njoy Pure Wand Review: intense steel G-spot dildo

Before using your Pure Wand, apol­o­gize to your neigh­bors in advance for all the screaming.

njoy Pure Wand steel dildo in pink satin box, featured on Super Smash Cache's review!

Have some tow­els ready, even if you think you can't squirt. Maybe set aside some time to ful­ly appre­ci­ate pound­ing your G‑spot to obliv­ion over and over again.

If you want the absolute most direct­ly intense G‑spot dil­do, one whose engi­neer­ing is a time­less clas­sic, this is it. Most sex shops won't even send the Pure Wand out for reviews any­more because it's already so well-​praised that it sim­ply doesn't need more. So if this is your first time, then wel­come. I am tru­ly hon­ored to be the angel who bless­es your G‑spot.

Upon see­ing the Pure Wand, many of my friends think, "HUH?!?! How is that sup­posed to be a sex toy?" But what the unini­ti­at­ed eye sees as this G‑spot dildo's most intim­i­dat­ing fea­tures, are pre­cise­ly its strengths. The Pure Wand's weight, steep curve, and rigid mate­r­i­al are why I can jig­gle it back and forth and come with­in 10 seconds.

In this review...

njoy Pure Wand Review: intense steel G-spot dildo 1

Using the njoy Pure Wand's 1.5lb weight

Yes, it's heavy. After all, the Pure Wand is essen­tial­ly a G‑spotting ham­mer. With this steel dil­do weigh­ing about a pound and a half (or 680g), its closed stor­age case feels like a brick. But rest assured: the weight means a lit­tle move­ment goes a long way. Small cir­cles, jig­gling in place, rock­ing back and forth, or just pulling on the han­dle to hold the head in place and apply pres­sure. That's pret­ty much all you'll need.

You might gain arm strength from thrust­ing faster when you're about to come. I don't want to deny that the lighter Jopen Comet Wand might be more com­fort­able for those with mobil­i­ty issues. But the Pure Wand and Comet Wand stim­u­late the G‑spot in slight­ly dif­fer­ent ways. The Comet Wand's sil­i­cone sur­face has drag, for nestling into the dip behind the pubic bone, pulling and grip­ping on the G‑spot.

The Pure Wand, by con­trast, relies on its weight for more pres­sure. It's also eas­i­er to aim because the par­en­thet­i­cal curve does most of the work. One end reach­es and sticks up into the G‑spot, while the end that rests out­side the body serves as a han­dle. A lit­tle tilt at the han­dle is enough to direct the insert­ed head right where you want it.

Dipping my toes in vaginal weightlifting

Its weight also makes it a lot of fun for Kegels. Back in ear­ly col­lege and my sex­u­al awak­en­ing, I had a habit of hold­ing the Pure Wand's small end and let the dil­do hang out of me while show­er­ing, styling my hair, and putting on make-​up. I'd take breaks when I dropped it, of course, and re-​insert it. Since I seri­ous­ly can't feel the jig­gle of kegel balls, it's cool hav­ing the visu­al and mechan­i­cal feed­back of how long I can hold this weight.

njoy Pure Wand Review: intense steel G-spot dildo 2
Tbh the weight of any njoy toy is real­ly fun. Yes, includ­ing the 3‑pound njoy Eleven

Alternatively, I've tried link­ing a kegel ball set's retrieval loop to a buck­et han­dle using a cara­bin­er. From there, I filled the buck­et with pen­nies or small dumb­bells for weight… but the Pure Wand is more convenient!

UPDATE: I have writ­ten a more in-​depth guide to vagi­nal weightlift­ing — from begin­ner to the Kegelbell vagi­nal gym to dumb­bells!

A rad double-ended dildo

There are two heads to choose from: one 1" wide, and the oth­er 1.5" wide. Both work beau­ti­ful­ly for the G‑spot, though the small­er end might be com­fort­able for the prostate.

The small end, I use for pin­point­ed stim­u­la­tion and a quick­ie orgasm. If the Zumio is my exter­nal "instant orgasm" but­ton, the Pure Wand's small end is the inter­nal ana­log; I don't have any oth­er dil­do that so pre­cise­ly tar­gets my G‑spot. The large end, like more for steady pres­sure than any­thing else. Most times, hold in place while push­ing the han­dle down and using a clit vibe. Occasionally, I might rock it back and forth, but the pres­sure is the key.

