Magic Wand OG vs. Rechargeable vs. Plus vs. Mini Review & Comparison

Is there any sex toy more iconic than the Magic Wand?

Hitachi called it a back mas­sager back in 1968. Nowadays, we know it as the Magic Wand Original by Vibratex. It’s like the “cool grand­ma” fig­ure for all the wand mas­sagers now — suc­ces­sors have arrived on the scene, but we still respect the OG.

Magic Wand OG vs. Rechargeable vs. Plus vs. Mini Review & Comparison 1

(Except for Hitachi. They don’t want their image to be all but syn­ony­mous with orgasms.)

What is the Magic Wand used for?

Broad vibra­tors like the Hitachi Magic Wand and its off­shoots are known for deliv­er­ing strong vibra­tions across the entire vul­va. Rather than focus­ing on the cli­toral glans alone, they also mas­sage the labia and shake the inter­nal parts of the cli­toris.

When were the Magic Wand Rechargeable, Plus, and Mini released?

Since Vibratex acquired the Magic Wand, they have launched four new ver­sions. Joining the Magic Wand Original, we now have the following:

This post gives you the 411 on what changes each iter­a­tion intro­duced, and I’ll com­pare them. Yes, they have dif­fer­ent set­tings and con­trol pan­els. But, more notably to me, they each have a dis­tinct vibra­tion qual­i­ty and feel.

Magic Wand Micro vs. bigger Magic Wands

Read on to find out the dif­fer­ences among the Magic Wand Original, Rechargeable, Plus, and Mini  — and which one is the most pow­er­ful, best Magic Wand.

UPDATE: I've made a sep­a­rate post all about the Magic Wand Micro and how it com­pares to oth­er Magic Wands and strong bullets!

Magic Wand Mini size comparison to Original, Rechargeable, and Plus Magic Wand models

Magic Wand Rechargeable and Plus vs. Original

The Magic Wand Rechargeable was nothing short of game-​changing when released in 2015.

And it wasn’t just because you could use it cord­less. (Though yes, you can use the Magic Wand Rechargeable while it's plugged in.)

Compared to the Hitachi Magic Wand Original, the Rechargeable boast­ed:

  • A more com­pre­hen­sive range of speed settings
  • A rum­bli­er motor
  • Way more hygien­ic sil­i­cone com­pris­ing the head
  • An LED indi­ca­tor to show which speed you’re on
The Magic Wand Plus, released in 2019, is like a middle ground between the Original and Rechargeable. 

Where is the Plus mod­el sim­i­lar to the Original Magic Wand?

  • It’s mains-​powered
  • It doesn’t have any pat­tern settings.
  • And it’s still quite afford­able for all the pow­er you get!

Otherwise, the Magic Wand Plus has much over­lap with the Rechargeable:

  • Similar motor and speed range
  • Silicone head
  • LED speed indicator
  • Same port for plug­ging in 
    • Though the Magic Wand Plus must be plugged in dur­ing use, you can detach the cord for more com­pact storage.
Magic Wand Original vs. Rechargeable vs. Plus vs. Mini

How do the Magic Wand Rechargeable and Plus feel?

Those revi­sions addressed many crit­i­cisms I had of the Magic Wand Original. Despite its rep­u­ta­tion as the “Cadillac of vibra­tors,” the Magic Wand Original is not for every­one. Its two speeds (EARTHQUAKE and DEVASTATION) are too pow­er­ful for some and not the opti­mal type of inten­si­ty for others.

I found that, with old­er wands, like the Original, I either came instant­ly, or I’d feel quite numb and pinchy and take for­ev­er to fin­ish the ses­sion. Insta-​cum or insta-numb.

The new­er Magic Wand Rechargeable and Plus, in con­trast, have two addi­tion­al set­tings on the lighter end. These low­er inten­si­ties are about half the strength of the Original’s two options.

And they’re deep in pitch, thud­ding­ly rever­ber­at­ing with my inter­nal and exter­nal cli­toris. I find the Magic Wand Rechargeable and Plus more sat­is­fy­ing. They suit a broad­er range of moods and rarely numb me. Less steam­rolling and more sen­su­al. And that means more time for mul­ti­ple orgasms.

