How the Fun Factory Vim Became My Favorite Cordless Wand

Upon turn­ing on FUN FACTORY’s VIM wand, I only thought two words: “Oh, fuuuuuuuuck.” 

Fun Factory Vim rumbly silicone wand massager sunset orange

It imme­di­ate­ly emanat­ed a deep, res­o­nant purr, evok­ing a friend's “holy shit” reac­tion, even at the first set­ting. Throbbing. Thrumming. Imagine you’re at a music fes­ti­val, and the phat wob­ble bass rever­ber­ates through your res­pi­ra­to­ry sys­tem when you breathe. 

That’s how VIM from FUN FACTORY feels to me. It’s that lev­el of rumbly. 

I’ve col­lect­ed sex toys for 11 years—and been a FUN FACTORY fan­girl for 10. My past reviews of their full-​sized G5 vibra­tors could also be summed up briefly: 

  • “I feel like I have died and been res­ur­rect­ed. How? How did this vibra­tor do that?” 
  • “AaaaaAaaaaaahhhhhhHhhHHH” 

Given the maker’s long his­to­ry of bassy but sur­pris­ing­ly soft-​sounding sex toys, it’s no won­der that many of my read­ers imme­di­ate­ly pre­ordered VIM from FUN FACTORY. 

Fun Factory Vim against Fun Factory big boss

Some had reservations: 

  • How strong is it com­pared to the competition? 
  • How’s the rum­ble on the low end? 
  • Can it hold up under pressure? 
  • Is it worth it if you already have a strong wand? 

I’ll get to these ques­tions and more! 

HEADS-​UP + 2024 UPDATE: This is a repost of a review I orig­i­nal­ly wrote for the Fun Factory USA blog back in 2023. There are big changes hap­pen­ing over at Fun Factory HQ, so I want­ed to make sure this post had a home on my own web­site, too.


Yes, VIM is worth it for me, and it’s S‑tier among my 350+ oth­er sex toys. Here’s what makes it stand out from oth­er cord­less wands. 

Fun Factory Vim wand massager textured handle and head


VIM comes in as a close sec­ond for the most pow­er­ful recharge­able wand I’ve ever tried, only a hair behind the Magic Wand Rechargeable. But it’s waaaaay rum­bli­er, main­tain­ing its low pitch and thud­dy thump­ing sensation. 

Its first steady speed set­ting out of five is a deep, sub-​bass purr at only 53 Hz, and its high­est is 73 Hz. For com­par­i­son, the Magic Wand Rechargeable starts at 44 Hz and goes up to 97 Hz, rely­ing on speed rather than weight for its peak intensity. 

Five steady speeds also means that there isn’t that gap in the mid­dle like the Magic Wand has between the sec­ond and third set­tings. As well, while the LELO Smart Wand Large has a sim­i­lar rum­ble to FUN FACTORY’s VIM, its strength doesn’t come close. 

Fun Factory VIM vs. Magic Wand Rechargeable and Doxy

In oth­er words? I fuck­ing love FUN FACTORY’s VIM at every con­tin­u­ous speed—and beyond! More on that in a bit.

(And in case you were won­der­ing, VIM's high­est speed is between the cord­ed Doxy Die Cast's first and sec­ond speeds, while the Die Cast Rechargeable starts above VIM's pow­er range. That's great if you're look­ing for the strongest cord­less wand, but it's not for me.)


Another thing that VIM has going for it is the three-​button con­trol pan­el and trav­el lock option. I espe­cial­ly love that I can quick­ly turn the speed up and down. 

For some ses­sions, that can make the dif­fer­ence between one quick, sat­is­fy­ing orgasm and mul­ti­ple that over­whelm me with rap­tur­ous dopamine delight. I turn it up, cli­max, turn it way down when I’m sen­si­tive but still on the plateau, insta-​cum again, and repeat, going high­er every time until I'm a sob­bing mess. 

I spend a lot of time at the first speed set­ting. VIM’s low end is real­ly that deliri­ous­ly deli­cious with the right kind of pow­er. Press the (+) or (-) but­ton to click through the set­tings, or hold it down to micro-​adjust the intensity. 

