About Cy Smash and Super Smash Cache


About Cy Smash and Super Smash Cache 1

Let's solid­i­fy a world where women expe­ri­enc­ing more than 5 orgasms in 1 ses­sion can be a stan­dard rather than an exception.

Think of me as an orgasm sor­cer­ess, sex toy cura­tor, and kink decoder.

As seen in…
About Cy Smash and Super Smash Cache 2

…and more!

I've tried more than 350 sex toys over 8 years at Super Smash Cache. When you're a sex toy review­er with that much expe­ri­ence, it's only nat­ur­al to play favorites.

If a toy melts me into a drool­ing pud­dle of heart-​eyes-​emojis, you'll know.

And you'll under­stand why — I'm viva­cious­ly vocal about what makes a toy amaz­ing (and clear when it's not). Do I adore the thud­dy vibra­tions, the thrust­ing stroke length, or the sump­tu­ous silicone's softness?

There's some­thing for every­one in Toyland, and you deserve the best it offers.

Super Smash Cache's sex toy review blog accolades

Personal favorites
2024 Rankings
  • #3 Kinkly Top Sex Toy Blog
  • #10 Kinkly All-​Around Ranking
  • #6 Kinkly Sex Education Blog
  • #1 Kinkly Top BIPOC-​Run Sex Blog
Past Years
  • #2 Kinkly Top BIPOC-​Run Sex Blog of 2021
  • #1 on Molly's Daily Kiss's Top 100 Sex Blogs of 2020
  • #1 Kinkly Top BIPOC-​Run Sex Blog of 2020
  • #8 Kinkly Top LGBTQIA+ Blog of 2020
  • #10 Kinkly Readers' Choice Award 2020
  • #10 Kinkly Top Sex Toy Review Blog of 2020

Even if I didn't have this blog, I'd still be:

My approach is max­i­mal­ly expan­sive and holis­tic — every­thing excites me, and I want to share that zest for life with you.

Whether you're a kinky deviant or want to be held, the brain-​to-​breath-​to-​body syn­er­gy is vital to cre­at­ing the ulti­mate orgas­mic experience.

About Cy Smash and Super Smash Cache 3

Break down lim­it­ing bar­ri­ers about sex­u­al­i­ty, but come as you are and enjoy the ride.

Not sure where to go next? Start with the fol­low­ing pages!

About Cy Smash and Super Smash Cache 4

How can readers support me?

Want to keep in touch? My blog offers an email sub­scrip­tion with options for receiv­ing noti­fi­ca­tions instant­ly OR as a week­ly digest.

Clicking the links through­out my blog and buy­ing sex toys from my affil­i­ates also brings me a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you. If any­thing, you'll save mon­ey by using my coupon codes.

You can also get sneak peeks at my new con­tent on Instagram (main: @super­s­mash­cache + back­up: @smash​.click)!

Posing with a huge dildo in neon UV glow hot pink fishnets