Vixen Creations VixSkin Outlaw review: huge, realistic silicone dildo

It's no mys­tery that I love VixSkin's orgasm-​inducing voodoo. Back in the day, my rave review of Vixen Creations' VixSkin Johnny was the most pop­u­lar post on my blog.

Outlaw stands almost as tall as a Pringles can

Sizing up and mak­ing the straight-​shafted, 2" thick Outlaw dil­do my next VixSkin sex toy was a no-​brainer. Johnny is a meaty 1.75" thick, curved dil­do, which is great for G‑spot stim­u­la­tion, but I pret­ty much only ever use it for deep, cer­vi­cal stim­u­la­tion. As such, I didn't care to try the pro­nounced head or curve of the VixSkin Maverick (also 8" x 2") or VixSkin Buck (6" x 2"), and I wasn't sure if the Buck would some­times be too short. I want­ed some­thing long with a straight shaft.

And gosh, I'm hap­py with that deci­sion. When my VixSkin Outlaw first arrived, I was ter­ri­fied let­ting it sink in just HOW big it is. I had tak­en the big end of the BMS Factory Swan Wand, which had a 2" thick hump, but was rel­a­tive­ly nar­row beyond that. Outlaw is 2" thick aaaal­l­l­l­ll the way down. But it's a very gen­tle 2", in part because it's squishy and in part because it's straight-shafted.

Vixen Creations Vixskin Outlaw vs. Johnny

I was, in all hon­esty, sur­prised at how quick­ly it popped in after using Johnny as a warm-​up toy. I hadn't even re-​applied lube! Johnny yields a lit­tle more resis­tance and irri­ta­tion when I insert the tip because it's bent and has an exag­ger­at­ed head. Outlaw goes in smooth­ly, despite being bulkier.

Vixen Creations VixSkin Outlaw review: huge, realistic silicone dildo 1
VixSkin Outlaw, Vixskin Johnny, and Tantus Uncut

Another thing that makes Outlaw sur­pris­ing­ly gen­tle is the thick­er out­er lay­er. Outlaw is fat­ter than Johnny but squishi­er. The head is also pret­ty much all squish, so while 8.5" length sounds exces­sive, it's very yield­ing. If you can take a firm 1.75" thick dil­do (such as the Tantus Cush O2), you can prob­a­bly take the Outlaw's girth.

Johnny's curve means there's a lot of pres­sure on my cervix and the front wall of my vagi­na (my A‑spot). The curve has more poten­tial to be painful dur­ing cer­tain times of the month. Outlaw also deliv­ers a lot of A‑spot stim­u­la­tion, but the pres­sure is more uni­form­ly spread, and there's more pres­sure on the wall behind my cervix than the front. It's less tar­get­ed and more gen­er­al, but still very much intense, in a dif­fer­ent way.

But how are the orgasms with the VixSkin Outlaw?

The big­ger girth all the way down makes me come hard­er. There's more resis­tance to clench around to induce each orgasm, and once I get the ball rolling, the clench­ing is enough to per­pet­u­ate it.

Vixen Creations VixSkin Outlaw thick realistic dual-density dildo unboxing

Clench, come, repeat. Back-​to-​back orgasms for way longer than I've expe­ri­enced with Johnny, and with­out thrust­ing. WITHOUT. THRUSTING. The orgasms from Johnny are still rave-​worthy, but I gen­er­al­ly push it all the way in, hold it there while clench­ing, and give 2 or 3 thrusts when my plateau starts going down. I stay on the plateau of heav­en for longer with the Outlaw, with much less effort.

Also, let's get real: I ADORED Johnny as my #1 dil­do for the longest time, so noth­ing in this review is say­ing that Johnny isn't great. It's just that Outlaw is even more fan­tas­tic for me: lengthy, cervix-​oriented, and for­giv­ing­ly thick, where­as Johnny is designed for G‑spot stim­u­la­tion. Johnny is like my meat-​and-​potatoes for every day, while Outlaw is like my dessert.

Which VixSkin dual-​density dildo should you get?

At 8.5", it's one of the longest dil­dos in the col­lec­tion. It's thick and it demands more mate­r­i­al than most VixSkin toys. If you're sure you don't need the length, the Lonestar is also straight-​shafted with a min­i­mal­ly pro­trud­ing head, but 6" x 1 7/​8" and a lit­tle less at SheVibe.

My vagi­na, though, is made of the same mate­r­i­al as Mary Poppins' purse. As such, I keep crav­ing more, vora­cious for the likes of the VixSkin Gambler.

There's a VixSkin dil­do for every penetration-​loving ori­fice. Know thy­self, and you'll find one you adore, whether it's big and curved, small, long and lean, or in-​between.

Get the VixSkin Outlaw.

Vixen Creations VixSkin Outlaw review: huge, realistic silicone dildo 2

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5 Responses

  1. Mike Eiac says:

    This post helped me decide to get the Outlaw years ago. Such a great deci­sion. I’ve moved up to be able to take the Blush Neo-​Elite Dual-​Density 10.5”, but the Outlaw is still prob­a­bly my favorite dil­do. Thanks!

  2. Bitt says:

    Really want a Vixskin dil­do. They are so expen­sive though.

  3. Rob says:

    The Outlaws long length and soft head work awe­some to give my wife crazy mul­ti­ple A spot orgasms.

  4. I'm wait­ing on an Outlaw in the mail right now. Can't wait to try it, espe­cial­ly based on this review!

  1. February 10, 2022

    […] I’ve reviewed plen­ty of big­ger Vixen Creations dil­dos, like the single-​density Randy, the VixSkin Outlaw, the gar­gan­tu­an VixSkin Gambler, and the VixSkin Colossus exten­sion sleeve paired with the Velvet […]

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