Fun Factory SUNDAZE Pulse Vibe Review: Best Discreet Vibrator?!

Fun Factory SUNDAZE Pulse Vibe Review: Best Discreet Vibrator?! 1
For discreet masturbation, it's hard to top the Fun Factory Stronic pulsators' power-​to-​noise ratio.

These thump­ing, minia­ture fuck­ing machines are must-​haves when traveling,

Welcome Fun Factory's SUNDAZE; they call it a Pulse Vibe. I call it bril­liant­ly cap­i­tal­iz­ing on a hap­py acci­dent, cre­at­ing a cli­toral con­trap­tion with vir­tu­ous versatility.

You won't get tired of this pulsator-​vibrator hybrid; this toy alone yield­ed a half-​hour cam ses­sion with my boyfriend where I orgasmed near­ly con­tin­u­ous­ly. I don't want to imag­ine going with­out it.

In this Fun Factory SUNDAZE Pulsator and Vibrator review

Origins of the Fun Factory SUNDAZE Pulse Vibrator

Reviewers quick­ly noticed a quirk in the Fun Factory Pulsators' lin­ear self-​thrusting motion. The faster a Stronic pul­sator moved, the small­er its range of motion. While the slow­er set­tings felt like they could plau­si­bly be a phal­lus pound­ing with per­fect peri­od­ic­i­ty, the high­er ones felt more like the nim­ble move­ments of a finger.

Some grum­bled that those modes mere­ly felt like vibra­tion — in a toy mar­ket­ed as a thruster. Others were thrilled to have thud­dy strokes against their clit or perineum.

Practically every­one agreed, though, that the Fun Factory Stronics were the clos­est any pow­ered toy had come to tru­ly whisper-​quiet. Traditional vibra­tors emit a buzz or hum or purr. The Stronic Pulsators, in con­trast, some­times sound­ed like there might be a far, far, far away heli­copter some­where; a blan­ket was usu­al­ly suf­fi­cient to cov­er up the sound.

Their SUNDAZE fixed the for­mer foible by ful­ly lean­ing into the range of ampli­tudes and ask­ing, "How can we turn the Stronic tech­nol­o­gy into a fully-​fledged exter­nal toy?"

Ways the Fun Factory SUNDAZE Pulse Vibe departs from its pulsator predecessors

The most obvious difference between the SUNDAZE and Stronics is the shape.

Many ver­sa­tile exter­nal vibra­tors fea­ture a vari­ety of contours:

  1. Points and edges for tar­get­ed stimulation
  2. Curves or flat faces for broad­er sensation
  3. Fluttery flaps for light back-​and-​forth pressure

You can find the first two forms on the Fun Factory SUNDAZE; a lipstick-​like slant offers the best of both worlds.

Fun Factory didn't stop at making an oversized bullet, though.

That slight dip and nar­row­ing near the top allow the sil­i­cone to grab against the G‑spot.

Fun Factory SUNDAZE Pulsator Vibrator Hybrid Review

The SUNDAZE's "head" isn't as promi­nent as, say, the Stronic Surf, and won't feel as intense inter­nal­ly. However, it's focused like an exag­ger­at­ed penile coro­na. If you like:

..then the Fun Factory SUNDAZE is still right up your alley.

Disclaimer about prostate stimulation

I can't con­done using a toy with­out a steep curve or flared base anal­ly. You'd risk get­ting it lost in the rectum.

Fun Factory SUNDAZE Pulse Vibe vs. Stronic Pulsator motors

How does the SUNDAZE's motor com­pare the oth­er Fun Factory Stronics?

Fun Factory SUNDAZE Pulse Vibe settings and controls

When you press the (–) but­ton and tog­gle aaaal­l­ll the way, you get the small­er, surface-​level options that feel like tra­di­tion­al vibra­tion. As you cycle with the (+) con­trol, the move­ments get slow­er but big­ger and rumblier.

To trav­el lock the Fun Factory SUNDAZE, hold down the (–) and (FUN) but­tons simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. To unlock, do that with the (+) and (FUN).

It does give a teeeeee­ny, tiny beep between set­tings, unfor­tu­nate­ly, but it's noth­ing a blan­ket or white noise machine or app can't cov­er up. The move­ments them­selves are whisper-quiet.

Here's a quick outline of the 11 steady speeds (!!!) and 4 patterns:

Settings 1 – 3

These are weak but low-​pitched vibra­tion, like the Iroha Zen. They sound the most like con­ven­tion­al buzzing out of all the SUNDAZE's set­tings. You do get a bit of Fun Factory's trade­mark flut­tery purr on the third speed, though.

I'm sen­si­tive and can orgasm on any of the SUNDAZE's steady speeds, but it prob­a­bly won't be enough pow­er for most users until the fifth setting.

Settings 4 – 6

The fourth set­ting still most­ly feels like vibra­tion with a slight­ly more notice­able lin­ear motion; the mar­ket­ing copy calls it "tap­ping." With the fifth and sixth speeds, we're final­ly get­ting to the thud­dy vroom that can do jus­tice to the Fun Factory SUNDAZE.