The down­side with this con­trol pan­el is that, if you’re at the high­est steady speed, you might for­get that and hit the (+) but­ton, which then takes you to the pat­terns menu. I’d rather those set­tings were kept sep­a­rate from the steady vibra­tions, even though I immense­ly enjoy the patterns. 

Fun Factory Vim wand control panel


Whoever com­posed VIM’s puls­ing and esca­la­tion pat­terns knew what they were doing. These aren’t Morse code settings—they’re songs with fast thrums that crescen­do and stay in for­tis­si­mo for plen­ty of time to cum once or twice before mov­ing back to the gen­tler steady speeds. 

Built-​in are three “jour­neys,” each of which can be increased or decreased in inten­si­ty by long-​pressing the (+) or (-) but­ton. There’s a wide range of expe­ri­ences to play with: 


Throbbing waves increase in vibra­tion inten­si­ty and pulse speed until reach­ing the high­est fre­quen­cy for a loooooong wave. This one dri­ves me wild. 

A music geek friend described it as “whole notes, then half notes, quar­ter, eighth, and six­teenth,” but you repeat at a high­er note with each loop of the sequence. 

Of course, you could press the (-) but­ton to go back to the high­est steady speeds or low­er (or low­er…) if you just want to cum. 🙂 


My friend described this one as “a snare drum­mer doing a sin­gle stroke roll at increas­ing and decreas­ing speeds.” There’s less pulse length vari­a­tion, and it feels more per­cus­sive­ly chop­py than the pre­vi­ous setting’s flowy lega­to. While there are some waves, the buildup to the top speed is way faster. 

Fun Factory Vim massager, Boss dildo, and Nos ring vibra


This last pat­tern com­bines the two men­tioned above, both ramp­ing up and loop­ing more quickly. 


My main focus with a wand is always the expe­ri­ence of using it—what attrib­ut­es are con­ducive to me hav­ing a good time? The fol­low­ing fea­tures don’t affect me much but may catch your eye! 

  • VIM is lightweight—just under a pound—and front-​loaded, with most of the weight in the head. 
  • Yes, it’s water-resistant! 
  • The all-​over sil­i­cone tex­tures can both add sen­sa­tion and be easy to grip! 
  • You can’t use it while it’s con­nect­ed to the charg­er, but a full bat­tery get­ting you 6 hours of play on low and 1 hour on high is pret­ty frig­gin’ great for a cord­less wand. 
  • The neck is flexible—a perk to some users but a prob­lem for others. 

That last point doesn’t change the way I play much. With any wand, I use both hands to hold the han­dle. My bot­tom hand pulls the toy against me and top hand push­es to angle it—literally lever­ag­ing with a fulcrum. 

Fun Factory Vim wand neck flexibility


I feel like this wand was made for me, with all the right fea­tures I care about: 

  • It’s strong, WHILE RUMBLY AF. Oh gosh­hh, the tim­bre is just so rich throughout. 
  • Increments in between set­tings are nice­ly paced. 
  • The but­tons are easy to use, espe­cial­ly if you like turn­ing down the inten­si­ty right after orgasm. 
  • The range of set­tings suits every mood, whether you like to take the scenic route or want a cab to cum kingdom. 

It feels so fuck­ing good. It feels so fuck­ing good. I just want to whis­per that to myself over and over again between cunt contractions. 

VIM from FUN FACTORY is the new idol I’ve wor­shiped every night since I received it. It is the one I keep com­ing back to—formidable and always ready to please this pow­er princess.

Holding the Fun Factory Vim wand


Get the rumbly AF FUN FACTORY VIM mas­sager. Use my dis­count code — SUPERSMASHCACHE — for 10% off sitewide at Peepshow Toys.


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1 Response

  1. Charles says:

    My sig­nif­i­cant oth­er agrees with you 100%. She had already a nice col­lec­tion of toys, includ­ing and eroscil­la­tor which still enjoys very much, but I can tell that the Vim is her pre­ferred one by far! Only thing it could make it bet­ter is hav­ing some attach­ments for insert­ing at the same time, but we use some of the fan­tas­tic prod­ucts of Uberrime for that, but dif­fi­cult to do it when she's alone.
    We still need to try the njoy wand, which is a com­plete dif­fer­ent thing, but at the price tag here in Europe.…

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