Rose Sex Toy Guide: Air Pulses, Colors, Variants, Plugs, and More!

The ele­gant­ly dis­creet Rose sex toy is here to stay. “Roses are a per­va­sive sym­bol of love. That makes it a can­di­date for gifts on Valentine’s Day, anniver­saries, etc.,” I told the writ­ers at Sexual Health mag­a­zine.

Variants of rose sex toys: air pulse massagers of different color roses, brand comparison, and rose butt plugs

Sex toy man­u­fac­tur­ers and retail­ers every­where have want­ed to cap­i­tal­ize on The Rose toy’s hype — releas­ing roman­tic gift box­es, col­or vari­ants, and adding nov­el fea­tures like lick­ing and thrusting.

A blue rose suc­tion toy? I, for one, was quite excit­ed to see that in my influ­encer box from Romantic Depot. What can I say? Their CEO knows my tastes very well — while I had my wild-​type red rose toy, a blue one is rel­a­tive­ly uncom­mon, both in nature and in Toyland.

This post takes a peek at a few dif­fer­ent rose sex toys I’ve tried since sam­pling one of the most well-​known mod­els. Explore the fas­ci­nat­ing flo­ra with me — and find the best rose for you.

As always, you can use my coupon code, SUPERSMASHCACHE, for 10% off sitewide at Peepshow Toys.

Rose sex toy variations comparison

Why Do People Love the Rose Sex Toy So Much?

If you’re not already famil­iar with the small but mighty rose, here’s a quick sum­ma­ry of what launched it into virality:

  • It’s pow­er­ful AF — The Rose toy’s 3 steady speeds range from a 9 to a 14 out of 14, match­ing the lux­u­ri­ous Womanizer Premium 2’s top speed set­ting. It lacks sub­tle­ty, for bet­ter or worse.
  • The Rose sex toy is afford­able for every­thing you get — while it can’t match oth­er air pulse toys’ ver­sa­til­i­ty, it eas­i­ly con­jures sig­nif­i­cant sen­sa­tions with­out break­ing the bank.
  • Last but not least, it has room to be both cute and ele­gant, depend­ing on what col­or you get.

How Does the Rose Toy Work?

The rose sex toy's motor push­es a mem­brane inside the hole back and forth. When its noz­zle seals around your cli­toris (or an area on your penis), the air inside this cham­ber rhyth­mi­cal­ly puls­es in pres­sure waves.

It used to be that your main options for air pulse mas­sagers were the Womanizers, which are on the expen­sive side, or the Satisfyers, which are quite gen­tle. The Rose mas­sager filled a mar­ket gap: robust, afford­able, and aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleasing.

As always with clit-​sucking vibra­tors, the Rose works best if your cli­toral glans can fit inside the hole. Most vari­a­tions' open­ings are 13mm by 13mm wide. See my air pulse mas­sager com­par­i­son and decide if The Rose is right for your body.

Why Are There So Many Different Names for the Rose Toy?

You may have noticed that I didn’t men­tion any par­tic­u­lar brand of rose yet. The Rose sex toy is white-​label, mean­ing that no one com­pa­ny owns it. The fac­to­ries that make it are more or less all doing the same thing — then putting dif­fer­ent pack­ag­ing on it for the retail­ers to mark up.

Rose sex toy colors and sizes

If you see the same:

  • Flower petal pat­tern with scal­loped edges on the out­er rim
  • Narrow, cir­cu­lar opening
  • Button engrav­ing with droplet shape and lines for "shad­ing"
  • Magnetic charg­ing con­tacts at the bottom
  • General price range

… it like­ly con­tains the same met­al machin­ery under­neath, pow­er­ing the intense­ly thrum­ming air puls­es. Note that the big­ger rose sex toy in the image above, with the tongue base, has a dif­fer­ent but­ton — a tell­tale sign you're not get­ting quite the same power.

I will dis­cuss some mechan­i­cal vari­a­tions of the rose lat­er, but let’s start with the surface.

