Fun Factory Stronic Real self-thrusting pulsator review

Some sex toys are so good that I strug­gle to write more than, "This toy is amaz­ing. Buy it. You don't need to read beyond this point, but I need to add more words. Words words words words words." And that's pret­ty much where I've been with the self-​thrusting Fun Factory Stronic Real pul­sator.

Fun Factory Stronic Real self-thrusting pulsator review 1

Yes, you read that right: self-​thrusting. Like all the Stronics, Fun Factory's Stronic Real fea­tures a mag­net­ic weight that shut­tles the entire dil­do back and forth.

The biggest down­side to the Stronic Real's pen­e­tra­tion sen­sa­tion is that my vagi­na total­ly push­es the toy out every time I come, and I have to hold it in place. Which hap­pens a lot, repeat­ed­ly, and stu­pid­ly quick­ly. It just might do the same for you if you love straight pen­e­tra­tion with fast, hard, and short thrusts.

What does the Stronic Real pulsator feel like?

I must admit: the Stronic Real con­fus­es my vagi­na in the best way pos­si­ble. It can't thrust deep enough to go hard at my favorite eroge­nous zone, and the phal­lic head is only mild­ly to mod­er­ate­ly G‑spotty. Yet, because the.movement does most of the work the slight ridge and upward curve at the tip mes­mer­ize my A‑spot and inter­nal clitoris.

The Stronic Real's orgasm build-​up puts my front wall in an erot­ic trance. Its inch-​long thrusts feel light and dreamy, rather than extract­ing orgasms from me by brute force (though I'm into that, too).

Feeling the rapid slid­ing and stretch­ing in the bot­tom 70% of my pussy is enough to turn me into a pud­dle of gasp­ing and whim­per­ing, "fuck" over and over for seem­ing­ly end­less min­utes at a time. The only rea­son I say "whim­per­ing" and not "scream­ing" is because as far as motored toys go, Fun Factory's pul­sators are about as qui­et as you can get; they're per­fect for lazy yet dis­creet mas­tur­ba­tion (and part­ner use).

Fun Factory Stronic Real review and comparison to Bi Stronic Fusion

Used exter­nal­ly, the Stronic Real (and any Stronic pul­sator) feels like a fin­ger rub­bing my clit. One that nev­er gets tired and always rubs with per­fect con­sis­ten­cy, unless I want to switch it up and use a pat­tern to ebb and flow along the orgasm waves.

Fun Factory Pulsator settings

Like most of the oth­er Stronic dil­dos, the Stronic Real fea­tures 4 smooth steady speeds, 3 thud­dy steady set­tings, and 3 pat­terns. Even the slow­est set­ting (named "Perfect Start") ham­mers at about 2 thrusts a second.

There is a trade-​off when increas­ing speed: the faster the Stronic Real moves, the short­er the thrust. For me, the sec­ond and third steady speeds ("Samba" and "Rumble") are the per­fect bal­ance for inter­nal use. The 4th ("Quicky") is love­ly exter­nal­ly, but mun­dane inter­nal­ly because it feels more like vibra­tion than any­thing else.

The smooth set­tings can't and shouldn't be com­pared to being fucked with a human cock. You can watch Fun Factory's demo video here to see what I'm talk­ing about. The motion is more flow­ing, more con­sis­tent, and of course, unre­lent­ing. Both the smooth and thud­dy move­ments keep drilling. I keep com­ing when I might oth­er­wise get impa­tient with thrust­ing by hand. It's a no-​brainer to have anoth­er orgasm, and anoth­er, and another.

OG Fun Factory Stronics comparison

To make my quick com­par­i­son of the orig­i­nal Stronics quicker:

  • Stronic Eins — tip too slight. Didn't do shit for my G‑spot. Shaft bulges awk­ward­ly, so it didn't do well at thrust­ing deep­er. Discontinued.
  • Stronic Zwei — dis­con­tin­ued. Shame. We could've been great friends.
  • Stronic Drei — thrusts were short­er. Ridges hogged lube. A lit­tle bet­ter than the Eins for G‑spotting. Now discontinued.
  • Bi Stronic Fusion — awe­some, more pre­cise G‑spotting head. Girthier than the Stronic Real. Fewer thrust­ing set­tings. Useless, buzzy clit arm.

At the time that I wrote my Bi Stronic Fusion review, it was the best G‑spotting Stronic I had tried, and my favorite. That's changed with the release of the new Stronic II pul­sators: the Stronic G and the Stronic Real.

UPDATE: And the best of them, by my vagina's stan­dards, is the Fun Factory Stronic Surf!

