Category: Everything else

Funnze Clit Torture & Bondage Kit Review 1

Funnze Clit Torture & Bondage Kit Review

What did I get myself into this time? My nip­ples are super recep­tive to plea­sure and pain — bite or twist them hard enough, and I’ll cum instant­ly. It’s that obvious.…

Womanizer Next Review: 3D Air Pulse Oral Sex Simulator 2

Womanizer Next Review: 3D Air Pulse Oral Sex Simulator

Womanizer’s Premium 2 is for orgasm tor­ture; [the Womanizer] Next is for the soft and sen­su­al … caress­es and kiss­es on your clit. Womanizer’s unprece­dent­ed Climax Control fea­ture allows adjust­ment of…

Bathmate HydroMax & Penis Pump 101 Guide 6

Bathmate HydroMax & Penis Pump 101 Guide

Boosting your erec­tions and elec­tri­fy­ing every stroke Bathmate leads the penis pump pack — revered for their respon­sive con­trols, com­fort, and user-​​friendly HydroMax and HydroXtreme mod­els — all FDA-​​approved medical…

Review: Pelle Orange Slice & Gummy Worm Grinding Toys 8

Review: Pelle Orange Slice & Gummy Worm Grinding Toys

Soft candy-​​inspired cush­ions for pushin’ It was a sta­tis­ti­cal inevitabil­i­ty: squishy sil­i­cone grind­ing toys inspired by gum­my can­dy. Meet Pelle and Spectrum Boutique’s col­lab­o­ra­tion, Orange Slice and Gummy Worm. Think…

Honey Play Box Oly Review: Bluetooth Remote Vibrator 10

Honey Play Box Oly Review: Bluetooth Remote Vibrator

What’s hot­ter than remote-​​controlling a partner’s panty vibe? Imagine the siz­zling sub­tleties that could lay­er into it, even when you're not around oth­er peo­ple. Never under­es­ti­mate the pow­er of grinding…