Crave Vesper vs. Le Wand Necklace Vibe Review & Comparison

Le Wand didn’t get the memo to be a first-​rate ver­sion of them­selves rather than a second-​rate ver­sion of some­one else — and it shows. Again.

Le Wand vibrating bullet necklace vs. Crave Vesper vibrator necklace

The most bla­tant dif­fer­ence between the Crave Vesper and Le Wand Necklace Vibe is that the Le Wand ver­sion can’t make me cum. While the two mod­els look sim­i­lar, Le Wand’s Necklace Vibrator fails to deliv­er three must-​haves in a bullet-​style massager.

Oh, and it’s more expen­sive than the orig­i­nal. That’s right: Le Wand charges more for their neck­lace vibra­tor while also lack­ing the very fea­tures that made the Crave Vesper successful:

  • A strong enough motor to get me off
  • A focused tip (which can com­pen­sate for lack of strength)
  • Speed set­tings that feel good
Le Wand vs. Crave Vesper bullet vibrator tip shape and necklace clasp

Vibrating bullet necklace strength comparison

Neither neck­lace vibrator’s inten­si­ty is any­thing to write home about — the Crave Vesper’s is about par with Tantus’s default bul­let that some­times comes with their toys — but at least the Vesper works for my cli­toris. Hello, orgasms.

When I dip the Crave Vesper in water, the waves are dis­tinct, and there’s even some splash. Its high­est speed set­ting out of three is intense for its size, and its one pat­tern set­ting is zip­py and still has plen­ty of oomph. Holding it against a hard table yields dis­tinct taps. While “rumbly” is out of the ques­tion at 140, 188, and 226 Hz, it gets the job done.

Crave Vesper steel vibrator necklace with cable style chain

Bearing that in mind, the Crave Vesper vibrat­ing bullet’s dis­creet design makes it a prime can­di­date when trav­el­ing to coun­tries where sex toys are ille­gal. (Even in places with no offi­cial statute against vibra­tors, vague anti-​obscenity laws mean that your plea­sure prod­ucts might be con­fis­cat­ed at cus­toms, depend­ing on the officer’s per­son­al stan­dards of spiciness.)

Meanwhile, when read­ing the Le Wand Necklace Vibrator’s prod­uct page and see­ing claims of “fab­u­lous and fan­tas­tic vibra­tions” and “pul­sat­ing rum­bles,” two words come to mind: “BITCH, WHERE?” There’s no rum­ble in sight. When I dip the Le Wand Necklace vibra­tor in water, there’s the dinki­est bit of rip­pling, even on the high­er steady speed out of two.

You read that right: it retails for $99 at the reg­u­lar price and has two steady speeds (188 and 196 Hz). Neither of the Le Wand Necklace Vibrator’s set­tings can bring me to orgasm. And if the con­tin­u­ous vibra­tions aren't strong enough to make me cum, for­get about the patterns.

Le Wand Necklace Vibe vs. Crave Vesper vibrator necklace packaging and storage pouches

Le Wand copying other sex toy companies’ designs

I’m dis­ap­point­ed but not sur­prised by how his­to­ry has repeat­ed itself. Le Wand fucked with per­fec­tion when it came to the following:

In the for­mer case, the Le Wand Rechargeable was buzzi­er while hav­ing more annoy­ing con­trols. And in the lat­ter, the njoy Eleven’s shape was dif­fer­ent (read: bet­ter for my G‑spot per­son­al­ly) and eas­i­er to thrust.

njoy eleven vs le wand contour

It would be a stretch to call the Crave Vesper per­fec­tion — its motor is no We-​Vibe Tango or Je Joue bul­let — but its size-​to-​strength ratio is sat­is­fac­to­ry. Ti Chang gets points for cre­ativ­i­ty in design­ing the Crave Vesper vibrat­ing bul­let neck­lace; Le Wand HQ doesn’t.

