“You sound like you’re get­ting stabbed,” a friend replied when I sent him a voice record­ing of me using the Je Joue G‑Kii.

Je Joue G-Kii best G-spot vibrator in hand

Another said, “If I didn’t already know you, I’d be worried.”

If someone's impres­sion of my review is, "My broth­er in Christ, this girl's libido is dis­gust­ing," or at least, “Are you okay, dude?” I'll have done my job right.

My face dis­plays three modes while using the Je Joue G‑Kii:

The Je Joue G‑Kii is the ulti­mate rumbly G‑spot vibra­tor for my body. All oth­ers can go home.

Je Joue G-Kii G-spot vibrator curvature comparison

Plenty of toys and fan­tasies can make me pant with my mouth open (thank my ex, who was real­ly into ahe­gao). Not many can make me SCREAM with my tongue stick­ing out.

And it’s even rar­er with shal­low inserta­bles; my orgasms with the BMS Pillow Talk Sassy don’t come close. And that’s because, while the Sassy is more fill­ing and has stronger vibra­tions, the Je Joue G‑Kii offers a steep bend and rigid core. 

It's so eas­i­ly curved into the per­fect posi­tion. Beyond that, it doesn’t need to be a behemoth.

Je Joue G-Kii adjustable G-spot vibrator locking button mechanism

Je Joue G-Kii G-spot vibrator measurements

Here’s how the Je Joue G‑Kii lit­er­al­ly mea­sures up:

  • 1.35” max­i­mum diameter
  • 1.00” min­i­mum diameter
  • 7” when mea­sured straight line from end to end

It’s water­proof and cov­ered in sil­i­cone almost all the way down the shaft, so you could put the entire thing in. You’ll more than like­ly use just the tip, though.

Je Joue G-Kii curvature positioning

Even with just 3” of the G‑Kii insert­ed, my G‑spot has been beat­en into sub­mis­sion. That’s in part due to the lock­able hinge. It allows you to adjust the cur­va­ture at the touch of a but­ton for mul­ti­ple ways to play:

  • A (rel­a­tive­ly) shal­low bend for longer thrusts or just cli­toral stimulation
  • A mid-​tier C‑curve for focused G‑spotting
  • A tight OMFG curve that IS NOT FUCKING AROUND

Downsides to the Je Joue G-Kii

The G‑Kii's steep­ness isn't for every­body, even at its mildest lock­ing curve. If you need some­thing more gen­tle that won't hook on your pubic bone, steer clear.

Je Joue G-Kii G-spot vibrator buttons and magnetic charging contact

There are three design flaws to the G‑Kii. I'm will­ing to live with them:

  1. You have to be reaaaaal­ly care­ful not to push the joint hard while the but­ton isn’t pressed. Be gen­tle when adjust­ing it.
  2. The exter­nal motor doesn’t do much for me since it’s flat, and there’s no con­vex­i­ty to grind my clit against.
  3. The but­tons are stiff and not the eas­i­est to press.

That point about the but­tons was appar­ent in one of my voice notes, tran­scribed in the next section.

How the best G-spot vibrator* feels in use

*for my body

“And I have just adjust­ed it to its steep­est curve. This is going to be so effort­less. (gig­gle) I’m going to turn the vibra­tion speed all the way up, too. (pause) OooOh! (gig­gle)”

I could hear the imme­di­ate shock in my voice before adding, “That time, the but­ton press def­i­nite­ly went through,” and laughing.

Then I start­ed thrust­ing and said a string of the following:

  • “Okay”
  • Two soft “oh my god, oh my god, oh –”
  • Sudden scream­ing.
  • Continued scream­ing com­bi­na­tions of “oh my god,” “fuck,” and AAAA, aaaa, and aAaAaAAA!!!!!!
The Je Joue G-Kii G-spot vibrator charging

The thing about female orgasms is that you can have anoth­er and anoth­er. So every time the cli­max resolved, I asked myself, could it pos­si­bly be that good? And then I gave myself not even 10 sec­onds of thrust­ing before going into full fer­al mode again.

Je Joue G-Kii vibration sensation

As with the Je Joue Uma, the G‑Kii’s vibra­tions took the expe­ri­ence to anoth­er level.

They’re con­sis­tent­ly rumbly and low-​frequency, lit­er­al­ly sub-​bass at the low­est intensity:

  • 50 to 90 Hz on the G‑spot motor
  • 59 to 129 Hz on the cli­toral one
  • 5 inten­si­ties, plus 7 pulse options
  • And yes,  you can turn off the motor in the han­dle if you’d rather not use it

I spoke up, even though my voice shook when I dared to say, “Between the curve and the vibra­tions, this is near Pure Wand level.”

The main dif­fer­ence? With the Pure Wand, I’m pret­ty much most­ly one-​and-​done. With the G‑Kii, I can keep going.

Je Joue G-Kii vs. njoy Pure Wand and Le Wand Arch curvature comparison
Left to right: Le Wand Arch, njoy Pure Wand, and of course, Je Joue G‑Kii

Closing thoughts on the G-Kii

I con­tem­plat­ed post­ing a glazed-​eye self­ie in bed with the Je Joue G‑Kii held next to my face. Then I Tweeted the following:

Je Joue G-Kii G-spot vibrator top view

It's 1:47 PM. I'm final­ly get­ting around to eat­ing after test­ing the G‑spot vibra­tor that ruined all oth­er G‑spot vibra­tors for me.

I def­i­nite­ly should have eat­en some­thing. What I actu­al­ly did was:

  • Send naughty friends pho­tos of the gush pud­dle on my bed
  • Type my thoughts and feel­ings while they were still fresh
  • Think about all the impend­ing edits to my “Essential Readings” list because, hooh, my stan­dards for G‑spot vibra­tors have been fuck­ing shattered.

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6 Responses

  1. Cde says:

    Hi Cy, I have been look­ing for a g‑spot dil­do or vibra­tor for my wife, who is veeeery slow­ly aroused but worth try­ing to give her the elu­sive com­bined orgasm 😉
    I was won­der­ing if the Je Joue is not on your top 5 list…both this and the kurve arti­cle where your list is l, are updat­ed recent­ly so I guess the liat is still valid? Doubting between the kurve, je joue and njoy pure wand…

  2. B R says:

    This sounds like some­thing my wife might like. Thanks for doing this review.

  3. onherback says:

    If I remem­ber cor­rect­ly, I had an ear­li­er ver­sion of this like over a decade ago :O

  4. G says:


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