One key dif­fer­ence is that the new­er, slight­ly slim­mer mod­els glide more eas­i­ly in my vagi­na. The Stronic Real can go a bit deep­er and use less lube than, say, the heav­i­ly tex­tured Drei. And with Fun Factory's drag­gy sil­i­cone, lube is hard­ly option­al for inter­nal use. I love fat toys and all, but the range of motion is far more crit­i­cal with an expen­sive self-​thrusting sex toy.

What about the Stronic G vs. Stronic Real?

Fun Factory's Stronic G and Stronic Real are pret­ty dif­fer­ent toys, despite hav­ing the same motor. There are pros and cons to both.

Fun Factory Stronic Real self-thrusting pulsator review 2

If you want intense, G‑spot stim­u­la­tion with one big bump, maybe get a Stronic G (after read­ing the rest of this sec­tion). If you want less direct stim­u­la­tion on your front wall with a slight ridge and curved head, you prob­a­bly already had the hunch that the Stronic Real is for you.

Do flat dildo heads get along with your G‑spot?

Without hav­ing ever tried the Stronic G, I can't say for cer­tain which one I would like more. However, I do know that the Stronic G has a flat head, a shape that his­tor­i­cal­ly hasn't got­ten along with my G‑spot well. Severely hooked sex toys with flat heads tend to lock in place a bit deep­er than where my G‑spot is and total­ly miss it.

UPDATE: I tried the Fun Factory Stronic G and I didn't like it.

If you're con­sid­er­ing a Stronic G, I'd say to try a LELO Ella or Picobong Moka first and see how you like that G‑spot head shape. Otherwise, if you get a Stronic G and you don't like it, you're stuck with a far more expen­sive paperweight.

Stronic Real: worth every fucking penny

Fun Factory's Stronic tech­nol­o­gy is one of the few true inno­va­tions in the sex toy world. Yes, oth­er rad thrust­ing toys with dif­fer­ent mech­a­nisms have come out, but none of these self-​contained fuck­ing machine designs come cheap.

Fun Factory Stronic Real pulsator and self-thrusting dildo

If any­thing, Fun Factory trag­i­cal­ly under­sold the Stronic Real. As claimed, Stronic Real does stim­u­late the inter­nal cli­toris, (…as does every dil­do in the his­to­ry of ever) but that's the under­state­ment of the decade. The real appeal is that you can't hand-​thrust a dil­do (or ride or thrust a human cock) with such a pre­cise and per­fect rhythm for an hour and a half.

Fun Factory's Stronics can give you that. The way the Stronic Real does it just melts me into a pud­dle of heart-​eyes emo­jis. Sure, it can't go in deep and hard, but as some­one who prefers short strokes (about an inch long) and doesn't need deep pen­e­tra­tion, I would hap­pi­ly buy anoth­er one. The Stronic Real works with my body bet­ter than any oth­er Stronic has before.

Update: At the time, that was true, but my cur­rent favorite is the Fun Factory Stronic Surf!

The Stronic Real's shape is sub­tle, but com­bined with the motor's move­ment, it's plen­ty intense. If you're some­one who needs a very pro­nounced coro­nal ridge or curved shaft, the Stronic Real isn't for you. But if you love straight tip drilling, a sub­tle ridge, or fast jig­gling inside of you, the Stronic Real would prob­a­bly be love at first thrust. It cer­tain­ly was for me.

Get 10% off a Stronic Real!

If you get a Stronic Real from Peepshow Toys, you can save 10% off with coupon code SUPERSMASHCACHE …or any Stronic of your choice.

Thank you, Peepshow Toys, for send­ing me a Stronic Real in exchange for my hon­est and freely-​given review! In my blog, I only say what I under­stand as the truth. If I think a toy is awful­ly designed, or pret­ty but bor­ing, or good but over­rat­ed, I'll def­i­nite­ly tell you. And, if any­thing, you save mon­ey by using my links.

Fun Factory Stronic Real self-thrusting pulsator / dildo review and where to buy one

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5 Responses

  1. D. Dyer says:

    I espe­cial­ly appre­ci­ate the com­par­i­son of the dif­fer­ent toys in this one, I’ve heard lots of very good things about a lot of them and have strug­gled with mak­ing a decision.

  2. Trix says:

    I had been debat­ing the Real and G in the past, but as I’ve only had round­ed G‑spot toys I think the Surf worked out best for me as well…

  3. G says:

    Love the com­par­i­son you wrote with all of the Stronics and the G vs Real.

  4. G says:

    Having one of my own and lov­ing it, I like see­ing other's reviews on why it works for them.

  5. Saphire says:

    I've always been skep­ti­cal of self-​thrusting toys but this def­i­nite­ly makes me want one!

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