Cervical Orgasms & Stimulation: a BS-Free Guide to Deep Erogenous Zones
Cervical orgasms are perhaps the most polarizing type of orgasms. Some people feel like their cervix and the surrounding areas (the vaginal fornices) are divine white light.

Others can't fathom that playing around a body part associated with deep OB-GYN swabs could be remotely pleasurable.
Me? I fucking love deep penetration and thrusting dildos to massage my cervix. Yes, yes, yes, YESSSS!
So I'm diving in deep to discuss:
- What my cervical orgasms feel like
- It may or may not work for you
- Techniques for stimulating the cervix
- General guidelines
- Cervical stimulation while fingering
- During vaginal intercourse
- Dildos for cervical stimulation
- What research has found
For me, cervical orgasms are mega-doses of oxytocin.
I find that cervical orgasms feel like the most potent hit of oxytocin (the "love hormone") I could take. I've described them as "melting me into a puddle of heart-eyes emojis and oxytocin." They're full-body implosions centered in my womb, less like waves of pleasure and more like jets rocketing up.
Cervical orgasms are the reason I stopped having casual penetrative sex. I can have my clit rubbed and licked without getting attached, but if someone penetrates my vagina just right and massages behind my cervix, I'm literally fucked. I don't claim to KNOW much about love, but cervical orgasms FEEL like the answer to every question I've ever had about it.

Every body's cervix is different.
I know what some of you are thinking: "The fuck are you smoking? Getting bashed in the cervix hurts!" Yes, direct bashing into my cervix hurts, but it hardly ever happens for me. Inserted objects slide easily behind my cervix, where the pressure usually doesn't bother me at all.
I get it: some vaginas can't take deep penetration from a dildo or penis without cervical pain, and that's okay! Some won't feel much sensation or pleasure at all.
As well, the majority of vulvas need external clitoral stimulation to reach orgasm, so definitely try adding a clit vibe or finger on the outside.
On the flip side, while penises don't readily fit in front of my cervix, you might find it easier than me and love A‑spot stimulation with a partner. Find what works for you! The bottom line is that the size of the vaginal fornices varies from one vagina to the next.

What you like is not set in stone — give it some time.
You may also find that you initially don't feel much pleasure from cervical stimulation, but come to love it over time. As a teen with my first dildo, I experienced a relatively mild cervical orgasm. But while I could reach clitoral orgasms easily, I didn't experience a cervical orgasm again for another four years. From there, it just got more consistent and more intense as I learned more about myself and my sex toy preferences.
Cervical stimulation is just another flavor of self-pleasure to sample. Taste freely, don't feel pressured to like anything, and remember that everyone's tastes change over time!
Here's how to stimulate the cervix.
Okay, let's quickly explain what the cervix is.
It's a cartilaginous tube that hangs at the top of the vagina. Its structure is made of similar stuff to the tip of your nose, but it's like a tall donut with a point at the end.
Since it's basically all the way inside, the depth of insertion does matter a little. A phallus 6 inches or longer is ideal, but I've also made cervical orgasms happen with a 4‑inch penis or with precise fingers. It takes more deliberate aiming and positioning than with a big dick, but it's doable.
General tips for massaging the cervix and surrounding areas

When finding the cervix and the vaginal fornices for the first time, I recommend trying with your fingers before moving on to a toy or penis. It'll be easier to aim precisely, so you don't miss the spot, or worse, bash directly into the cervix and cause pain.
However, the downside to using fingers is that your cervix might be too deep, which is okay also! Check out my recommendations for cervix-loving sex toys.
Also, if the receiver is menstruating, I recommend proceeding with care or waiting for a different week. During menstruation, the cervix hangs lower and is more sensitive.
If you have problems reaching deep enough, try having the receiving person bend their legs closer toward their chest. The positioning shortens the vagina a bit and makes it easier to go in deeper. Propping up their hips on a pillow or cushion can also make aiming easier.
Using fingers to stimulate the cervix and A‑spot

