Oxballs Ergo Large (squishy butt plug used vaginally) and XS

[Image: Oxballs Ergo XS and L next to a ceramic mug for size comparison]

About a year and a half ago, I learned the hard way what I didn't want in a vagi­nal plug. I just want­ed to be stuffed all day, not under­stand­ing the pit­falls of using the fat AF Tantus Ringo for that par­tic­u­lar pur­pose. Now my blog post about that mis­take is infa­mous­ly the first rel­e­vant search result when some­one Googles, "huge butt plug used vaginally."

I am glad, though, that it allowed oth­ers to learn from my expe­ri­ences. As the sales stats for Uberrime's Sensi would sug­gest, there is much demand for vagi­nal plugs. That's part of why I am excit­ed to announce that the Oxballs Ergo Large plug is every­thing my vagi­na hoped the Tantus Ringo would be. And if you're curi­ous how the Oxballs Ergo XS feels anal­ly, I gotchu too.

UPDATE: There's are oth­er Oxballs Ergo plug col­or options available! 

Oxballs Ergo Large plug dimensions

[Image: holding the Oxballs Ergo squishy butt plug in my hand. Its neck is about the same width as my wrist.]

The Oxballs Ergo Large is 2.3" at its max diam­e­ter and 1.35" at its thinnest. For com­par­i­son, the Tantus Ringo is 2.25". Even my ex who had insert­ed the (way fat­ter) VixSkin Gambler inside me raised an eye­brow at the Ergo. Oxballs' Super Soft sil­i­cone, though, is a bit springi­er than fresh gum­my can­dy— far soft­er than Tantus's Super Soft sil­i­cone. It's com­fort­able by my stan­dards, though your mileage may vary. With 4.75" of insertable length, you might find it irri­tat­ing if you have a low cervix.

Best vaginal plug ever?!?!

For me, the Ergo has the opti­mal com­bi­na­tion of fea­tures for vagi­nal use. For one, its tip is round. It's also slight­ly off-​center, mean­ing that I can wear this plug with the tip tilt­ed for­ward and not direct­ly point­ing towards my cervix. Alternatively, the Ergo's curved "kid­ney" shape leans toward the prostate. And final­ly, SQUISHY!!! I already said that before, but it's still key to the Ergo's appeal. Unlike the Tantus Ringo, I find that it com­fort­ably squish­es in front of or behind my cervix with­out jab­bing it.

I can't empha­size the squish enough. Like the Uberrime Sensi, the Oxballs Ergo is a delight to clench and squeeze around, feel­ing it get longer and nar­row­er as it con­forms to my walls. And, of course, when I relax, it springs back to its orig­i­nal width. There's sta­tion­ary resis­tance to squeeze round dur­ing orgasm. The flared base is long but flex­i­ble, allow­ing room a clit toy. YAY FOR GETTING DOUBLE STUFFED.

Oxballs Ergo XS plug (used anally)

Dimensions and features

[Image: squishing the Oxballs Ergo XS to show how soft the silicone is]

On the com­plete oppo­site end of the Ergo's size range, the XS plug is 1.3" across at the widest, 0.8" at the nar­row­est, and 2.75" of insertable length. And the base fits com­fort­ably between the cheeks. Hell yes. Side note: inscribed on the Ergo L plug's base is, "BULLDOG," in all caps, and the XS's says, "PUPPY."

The potential downside of a squishy butt plug

One of my Twitter fol­low­ers was skep­ti­cal about the squish. Wouldn't the less def­i­nite shape make the plug more chal­leng­ing to insert? In short, yes. I thought to myself, "How the hell is my butt going to coop­er­ate?" The but­t­hole has two sphinc­ters— you can con­scious­ly con­trol the out­er one, where­as the inner one does its own thing. I couldn't COMMAND my inter­nal sphinc­ter to relax; I had to wait patient­ly. Once it did, the squish made the rest of the inser­tion super comfortable.

Oxballs Ergo vs. b-Vibe Snug Plug— both among the best butt plugs

I wrote in my notes, "SO FILLING. CONSTANT PRESSURE." The Ergo's move­ment isn't as intense as the b‑Vibe Snug Plug's, but I like them for dif­fer­ent rea­sons. Whereas there's some sphinc­ter stretch while wear­ing the Ergo, the Snug Plug's neck is bare­ly there. Which one to get comes down to whether you'd pre­fer more inter­nal pres­sure or at the opening.

