ceived as prim and proper
  • Building rela­tion­ships to last, focus­ing on long-​term prac­ti­cal­i­ty and perseverance
Capricorn daddy dom personality as sex toys

Capricorn as Sex Toys

I asso­ciate Capricorn's clas­sic car­nal delights with high-​end work­hors­es that keep going and going. They're depend­able names that have stood the test of time:

The Velvet Thruster has been around since 2017, and while oth­ers have tried to imi­tate it, there aren't many oth­er com­pact fuck­ing machines I'd rec­om­mend for beat­ing up my goril­la grip coochie.

njoy's Eleven stain­less steel dil­do is a cult clas­sic womb-​bashing blud­geon for supe­ri­or cer­vi­cal sen­sa­tions and deep pen­e­tra­tion. You might love it for shal­low stim­u­la­tion, too, if big and broad is your thang. This dil­do is a plea­sure engi­neer­ing mar­vel and will out­live you and me both.

Fun Factory's rumbly Big Boss vibra­tor and The Boss dil­do fea­ture girth, curves, and a coro­na that grabs the G‑spot. There's noth­ing too wild here — just depend­able designs that will make you cum and cum.

Anything Vixen Creations’ VixSkin — their dual-​density dil­dos are lux­u­ri­ous­ly real­is­tic and live up to the tagline: worth every inch. I'm par­tial to Johnny, Outlaw, and Cash.

Realcock 2 Max hyper-realistic triple-density silicone dildo with floating balls by Abyss Creations

If you want an even more real­is­tic sil­i­cone dil­do that looks and feels like a cock — veins, pores, slid­ing skin, float­ing balls, squishy pink tip, and all — try Abyss Creations’ RealCock 2. Each RC2 is hand-​poured, air­brushed, and paint­ed to per­fec­tion, stim­u­lat­ing the real thing with more detail than any oth­er maker.

Dirk is the most pop­u­lar RealCock 2 mod­el, but I have the thick­er, firmer, and straight-​shafted Max.

Aquarius, the Water Bearer: Innovative and Refreshing

Approximate Aquarius sun dates: January 19 – February 18

Aquarius Personality in the Bedroom

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the sideways-​spinning plan­et of the orig­i­nal and unex­pect­ed. As such, Aquarius in sex and love might be asso­ci­at­ed with:

  • A forward-​thinking approach
  • Embracing unique­ness
  • Progressive val­ues
  • Revolution and innovation

Aquarius Personality as Sex Toys

As with Aquarius, these unique toys trail­blazed, forg­ing plea­sure path­ways ahead of their time.

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, planet of innovation

LuzArte and Spectrum Boutique's Jollet shape was cast from the con­tours inside the vagi­na, lock­ing into place along the G‑spot's dip and slop­ing behind the cervix. It's super fill­ing and fea­tured col­or­ful pom-​pom embed­d­a­bles inside the sil­i­cone long before it trend­ed with big mak­ers (think BMS Factory's Party Marty).

Fun Factory Volta — goofy-​looking? Maybe a lit­tle. But this off­beat design is ver­sa­tile as fuck for vibrat­ing against vul­vas and penis­es and giv­ing pin­point focus and flut­ter­ing and dis­pers­ing sen­sa­tions across its broad body. It's rumbly and does it all externally.

Tantus's Tsunami is an A‑spot afi­ciona­do — its waves and hooked tip press against mul­ti­ple hot spots on my front wall in syn­chrony. Unconventional? Yes. Good, clean fun, per Tantus's slo­gan? Hell yes.

Fun Factory's Stronics pulse back and forth using a weight­ed mag­net, unlike any­thing before them. This self-​thrusting mech­a­nism jos­tles my inter­nal cli­toris to obliv­ion with remark­able con­sis­ten­cy, lead­ing to many stu­pid­ly quick orgasms. Nobody else does lin­ear pul­sators like Fun Factory does. Try the Stronic Real, Stronic Surf, or Sundaze.

Uberrime Suavis and Sensi — I both am and am not proud that peo­ple used to find my blog by Googling, “huge butt plug used in vagi­na” or “can a butt plug be used vagi­nal­ly?” Uberrime noticed the mar­ket poten­tial and made sil­i­cone plugs specif­i­cal­ly for vagi­nal use. They're squishy and fill­ing but round­ed to evade the cervix and have small­er bases to leave the clit free for exter­nal stim­u­la­tion.

The Tantus Tsunami is a dildo with a curved tip and 3 ridges down the shaft.

Pisces, the Fish: Enchanting, Boundless Embrace

Approximate Pisces sun dates: February 18 – March 20

Pisces Personality in Love

Pisces is an emo­tion­al water sign that lacks Scorpio and Cancer's hard shells. I think of Pisces as:

  • Soft, flow­ing, and intuitive
  • Deeply empa­thet­ic and compassionate
  • Valuing soul­ful bonds and emo­tion­al depth
  • Romantically fan­tas­tic (in the lit­er­al sense) and idealistic
  • Selflessly giv­ing
  • Seeks peace­ful resolutions

Does this sound famil­iar? Like Libra, Venus is exalt­ed in Pisces, the plan­et of love! The dif­fer­ence is that Pisces Venus has more of a spir­i­tu­al, soul­ful vibe, while Libra is rel­a­tive­ly world­ly and social.