Finding the anterior fornix (A‑spot / AFE zone) with your fingers is similar to finding the G‑spot, but you go deeper into the vagina. Instead of curling your fingers to apply pressure just past the pubic bone, you do so all the way in, in front of the cervix. To find the posterior fornix, do the same, but behind. When inserting, slightly tilt your fingers toward the receiver's back wall, and once they're all the way in, angle forward.
Read more about the A‑spot and anterior fornix erogenous zone here!
And, of course, try different variations! Twist your fingers or swirl them around the cervical os. My favorite is curling fingers in a "come hither" motion while my partner swivels his wrist, so he gets all 180 degrees pressing into my cervix from behind. Try two fingers. Three fingers! Try having your fingers facing the belly button side or the back. I like both techniques in my posterior fornix.
Stimulating the cervix during intercourse
Enveloping an average-to-long dick isn't alone enough to induce a cervical orgasm in me. I want it to be like a consistent massage, with the penis all the way in and taking short thrusts so that it stays in contact with my cervix.
Unless they're fast, long thrusts often take the attention away from my cervix and its fornices. Why? Because the penis spends more time in the shallower parts of my vagina.
Taking your time is also very important. The receptive partner has to be aroused for the vagina to relax and tent/expand to full length. And, of course, arousal is a precursor to orgasm.
Take advantage of positions that offer deep penetration, like doggy and missionary with legs pulled to the receiving partner's chest.
Dildos for A-spot stimulation and cervical orgasms
Maaaaaany dildos have bottomed me out, and I love it that way.
What kinds of dildos are great for deep penetration? Here's a summary of my favorite features:
For those who enjoy or want to explore cervix and A‑spot massage, [the best options] come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials, but there are recurring features among them that make them outstanding:
- Firm enough to target the right spot
- Gentle forward curve or tilt for aiming
- Bulbous, swelling, or otherwise defined head
Here are my favorite cervix-loving, deep spot dildos, from milder to wilder
- Uberrime Astra — comes in three sizes, so you can go at the speed of comfort
- Chrystalino Champ — super affordable and versatile for both deep and shallow penetration
- Luscious Playthings' curved glass probe — semi-customizable — I got one with moderate girth but more length so I can go deep with precision

- Tantus Hook — long and firm AF for those who need extra reach
- SelfDelve Marshmallow — feels like fucking a cloud deity
- Uberrime Aptus — realistic and goes deep without much extra girth
- Velvet Thruster Prime Edward — one of the best auto-thrusters in existence
As far as motorized toys go, anything Velvet Thruster is also lovely if you want a compact fucking machine that can go deep and hard.

- Velvet Thruster Prime Sammie — same thrusting mechanism as Edward but girthier attachment
- Uberime Maxime — MY FAAAAAVORITE realistic cervix massage dildo
- Dee's Big Daddy Dante XL — this one's a close second, though, oh my lord
- Vixen Creations Outlaw — girthy, filling realistic that squishes against me so well
- Uberrime Night King — firm, formidable, textures galore gripping at my walls
- Uberrime A‑Spot Avenger and Aqua-King — girthy with ridges on the shaft for depth play
- L'Acier Capo — slick stainless steel in just a fucking flawless shape

