3 Rumbly Blowjob Vibrators For Fantastic Fellatio: Manta, Vim & Bond Review

Upgrade your blowjobs with viva­cious vibra­tion, via Vim, Manta, and Bond!

Three rumbly vibrators for oral sex on a penis: a wand massager, sling-style vibrating cock ring, and semi-stroker vibrator that wraps around the penis
  • Fun Factory's Manta is an arousal accel­er­a­tor that wraps around the penis. It deliv­ers rich-​pitched vibra­tions, "like an open embrace for your dick."
  • Vim by Fun Factory is a suu­u­u­per rumbly and intense wand mas­sager with fan­tas­tic con­trols and set­tings, mak­ing it ver­sa­tile AF for broad exter­nal use — penis, cli­toris, you name it!
  • Bond by We-​Vibe is a remote con­trol cock ring, teas­ing the testes for any­one who's ever been jeal­ous of pub­lic play with panty vibra­tors for vulvas.

Of course, the options go beyond this post, since you can:

  • Suck the tip while using a soft stro­ker on the shaft
  • Use bul­lets pin­point­ed on the frenulum
  • Pair pen­e­tra­tion and prostate mas­sage with fellatio
A We-Vibe Manta against the underside of a realistic penis-like vibrating dildo

However, vibrat­ing mas­sagers for penis­es are an incred­i­bly under­rat­ed fron­tier of pleasure!

Since the penis is more or less com­posed of the same sen­si­tive tis­sues as the cli­toris, vibra­tion sen­sa­tions deserve explo­ration. And Manta, Bond, and Vim's shapes and motors make them a fan­tas­tic fit for fellatio.

Fun Factory Manta Review: Top Pick for Blowjob Vibrations

Get ready for glazed eyes and sharp sighs. Manta is an arousal accel­er­a­tor, inte­grat­ing seam­less­ly into a hand job or blowjob 2.0, "like an open embrace for your dick," said my boyfriend.

Fun Factory Manta blowjob vibrator next to Big Boss

It car­ries Fun Factory's bold, flut­tery G5 vibra­tions in a sleek, U‑shaped, mini-​stroker form. What my part­ner loves is the mul­ti­ple points of con­tact — the vibra­tions are 50% focused on the sen­si­tive under­side of the penis, while its wings wrap around for 25% along each side.

"Did you like it?" I asked my part­ner. He emphat­i­cal­ly snapped back, "Yes!" with­out miss­ing a beat.

How to Use the Fun Factory Manta

Ways to use Manta's mas­sage include:

  • Focusing its sen­sa­tions on the shaft while suck­ing the tip
  • Sliding it up and down the shaft
  • Swiveling it side-to-side
  • Flapping its fins against the frenu­lum
Fun Factory Manta blowjob stroker vibrator around Big Boss semi-realistic vibrator

Manta's con­cav­i­ty is round, ribbed, and con­toured, so you can exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent angles, stroke lengths, and focus sites, whether the head or shaft.

(As a gen­er­al rule of thumb, you can use vibra­tions on the balls, but since they're rel­a­tive­ly sen­si­tive, you may want to reduce the intensity!)

Who is Fun Factory's Manta for?

The Fun Factory Manta's open­ing is about 1.2" across; the flex­i­ble" fins" will open up to accom­mo­date a thick­er cock. Its tex­tured groove also holds some lube before you dis­perse it with your splen­did strokes. As a bonus, it's waterproof!

