25+ Best Budget-Friendly & Body-Safe Sex Toys (2020 EDITION)

Much has changed in the pleasure product industry since 2015.

That was when I first wrote my post about the best afford­able (and body-​safe) sex toys! Since there have been so many fan­tas­tic new addi­tions to my col­lec­tion, I decid­ed to pub­lish a sec­ond edition.

Best Affordable & Body-Safe Sex Toys

There are some repeats from my old list — just take as a sign that those tools stood the test of time!

I've also decid­ed to use the term "budget-​friendly" a lit­tle loose­ly. Many of these toys are well under $50. A few oth­ers are a bit prici­er but have a phe­nom­e­nal quality-​to-​price ratio for every­thing you get. Yes, get­ting some­thing cheap and body-​safe is nice, but I want­ed these to be cheap, body-​safe, and good.

UPDATE: Some years have passed since I pub­lished this post, and infla­tion has been a bitch. You have been warned about the prices listed.

Of course, check out my sales and coupons to see if you can get a deal on any of these toys.

Now, on to the list!

Best Affordable Bullet Vibrators

Affordable but powerful bullet vibrators

Left to right: Hot Octopuss Amo, BMS Mini Swan Rose, and Blush Exposed Nocturnal

BMS Mini Swan Rose

This mini-​vibrator is the rum­bli­est bud­get bul­let I've tried. For $50, it comes pret­ty dang close to the $80 Tango (the gold stan­dard). However, unlike the Tango, the BMS Mini Swan Rose offers a com­pre­hen­sive and con­tin­u­ous speed range to suit any mood.

Shop now or read further:

Hot Octopuss Amo

The Hot Octopuss Amo comes in sec­ond, after the Mini Swan Rose. Some users will like the Amo more, though, thanks to the fol­low­ing features:

  • More options for pin­point vs. broad stimulation 
    • A sharp edge at the top to con­cen­trate the vibrations
  • Pattern set­tings
  • Up AND down but­tons — SUPER use­ful for mul­ti­ple orgasms
Shop now or read my full Hot Octopuss Amo review.

Blush Exposed Nocturnal bullet

This bul­let isn't fuck­ing around. I know that claim­ing super pow­er­ful vibra­tions has become mean­ing­less, but this bul­let has the high­est strength-​to-​size ratio I have ever expe­ri­enced. Despite being on the high-​pitched side, it's eas­i­ly the most pow­er­ful bul­let vibra­tor under $35.

Shop now or read my full Blush Exposed Nocturnal bullet review.

Blush Realm Silver Bullet

This bul­let takes down the Exposed Nocturnal a notch, giv­ing you more flut­tery and rumbly power.

Read my full Blush Realm Silver Bullet review.

Rumbliest Affordable Wand Massagers

Top budget-friendly wand massagers

Left to right: Magic Wand Plus, BMS Pillow Talk Cheeky, and Blush Nöje W4 wand

Hitachi Vibratex Magic Wand Plus

I must men­tion the Magic Wand Plus. Yes, it's more of a splurge than the oth­er wands on this list, but it's a fuck­ing steal. You get FOUR speeds with sim­i­lar vibra­tion qual­i­ty to the Magic Wand Rechargeable, but for only a lit­tle more than the Original costs.

The catch? It's cord­ed and doesn't come with patterns.

But I don't give a fuck. It's rum­bli­er than the orig­i­nal, and there's a more sig­nif­i­cant speed range. If you like broad vibra­tions, just get the Magic Wand Plus.

Shop now or read my full Magic Wand Plus review.

BMS Factory Pillow Talk Cheeky

As far as com­pact and afford­able mini-​wands go, yessssss, I adore the Pillow Talk Cheeky. It starts with a low purr and goes up to wand-​level strength—such ver­sa­til­i­ty in a small package.

Shop now or read my full BMS Factory Pillow Talk Cheeky review.

Blush Nöje W3 Wand

Okay, so the Nöje W Wands are a lit­tle a lot more lim­it­ed than the Pillow Talk Cheeky. The W1, W2, and W3 come with 5 steady speeds and 5 pat­terns, while the W4 comes with 2 and 8, respec­tive­ly. They're slight­ly less rumbly, but pack a punch for under $40.

Shop now or check out my list of best cordless wands.

Best Budget-Friendly G-Spot Vibrators

Top affordable silicone G-spot vibrators

BMS Pillow Talk Cheeky (pink and teal) and Cloud 9 Novelties G‑Spot Slim 7"

BMS Pillow Talk Sassy

The Pillow Talk Sassy is the absolute most under­rat­ed G‑spot vibra­tor of all time. It's rumbly, the sil­i­cone is silky, and it even out­per­forms the high-​end ($169 LELO Mona 2)! The only down­side is that its neck is a lit­tle flex­i­ble, but its pow­er is so delight­ful that I don't care.

