Review: LuzArte Jollet polka-dot dildo with Magic Wand attachment

The iconic polka-​dot LuzArte Jollet dildo is perfection, both aesthetically and as a pleasure product.

I get ques­tions about LuzArte's eye-​catching designs EVERY time they're in my pho­tos — even if there's only a brief cameo.

Polka-dot LuzArte Jollet silicone dildo — original vs. wand harnessable version

It's for the same reason:
  1. The Jollet is often on back order at Spectrum Boutique.
  2. I linked to it over and over again in my lists of best toys and gifta­bles.

Every part of my vagi­na loves the LuzArte Jollet. G‑spot, A‑spot, and cervix. I got my Jollet in 2014 and reviewed it in 2018, and even now, in 2020, I'm still excit­ed to try anoth­er ver­sion of it.

Even its back­sto­ry, which I first heard six years ago, sounds leg­endary. I'll quick­ly recap it for the uninitiated.

LuzArte Jollet review table of contents

About the one and only LuzArte Jollet dildo

The Jollet dildo's origins & making

Luzarte Jollet silicone dildo and harnessable Hitachi Magic Wand massager-compatible attachment cap

Its single-​humped design is uncon­ven­tion­al and hard­ly rep­re­sen­ta­tive of a cock. That's because LuzArte (back then known as Jollies) decid­ed to work back­ward, focused on one question:

What if we made a sta­tion­ary dil­do that was shaped like the inside of a vagina?

And the Jollie and Jollet were born, snug­ly fit­ting the con­tours of the pubic bone and behind the cervix. I don't know quite how they did it, but the shape works ridicu­lous­ly well for me.

Despite the rough patch­es and a hia­tus, Jollies and ChavezDezignz came back as LuzArte and fur­ther refined their prod­ucts. Today, the new-​and-​improved Jollets comes with a grip­pi­er base, neat­ly fin­ished edges, and near­ly seam­less silicone.

Rainbow polka-​dots and iri­des­cent glit­ter in clear sil­i­cone are per­haps LuzArte's sig­na­ture col­oration. If that's not your thing, I respect that; you can still oth­er decor embed­ded, as long as it's not too big or weirdly-​shaped. LuzArte even has a "mas­ter­piece series," fea­tur­ing Jollets in limited-​edition patterns.

What the Jollet dildo is excellent for

Luzarte Jollet Hitachi Magic Wand attachment and Bubble silicone anal beads

Of course, vagi­nal anato­my varies. Most review­ers will tell you not to thrust the LuzArte Jollet; just let it sit and press up against your G‑spot as you apply cli­toral stimulation.

I'm here to tell you, "Fuck it." Literally, fuck it. Thrust the Jollet. If you:

  • Love girth
  • Have an average-​height or high-​set cervix (you can insert your fin­gers in beyond the sec­ond knuck­le before encoun­ter­ing the cer­vi­cal os)
  • Crave cervix massage

Then the Jollet feels deli­cious. Just tilt it a lit­tle for near-​effortless G‑spot and cervix stim­u­la­tion simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. Some of the most intense orgasms of my life have come from using the LuzArte Jollet.

LuzArt Jollet dimensions & options

Jollet measurements
  • 9" total length
  • 4" length from tip to the bot­tom of the hump
  • 1.9" max­i­mum diameter
  • 1.6" shaft diameter
  • 2.1" base

Harnessable Luzarte Jollet silicone dildo and separate removable Hitachi Magic Wand adapter attachment

More ways to use your LuzArte Jollet

Oh, but I should also add that dif­fer­ent ver­sions of the Jollet have a bul­let cav­i­ty! That means you can make your Jollet vibrate with a wand or a rumbly bul­let like the We-​Vibe Tango — or stick some­thing else in the hole entirely!

Maybe try a suc­tion cup adapter and mount it instead. If you have arthri­tis, mobil­i­ty issues, or lots of body fat to nav­i­gate, you may be nod­ding about how use­ful that option is.

(Plus, if you're look­ing for dil­dos with bul­let cav­i­ty bases, I'm fond of the Tantus Tsunami. It's also on my list of best A‑spot toys for deep pen­e­tra­tion!)

