Fun Factory Tiger G5 Ribbed G-Spot Vibrator Review

Welcome to another review where I wish I could just leave it at "AAAAAA."
The Fun Factory Tiger G5 is a rumbly vibrator with JUICY AF ribbing all along the shaft. Its handle is a white loop made of ABS plastic for easy grabbing, while the insertable portion is medical-grade silicone. The shaft's textures form stripes, hence the Tiger G5 name, while the tip vaguely resembles a penis with foreskin.

It’s hard to top the Fun Factory Tiger G5’s sig­na­ture, basslike purr against my inter­nal cli­toris — and its gen­er­ous, cervix-​massaging girth.

I’d read­i­ly rec­om­mend the Fun Factory Tiger G5’s full-​body gasp­ing and shud­der­ing expe­ri­ence to any­one who’s slut­ty for tex­ture, deep pen­e­tra­tion, and rumbly vibrations.


Fun Factory Tiger G5 Vibration Quality

Ever since the Fun Factory Volta left me in a pud­dle of squirt, tears, and drool, I’ve been BFFs with their G5 pow­er­ful vibra­tor motors. (Notably, the Volta is one of the few recharge­able toys that have ever made me squirt. And the only one to do so CONSISTENTLY.)

But the Volta, as ver­sa­tile as it is, was not made for inser­tion. The Fun Factory Tiger G5 is.

Holding the Fun Factory Tiger G5 G-spot vibrator to show its girth relative to my wrist. It's 1.6

And gosh, how it feels to final­ly try the lux­u­ry sex toy cat­e­go­ry that Fun Factory is REALLY known for. Before the Stronic pul­sators were their rumbly AF G5 insertable vibra­tors; they offer a deep, rich tim­bre with just the slight­est hint of flut­ter, even on the fastest speed setting.

What Makes Fun Factory Vibrators Unique

If vibra­tors were con­fec­tions, Fun Factory’s pow­er­ful motors would be a fudgy Devil’s Food cake, topped with choco­late shav­ings. Most oth­er brands would be a light and airy lemon meringue.

In oth­er words, the Fun Factory Tiger G5 motor’s appeal is less about the sweet, zingy “bite” — and more about the bold, full-​bodied weight. 

Ever since the Fun Factory Volta left me in a pud­dle of squirt, tears, and drool, I’ve been BFFs with their G5 pow­er­ful vibra­tor motors. 

Fun Factory Tiger G5 G-Spot Vibrator Shape

There’s such stel­lar syn­er­gy between the Fun Factory Tiger’s shape and motor. It's a fan­tas­tic all-​around design.

I can have it all with the Fun Factory Tiger G5:

The result? Beautifully blend­ed orgasms!

The Fun Factory Tiger G5 has a bendy shaft; the motor concentrates vibrations near the bottom, while most of the insertable length is adaptable and flexible silicone.


It immense­ly helps that the Fun Factory Tiger G5 mea­sure­ments line up with my anato­my very well:

  • 8.78” (22 cm) total length
  • 4.72” (12 cm) insertable length
  • 1.61” (4 cm) max­i­mum diameter

It might not sound par­tic­u­lar­ly long on paper, but the girth and forward-​facing curve more than make up for that. Whether I want it to slip into my ante­ri­or or pos­te­ri­or fornix, the Fun Factory Tiger G5 can deliver.

The length doesn’t quite bot­tom me out. Nevertheless, my cervix appre­ci­ates the medical-​grade silicone’s firm­ness; it’s easy-​peasy to push against my cervix for deep spot and A‑spot orgasms.

A Dual Stimulation Vibrator?

On the flip side, it’s bendy enough that, even if you pre­fer shal­low vagi­nal pen­e­tra­tion, you might still be able to grind the shaft and bump gen­tly against your clit while gen­tly sliding.

The Fun Factory Tiger G5 has a stimulating bump at the bottom of the shaft, great for coital alignment technique and external clitoral grinding IF you have a short clit-vag gap. It's also butt-safe!

While the Fun Factory G5’s cli­toral stim­u­la­tor looks slight and non-​committal for a rab­bit vibra­tor, it works great for my vul­va — if I’m slow­ly rock­ing and tilt­ing it.

(The down­side is that cli­toral grind­ing with this toy is more dif­fi­cult if I specif­i­cal­ly want A‑spot or G‑spot stim­u­la­tion. Why? Because when I aim the tip against the front wall, that tilts the base away from my clit.)

My clit-​vag gap is 1”, about aver­age. If yours is longer, you prob­a­bly won’t get much exter­nal stim­u­la­tion from the Fun Factory Tiger G5 unless you’re tip drilling and bend­ing the shaft.

If yours is short­er, hoooh, are you in for a treat.