- njoy Eleven — stainless steel perfection taken to the extreme
- Vixen Creations VixSkin Cash and Gambler — access altered states of consciousness
- Pris Toys Sentinel — like VixSkin, but harder
- Dee's Big Daddy Dallas — fills me to the brim
- SelfDelve Aubergine — fuck an actual eggplant dildo
- Tantus Bishop — train for fisting
If you want to keep up with the latest and greatest, I've tagged my reviews of great A‑spot and posterior fornix dildos.
You'll find that I also occasionally post longer guides to my favorites, like 9 Breathtaking A‑Spot Vibrators for Deep Penetration, Ranked!
What do scientists have to say about cervical orgasms?
As with many topics in female sexuality and orgasm, the research is in its infancy.
Dr. Barry Komisaruk and others mapped the regional brain responses of women in an fMRI machine while they self-stimulated via the clitoris, vagina, or cervix. There were discernible differences, depending on where the stimulation occurred:
The pudendal nerve connects the clitoris, the pelvic nerve carries signals from the vagina, the hypogastric nerve connects with the cervix and uterus, and the vagus nerve travels from the cervix and uterus without passing through the spinal cord.
The vagus nerve doesn't pass through the spinal cord. And because of that, stimulating the cervix can even bring some people with spinal cord damage to orgasm when they otherwise thought that hope was lost.
When a skeptic disputes whether cervical orgasms are real, that means that there's research left to do— nothing more and nothing less. That doesn't mean that cervical orgasms aren't there. It would be some severe horseshit to insist that people who experience cervical orgasms are delusional, liars, or don't know their bodies.
It was only about 20 years ago that the general public began to understand that most of the clitoris is internal. Let that sink in. It took us that long to accept something so fundamental to understanding female pleasure. Of course, the less common cervical orgasms are less well-studied.