Where to Find Viral TikTok Rose Toy Color Variants

For the more sea­soned toy col­lec­tor, col­or the­o­ry goes a long way in giv­ing your toy­box char­ac­ter and personality!

Rose sex toy colors shown: pale pink, red, blue

Red is the pre­dom­i­nant rose sex toy phe­no­type, sym­bol­iz­ing pas­sion­ate devo­tion, inten­si­ty, and car­nal sen­su­al­i­ty. They’re easy to find at my favorite sex shops:

Other rose col­ors have dif­fer­ent cul­tur­al con­no­ta­tions, which can vary by context.

Pink Rose Air Pulse Toy

Pink ros­es, for exam­ple, might car­ry soft­er, more play­ful, and inno­cent under­tones than red ones. They can also be asso­ci­at­ed with emo­tion­al heal­ing, like rose quartz’s uses. Want a pas­tel pink rose mas­sager? Try one of the following:

  • Get the sol­id pale pink rose at Cherry Poppins or SheVibe
    • Mine was sent to me by Chery Poppins. Use code CY-​20 for 20% off your first order.
  • Get it with the heart-​shaped gift box at SheVibe
  • Get speck­led pink and white rose at Spectrum Boutique
Pink rose sex toy massager

Purple Rose Massager

Much like pink ros­es, the light pur­ple rose sex toy vari­ant is also asso­ci­at­ed with del­i­ca­cy but with a touch of mys­ti­cism. Think of enchant­ment, intrigue, seren­i­ty, and chan­nel­ing cre­ativ­i­ty — like witchy pas­tel goth vibes. Or maybe you just like pur­ple a lot!

Get the pale pur­ple rose sex toy at SheVibe or Spectrum Boutique. I’ll also dis­cuss the pur­ple Uberrime Rosae grinder in a lat­er section. 🙂

Speckled Red and White

Red and white ros­es togeth­er don’t quite have a ubiq­ui­tous mean­ing. Maybe it could mean one of the fol­low­ing to you:

  • A com­bi­na­tion of pas­sion and purity
  • The blood of defile­ment and trans­for­ma­tion (wed­ding night role­play, anyone?)
  • The har­mo­nious­ly car­nal and spir­i­tu­al dual­i­ty of humans

Or maybe it’s just not that deep.

Get the red and white swirled rose toy gift box at SheVibe.

Blue and pink rose toy massagers

Other Rose Color Meanings

Here are a few oth­er, less com­mon rose sex toy col­ors and their meanings:

  • Light blue ros­es — the ether, hope, tran­scen­dence, rare and unique beauty
  • Black — mys­tery, ele­gance, mag­ic, resilience, strength, death, rebirth, the unknown

I got my ice-​blue rose toy from Romantic Depot. It’s not on their web­site any­more, though you can find one at Rose Toy Official in blue, black, plum pur­ple, light pink, or red.

(Again, no one shop owns the rose at this point. Rose Toy Official is just the shop name.)

And I’ll talk about anoth­er black rose toy soon — one with the beau­ty but not the brawn of the more well-​known version.

Red rose vibrator variations with tongue

Mechanical Variations of the Rose Clitoral Suction Stimulator

I’ve seen a few vari­a­tions of The Rose toy — some big, some with a flick­ing tongue, some flut­tery — and I’m here to set the record straight about what I hon­est­ly think of them. Here are a few muta­tions of the viral rose sex toy I’ve seen.

To reduce con­fu­sion, I’ll refer to “The” Viral Rose toy as the NS Inya Rose since that was the brand I test­ed first. 

All in all, I appre­ci­ate that there are gen­tler alter­na­tives to the NS Inya Rose. Still, I want my read­ers to be aware that the oth­er vibra­tors are veeeeery dif­fer­ent from the well-​known (read: pow­er­ful) ver­sion of the Rose toy.

Blossom Rose With Licking Tongue on the Base

This ver­sion of the rose, made by Nasstoys, is big­ger and has a flut­tery tongue at the bot­tom. Sensations, both strong and mild, are built-​in and con­trolled by one but­ton and motor.

