Top 7 La Boutique Voila Sex Toys, Ranked!

Meet The Thruster's younger sib­ling, La Boutique Voila.

While Velvet Thrusters focus on lux­u­ry hand­held fuck­ing machines, Voila is all about the sil­ly shapes and kooky con­trap­tions, from aliens to the infa­mous rose to Thor's hammer.

La Boutique Voila novelty vibrators comparison

Here are my favorites.

Use the Boutique Voila dis­count code, SUPER20 for 20% off all Voila orig­i­nal toys.

Little Goo Dinosaur Clit Suction Massager

Top 7 La Boutique Voila Sex Toys, Ranked! 1

Little Goo, the Suck-​a-​Saurus rex by Boutique Voila:

  • Wields pow­er par with Womanizer’s Premium 2 and the rose suc­tion toy at the high­est speed
  • Features six steady inten­si­ty options, with small­er incre­ments than the infa­mous rose
  • Is a frig­gin’ adorable and dis­creet dinosaur shape — arguably just as cute as the rose
  • Has a sil­i­cone suc­tion noz­zle that pops off, mak­ing it easy to clean
  • Is super afford­able — once again tread­ing on the ter­ri­to­ry of the rose
Voila Little Goo Review: POWERFUL Dinosaur Suction Toy

Voila Bob the Alien Vibrator

IF IT FITS, I SITS (on it). This alien vibe is 2.1–2.2" across the head and HELLA front-​loaded for aggres­sive G‑spot stim­u­la­tion and a big stretch. AND IT GLOWS IN THE DARK. 

Boutique Voila Bob the Alien glow-in-the-dark silicone vibrator and bullet sleeve

Was Bob the Alien made for vagi­nal inser­tion? That's prob­a­bly not what La Boutique Voila had in mind, but I think he's found his new home inside me.

Between the girth and silicone's firm­ness, Bob the Alien vibe looks sil­ly but is quite severe. Don't for­get to tilt and push him back­wards on the way in to reduce pres­sure on the ure­thra. And have lots of lube ready. You'll need it.

(See my guide to fist­ing and huge dil­dos for more tips on insert­ing big dildos.)

Girthy silicone alien head vibrator

Once the head is in, the "shaft" mea­sures 0.9 to 1.5". There's a huge con­trast between the head and body, so if you tend to have bul­bous or curved toys snag on the pubic bone on the way out, Bob the Alien vibra­tor isn't for you.

Who would like the Voila Bob the Alien vibrator?

Here's the thing: my vagi­na craves the expan­sion. My fol­low­ers know I'm barbaric.

They aren't here for buzzy bul­let sleeves — which, yeah, I'd call most of Voila's vibra­tors buzzy. When they're bare, they're strong enough to com­pen­sate, but when there's sil­i­cone over them, meh. And no, the arm and fin­ger don't real­ly do much; they're too bendy to be any­thing oth­er than decoration.

Glow-in-the-dark alien silicone vibrator sleeve

Also, this alien vibra­tor by Voila is safe for vagi­nal use only. I don't trust those lil peets to be safe for butt stuff.

More than any­thing else, though, my Instagram fol­low­ers want to stretch like it's an extreme sport (or at least read about it). If that's you, you'll love this thing!

If you want a quirky, girthy, and glow­ing insertable, Voila's Bob the Alien vibra­tor is one of the cutest gag gifts I nev­er imag­ined, but adore nevertheless.

Smartee G-spot Vibrator With Handle

If the Voila Smartee looks famil­iar, that's because I've reviewed some­thing with the exact same shape before! It's the soft­er sib­ling of the L'Acier Capo stain­less steel dil­do.

L'Acier Capo and Boutique Voila Smartee G-spot vibrators

I'll admit, I'm a lit­tle hard­core with my toys. Many of my favorites are stain­less steel or glass, and that's not for every­one. For those who want some­thing more yield­ing, the Voila Smartee vibra­tor offers the same defined head for G‑spotting, but with:

  • More flex­i­bil­i­ty and squish
  • Less weight
  • A rum­bli­er motor
  • A small­er price tag

Its built-​in motor makes big­ger waves than the L'Acier Capo's remov­able bul­let does.

Rechargeable bullet vibrator one-button control panel

They're what I call zingy: still on the high-​pitched side yet pen­e­trate deep­er into the skin, sim­i­lar to what you'd get with LELO's motors. The con­trols are lim­it­ed, though, with one but­ton cycling through 3 steady speeds and 7 patterns.

Who would like the Voila Smartee vibrator?

While the Smartee is mar­ket­ed as a plus size and preg­nan­cy vibe, its remov­able han­dle is espe­cial­ly great for any­one who wants more reach for their toys, for any num­ber of reasons:

  • Limited arm and shoul­der mobility
  • Using toys on partners
  • Ample bel­ly fat
  • Making it butt-​safe by serv­ing as a stopper
  • Going deep­er with­out occu­py­ing much of the insertable length with your hand
  • And yes, preg­nan­cy, because plea­sure doesn't have to stop the moment you become a poten­tial parent.
Boutique Voila Smartee flexible G-spot vibrator with handle

Here are the Voila Smartee's pros and cons in a nut­shell. It's G‑spotty, strong, silky, ver­sa­tile, and total­ly water­proof. The one major flaw is that it's not the qui­etest vibra­tor. And anoth­er pet­ty quib­ble is that it only comes in pink.