My verdict on the Oxballs Ergo squishy plug for vaginal and anal use

[Image: the Oxballs Ergo plugs have narrow bases. The XS has indented text that says, "puppy" and the L's says, "bulldog"]

The Oxballs Ergo is com­fy AF in either ori­fice, but I don't rec­om­mend it as a first or even sec­ond butt plug. Not least because the XS isn't extra small by my butt's stan­dards, but also because it's bulbous.

(Yes, the njoy Pure Plug is bul­bous as well, and rigid, but its sur­face is far slick­er.) The Oxballs Ergo is blunter than a tra­di­tion­al tapered plug, though you could squish it near the tip to start small.

It's more for those who are already com­fort­able with plugs but want a yield­ing one for long-​term wear. If you're a butt begin­ner, I'd sug­gest get­ting the Blush Luxe Beginner Kit or Doc Johnson Mood Naughty.

As a vagi­nal plug, though? Oh, hell, yes. The Oxballs Ergo is per­fect for the full­ness you seek.

Get it from Peepshow Toys in one of five sizes, from just below the aver­age penis's girth to just below that of a soda can. And get it fast— the Oxballs Ergo is part of Peepshow Toys' 2‑day ship­ping col­lec­tion.

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11 Responses

  1. G says:

    don't know how i for­got to add this one to my to-​buy list but bet­ter late than nev­er (ノ*・ω・)ノ

    i also real­ly appre­ci­ate the fact that when­ev­er the name is even men­tioned you link it every time, not just the first.

  2. Randy Rascal says:

    Your frank and infor­ma­tive reviews, as well as your linked dis­counts to Peepshow Toys and oth­er mer­chants, fre­quent­ly are the rea­son I pur­chase. I’m into peg­ging and find the the Oxball Ergo large Sparkly Blue is a good warmup to fun with the Gambler. Please keep up your fun­tas­tic blog and reviews(which are great for guys too).

  3. AJ Ross says:

    I've read this review so many times, and it did final­ly con­vince me to buy myself an Ergo! Thank you.

  4. Kash says:

    Great review — thank you! Just won­der­ing if you would pre­fer the Uberrime Sensi, Oxballs Ergo (super soft smoke) or SquarePeg Happy Hour (super soft bronze) for a vagi­nal plug? I want to get one of them but I'm not sure which. I'm think­ing the Ergo or Happy Hour may actu­al­ly be bet­ter choic­es, giv­en the bases are thin­ner and they're more ver­sa­tile, both being suit­able for both vagi­nal and anal use. Do you have any views? I trust your judge­ment more so than I do my own! Thanks 🙂

    • I like both equal­ly — the Ergo for a girthy stretch but Sensi for depth!

      • Kash says:

        Well, I bought both the Oxballs Ergo and the SquarePeg Happy Hour and the lat­ter is brilliant! 

        The Happy Hour in the small­est size, the S2, has same over­all length and girth as the Sensi…but has the ben­e­fits of a com­fi­er base for longer wear and the option of vagi­nal or anal use, mak­ing it more ver­sa­tile. There are so so many larg­er sizes as well!

        I per­son­al­ly found the Oxballs lack of length frus­trat­ing for vagi­nal use and didn't love the base (those upward fac­ing parts were a lit­tle irri­tat­ing). Guess it's just my anato­my so, for me, it'll just be an anal toy…and it's per­fect for that.

        If you haven't tried the SquarePeg Happy Hour for vagi­nal use, I high­ly rec­om­mend it.

  5. Violet says:

    Thank you for let­ting me know, thought so too, just want­ed to make sure, will get the medi­um and the large size instead!

  6. Violet says:

    Greetings from Greece! Considering how delight­ful­ly squishy this is, would you say the extra large size might have the poten­tial to be too much as a vagi­nal plug? I'm buy­ing the large one for sure, but I was won­der­ing whether to buy the extra large one as well.

  7. G says:

    Thank you for anoth­er help­ful review!!

  1. September 22, 2020

    […] as mag­nif­i­cent­ly impos­ing as Buster’s, it will like­ly fit you just fine. Phallophile Reviews and Super Smash Cache – two review­ers I trust – didn’t strug­gle with […]

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