Red rose massager variations with tongue or without

It has 3 steady speed set­tings and 6 pat­terns. The options range from 5.5 to 8.5 com­pared to the Womanizer Premium 2’s 14 inten­si­ties — putting the Blossom Rose’s high­est at just a tad below The NS Inya Rose’s low­est setting.

NS Novelties’ Inya Rose ranges from 9 to 14 out of 14 on the Womanizer Premium 2’s scale.

The big­ger Blossom Rose lick­ing tongue vibra­tor is sub­stan­tial­ly longer and slight­ly wider than the NS Inya Rose. Nasstoys’ Blossom Rose mea­sures 3.00” long (not includ­ing the tongue) and 2.35” wide, while the Inya Rose is 2.58” long by 2.30” wide.

Another fea­ture to con­sid­er is whether you care about hav­ing a flat base; the Blossom Rose’s round sur­face and tongue aren’t exact­ly made for bal­anc­ing, but some users could (body weight, strength, and mobil­i­ty allow­ing) low­er their hips onto the Inya Rose and mount it.

In short, the Nasstoys’ big­ger Blossom Rose is fine if a light­ly flut­ter­ing tongue is a must-​have for you. Its air puls­es are decent — cer­tain­ly stronger than Satisfyers — but don’t mea­sure up to the small­er, more well-​known mod­el.

Get the Nasstoys Blossom Rose at Peepshow Toys.

ROMP rose massager with extended nozzle in fuchsia with yellow base

Romp Rose and Lovehoney Pleasure Air Stimulator

I’m group­ing three prod­ucts under this head­er because they’re all the same thing from the same par­ent com­pa­ny but with dif­fer­ent col­ors and names:

Consider ROMP and Lovehoney’s ver­sion of the rose the “lite” ver­sion — their high­est inten­si­ty is about 5.5 out of 14 com­pared to the Womanizer Premium 2.

It doesn’t come close to the NS Inya Rose in strength, but you might appre­ci­ate the sub­tle­ty and fin­er incre­ments between speed set­tings. The ROMP and Lovehoney ros­es have 6 steady speeds and 4 pat­terns. One but­ton turns the unit on or off, and the oth­er cycles through the functions.

ROMP and Lovehoney’s ros­es have a nar­row­er, more pro­trud­ing “lip” than the NS Inya Rose, poten­tial­ly mak­ing it eas­i­er to form a seal around the cli­toris to iso­late the air puls­es. It’s also remov­able for eas­i­er clean­ing! The open­ing diam­e­ter is about the same (14 mm) but a tad short­er (11 mm vs. 14 mm), and they both have flat bases.

Tl;dr the ROMP Rose, Lovehoney Mon Ami, and FSOG Black Rose are gen­tler with small­er speed incre­ments than the NS Inya Rose, but the plus sides include eas­i­er clean­ing and quick­er cli­toral latch­ing. We love options!

Where to get them:

Rose air pulse massager and rose vibrator with licking tonuge

The Oh Club Rose Gold Licking Vibrator

Okay, now we’re mov­ing a lit­tle away from the air pulse stim­u­la­tor cat­e­go­ry and more towards rose cli­toral vibra­tors in gen­er­al. I got the Rose Gold as part of an influ­encer gift box from The Oh Club. Its tongue licks back and forth, and it’s fine, I guess:

  • 2 motors — one vibrat­ing and one licking
  • 3 steady set­tings and 6 pat­terns on each
  • Independently con­trol each motor
  • The tongue is about 1.1” long by 0.6” wide
  • 2.2” wide by 3.1” long with the tongue or 2.6” with­out it

Its vibra­tions were buzzy, and the top speed can get me off; the only things this lick­ing rose sex toy has going for it are the aes­thet­ic and nov­el­ty. You’ll prob­a­bly rec­og­nize this white-​label design else­where, too.

