Work With Me!

Work With Me! 1

Super Smash Cache deliv­ers can­did­ly exper­i­men­tal sex toy reviews and sex edu­ca­tion — shar­ing sto­ries of ecsta­t­ic expe­ri­ences and hon­or­ing the body's capac­i­ty for pleasure.

Let's rev up sex lives and boost big­ger, bold­er orgasms for all.

My ser­vices include reviews, spon­sored posts, ad space, free­lance writ­ing, and social media pro­mo. For rates, email me at super­s­mash­cache (at) gmail (dot) com, or use my con­tact form.

Product Reviews

Sex toy reviews are the bulk of the Super Smash Cache blog. Let’s team up to:

  • Share the perks of unique sex toys that deserve more press
  • Tell tales of a gazil­lion ways to feel good
  • Explore holis­tic angles and spir­i­tu­al philoso­phies for erot­ic exploration!

Yup, niche indie bou­tiques with abun­dant edu­ca­tion­al resources; huge, hand-​poured dil­dos; and longer vibra­tors def­i­nite­ly have my attention!

I write as if I'm talk­ing to a friend. That means:

If a product:

…then I’ll be blunt about it — but I can still increase expo­sure or sug­gest bet­ter alter­na­tives avail­able in your shop, where applicable.

I work with a wide range of shops, but independently-​run, inclu­sive, health-​conscious bou­tiques with care­ful cura­tion take pri­or­i­ty. Read more about my review poli­cies.

Sponsored & Guest Posts

Sponsored posts con­tain a link or shout-​out to your business.

Email me with a link to the web­site or prod­uct you're pro­mot­ing and let me know what sort of anchor text or descrip­tion you'd like. I'll mes­sage you back with arti­cle ideas and ways to incor­po­rate promotion.

In the past, I've writ­ten spon­sored posts about sex toys (of course!), female dom­i­na­tion, tech­niques for pleas­ing a part­ner, dat­ing, hookups, sex work — you name it, and I prob­a­bly have a sto­ry to tell about it!

Any spon­sored post will include a dis­clo­sure note to let the read­er know that it is spon­sored. Most con­tent on my web­site is in my own words.

I only accept guest posts if the writer:

Ad Space

I have ad space avail­able for ban­ners and text links in my:

They'll stay up for the agreed-​upon amount of time. If I don't receive a renew­al pay­ment, I'll take the ad down.

Freelance Writing

I can also write posts on your web­site for a writer's fee and a link back to my site. Email me, and we can dis­cuss rates. The pric­ing depends on, of course, how long the post is, the pho­tog­ra­phy or graph­ic design involved, and the edit­ing process.

Let's build a more plea­sur­able world together.

Contact Me

Other Terms & Conditions

All trans­ac­tions are final. I make no promis­es regard­ing click-​throughs or conversions.

I reserve the right to remove links or add dis­claimers if I find rep­re­sen­ta­tives of your com­pa­ny dis­play­ing moral­ly objec­tion­able (sex­ist, racist, homo­pho­bic, fat-​shaming, trans­pho­bic, or oth­er­wise oppres­sive) behavior.

I may also edit spon­sored posts to keep infor­ma­tion and links up-​to-​date, as well as com­ply with changes to Google's rank­ing algorithm.

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