Settings 7 – 11

Okay, the sev­enth and eighth set­tings move into the pulsator/​thruster ter­ri­to­ry that the orig­i­nal Stronic own­ers are more famil­iar with: smooth, sinu­soidal strokes. The oth­er options were also avail­able in pre­vi­ous Fun Factory Pulsators: the chop­pi­er pounding.

It feels a lii­i­it­tle more real­is­tic — at least, as real­is­tic as a pul­sator can get. If you want a stroke length that feels more like a bonafide fuck­ing machine and don't mind a full-​on pow­er tool, con­sid­er a Velvet Thruster instead.

Settings 12 – 15

I won't use these much. Have some half-​assed bul­let points about the pat­terns and rhythms:

  • Alternating between fast and slow
  • "Waves" in the thrust­ing range
  • "Waves" in the tap­ping range
  • "Waves" in the vibra­tion range

Fun Factory SUNDAZE Pulse Vibe Review: Best Discreet Vibrator?! 2

Fun Factory SUNDAZE Pulse Vibe vs. Zalo Desire thruster

In ear­ly 2019, I deemed the Zalo Sweet Magic Desire self-​thrusting pul­sator one of my "desert island" toys.

It's not because the Desire thruster was super pow­er­ful — it couldn't top the Fun Factory Stronics in that depart­ment. Nor could its shape deliv­er remark­able A‑spot or G‑spot stim­u­la­tion like the Stronic Surf.

Where the Zalo Sweet Magic Desire Thruster excelled

The Zalo Desire con­cen­trat­ed pow­er­ful pul­sa­tions into a pointy tip with min­i­mal noise. At the time I received it, I was liv­ing with a cou­ple and their curi­ous 4‑year-​old kid.

I had to be strate­gic if I want­ed to mas­tur­bate with­out get­ting out of bed or mov­ing my hands much.

I wanted a toy that:
  • Was qui­et and discreet
  • Held a decent charge
  • Could be used exter­nal­ly, over my under­wear and PJ pants
  • Had enough pow­er to get through those layers
  • Didn't need to be washed super often

Also, YES, I KNOW: "every­one" says you should wash a vibra­tor before and after every sin­gle use. If I'm using it over my clothes, though, clean­li­ness isn't much of an issue. It's a sim­i­lar deal to using my Doxy Die Cast for strong vibra­tions through my pants.

Unfortunately, full-​on wands are way too loud for my com­fort when liv­ing in shared spaces. The Zalo Desire gave me exact­ly what I need­ed at the time.

Where the Fun Factory SUNDAZE is EVEN BETTER than the Desire thruster

The Zalo Desire has six thrust­ing modes: three steady speeds — all mild pul­sa­tions com­pared to the Stronics — and three pat­terns. The Fun Factory SUNDAZE has sim­i­lar set­tings AND MORE — again, it offers ELEVEN steady speeds and four settings.

Fun Factory SUNDAZE Pulse Vibe Review: Best Discreet Vibrator?! 3

In lay­man terms, you get those small­er move­ments AND full-​on thrust­ing AND a more intu­itive con­trol pan­el. While the Zalo Desire is visu­al­ly stun­ning, the Fun Factory SUNDAZE is undoubt­ed­ly a supe­ri­or piece of machin­ery and worth every penny.

My verdict on the Fun Factory SUNDAZE

Discretion, pow­er, and con­ve­nience in a vibra­tor are just a few of my favorite things. Hardly any oth­er toy tops the Fun Factory SUNDAZE's strength in such a small package.

I know plen­ty of you moved back in with your par­ents due to the pan­dem­ic, so dis­cre­tion is a big­ger deal than before. Many sex toy pack­ages declare, "whisper-​quiet," but Fun Factory is among the few that can actu­al­ly back up that claim. There's just a slight rustling or thrum­ming — no high-​pitched buzzing or dol­phin nois­es here!

If any­thing, my muf­fled sighs and gasps would be loud­er than the Pulse Vibe itself.

Imagine a tru­ly lazy Sunday with effort­less orgasms. A toy repli­cates a skilled partner's fin­ger that just won't quit rub­bing. You don't have to get up out of bed or even take your pants off. What a start to the day!

I'll say what I said about the We-​Vibe Rave again here: I'm more excit­ed about the Fun Factory SUNDAZE than the aver­age per­son is about their entire life.

Get the Fun Factory SUNDAZE

It's avail­able in fuch­sia pink and pis­ta­chio green. Shop Fun Factory now.

Fun Factory SUNDAZE Pulse Vibe Review: Best Discreet Vibrator?! 4
Fun Factory SUNDAZE Pulse Vibe Review: Best Discreet Vibrator?! 5

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2 Responses

  1. G says:

    your pho­tos are *chef's kiss*

  2. Trix says:

    It always looked like the G‑spotting sec­tion was upside down to me, so I’m glad it works well as is!

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