Cervical orgasms or otherwise, what matters is having fun!
There's one main question I (and probably you) care about: does knowing about cervical stimulation add fun to my sex life? Yes!
Sure, I could dissect that question. Is the feeling comparable to clitoral orgasms I've had? Is there a peak and release in the pleasure that induces vaginal contractions?
Does it melt me into a puddle of heart-eyes emojis? Do I feel closer to my partner after experiencing cervical orgasms? Do cervical orgasms give me all the benefits of orgasms?
The short answer to all of these questions is, "yes." I highly encourage other people with cervices to experiment with it and be open to the possibility. Cervical orgasms changed my sex life. I know that I am certainly not the only one, so I'm going to keep shouting it from rooftops.
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"Perhaps their vaginal fornices don’t expand as much as mine do"
There is an answer to that "issue" :
While it's not impossible, I don't think it has much to do with expansion mainly for the posterior side. I recommend "Super Sexual Orgasm" by Barbara Keesling. A book written 30 years ago but still useful nowadays. It's a series of exercices and techniques that will help women to open up their elusive Cul-de-Sac.
Here are few lines to introduce the book :
" This cul-de-sac passage is the gateway to total erotic pleasure. And the 'cul-de-sac response' that is triggered during penetration is the secret that is about to change your life. Sounds simple, doesn’t it ? It is simple. Beautifully simple.
But here’s the problem: While every woman has a cul-de-sac, not every woman can make this super-charged part of the vaginal canal “available” during intercourse. For most women, the weight and positioning of the uterus tend to compress the vaginal canal at the entrance to the cul-de-sac passage, creating a daunting vaginal road block. This most unwelcome obstruction tends to make the special cul-de-sac passage a closed road, inaccessible to penetration by the penis during intercourse. The penis (or dildo) may reach, but it cannot enter, and as a result, the
most potentially gratifying erotic experience any woman could imagine remains just out of reach. Out of reach, that is, until now.
Over the past several years I have worked with my colleagues and clients to develop a simple program of exercises and techniques to give a woman the necessary strength and control in her uterus and vagina to actually lift and flatten the uterus during intercourse. "
I can't O without external stim but I lovvve penetration and prefer deep exogenous zones over g spot.
Hey thanks for all the great posts, my girlfriend has a tilted cervix (I think upwardly), what would need to change in regards to on to stimulate her cervix / surrounding zones?
I have a tilted cervix, too! That might make some of the pockets around it bigger than others, so ask her if the sensation feels a lot different when you're going in front of vs. behind the cervical os.
This intrigues me. How can you tell how much bigger the pockets are?
It's all internal anatomy and hard to measure, but if, say, the area behind is bigger, things will more easily slide into there. Going in front may take a bit more effort with a straight object.
Ok, that makes a LOT of sense. Sometimes when we're motionless down there and making out, I find my cock "gravitates" down and to the left when I bottom out in my wife. It feels like it pops into place. When we're done and start moving, it feels like a distinct suction cup like release when we start thrusting again.
Wow, so much to explore! Thank you for this eye-opening article.
Late post not sure if you still update these comments. I have been trying to stimulate my wife to a cervical orgasm and so far I have not been successful.
When she was younger and with other partners she was able to have crazy intense orgasms without clitoral stimulation. I believe these were cervical orgasms.
I so far have not been able to produce and orgasm with her without clitoral stimulation also involved.
We have used a lot of the toys you review and she loves them. The night king is in absolute favorite. And although she has good orgasms with the king and the magic wand the internal only orgasm still eludes us.
Do you have any suggestions?
Can you have a cervical orgasm while also having the clitoris stimulated or or would the clitoral stimulation take more control.
Just a little back ground she is 37 and has had 4 kids.
Hi Jack! It's normal for people's preferences and anatomy to change throughout their lives. Honestly, if she's enjoying the Night King with the MW, I'd say to just keep doing that and enjoying cervical orgasms that way. Needing external stimulation is super common, so it isn't necessarily a reflection of anyone's skill level or how good your sex life is. Have a good time and meet your partner where she is, even as that fluctuates.
I am just curious if she is having an internal orgasm or just a good clitoral orgasm. Maybe the distinction does really matter but I just want to provide her with the highest level of pleasure I can. We have great sex but I always want to try new things and try to give her more pleasure. Anyway love the site and what you do and always enjoy reading your reviews. Thank you for the feedback!
Having a tiny non functioning micro penis with early onset ed, I could only provide my wife with oral and fingers, so wanting her to experience deep penetrative sex we regularly have a mutual friend with ample length and girth give her crazy o's now and then. I watched how he found my wifes A spot by putting several pillows under her tummy then entering her from behind with her ass slightly up He positioned himself so the curved tip of his cock was slighty angled then he went balls deep and used very short fast strokes and my wife would scream when she came which resulted in him also coming, I read the reviews on here and purchased the Vixen Creations Maverick and Outlaw. I then replicated what he did and with a We — Vibe on her clit and constant mental imagery of our friend fucking her she has had many crazy O's one after another. A dildo can go all night unlike a flesh penis. Sometimes you have to "think outside the box" , please pardon the pun. Explore what she likes. Try different sizes and shapes of dildos. Fatter heads, more or less curve , different strokes, lengths etc. I learned how to find her sweet spot through watching another guy fuck her. You just have to experiment ?
Can I still have a cervical orgasm after having a cervical biopsy?
Once you've recovered, it's probably still possible — you may have a harder time getting your body to relax, but each individual case varies. <3