I high­ly rec­om­mend try­ing a robust cli­toral vibra­tor with the Pure Wand. This isn't because it's not enough on its own for me, though that's prob­a­bly the case for most peo­ple with vagi­nas. Instead, I find that using a pow­er­ful exter­nal vibra­tor bal­ances the inter­nal inten­si­ty and syn­er­gizes. It doesn't even feel like I'm thrust­ing some­thing against my G‑spot; it just feels like it's in pure bliss of its own accord.

UPDATE: Find out how the njoy Pure Wand mea­sures up to my oth­er favorite met­al dil­dos!

Squirting with the njoy Pure Wand

With or with­out the clit vibe, the Pure Wand is enough to make me squirt, but hav­ing some cli­toral stim­u­la­tion makes it eas­i­er for me to relax. Again, I advo­cate hav­ing some­thing absorbent to lie down on so that, if you do feel like squirt­ing, you're not wor­ried about mak­ing a mess. I'm still kind of in a weird men­tal place about squirt­ing. It's total­ly okay to "just" have some awe­some non-​squirting orgasms. However, it's bet­ter to be pre­pared and com­fort­able regardless.

If you want exam­ples of squirt­ing and using the Pure Wand, Pinklabel​.TV and CrashPadSeries​.com are help­ful and eth­i­cal places to start. Specifically, CrashPad episodes 131, 191, and 234 all fea­ture the Pure Wand. I wasn't kid­ding when I said that the Pure Wand is beloved among sex toy connoisseurs!

And if squirt­ing doesn't hap­pen, enjoy the orgasm all the same! There's so much pres­sure on women to per­form a cer­tain way in bed, and there's no hier­ar­chy of orgasms. The best kind of orgasm is whichev­er one makes you feel good.

Why might someone not like the Pure Wand (...and alternatives to check out)

The Pure Wand's G‑spot stim­u­la­tion is about as intense as you can get. If you've read this far, that prob­a­bly doesn't both­er you, but I do have to empha­size that. If you don't like intense and direct G‑spot stim­u­la­tion, don't get a Pure Wand.

As well, it's per­fect for aim­ing a lit­tle past the pubic bone, which works for the over­whelm­ing major­i­ty of peo­ple. A few peo­ple with vagi­nas might find that their G‑spot is shal­low­er, and part of the spongy tis­sue on the pubic bone. For those with shal­low­er G‑spots, a shal­low­er curve and less bul­bous head might be help­ful. Try the Chrystalino Superior.

njoy Pure Wand Review: intense steel G-spot dildo 3

Other potential sources of discomfort

Some may find it uncom­fort­able to remove the Pure Wand because of the dras­tic dip between the head and shaft. If the Pure Wand locks firm­ly in place when you try to pull it out, I say to turn it so that the dip is fac­ing side­ways first. Then pull it out. That's a rel­a­tive­ly easy solu­tion that doesn't entail miss­ing out on amaz­ing orgasms.

njoy Pure Wand Review: intense steel G-spot dildo 4

Something less intense to consider first

If you're unsure whether the Comet Wand or Pure Wand is right for you, start with a curved or bul­bous glass dil­do, like the Chrystalino Champ or Superior. And if you're not sure whether even glass is right for you, a Tantus Sport. It's sil­i­cone, so it has some give to it, and a bit thin­ner. Then decide from there whether you want to lev­el up to some­thing more intense.

You'll have to put waaaaay more effort into find­ing your G‑spot with the Sport if you don't know where it is already, though. Personally, because of its ease in aim­ing, choos­ing the Pure Wand as the first G‑spot toy I ever bought was one my life's best decisions.

njoy Pure Wand = G-spot pleasure for life

If you've decid­ed to get a Pure Wand, your G‑spot will nev­er be the same again. Your invest­ment will last a life­time. And how many orgasms do you think you can use the Pure Wand for before you die? Short answer: a fuck­ing lot. Not "just" orgasms, but some of the best orgasms your G‑spot could give you.

The Pure Wand's stain­less steel con­struc­tion means that it ain't going any­where. Like even if there was a fire in my home, I might not even res­cue my njoy Pure Wand before exit­ing because it'd almost cer­tain­ly sur­vive. This dil­do will out­live you.

After 4 years, I still main­tain my stance on the njoy Pure Wand: from Kegels to learn­ing about my G‑spot's response to stim­u­la­tion, it was the most foun­da­tion­al toy for get­ting to know my body.

njoy Pure Wand Review: intense steel G-spot dildo 5

So many sex toys have come and gone over the years, but njoy's designs haven't changed much at all. They don't need to, when there's noth­ing to add and noth­ing to take away. The Pure Wand is a holy grail among sex blog­gers for a rea­son: it's the clos­est a G‑spot dil­do has ever come to perfection.