I love how the rib­bing pulls against my G‑spot, the tip nudges my cervix, and the out­er bump grinds against my clit, all at the same time. 

Great for Prostate Stimulation, Too!

Or use it for intense anal pen­e­tra­tion. The Fun Factory Tiger G5’s bump makes it butt-safe!

It’s a bit too big for me to enjoy in my butt, but many users would find the tex­tures deli­cious against the anus’s abun­dant Meissner cor­pus­cles (del­i­cate touch receptors).

Tiger G5 Controls, Settings, and Travel Lock

The vibra­tions trav­el nice­ly up the shaft, but they’re still focused on the bot­tom half of the toy.

If you’re using it exter­nal­ly, you may want to fold it up to press that part into your junk. Though, the stim­u­la­tion will be quite broad and dif­fuse com­pared to the Volta's tips or a bul­let vibra­tor.

Bending the Fun Factory Tiger G5's flexible medical-grade silicone shaft.
On the Fun Factory Tiger’s control panel are 3 buttons:
  • FUN to turn on/​off
  • (+) to increase the speed or move for­ward through the pat­tern options
  • (-) to decrease or move back

When you turn the Tiger G5 on, it starts at the 3rd steady set­ting; you can turn it up or down from there.

In total, it has 6 speeds and 6 patterns of pulsing and escalation:
  • Smooth wave — use­less to me, but you might like it if you enjoy edg­ing or a slow buildup.
  • Faster wave — some­what useful
  • Even faster-​revving wave — I LOVE THIS ONE
  • Rapid puls­ing — AND THIS ONE
  • Alternating between puls­ing and low speed — not con­sis­tent enough for me
  • Pulsing that grad­u­al­ly increas­es in speed and drops back down — what a tease 🙁

The but­tons are super easy to push; ever since I broke my thumb, I’ve very much been appre­ci­at­ing that.

If you’re on vaca­tion, turn on the Fun Factory Tiger G5’s trav­el lock by hold­ing down the “FUN” but­ton and the (-) but­ton at the same time. To unlock, do the same with the “FUN” and (+).

Fun Factory Vibrator Care, Charging, and Cleaning

The Fun Factory Tiger G5 is:
  • Waterproof and sub­mersible for bath­tub and show­er fun times
  • USB recharge­able - 6 hours of charg­ing gives you 40 – 120 min­utes of playtime 
    • The charg­ing cord is included
    • But you’ll want a USB wall adapter if you don’t already have one
  • Made of body-​safe, non-​porous mate­ri­als like medical-​grade sil­i­cone and ABS plastic

Wash it between uses with mild soap and water. Consider also using a soft-​bristled (and clean!) tooth­brush to get in the nooks and cran­nies. Use a mild (10%) bleach solu­tion or a UV dis­in­fect­ing lamp for a deep­er clean. DO NOT BOIL this vibra­tor, as that may break the inter­nal components.

Fun Factory's vibrators are made of medical-grade silicone, so they're non-porous, hygienic, and easy to clean. However, the grainy, sandblasted finish is quite sticky and draggy, collecting dust easily.

I don’t often use stor­age pouch­es, but you may want to with Fun Factory’s drag­gy, sand­blast­ed sil­i­cone. It's a fuck­ing dust mag­net (see the above pic­ture). Designated bags and con­tain­ers will help keep the lint and fuzzies off it.

Lube is also a must with the Fun Factory Tiger G5. I always use my sil­i­cone toys with lube; it’ll sig­nif­i­cant­ly help you get the most plea­sure from Fun Factory vibra­tors. In addi­tion to hav­ing a grainy fin­ish, the Tiger G5 is also heav­i­ly textured.

My Verdict on the Fun Factory Tiger G5

I love how the rib­bing pulls against my G‑spot, the tip nudges my cervix, and the out­er bump grinds against my clit, all at the same time.

Fun Factory Tiger G5 textured G-spot vibrator in India Red. Drool at that intense shaft ribbing. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

It’s not for the faint of vagi­na (or anus), but if you’re a tex­ture slut and you enjoy rumbly vibra­tions, YES. GET THE FUN FACTORY TIGER G5. 

Get the Fun Factory Tiger G5:
Where to next?

This post was spon­sored. My thoughts on the Fun Factory Tiger G5 G‑spot vibra­tor are my own.

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4 Responses

  1. Maria says:

    So true about the dust and lint on Fun Factory toys!

  2. Cate says:

    Now that I see how bendy this is, I real­ly want one.

  3. Bitt says:

    it's a bum­mer it doesn't come in orange. tiger. C'mon.

  4. Trix says:

    Haven’t seen a vibe with that much bend, espe­cial­ly from FF!

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