Magic Wand Plus corded mains-powered wand massager close-up
Background col­lage by Carlin Rose

Tl;dr, the upgraded Magic Wand massagers are a big deal!

In short, Vibratex expand­ed the Magic Wand’s audi­ence beyond the hard­core and power-​hungry. The Magic Wand Rechargeable and Plus are almost as strong, but they also have options for peo­ple who:

  • Want to warm up to the experience
  • Simply don’t want to choose between OMG and OMFG strength

Sometimes, “omg” and “omfg!” are enough.

It used to be that if some­one want­ed low­er set­tings on the Hitachi Magic Wand Original, they’d get a light dim­mer. We’re in the twenty-​first cen­tu­ry now, and we’ve moved past that.

Thank you, Vibratex, for upgrad­ing the Magic Wand and fur­ther deify­ing its lega­cy. Whatever it was before, it’s prac­ti­cal­ly god-​tier now.

The Magic Wand Rechargeable was my favorite until the Fun Factory VIM came along.

Magic Wand Mini: a mini-review of 2022's Magic Wand

Three years lat­er, the Magic Wand Mini has a lot to live up to. It’s recharge­able, but the con­trol pan­el looks like some­one shrank down the Magic Wand Plus.

How does this cutie patootie mea­sure up to the others?

Magic Wand Rechargeable vs. Magic Wand Mini

Let’s start with the dis­claimer: at 9.7 oz, less than half the weight of the Magic Wand Rechargeable, we have to be real­is­tic with our expec­ta­tions for the Magic Wand Mini. It can’t be the seis­mic mar­vel that its ances­tors were.

Mini-​wands cer­tain­ly have their mer­its, though:

  • Travel-​friendly
  • Easier to hold
  • They take up less vul­va real estate dur­ing penetration

How does the Magic Wand Mini feel in use?

The Magic Wand Mini has three set­tings on the rumbly side for the size. Its high­est inten­si­ty is about par with the Plus and Rechargeable's sec­ond speed. (Which means it doesn’t even graze the Original’s low­er setting.)

If I had mere­ly felt the Magic Wand Mini in my hand, I’d tick off the box­es: “pow­er­ful for the size” and “rumbly for the price.” No complaints.

Using it against my clit, though, is anoth­er sto­ry. In oth­er words, I deeply respect what the Mini does, but it’s just not for me.

It awk­ward­ly strad­dles the grey zone between a broad pow­er­house wand and a tra­di­tion­al mini-​vibe. The Magic Wand Mini isn’t strong or rumbly enough for me to say it’s excel­lent for a wand, but it’s also not focused enough for me to appre­ci­ate its com­pact frame.

It works, but I’ll sel­dom reach for it for recre­ation­al orgasms. If I want broad stim­u­la­tion, I’ll go with the Magic Wand Plus or Rechargeable. If I desire a dynamite-​level power-​to-​size ratio, I’ll grab a bul­let like the Je Joue Duet or Tango X. This par­tic­u­lar mini-​wand feels non­com­mit­tal, like it tried to do both things simul­ta­ne­ous­ly but didn’t do either one that well.

Which mini-​wand massager should you get?

Lovense Domi Magic Wand Mini Dame Com Magic Wand Rechargeable Wand Massagers

Despite my reser­va­tions, I think that the Magic Wand Mini’s quality-​to-​cost ratio is well worth it.

My top choic­es for a com­pact mini-​wand mas­sager would be the Lovense Domi 2 and Doxy 3 Rechargeable. They’re a lot of fun. The down­side, though? They’re expen­sive and have rel­a­tive­ly high defect rates.

I’ll like­ly love the Lovense Domi 2 to death and, once it inevitably dies from overuse, hap­pi­ly splurge on a replace­ment. Not every­one is com­fort­able with that, though.

Would you rather com­pro­mise some strength for a more robust qual­i­ty prod­uct that will last longer? What if it meant pay­ing less?

