Dame Products Pom Review: Quiet & Low-Pitched Clitoral Vibrator

The Dame Pom comes in jade green and looks like a flat­tened marsh­mal­low Peep. How could I say no?

Pom vibrator by Dame Products jade green side view with defined beak in shadow

Though it doesn't feel quite marshmallow-​soft, it's bendy to nes­tle effort­less­ly atop the exter­nal pubic bone. Plus, the Pom's vibra­tions have low-​pitched, rumbly quality.

The Shape of the Pom External Vibrator by Dame Products

I adore this dar­ling vibe's ver­sa­tile shape. It's got a flat sur­face on the back, defined edges on the side, and small­er edges on the front that con­verge into a beak-​like peak. You can turn it to the side and play with the edges, but being the pin­point princess that I am, I always go back to that defined point on the front when I want to come.

Pom by Dame Products jade green vibrator flexing in hand

An Intuitive Vibrator for Use During Penis-​In-​Vag Intercourse

I don't nec­es­sar­i­ly have to hold the Dame Pom when I'm lying on my back or sit­ting down. Its curved form rests on my clit and mons. In those posi­tions, I apply pres­sure on the point­ed end like a door­bell. That's all it takes.

The design makes it an ele­gant, unob­tru­sive vibra­tor for use dur­ing inter­course. In posi­tions like doggy-​style where I'm face-​down, it flex­es and sand­wich­es intu­itive­ly between my vul­va and my hand, demand­ing lit­tle maneu­ver­ing or angling. The Dame Pom's pin­point peak is right where I want it.

The Dame Pom's Button Placement and Control Panel

Dame Pom jade green couples' silicone vibrator in my living room decor

Its up/​down but­tons are also a no-​brainer for my thumb to hit and adjust speed. On the vibrator's oppo­site face, there's a but­ton to turn it on/​off and cycle through the pat­terns. All of the but­tons are slight­ly recessed, so no fear of turn­ing it off acci­den­tal­ly dur­ing ventro-​ventro intercourse.

Overall: In Love With the Shape of You

I wouldn't change a sin­gle thing about the Dame Pom's shape. It's high­ly prac­ti­cal, and unlike its pre­de­ces­sor, the Eva, it doesn't rely on gim­micks to fit a nar­row range of anatomies. Is the Dame Pom a hands-​free cou­ples' vibra­tor? No, but its shape comes clos­er to that than clas­sic bul­lets do. And unlike vibrat­ing cock rings and We-​Vibes, the Pom doesn't come with the down­sides of anatomy-​specific dual stim­u­la­tors.

The Dame Pom's Vibrations

Dame Products Pom jade green vibrator back view: on/off/pattern toggle button

As for the Dame Pom's vibra­tions, I enjoy them, but talk­ing about them takes nuance. Dame Products claims that the Pom is their most pow­er­ful vibra­tor yet. Pom's low hum reminds me a lot of the Iroha Zen— a vibra­tor many review­ers have called "use­less." But the Iroha Zen isn't buzzy, exactly.

Dame Pom vibrator in hand - photo from the Dame Products website

Instead of bees or wasps or mos­qui­tos, the Zen is more rem­i­nis­cent of flut­ter­ing but­ter­flies or a purring cat. Gentle, with a mod­er­ate ampli­tude that's not par­tic­u­lar­ly pen­e­trat­ing, but low-​pitched. It's refined. Less irri­tat­ing than most toys with sep­a­rate bat­ter­ies or cheap recharge­able bul­lets. Nevertheless, the Zen's sec­ond and third speeds are enough for me.

And Dame Products' Pom is a more pow­er­ful and lux­u­ri­ous ver­sion of that; its first speed out of five is like the Zen's high­est speed. The tim­bre is delight­ful­ly rich, with just the slight­est hint of bass wob­ble (which, in more mas­sive dos­es, I asso­ciate with Fun Factory).

Users who are sim­i­lar­ly sen­si­tive to me will find plen­ty of options for dif­fer­ent moods in the Pom's speed range, and can quick­ly turn the speed up and down as need­ed. I know that sounds basic, but not all clit vibes have a "decrease speed" control!

Comparing the Dame POM to More Powerful Alternatives

The Pom by Dame Products indeed isn't for every­one. If you want to splurge on a ver­sa­tile and com­pact clit vibe with firecracker-​like pow­er, get a We-​Vibe Touch instead. Its range of motion is huge, espe­cial­ly for an itty-​bitty mini-vibe.

If you still want a firmer, body-​hugging shape with deep­er vibra­tions, con­sid­er the wob­ble bass-​like, rum­bling Fun Factory Laya III.

Or, if you're try­ing to save cash, get a Cal Ex Marvelous Flicker.

The Pom's high­est speed is com­pa­ra­ble in strength to some­where between the Marvelous Flicker's first and sec­ond speeds. There is a down­side, though: the Marvelous Flicker's lim­it­ed con­trol panel.

It's not bad, con­sid­er­ing I raved about the Marvelous Flicker giv­ing me long and intense orgasms.

But as far as con­trols go, it is a mat­ter of get­ting what you paid for.

Myself? I'm Pretty Dang Close to Being the Dame Pom's Ideal Buyer.