Bestvibe biting lips oral sex simulator

Bestvibe Biting Lips Vibrator

Yeah, I know. It’s not a rose unless you squint real­ly fuck­ing hard, but if the lick­ing action of the pre­vi­ous rose drew you in, you’ll want to pay atten­tion to this oral sex sim­u­la­tor. The BestVibe bit­ing and lick­ing toy:

  • Has a vibrat­ing tongue
  • Puckers its lips open and closed
  • Has inde­pen­dent con­trols for the buzzy vibra­tions (3 steady speeds and 7 pat­terns) and lip motion (4 steady set­tings and 6 patterns)
  • Is sur­pris­ing­ly sup­ple at the lips. The struc­tur­al scaf­fold­ing doesn’t go very high up, mak­ing it firm but flexible.
  • Feels deli­cious if you have a clit-​vag gap of about an inch; I like how the upper lip feels against my clit while the tongue is in my vagina.

The one down­side is that it does stall if you stick some­thing reeaaaaal­ly deep between the tongue and lips. But you’re prob­a­bly not going to do that with a cli­toris or a nip­ple, right? I was sur­prised at how quick­ly it made me come — if you like tip drilling and have a C‑V gap of about an inch, you might like it, too.

Get the bit­ing lips vibra­tor from Bestvibe.

Uberrime Rosae purple pearl silicone clitoral grinding toy et al.

Uberrime Rosae Silicone Clitoral Grinder

So let’s say that motor­ized toys aren’t your thing. You’re all about the squish, the tex­tures, the pillow-​riding, and dry-​humping. And you want some­thing handmade.

Uberrime’s stu­dio has a rose for you, too. The Rosae is made of suu­u­per soft sil­i­cone, with one defined bud at the cen­ter for scis­sor­ing against your cli­toral glans while the petals line up with your… well, petals. Measuring 3” wide by 1.5” deep, it’s ele­vat­ed and cushy, giv­ing plen­ty of resistance.

Sit on it, place it on top of a pil­low to raise it fur­ther, or stick it to the base of a strap-​on dil­do for exter­nal stim­u­la­tion while pen­e­trat­ing a part­ner. There’s a wide range of sen­sa­tions with the Uberrime Rosae grinder, whether press­ing on it doorbell-​style or sway­ing it side-to-side.

Get the Uberrime Rosae:

Uberrime Rosae silicone clitoral grinder humping toy in pearl purple and white

Further read­ing: 13+ Unique Sex Toys for the Collector Who Has Everything

Rosy Cheeks Glass Dildo With Rose Base

I just love how light refracts through glass toys, whether you’re dis­play­ing them, set­ting them down, or see­ing inside someone.

This rose glass dil­do from Cherry Poppins, and I’ll always have a soft spot for glass toys. They’re slick, easy to use with minimal-​to-​no lube, body-​safe, and look how frig­gin’ pret­ty the Rosy Cheeks dil­do is with the flo­ral base!

Pink glass dildo with rose-shaped base and textured shaft

Here’s how the C (tex­tured shaft) vari­ant mea­sures up:

  • 6.05” total length
  • 4.45” insertable length
  • 1.35” diam­e­ter bulb
  • 1.00” diam­e­ter shaft

It slips in super eas­i­ly, and the tex­tures ever-​so-​slightly push and pull at my labia and walls. Ideally, I’d want more insertable length to aim right where I want on my cervix.

However, some­one with a low­er ceil­ing or prefers butt stuff would enjoy this dil­do. It’s best for those new to toys but not new to pen­e­tra­tion, and it makes an eye-​catching gift for the aes­thet­i­cal­ly inclined.

Get the Rosy Cheeks glass rose dil­do from Cherry Poppins.

Rose Butt Plugs by Oxballs and Love to Love

We’ll start with the pret­ti­er option by Love to Love before dis­cussing a plug essen­tial­ly made for ruin­ing holes. There’s some­thing for every­one here.