Pisces Star Sign as Sex Toys

When I think of Pisces plea­sure, I think of aquat­ic influ­ences and vibra­tors that fit between bod­ies for part­ner play.

Pisces as Sex Toys

There's a lit­tle some­thing for every­one here:

Uberrime's Aqua-​King is a great­ly girthy G‑spotting and A‑spotting dil­do with a bold triple-​crowned head and slight scaly sur­faces. It strokes every inch inside along the front wall while its angled head slips behind the cervix — mmmmm.

Fun Factory's Stronic Surf also rubs with ridges galore, like a pre­cise and per­sis­tent part­ner who just won't quit. Pris Toys' dual-​density Syren might be more for you if you want a light touch, though.

Uncover Creations’ Tentacle Grinders and Dee's Big Daddy Davy are divine for rid­ing and hump­ing with the cephalo­pod suck­ers against the exter­nal cli­toris — blur­ring the lines for what to expect from an all-​silicone toy. Likewise for the super soft Pelle Orange Slice.

Finally, the Dame Pom and Fun Factory Laya 3 mini-​vibrators are con­toured for con­stant cli­toral con­tact while mak­ing love. The for­mer is flex­i­ble and focus­es vibra­tion at the point­ed “beak,” while the lat­ter is rigid and rum­bli­er but more round­ed and rel­a­tive­ly dis­persed. I pre­fer Pom with a part­ner and Laya 3 if I care more about solo play.

Pris Toys Syren dual-density silicone A-spot dildo textures

Pisces is also the last sign of the zodi­ac, con­nect­ed to the 12th house and end­ings in astrology.

Closing Thoughts on This Sex-Positive Astrology Gift Guide

We've wan­dered the wide, won­der­ful world of the zodi­ac, mar­ry­ing each mag­i­cal star sign with some seri­ous­ly sen­sa­tion­al sex toys. Whether you're a tena­cious Taurus, vir­tu­ous Virgo, or limelight-​loving Leo, a tan­ta­liz­ing toy will tick all your boxes.

Even star sign skep­tics — going pure­ly by per­son­al­i­ty — can have fun with ancient arche­types in our heroes’ jour­neys and dive into daz­zling dimen­sions of delight.

Sex Toys for Every Star Sign & Pleasure Persona: A Gift Guide 1

Star Signs in Sex & Love FAQ

As always in astrol­o­gy, take this with a grain of salt and rec­og­nize that we aren't arche­types — humans con­tain multitudes.

What star signs are flirty?

Let's define "flir­ty" as play­ful­ly exhibit­ing attrac­tion to some­one. The fol­low­ing signs' stereo­types might be the most con­fi­dent­ly coquettish:

  • Gemini is quick-​witted with play­ful ban­ter. "Seduce my mind, and you can have my body," wrote M.D. Waters
  • Libra is ruled by Venus, the plan­et of love and beau­ty. Its charm man­i­fests as grace, diplo­ma­cy, and elegance.
  • Leo is mag­net­ic and looooves being the cen­ter of attention.
  • Sagittarius spreads its expan­sive spir­it and zest for life to its lovers.

Which zodiac signs are powerful in sex?

  • If we define pow­er as dom­i­neer­ing, the com­mand­ing ener­gy of Aries, Capricorn, Virgo, and Scorpio could be con­sid­ered powerful.
  • If we're going by the inten­si­ty of inti­ma­cy, Scorpio's all-​consuming crav­ing for close­ness is def­i­nite­ly up there.
  • If we're going by firey fuel and vig­or­ous ener­gy, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries are all pep­py partners.
  • Another win­ning com­bi­na­tion for pri­or­i­tiz­ing plea­sure is Taurus: strong, sen­su­al, and indulgent.

Which star sign is good in bed? Which zodiac sign is sex-driven?

If you're read­ing my blog, you're prob­a­bly a human who is:

Chances are, you're either already great in bed or on your way there, regard­less of your star chart. 😉

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3 Responses

  1. cx says:

    What a thought­ful­ly craft­ed and cre­ative­ly com­mit­ted guide!!

    I final­ly caved in and looked up my chart the oth­er day. I'm a Scorpio sun, Aries moon, and Scorpio ris­ing (lol the inten­si­ty.) And Mars in Scorpio and Venus in Libra. A whole lot­ta lov­ing love and lust­ing lust, I guess!

    I'm inter­est­ed in explor­ing Bazi (Chinese) astrol­o­gy. Would be super cool to apply it to sex the way you have!

    • Thank you! Your Venus and Mars are in THE dig­ni­fied placements. 😊

      And oooh, that would be a great idea for the next lunar new year.

      • cx says:

        For real! My Venus is in the 12th house, though, so that's been oooof.

        I would love to see any insights you share dur­ing Lunar New Year! It's real­ly cool to see fel­low Asian folx in this space ☺️

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