Fun Factory Manta silicone stroker vibrator flexibility and texture

Another cool thing about a firm, U‑shaped vibra­tor for penis­es is that its eroge­nous esca­la­tion isn't just for bon­ers. It gets things going at any stage of the sex­u­al response cycle:

  • Getting into the mood quick­er and increas­ing blood flow if you're not erect yet
  • Encouraging more plea­sure with­out forc­ing it if you are hard
  • Continuing stim­u­la­tion after ejac­u­la­tion, if you're into that — you can turn the speed down to a low hum

Fun Factory Manta Vibrator Settings

As with every Fun Factory G5 vibra­tor, Manta's con­trols and set­tings are fan­tas­tic. 3 but­tons con­trol 6 steady set­tings (from purr to vroom) and 6 pat­terns. Here's a sum­ma­ry of the rhythms:

  • A quick esca­la­tion and declin­ing wave — it doesn't dip too low, so you can stay on the orgasm plateau between waves.
  • Faster waves
  • Even faster waves
  • Fluttery waves
  • Alternation between flut­tery waves and low­er vibration
  • Fast, flut­tery waves increase speed and ramp up to steady, high vibration.
Fun Factory Manta blowjob vibrator for wrapping around the penis and stroking

Closing Thoughts on Fun Factory's Manta

Predictably, though, my boyfriend's favorite set­tings were the faster steady speeds.

He request­ed the Fun Factory Manta mul­ti­ple times while we were away on vaca­tion, tak­ing him­self to the edge when we were apart, then riled and ready to romp once I climbed back into bed. It could rev up his engine as much as we want­ed it to, and we just kept com­ing and com­ing after that.

Use code SUPERSMASHCACHE for 10% off at Peepshow Toys. Getting the Fun Factory Manta direct­ly from the man­u­fac­tur­er web­site, though, means that you have access to big­ger flash sales earlier!

Fun Factory Vim Wand against underside of Big Boss Jewels edition vibrating dildo

Fun Factory Vim: Using a Wand Massager on a Penis

Vim is even more viva­cious — its high­est speed is slight­ly above the Doxy Die Cast's first set­ting, with lots of low-​pitched, purring rum­ble. There's a rea­son the Fun Factory Vim is my favorite cord­less wand massager.

Its vibra­tions go deep­er into the flesh for seis­mic shak­ing — try it at the tip while suck­ing on the balls. Or strad­dling with the Fun Factory Vim's head between your gen­i­tals and a partner's — grind­ing and trib­bing and frot­ting, using your body weight and legs lever­aged for pleasure.

You can also hold Vim against your cheek dur­ing a blowjob, though it won't be as pro­nounced as putting it direct­ly on a penis. Still, it's more pow­er­ful than the Manta and has a dif­fer­ent scope of focus.

Fun Factory Big Boss vibrator next to Vim wand massager

Vim is broad for cli­toral stim­u­la­tion, but my part­ner described it as pin­point rel­a­tive to a stro­ker or the Fun Factory Manta because I focused on one con­tact point at a time. I slid Vim up and down the under­side of the shaft, mak­ing my partner's whole penis vibrate.

Of course, you could also use Vim for full-​body mas­sage. Where it wins over the Manta is its pow­er and its ver­sa­til­i­ty — deliv­er­ing deep vibra­tions to the neck, thighs, butt, or feet for foreplay.

Read my Fun Factory Vim review for more on its per­for­mance on my pussy. Or check out my past post about ways to use a wand with a part­ner for even more ideas.

Fun Factory VIM vs. Magic Wand Rechargeable and Doxy

6 Tips for Using a Vibrator With a Blowjob

  1. The tip is homol­o­gous to the cli­toral glans and will be on the sen­si­tive side. If some­one is cir­cum­cised and you focus on the head for tooooo long, it can get tick­ly. Just be aware of that.
  2. Generally, use low­er speed set­tings on the balls, as they're even more sen­si­tive. (Vim is excel­lent for speed controls.)
  3. The shaft can han­dle more vibra­tion. I usu­al­ly go a few inch­es below the head on my partner's penis, but as always, your mileage may vary.
  4. If some­one isn't cir­cum­cised, the frenu­lum (the V‑shaped part where the head meets the shaft) can be a nice hot spot to apply vibra­tion, espe­cial­ly with some­thing a lit­tle more pin­point, like a bul­let vibrator.
  5. The coro­na (edge of the "mush­room tip") is quite sen­su­al to touch — but I'd much pre­fer to use my mouth for that part!
  6. Keep the mas­sager mov­ing, or start low and increase speed with time. There can be numb­ness if you hold it in one place for extend­ed peri­ods, so don't be afraid to exper­i­ment and mix it up!
We-Vibe Bond cock ring around vibrating dildo in hand