Crave Vesper vs. Le Wand Vibrator Necklace exteriors

Measurements and more

Beyond their motors, the dif­fer­ences between the Crave Vesper and the Le Wand Vibrator Necklace are subtle:

Bullet body

  • The Crave Vesper’s vibrat­ing bul­let has a pointier tip and is slight­ly longer 
  • The Crave Vesper’s nail-​like head flares out more
  • The hole to thread the Crave Vesper’s chain is more pronounced
  • The Le Wand neck­lace vibra­tor bul­let is mar­gin­al­ly thick­er, at 0.37” diam­e­ter instead of 0.33”


  • The Crave Vesper has a cable chain, while the Le Wand Necklace Vibrator has a box chain style
  • Both mea­sure 26” long by default, but the Le Wand Necklace Vibrator also has loops to wear it at 28” or 30” long
Le Wand Necklace Vibe vs. Crave Vesper end caps and one button bullet vibrator control interface

Overall look

  • The orig­i­nal Crave Vesper comes in three col­ors: sil­ver, sil­ver with a rose gold cap, and gold. That last ver­sion costs extra.
  • Le Wand’s Necklace Vibrator comes in four col­ors, all of which cost the same: black, rose gold, gold, and silver.


The fol­low­ing remains the same:

  • One but­ton con­trols all the settings
  • The top screws and unscrews to allow USB charg­er access
Charging the Crave Vesper necklace by unscrewing the top cap and screwing in the USB charger

So which vibrating bullet necklace one should you get?

You know my stance: I don’t love either vibrat­ing jew­el­ry design, but the Crave Vesper is bet­ter than the Le Wand Necklace Vibrator in almost every way.

There was one depart­ment where the Le Wand ver­sion used to super­sede the Crave Vesper: the col­or options. Not any­more, though! Crave’s Vesper 2.0 is now out!

A new contender: Lovehoney's Dare Discreet Necklace Vibrator

Lovehoney also has their own ver­sion of a neck­lace vibra­tor: the Dare Discreet. It's a tad more pow­er­ful but way buzzi­er. Most impor­tant­ly, yes, it can make me cum.

Lovehoney Dare Discreet  Vibrator Necklace shape

Lovehoney's neck­lace vibra­tor fea­tures about the same over­all mea­sure­ments and screw-​top charg­ing port. Externally, the main dif­fer­ences are:

  • It has a more styl­ized, swoop­ing loop at the top 
  • Its but­ton is sil­i­cone rather than metal
  • It's round­ed at the tip, like that of the Le Wand Necklace vibrator

If you love how it looks, get the Lovehoney Dare Discreet Necklace.

Closing thoughts on wearable necklace vibrators

Overall, I strong­ly pre­fer the Crave Vesper's more tapered tip — and wish more vibra­tor neck­lace mak­ers would dou­ble down on pin­point stimulation.

In the mean­time, it’s what’s inside a vibra­tor that counts. The Crave Vesper bul­let neck­lace vibra­tor, even in its orig­i­nal form, is far supe­ri­or in feel.

Crave Vesper silver vs. Le Wand rose gold Necklace Vibe

Even if some­one real­ly eager­ly want­ed a rose gold vibrat­ing bul­let neck­lace, why would I rec­om­mend the Le Wand Necklace Vibrator — one that can’t make me orgasm? You deserve better.

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4 Responses

  1. Diana says:

    Do you know if the two charg­ers are com­pat­i­ble with one anoth­er? I can’t find a replace­ment charg­er for the Le Wand neck­lace anywhere.

    • It doesn't seem like they are 100% swap­pable — I tried using the LW charg­er on the Crave neck­lace and it didn't work.

      I could just send you the LW cord if I find it again? xD

  2. Alex says:

    I find it odd that Le Wand didn't even try to make the neck­lace more attrac­tive, it still just looks like a big nail. Didn't any­one think to emboss a design on it? A flo­ral pat­tern or an ani­mal print would make it more con­vinc­ing as a piece of jewelry.

  3. D. Dyer says:

    This is one of those things where I real­ly real­ly love the idea, but I am just unable to be excit­ed about the exe­cu­tion of either, espe­cial­ly as some­one who is par­tic­u­lar­ly sen­si­tive to buzzy vibra­tions in a bad way. That said if I were going to get one, admit­ting it would be entire­ly for fash­ion, because I think the func­tion of either wouldn’t work for me, I’d have to go with the Le Wand. Anyway, grate­ful to you for review­ing them both and pre­vent­ing me from mak­ing unwise eco­nom­ic choices.

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