Category: Reviews

Honest and detailed reviews of body-​safe dil­dosvibra­tors, and more— includ­ing G‑spot sex toys, A‑spot sex toys, and sex toys for cer­vi­cal stim­u­la­tion and the pos­te­ri­or fornix. Whether I love or loathe a toy, you'll def­i­nite­ly know!

Ranking the Rumbliest, Most Powerful Wand Vibrators 1

Ranking the Rumbliest, Most Powerful Wand Vibrators

THE UPDATED ULTIMATE GUIDE TO SENSUAL, SEISMIC SORCERY It's true: the Magic Wand is a mys­ti­cal expe­ri­ence, enchant­i­ng users even more with its upgrades under new own­er­ship. But oth­er icon­i­cal­ly orgasm-​​obliging wands have entered the are­na, each with their…

Swirlii Review: Gyrating Vibrator for Shallow Penetration 3

Swirlii Review: Gyrating Vibrator for Shallow Penetration

I love a tongue at my cunt's entrance, cir­cling and swirling all 360 degrees. While gyrat­ing mas­sagers are noth­ing new, it's not often I try one in the shal­low­est part of my pussy. And why not? It's one of…

Elatia & Beta Curling "Finger" Rabbit Vibrator Review 5

Elatia & Beta Curling "Finger" Rabbit Vibrator Review

My first time test­ing these vibra­tors went by quick­ly, but not for the rea­son I expect­ed. I came with­in sec­onds on Elatia, feel­ing it flex on my walls. The cli­max­es showed no signs of stop­ping as long as the…

Rating Realistic Sliding Skin Dildos: RealCock, Jock, Blush, RodeOH 7

Rating Realistic Sliding Skin Dildos: RealCock, Jock, Blush, RodeOH

Giving you the real talk on ultra-​​realistic cocks. If you're look­ing for a dil­do that mim­ics flesh and blood, com­plete with slid­ing skin or mov­able balls for a more immer­sive feel, you're in the right place. I've rat­ed these…

Tracy's Dog Surreal Review: Bluetooth Lipstick Vibrator 8

Tracy's Dog Surreal Review: Bluetooth Lipstick Vibrator

It's no mys­tery why petite lipstick-​​style vibra­tors are pop­u­lar. All that adds up when mar­ket­ing to a younger audi­ence in a reces­sion. Such shop­pers might: And a com­pact bul­let like the Surreal is per­fect for that.

3 Skull-Themed Dildos For Spooktacular Nights In 9

3 Skull-Themed Dildos For Spooktacular Nights In

Mix chills, thrills, eerie excite­ment with these hand-​​picked spooky dil­dos. The macabre mar­vels range from sub­tle to severe. Raise your spir­its with some spine-​​tingling sil­i­cone. Creature Cocks Tower of Doom Skull Dildo Review Calling the most hard­core tex­ture sluts…

Okay, Fine: The Womanizer Wave Showerhead Grew on Me. 10

Okay, Fine: The Womanizer Wave Showerhead Grew on Me.

“Why is this show­er­head $120, and what can it do that a cheap­er show­er­head can’t?” I scoffed at first. Then, it only took a few days for the Womanizer Wave to spoil my sen­si­bil­i­ties. The Wave show­er­head by Womanizer…

Why Sose's Mirage G-Spot Vibrator Is Magical(ly Familiar) 11

Why Sose's Mirage G-Spot Vibrator Is Magical(ly Familiar)

Silky G‑spot mas­sagers make multi-​​talented crowd-​​wowers — when they're done right: Every body is a lit­tle dif­fer­ent, but Mirage's ver­sa­tile vibe is quite the stand­out gen­er­al­ist. Sose's Opal and Caress cli­toral vibra­tors, mean­while, were for­get­table buzz bud­dies. Get the…

Maia Nala Wand Review: 5 Reasons to Love This Massager 12

Maia Nala Wand Review: 5 Reasons to Love This Massager

Dear Maia Toys, I see you're try­ing to ride the waves of the Fun Factory Vim's suc­cess — pre­sent­ing your Nala wand as a close­ly rumbly and far more afford­able alter­na­tive. And damn, your prod­uct, tim­ing, and pric­ing are all…