We-Vibe Bond Review: Bluetooth Remote Control Cock Ring & Sling

Jealous of the panty vibra­tor options for vul­vas? We-Vibe's Bond is a cock sling-​style ring vibra­tor worn behind the balls for per­ineal stim­u­la­tion — com­plete with We-​Connect Bluetooth app con­trol for pat­terns and long-​range play galore.

My boyfriend enjoyed the puls­ing pat­terns direct­ed by my fin­ger on my phone screen, but it's more of a pub­lic teas­ing toy rather than a close-​and-​personal cum­ming toy. Since it's a com­pact wear­able, its pow­er couldn't mea­sure up to the oth­ers on this list.

We-Vibe Bond vibrating cock ring with Bluetooth app remote control

There's an addi­tion­al exten­der includ­ed to for the We-​Vibe Bond's ring diam­e­ter, but my part­ner didn't need it — his penis is more long rather than wide. (Fun Factory's Nos, mean­while, was too nar­row and tight to fit his cock comfortably.)

Bond fea­tures 4 steady speeds out of the box, but since your smart­phone can con­trol it, the options are poten­tial­ly lim­it­less for pat­terns, in-​between inten­si­ties, and long-​range part­ner play.

If you're not using the app, the rhythm pat­terns include:

  • Fast puls­es
  • Slow waves with increas­ing inten­si­ty in each wave, then decreasing.
  • Two long dash­es and three dots, like Morse code
  • Dashes alter­nat­ing with faster pulses
  • Thrums increas­ing in inten­si­ty and decreasing.
  • Low-​high alternation
We-Vibe Bond cock ring around wrist while my hand is holding the Fun Factory Big Boss for size comparison; the Big Boss is about as thick as my wrist

Another cool thing about the app is that it will let you know what bat­tery per­cent­age is left on the We-​Vibe Bond — or any oth­er We-​Connect app-​controlled vibra­tor, like the Rave Classic or Melt.

Many of my best prac­tices for panty vibra­tors will apply here with this remote con­trol cock ring vibra­tor — just replace the skirts with flowy bas­ket­ball shorts, if you'd like.

Personally, my boyfriend and I used Bond and Manta as a pair. Manta seemed to more read­i­ly match how I would want to stroke a cock with my hands dur­ing a blowjob: slight­ly below the head, slid­ing up and down, look­ing into his eyes.

Bond felt good against his balls, but we would not have bought one if I hadn't got­ten it for a review. As with its panty vibra­tor coun­ter­parts, Bond com­pro­mis­es con­sid­er­able pow­er to be a com­fort­able and com­pact wear­able — car­ry­ing a low-​pitched rum­ble but rel­a­tive­ly low pow­er. Adjust your expec­ta­tions accordingly.

We-Vibe Bond vibrating cock ring around dildo

My boyfriend only vague­ly remem­bered this one, which tells you every­thing you need to know. Wearable vibra­tors are accept­able as a nov­el­ty, but 99% of the time, we'd stick to the big­ger hand­held models.

Closing Thoughts About Blowjob Vibrators

Vim is for more vroom that rever­ber­ates through­out, and Manta for a sump­tu­ous "sur­round sound" expe­ri­ence that wraps with resis­tance around the penis. Consider both of them pow­er­ful erot­ic accel­er­a­tors to sky­rock­et your (or your partner's) arousal — dou­bly so dur­ing a blowjob.

As always, use code SUPERSMASHCACHE for 10% off at Peepshow Toys!

3 Rumbly Blowjob Vibrators For Fantastic Fellatio: Manta, Vim & Bond Review 1
Further reading

If your friend needs some­thing more foun­da­tion­al for their fel­la­tio tool­box, con­sid­er see­ing my past posts about:

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