For one, I can quick­ly get off with my fin­gers. With many vibra­tors, I'm sen­si­tive after orgasm and pre­fer hav­ing the option to turn down the speed, quick­ly recov­er, and orgasm again. The Dame Pom is super ver­sa­tile in shape for part­ner play, mod­er­ate in pow­er, and its micro-​adjustable con­trols are fantastic.

Dam Pom jade green couples' silicone vibrator next to amethyst and air plant

The Dame POM Is a Discreet, Quiet Clitoral Vibrator

Plus, being the quin­tes­sen­tial Millennial, I often have room­mates. I can bare­ly hear the Pom's vibra­tions on the high­est speed. And if I can bare­ly dis­cern the sound, who­ev­er else is at home def­i­nite­ly can't.

Play some white noise in the back­ground if you're still real­ly self-​conscious at night, but when Dame Products says that the Pom is "whisper-​quiet," they mean it. It's not just a read­i­ly mar­ketable buzz­word (no pun intend­ed) to them.

The Dame Pom's Packaging and Long-​Term Storage

Dame Pom jade green couples' silicone vibrator in discreet packaging

The stur­dy box that the Pom comes in is also incon­spic­u­ous: a sol­id col­or that match­es the vibe and a trans­par­ent, glossy text that says "Dame" and "Pom." Nothing else. It's bare­ly vis­i­ble, but cov­er it up with some washi tape or stick­ers if you wish, and you're gold­en. Marie Kondo would be proud.

Does the Dame POM Spark Joy? Fuck Yeah!

Dame Products' Pom sparks joy in my heart on so many lev­els. This adorable vibra­tor looks like a piece of marsh­mal­low can­dy ("CHING!"), it takes my mind off dis­tract­ing thoughts of how much sound I'm mak­ing ("CHING!"), it's ergonom­ic ("CHING!"), its speed range is ver­sa­tile for my needs (CHING!), and that pin­point­ed beak allows tar­get­ed focus dur­ing solo and part­ner play ("CHING!").

A vibrator for those picky about pitch

Dame Products Pom jade green vibrator among crystals

Is the Pom by Dame Products everyone's cup of tea? No, but that's fine — the renowned Tango and Touch aren't either. And not every­one wants the absolute most pow­er they can get in a bul­let or even any­thing close. It's true: I've grown tol­er­ant of strong vibra­tors. I can test them, but that's because I know how light­ly I'd need to press and can adjust pres­sure as my sen­si­tiv­i­ty fluctuates.

When it comes to vibra­tion qual­i­ty, what mat­ters to me is that the Pom has a rich, purring tim­bre. Its mod­er­ate ampli­tude and low pitch give me more than enough pow­er, with less ten­der­ness than oth­er vibes. Between the pitch, the con­trols, and the pointy peak, this vibra­tor pro­vides me with every­thing I need. And for that, it earns the priv­i­lege of stay­ing on my nightstand.

Verdict: The Dame POM Is an Absolute Delight to Hold and Use

Dame Pom vibrator next to crystals and rocks

In 2019, I'm try­ing to return to my roots as a cer­vi­cal orgasm afi­ciona­do and review more dil­dos. A cli­toral orgasm with­out pen­e­tra­tion can only sat­is­fy me for so long. However, I made an excep­tion for the Pom by Dame. When inun­dat­ed by a sea of bul­lets I could be review­ing, the Pom's refresh­ing­ly unique shape stands out.

It's not just cute, but also one of the most ergonom­ic vibra­tors I have had the plea­sure of try­ing. By myself? Fabulous. Riding a part­ner? Flsjdflsdjflskd DROOL. If the Dame Pom had a more pow­er­ful motor, it would be flawless.

Take 10% Off at Spectrum Boutique With Coupon Code SUPERSMASH10

This coupon code applies sitewide for your first order, so whether you're get­ting a Pom by Dame Products or some­thing else, I gotchu cov­ered! You can also find at Spectrum Boutique the oth­er vibes I've men­tioned in this review:

  • Iroha Zen — very gen­tle vibra­tions, but low-​pitched, budget-​friendly, and per­fect for those with feath­er­weight clits
  • We-​Vibe Touch — also ver­sa­tile shape, with SUPER high-​amp vibrations
  • We-​Vibe Tango — same beloved motor as the Touch, but in plas­tic bul­let form. No sil­i­cone to damp­en the vibrations
  • BMS Swan Maximum bul­let — super afford­able and has a wide speed range and fan­tas­tic controls.
Thank you to Spectrum Boutique for sending me the Pom by Dame Products for review!

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2 Responses

  1. Bitt says:

    I always thought this one looked like a marsh­mal­low peep

  2. DizzyD says:

    The Pom looks amaz­ing! Beautiful pack­ag­ing and a cute col­or.…. I like my exter­nal vibes pow­er­ful and rumbly and I’ve been very hap­py with my Tango, so I won­der if the Pom could match the Tango on my hap­pi­ness scale. The Tango isn’t easy to hold in place dur­ing sex with a part­ner. It would be won­der­ful if I could get my hands on a pow­er­ful rumbly vibe in a more ergonom­ic form, like the shape of the Pom.….

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