You can find the njoy Pure Wand at Peepshow Toys. If it's not on sale by the time you're read­ing this, you can still get 10% off your entire order using coupon code SUPERSMASHCACHE 

FURTHER READING: a rank­ing of aaaal­l­l­ll my best stain­less steel dil­dos! It was so hard to choose just one when they're all my favorite.

Thank you to Peepshow Toys for send­ing me the njoy Pure Wand in exchange for a review. It's entire­ly a holy grail toy, and I under­stand why most shops won't let new review­ers try it, so writ­ing this post was a privilege.

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20 Responses

  1. Maria says:

    Got one of these on Black Friday last year…OMG! I found it most sim­i­lar to one of my glass toys, but even heav­ier. And paired with my Pillow Talk Racy…amazing!

  2. Poppy says:

    This is a ter­rif­ic review; one of the many that moti­vat­ed me go out and buy a pure wand of my own 😀 you’re def­i­nite­ly not lying when talk­ing about the weight and some­what odd shape at first glance, but after try­ing it a few times I real­ize how much I adore it — I like using the small­er end as a warm­ing up toy and then switch­ing to the big­ger end for more stim­u­la­tion or reach­ing for some­thing else if I’m look­ing for a dif­fer­ent kind of pen­e­tra­tion. You’re total­ly right that this real­ly isn’t a thrust­ing toy, more of a grind­ing and wig­gling one (and your anec­dote of using it in the show­er dur­ing col­lege is giv­ing me Ideas lmao). Love your site, and thanks for the review!

  3. Jimena says:

    I can’t wait to get one!

  4. Erica says:

    I’ve always want­ed to get my hands on one of these to try! I’ve start­ed a wish-​list of toys I most want, and this is def­i­nite­ly towards the top of that list. Yay

  5. Nichole Smith says:

    I read so many reviews, all had noth­ing but good things to say about this toy. I bought it. I learned we're all very dif­fer­ent and just because it seems like every­one else loves it doesn't mean I will too. In Fact I real­ly don't like it. Maybe I need more prac­tice, maybe my insides are so tilt­ed that I'll nev­er find my g‑spot no mater what toy I use, maybe I just don't like g‑spot stim­u­la­tion, I don't know but the pure wand just didn't do it for me. I appre­ci­ate that you list­ed some alter­na­tives, maybe one of those will be bet­ter suit­ed for me.

  6. Oreon says:

    It cer­tain­ly is intense. I'm still fig­ur­ing it all out. Thanks for the pull out advice!

  7. C says:

    I don’t know if it’d be right for me, but the Pure Wand is such a beau­ti­ful toy. I won­der if I’d like it if I ever got the oppor­tu­ni­ty to try it.

  8. echo says:

    this is my favorite toy rn. i like intense and focused g spot­ting and noth­ing else com­pares!!! great review!!

  9. G says:

    Love how infor­ma­tive this review is. ?

  10. Annie says:

    I've heard so many good things about this, but I haven't fig­ured it out yet

  11. Ali says:

    Thanks for the review! I had no idea it was so heavy! I also love how you describe the inten­si­ty. I do hope to get one someday 🙂

  12. DizzyD says:

    I love thia review, it’s the most infor­ma­tive review I’ve ever read on the Pure Wand. I’m going to put it on my list, I hope one finds it’s way to me soon!

  13. Clara says:

    I love this review!! Hopefully I’ll get my hands on one soon

  14. Trix says:

    I don't thrust much with it because it tires my wrist, so I thought I was weird for lik­ing lit­tle cir­cu­lar strokes. (I appre­ci­ate the removal tip, too!)

  15. Kalliopeia says:

    The weight is no joke- I tried to lick one clean once, dropped it, and chipped a tooth. Fortunately, it only caught the very edge and wasn't very notice­able, because I did *not* want to have to explain a dil­do mishap to any­one who asked.

  16. May says:

    Fabulous review — very much enjoyed it and some cool pics too 😉

  1. June 6, 2018

    […] Though I still very much enjoy post­ing about my per­son­al sex­u­al expe­ri­ences, I can tell that Quill does too. Having just read A Thirst for knowl­edge where he delves into his mem­o­ry bank, treat­ing us to a very inter­est­ing past expe­ri­ence. Also, I have had fun try­ing out a few sex toys and writ­ing up my views about them. Super Smash Cashe pro­vides some great infor­ma­tion and amaz­ing pho­tos in one of her recent toy reviews njoy Pure Wand. […]

  2. June 11, 2018

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  3. September 15, 2020

    […] Super Smash Cache – Great review, but also talks about alter­na­tives to the Pure Wand. […]

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