The Magic Wand Mini isn’t per­fect, nor does it live up to the hype of its pre­de­ces­sors. It’s also bare-​bones, but it’s strong enough to mat­ter. And it works. All while cost­ing less.

While I’m ambiva­lent, my final ver­dict is that it’s well worth the price. Use code SUPERSMASHCACHE at Peepshow Toys.

Get the Magic Wand Mini.

Or check out fur­ther read­ings and decide which cord­less wand best match­es your needs:

What do the numbers and specs say? A comparison

Magic Wand vibrator strength comparison

Let’s zoom out and look at the big­ger pic­ture: how do the dif­fer­ent Magic Wands’ inten­si­ties com­pare? Here’s a rough outline.

The Doxy Die Cast (B A E !!!) at about 80% pow­er is com­pa­ra­ble to the Magic Wand Original at 100%.

The Original’s top speed is about the same strength as — but a lot buzzi­er than — the Plus and Rechargeable’s.

Magic Wand Plus, Doxy Die Cast, Magic Wand Mini, and Magic Wand Rechargeable

Overall, the Magic Wand Rechargeable is a tad rum­bli­er than the Plus, and that dif­fer­ence is more appar­ent the more you turn the speed up. In oth­er words, the Magic Wand Plus's vibra­tion qual­i­ty is sharp­er than the rechargeable's, but only by a lit­tle. Meanwhile, both the Rechargeable and Plus are way rum­bli­er than the Original.

The Magic Wand Mini’s high­est inten­si­ty is about as strong as the Rechargeable and Plus’s sec­ond. And the Mini’s sec­ond speed about mea­sures up to their bot­tom one.

Where does the Magic Wand Micro stand? Its high­est speed is par with the Mini's bot­tom speed. Rad my full Magic Wand Micro review for more.

Magic Wand vibration quality comparison table

Below is a table of rough­ly how the dif­fer­ent Magic Wand mod­els' inten­si­ty set­tings line up.

The num­bers in each cell rep­re­sent the num­ber of oscil­la­tions per sec­ond (or RPM divid­ed by 60). The low­er the num­ber, the low­er the pitch.

OriginalRechargeableMW PlusMW MiniMW Micro

To recap one exam­ple: the Magic Wand Rechargeable is heav­ier than the Plus since its inter­nal com­po­nents also accom­mo­date a self-​contained bat­tery. The over­all force is about the same, but the Rechargeable moves more slow­ly and with more weight. (For those who took clas­si­cal mechan­ics… force = mass * acceleration.)

Other wand massager features: a comparison table

Beyond how the vibra­tions feel, you might want to know how these wand mas­sagers com­pare in oth­er respects. Here's a table summarizing:

  • Price
  • Magic Wand weight 
    • An impor­tant con­sid­er­a­tion when you have grip issues
  • Head width — how dif­fuse or focused are the vibrations?
  • Magic Wand's cord length 
    • Short cords are a pain in the ass when you have a loft­ed bed
  • Settings
  • Control pan­el
OriginalRechargeableMW PlusMW MiniMW Micro
Weight24 oz21 oz16 oz10 oz3 oz
Head Width2.3"2.3"2.3"1.9"1.3"
Cord Length6 feetn/a6 feetn/an/a
Settings2 speeds4 speeds + 4 patterns4 speeds3 speeds3 speeds + 4 patterns
Control PanelSwitchOn / speeds / patternsOn / speed up / downOn / speed up / downOn / cycle

A closer look at the Magic Wand massagers’ control panels

Also notable: I’m par­tial to the Magic Wand Plus’s con­trol pan­el. You can turn the speed up and down, unlike with the Rechargeable. And I looooove stim­u­la­tion, decreas­ing inten­si­ty after orgasm and ramp­ing it back up for near­ly back-​to-​back mul­ti­ple orgasms.

Since the Magic Wand Rechargeable has pat­terns, Vibratex incor­po­rat­ed a but­ton to cycle through the rhythms. Only one but­ton con­trols the intensity.