Black rose silicone butt plugs

Open Roses Plug by Love to Love

There’s a del­i­cate flair to these flower petals that the oth­er rose sex toys on this list don’t quite have. Five flex­i­ble lay­ers blos­som from the cen­ter, and while they can’t be as com­fort­able as a slim, T‑style stem and base, they can squish a little.

The Open Roses plug tip is tapered, suit­able for warm-​up, though quite firm and pointy, and the one I have ramps up to 1.5” max­i­mum diam­e­ter, then quick­ly ramps back down to 0.6”. The round­ed bulb bot­tom and flex­i­ble, nar­row neck might give the impres­sion that this plug was intend­ed for longer-​term wear, like while you’re out and about.

Anal toys for thrust­ing tend to have less con­trast between the max­i­mum and min­i­mum diam­e­ters. However, the bulky base and pok­ing tip con­flict with that. Don’t get me wrong, though — it’s beautiful.

Open Roses silicone butt plug black rose base by Love to Love

A ser­vic­ing sub­mis­sive would be hap­py to bend over, spread, and dis­play it while get­ting spanked or rubbed. The most fit­ting con­text for the Love to Love Open Roses plug would prob­a­bly be a short­er kink ses­sion, espe­cial­ly paired with a rose ball gag.

Here are the large Love to Love Open Roses plug’s measurements:

  • 4.80” total length
  • 3.75” insertable length
  • 1.50” max­i­mum insertable diameter
  • 2.60” bulb length
  • 0.60” neck diameter
  • 2.75” base diam­e­ter relaxed
  • 2” base diam­e­ter folded

It’s also avail­able in a small (pur­ple) and medi­um (Bordeaux red) size option. See the oth­er sizes’ mea­sure­ments or get the Open Roses plug at Peepshow Toys.

Black rose silicone butt plugs: Oxballs Rosebud plug and Love to Love Open Roses

Oxballs Rosebud Hole Opener Spec-U-Plug

I can’t even bring myself to make a rose­bud joke, but if you’re the kind of per­son to crave the Oxballs Rosebud Hole Opener, you prob­a­bly wouldn’t have mind­ed, anyway.

Personally? I think my eyes were big­ger than my vagi­na — even with the small­er ver­sion of this plug.

See, you squeeze the three tips togeth­er to insert the plug, and it opens up like the Pear of Anguish, hence the nick­name, “spec-​u-​plug.” Yeah, it’ll bend, but it comes up as a Shore 12A; by no means is this plug squishy.

Oxballs Rosebud Hole Opener plug compressed

Here are the Oxballs Rosebud Hole Opener plug’s mea­sure­ments:

  • 4.25” total length
  • 3.75” insertable
  • 3.10” diam­e­ter expanded
  • 2.55” diam­e­ter folded
  • 1.40” diam­e­ter at “stem”
  • 2.75” bulb height

The Oxballs Rosebud Hole Opener is a lit­tle thick­er than a soda can when fold­ed. And I can han­dle that. But I don’t know if I’d use this toy for fun. For those tak­ing on the chal­lenge, I’d say to def­i­nite­ly use a warm-​up toy first. The way the tips splay out isn’t ide­al for back­ing away quick­ly if it gets to be too much.

Once it’s in, it’s prime time to GET REKT. Pair this plug with an intense wand and feel the rose expand­ing and con­tract­ing inside you, push­ing your cli­toral cru­ra apart while the glans is pul­ver­ized from the outside.

Oxballs Rosebud Hole Opener plug expanded like a Pear of Anguish

Get the Oxballs Rosebud Hole Opener at Peepshow Toys. It comes in two sizes, avail­able in red or black, and the one I have is the small­er one.

Cumming Up Roses Gift Bundle

Want a beau­ti­ful bou­quet of sex toy ros­es? Can’t decide between the rose air pulse toy, Uberrime Rosae grind­ing toy, and Love to Love Open Roses plug? You could get all three and then some in a 35% off bundle.

Here’s every­thing you get with it:

Shop the Cumming Up Roses bun­dle at Spectrum Boutique.

Cumming Up Roses Gift Bundle by Spectrum Boutique

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