Beyond that, I have noth­ing bad to say about it. It's the whole pack­age, and if any­thing, I'd argue that Voila under­sold it. This vibra­tor is fan­tas­tic for peo­ple with mobil­i­ty issues and those without.

The Rose Clit Massager Suction Toy

This isn't the first time I've dis­cussed the rose sex toy, and it prob­a­bly won't be the last.

Rose clitoral air pulse massager sex toy

I've pre­vi­ous­ly summed up the three steady speed set­tings: "vroom, earth­quake, and dev­as­ta­tion." A few para­graphs lat­er, I added, "One but­ton abrupt­ly accel­er­ates the rose mas­sager from 0 to 60 to 100 to 120."

It's strong. At the high­est speed, it's one of the strongest air pulse toys I've ever tried, as intense as the Womanizer Premium 2. But that doesn't make it the best.

Air puls­es can be a doozy, and you don't nec­es­sar­i­ly want to go from 0 to 60. On the flip­side, you don't nec­es­sar­i­ly want to stay at 60 when you're sen­si­tive right after an orgasm.

Rose vs. other clitoral air pulse suction massagers

If you want raw pow­er in a suc­tion toy, get the rose. If you care more about tight con­trol and sub­tle­ty and hav­ing many in-​between set­tings to ramp it up, see my air pulse toy com­par­i­son. I test­ed over 20 pres­sure wave mas­sagers and summed them up in one post!

Thor's Mighty Hammer Vibrator


Mighty Hammer insertable Mjolnir Thor cosplay vibrator

Ridged shaft. Powerful vibes. It's fun to wield Thor's Mighty Hammer from La Boutique Voila for a spicy Halloween cos­tume or role­play, but how does it feel in use? Here are the ham­mer vibrator's pros and cons.

  • Textures add some piz­zazz for front wall stimulation
  • The vibra­tions are intense
  • The blocky end of the ham­mer makes it butt-safe
  • It's total­ly waterproof!
  • The motor is strong but buzzy/​zingy and loud. Don't expect any­thing even remote­ly like a wand massager
  • 5” insertable length and 1.35” max­i­mum diam­e­ter aren't ide­al for me
  • The straight shaft is total­ly rigid 
Mighty Hammer insertable Mjolnir Thor cosplay vibrator single-button

My vagi­na is com­prised of stur­dy walls with a high ceil­ing, so I would pre­fer more length or cur­va­ture or tip def­i­n­i­tion. But your mileage may vary. Let's be real — if you're get­ting the Mjölnir ham­mer vibe, it's because you wanted:

  • The nov­el­ty factor
  • A gen­er­al insertable
  • Strong vibra­tions

And it ticks those box­es while look­ing cute.

Stroker Ace Tennis Ball Sleeve

It's a nov­el take on a clas­sic: like the Easy Beat Eggs, the Stroker Ace sleeve is a slight­ly more real­is­tic upgrade than one's hand alone, but the dis­creet stor­age case is a ten­nis ball shape.

This sleeve's ridg­ing feels like the bot­tom of a vagi­nal canal, at least at first. Once it stretch­es, the tex­tures smooth out.

La Boutique Voila tennis ball and grenade-shaped penis masturbation sleeves

I'd say it's best for those who are extra sen­si­tive at the tip; you won't get as intense tac­tile sen­sa­tion once you move down to the shaft. Alternatively, turn it inside out to add squish to a wand vibra­tor.

It's made of super soft TPR, which envelops the penis nice­ly, but unlike sil­i­cone stro­kers, it will lose grip and usabil­i­ty over time. Watch for changes in shape, col­or, and smell, and toss it once it's reached the end of its shelf life.

Overall, the Voila Stroker Ace ten­nis ball sleeve's bang-​to-​buck ratio is about right. It's fuck­able, adds sen­sa­tion, and here for a good time, not a long time. 

Voila Energy Ball Pokéball vibrator

Velvet Co. more like­ly can't call it a Pokéball vibra­tor for legal rea­sons, but we know what this mas­sager was designed to look like.

Voila Energy Ball Pokeball vibrator

It's red and white with a straight black bor­der and a round but­ton in the cen­ter for turn­ing on the vibrations.

There's a squishy side for grind­ing and a firm one for trans­mit­ting vibra­tions — 3 steady and and 7 pat­terns. It's also total­ly water­proof and rechargeable.

At 3.2" diam­e­ter, it's cute, fun to roll while sit­ting, and def­i­nite­ly fin­ish­es me off — BUT should be reserved for those who like gen­tle stim­u­la­tion.
The motor is def­i­nite­ly buzzy, and the broad sur­face dis­pers­es its move­ment. Fortunately, its size is easy to low­er my weight onto and leverage!

La Bomba Grenade Penis Masturbation Sleeve

Its length encom­pass­es more of the penis than the Stroker Ace does, so my part­ner actu­al­ly liked La Bomba more!

Boutique Voila La Bomba grenade stroker on L'Acier Capo stainless steel dildo

The only rea­son I put it low­er down on the list is that it's quite pricey. The nov­el­ty fac­tor is def­i­nite­ly some­thing, though; a friend asked, "lmao, is that real?" Yes, it's real. You can put your dick in a grenade-​shaped stroker. 

This post was spon­sored. Opinions expressed are my own.

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2 Responses

  1. Trix says:

    I tend to find steel and glass gen­tler because of the glide, but the Smartee looks intriguing…

  2. Cam says:

    All nov­el­ty toys. The ener­gy ball and Thor ham­mer are my faves Aesthetically

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