Magic Wand control panel comparison: Original switch, Rechargeable buttons, Plus, and Mini

I under­stand that they want­ed to keep the inter­face sim­ple, so I can’t fault them for that. However, giv­en a choice between:

  • POWER /​ UP /​ DOWN and no patterns

I pre­fer to use the for­mer. To hell with rhythm set­tings. Another exam­ple of a well-​done wand con­trol pan­el? The We-​Vibe Wand offers easy access to the pow­er but­ton and up/​down joy­stick  — whi­i­i­ile the pat­tern but­ton is quar­an­tined far­ther down on the handle.

The Magic Wand Mini’s con­trol pan­el is like the Plus’s: power/​up/​down. No com­plaints there. And, of course, the Original has a switch to choose between its two settings.

Finally, the Magic Wand Micro's is the most bare-​bones: one for on/​off, and the oth­er for cycling through the speeds and patterns.

Magic Wand Micro size comparison to keys and hand

Can the Hitachi Magic Wand be used in the shower?

Unfortunately, these icon­ic Magic Wand mod­els by Vibratex (and for­mer­ly Hitachi) are not water­proof. Vibratex's wand mas­sager safe­ty man­u­als are aggres­sive­ly filled with warn­ings like:

  • Do not use an hour before or after eating
  • Do not use while smoking
  • Do not drop or insert into any opening
  • Do not sit on top of this product 
    • Full dis­clo­sure: I'll prob­a­bly dis­re­gard this contraindication

…and, of course, do not put them in water, beyond what's nec­es­sary to clean the wand mas­sager heads.

There are, how­ev­er, plen­ty of wands that are total­ly water­proof for show­er use! See my recharge­able and cord­less wand com­par­i­son for more details.

Best places to buy a Magic Wand massager

I sug­gest buy­ing wand vibra­tors from a rep­utable retail­er that you can trust to label their prod­ucts accu­rate­ly. Some of the best online sex shops include:

Read more about why I love these shops so much. In short, these inde­pen­dent shops are run by real­ly sweet peo­ple who give a shit about con­sumer edu­ca­tion, health, and safe­ty. They got your back.

Magic Wand OG vs. Rechargeable vs. Plus vs. Mini Review & Comparison 2

Is the Magic Wand on Amazon real?

It might be, and it might not be. Unfortunately, buy­ing wand mas­sagers from Amazon is a gam­ble, for a few reasons:

  • You might run into coun­ter­feit items made with low­er qual­i­ty standards.
  • If your prod­uct breaks, the brand-​name man­u­fac­tur­er won't replace or fix an item that they didn't make in the first place.
  • It's not easy to tell whether a third-​party sell­er is send­ing you a used or returned toy. 
    • This sce­nario isn't com­mon, but it does happen.

There's prac­ti­cal­ly no reg­u­la­tion regard­ing mate­r­i­al safe­ty or pro­tect­ing con­sumers from used sex toys — and def­i­nite­ly not on Amazon. Buying from a trust­wor­thy and eth­i­cal online sex shop is your main defense.

Final thoughts: which Magic Wand is the best?

If I had to rec­om­mend one offi­cial Magic Wand brand mas­sager, it would hands-​down be the Magic Wand Plus. Its set­tings are force­ful­ly fab­u­lous, its con­trols are fan­tas­tic for boom-​boom-​boom mul­ti­ple orgasms, and the price makes it a fuck­ing steal.

The Magic Wand Plus com­bines the best fea­tures of the oth­er models:

  • It's close to the thud­di­ness of the Magic Wand Rechargeable
  • A sim­i­lar price to the Magic Wand Original
  • The Magic Wand Mini's easy-​to-​use buttons
Magic Wand Mini and Micro size comparison

As far as cord­less wands go, the Hitachi Magic Wand Rechargeable is unde­feat­ed. It comes with all the bells and whis­tles and ful­fills a vibrator's rea­son for being: a robust motor in a rag­ing machine.


I use affil­i­ate links through­out this post. When you shop using them, they bring me a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you. All of the shops I link are great places to get a Magic Wand mas­sager, but I gen­er­al­ly link to whichev­er shop sent me the prod­uct to try out and review.

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1 Response

  1. Cam says:

    Loved see­ing stats on them. Also obsessed with the pic­ture with art­work under them.

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