Hey, sorry for being so late to the game but amazing post! I thought I knew a lot about orgasms/types of orgasms but you’ve blown me away. I just have to ask though — when you say things like “Inserted objects slide easily behind my cervix”, “Perhaps their vaginal fornices don’t expand as much as mine do“ makes it seem like you’re talking about penetrating the cervix opening but… no, right? That would be terrible. That’s not a thing, surely. I need to clarify before I try it… so you kind of rimjob the the cervix tube (it’s a tube, right?) with your fingers/toy etc and the AF/EF are the edges at the end of the tube you can reach around in front of/behind and stimulate? God I hope that made sense. I’m off to google pictures to see if I can figure it out but any replies would be greatly appreciated!
I think I follow, but I'm not sure. ? Think of the cervix as an elongated donut. You circle the outer edge of the donut, yes! And you can circle near the donut hole, too, but that's more of a fingering thing than a toy thing. ?
We're always looking for new ways to orgasm. My wife enjoys deep penetration, and maybe this is why. We'all talk about it and see if it's something she wants to explore in more…depth.
Wow! Did not even know this was possible. Thank you for sharing 🙂
This post changed my life. I've always enjoyed deep penetration, and it took me practice to stimulate my G‑spot. Your comment about your anterior fornix being shallower than the posterior fornix is accurate for me, as well. Thank you so much for writing about the vaginal fornices and orgasms in detail!
This is a great guide on less frequently discussed topic. I already know I’m a fan of A spot stimulation, but I generally haven’t explored the back wall of my vagina. I’ll try it out soon to see if I also enjoy posterior fornix stimulation.
Thanks so much for writing this post! Even though I had a pretty good sex ed and I was always interested in learning about my body's sexual responses, I'd never heard of the cervix as a source of sexual pleasure.
In fact, I only ever heard that deep penetration either does nothing for women or it hurts.
It was only after reading your posts on cervical orgasms and Kate Sloan's posts on the A‑spot that I decided to explore deep penetration and it has been extremely rewarding.
One thing I noticed is that it seems to affect my mood/mental sate more than other kinds of stimulation. I haven't practiced BDSM yet, so I don't know if it's an accurate comparison, but to me it feels similar to descriptions of subspace that I've read… almost trance-like and with the rational part of my brain going quiet.
I don't have a partner currently and I'm a bit nervous about doing something that has such a strong effect on me with someone else…at the same time, I suppose that with the right person it could be something that makes us feel closer, like you said.
Great article! I'll have to figure out how we can try this without getting too clinical and spilling the mood. My wife loves sex, but is much less experimental than I am.
I’m still inexperienced with my vaginal fornices, although I did discover my A‑spot a few months ago. For me, even fingering my G‑spot consistently enough to have a good orgasm is uncomfortable and pretty much impossible because it’s hard for my arm to reach, so I can only explore this when I feel like getting out toys. The next time I do I will make sure I try to focus on stimulating my posterior fornix, since I don’t know what that feels like yet.
This was such a great read. So fucking educational.
Interesting blog post! I’m curious to find out if I can stimulate my own a‑spot; I typically don’t enjoy shallow penetration either and I think I get too in my head about going any deeper but your enthusiasm is encouraging me to try something outside of my comfort zone, thanks!
Wow — didn't know that other people liked cervical stimulation and that it could contribute to orgasms! I will have to learn more about the A‑spot!
Thank you for this! I’ve always known I loved deep stimulation, but I didn’t know how it worked.….. Wow!!!!!
Do you think this could dislodge my IUD?
Unlikely. You'd feel something if it did, though! I Googled the same thing when I was considering an IUD and it seems most people who like deep penetration had no problem with it.
I remember discovering this a long time ago and not having the skill/confidence/education to try to have an orgasm from it… I now have plans for tonight! Thank you for writing about this!
I have a We-Vibe Rave, which is modeled after the Laid D1…I wonder if that would work.
The Rave is a lot more steeply bent. It might not work for A‑spotting, but it's certainly worth a try if you already have one!
I’ve never thought of cervical orgasms, but this post makes me super curious! Thank you for this 🙂
Interesting article, thank you for writing this informative piece. I have a quick question I hope you can answer. My wife had a total hysterectomy (cervix included) years ago and since then she's had these intense orgasms whenever we've gone deep. There's definitely a different sensation going posterior vs going anterior.
My question is if these sensationsare still considered cervical or are there other nerves still intact in there?
There are definitely nerves still intact there! It sounds like the hysterectomy made it easier to reach the areas where they’re sensitive.
Me, I used the phrase “cervical orgasms” because, with penetration in my posterior fornix, I like pressure on the cervix itself. However, I didn’t realize until recently that stimulation in my anterior fornix is pretty independent of my cervix!
Excellent points i hadn't thought of before. Glad I asked. Thank you!
I can not tell you how luck I am to have found your blog! I had no idea how to have an orgasm other then clit stimulation on my own! I have three kids and I’m 47 years old and have finally finally learned how my internal lady parts work… ya soo pathedic. I love to have sex but am never satisfied. NOW because of you I fully understand how to make this work with satisfaction. Your explanations and details and the way you write is incredible. I can’t tell you how so happy I am this blog is just so so awesome! I had an organism once and had no idea how I achieved it with my partner. It was the ASpot omg I fully understand now! I have only had two partners in my life and this changes how I approach sex!! Thank you thank you
<3 Glad to hear it helped you! It means so much to me that this blog is reaching out to people who benefit from it.
I am one of those who likes A‑spot (AFE zone) stimulation.