Hitachi Magic Wand attachment for the Jollet

Give your LuzArte Jollet next-​level vibra­tions with a Magic Wand! Doing so makes the inter­nal cli­toral stim­u­la­tion more intense; pair it with an exter­nal vibra­tor to shake all parts of your cli­tourethrovagi­nal com­plex. Also, if the weight doesn't both­er you, you may find that the wand adds extra length and helps you aim and angle.

LuzArte wand attachment dimensions & compatibility

The Hitachi Magic Wand adapter for the Jollet is explic­it­ly designed for the Magic Wand Original. There's a ring encir­cling the inside of the cap, to fit snug­ly along the Original wand head's groove and keep it in place.

Luzarte Jollet original bullet cavity base vs. harnessable vs. vibrating dildo Hitachi magic wand massager adapter

You can, how­ev­er, pop it on the Magic Wand Plus or recharge­able; I much pre­fer the Plus's rum­bli­er vibra­tion qual­i­ty. The down­side is that, since it's not a per­fect fit, this par­tic­u­lar com­bi­na­tion rat­tles quite a bit. It's not dis­creet by any means. However, since the Magic Wand Original is also way loud­er, to begin with, I think putting the cap on the Plus ver­sion for more pow­er and ver­sa­til­i­ty is a wor­thy trade-off.

Due to LuzArte's sil­i­cone firm­ness, I (unfor­tu­nate­ly) wouldn't rec­om­mend putting the attach­ment on a Doxy or We-​Vibe Wand. You CAN do that, but it's not easy to stretch the wand adapter cap over a Doxy's rel­a­tive­ly broad and blunt head shape. The We-​Vibe Wand, mean­while, is more tapered and oblong, so it's not as snug a fit; the vibra­tions wouldn't trav­el near­ly as well.

LuzArte pastel purple glitter Bubbles on polka-dot Magic Wand converter attachment

You also have the option to strap oth­er dil­dos to your Magic Wand using the LuzArte cap! The hole is about 1.6" across. As long as:

  • The phal­lus is no wider
  • The base is flat and flared but not too bulky

…there are plen­ty of options for play­ing with your LuzArte stuff!

My verdict on the Hitachi Magic Wand-compatible LuzArte Jollet

I've had my Jollet for so long, but I'm still enchant­ed by how decep­tive­ly sim­ple its shape is. The firm pres­sure. The stretch. The small­er ridges against my front wall. The flat­tened and tapered tip press­ing behind my cervix. Maybe I should request a cus­tom Jollet filled with lit­tle heart-​eyes emo­jis to show how tru­ly I feel about it.

I can't com­plain about the wand cap. It gets the job done, and it's ver­sa­tile AF. Personally, I'd pre­fer insert­ing a We-​Vibe Tango to add rumbly vibra­tions while still being rel­a­tive­ly qui­et and dis­creet. If you want the Jollet in its most potent pow­er tool edi­tion, though, it's a no-brainer.

Magic Wand Plus with polka-dot LuzArte Jollet dildo attachment cap and Bubbles anal beads

Get the Jollet with the Hitachi Magic Wand attach­ment and start sam­pling all the ways to enjoy this flaw­less dil­do. Thrust it, rum­ble it, strap it, love it.

Polka dot LuzArte Jollet clear silicone dildo, Luna purple swirl, and Thrust with We-Vibe Tango

Get the Jollet

Or read my reviews of other LuzArte sex toys:

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7 Responses

  1. Amy Washington says:

    Do you have any links for the jol­let mag­ic wand cap/​attachment? Thanks for the great summary!

  2. Jessica says:

    I am think­ing about get­ting the Doxy Die Cast 3R, would that work with the cap? I know it is small­er, but I am just curi­ous if you know? I love your blog, I just found it and this has been such an eye open­er about cervix mas­sag­ing, thank you so much for all you do~!

  3. Yam says:

    I love the Jollets pol­ka dot prod­ucts, they are so pretty!

  4. Al says:

    Thinking of pick­ing one of these up myself now

  5. C Flor says:

    now im inter­est­ed in a mag­ic wand!

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