Shop now or read my BMS Pillow Talk Sassy review.

Cloud 9 Novelties G‑Spot Slim 7

Forgive the gener­ic title. It can't hide that this toy is the best afford­able recharge­able G‑spot vibra­tor under $35. Buzzy? A lit­tle, but I've seen way worse vibra­tions in more expen­sive vibrators.

As the name would sug­gest, it's slen­der, and 7" long, but the bulb is gen­er­ous­ly swelled and the shaft curved — with a lii­i­it­tle bit of flex­i­bil­i­ty for finess­ing even my picky G‑spot. The best part is the seam­less sil­i­cone all over, allow­ing for more insertable length! That makes it a great A‑spot vibra­tor, too.

Shop now or read my Cloud 9 Novelties G‑Spot Slim 7" vibrator review.

Affordable A-Spot/AFE Zone Dildos

Unfamiliar with the A‑spot? Read my guide to Exploring the Anterior Fornix Erogenous Zone! But if you're already fond of deep spot stim­u­la­tion, this sec­tion is for you!

Best affordable a-spot dildos for deep penetration

Satisfyer Yummy Sunshine, NS Novelties Firefly Glow Glass G‑Spot Wand, Blush Avant D4

NS Novelties Glass G

What the njoy Pure Wand is to my G‑spot, the NS Novelties Glass G Wand is for my A‑Spot: a direct mis­sile. I can't rec­om­mend it enough for those who enjoy hard­core pres­sure as I do.

Shop now or read my full NS Firefly Glow Glass G Spot Wand review.

Satisfyer Yummy Sunshine

I don't like Satisfyer as a com­pa­ny, but I can respect that buyers:

  1. Want afford­able toys with­out sac­ri­fic­ing sensation
  2. Find the Yummy Sunshine's pale lemon yel­low swatch refreshing

Affordable insertable vibra­tors are often on the short side, but not this one. It's 8.75" long over­all, with 6" insertable, mak­ing it suit­able for explor­ing the deep eroge­nous zones

Shop now or read my Satisfyer Yummy Sunshine vibrator review.

Blush Avant D3 Summer Fling /​ D4 Sexy in Pink

This dil­do takes me to cervix heav­en! Again, I know it's a lit­tle spendy, but if you like girth, deep spot stim­u­la­tion, and big bumps in your toys, this dil­do does it all — while look­ing like art.

Shop now or read my Blush Avant D4 Sexy in Pink dildo review.

More G-Spotting Basics I Love!

Best G-spot dildos for beginners

Top to bot­tom: Tantus Sport, Uberrime Praesto, Chrystalino Champ

Chrystalino Champ

Yep, anoth­er glass dil for those with a pen­chant for pres­sure! The Chrystalino Champ is hefty with a mod­er­ate 1.4" girth and front-​loaded head for G‑spotting and cervix mas­sage. It would have been the per­fect begin­ner dil­do for my past self.

Shop now or read my Chrystalino Champ review.

Tantus Sport

For those who want some­thing slight­ly milder, the Sport is a glossy G‑spot dil in Tantus's OG firm sil­i­cone. It's super bul­bous but has a lit­tle flex­i­bil­i­ty at the shaft, mak­ing it more yield­ing and pos­si­bly beginner-​friendly for more people.

Shop now or read my Tantus Sport review.

Uberrime Praesto

The Praesto offers a dif­fer­ent kind of inten­si­ty: girthi­er but more squishy, and with a sharp­er but less pro­trud­ing head. For those who want some­thing semi-​realistic, the Praesto is a fan­tas­tic fit at a pret­ty price.

Shop now or read my Uberrime Praesto review.

Air Pulse & Pressure Wave Toys

ROMP Toys (especially Free & Shine)

Romp Switch clitoral air pulse toy under $30

Remember when We-​Vibe and Womanizer merged into WOW-​Tech? Yeah, well, they formed a child com­pa­ny: ROMP Toys. While some of their afford­able good­ies are just "meh," the air pulse toys are slam­ming! I wouldn't expect any­thing less from the peo­ple who inno­vat­ed cli­toral pres­sure waves.

The one down­side is that the ROMP Switch's bat­tery cov­er is hard to remove, espe­cial­ly if you have short nails, but my com­plaints end there. It's com­pa­ra­ble to the Womanizers' low end, sensation-​wise. You just won't have as many super intense speed options.

Shop now or read my air pulse toy comparison round-​up.

Cheap but Body-Safe Dual-Density Silicone Dildos

These dil­dos are rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al, cheap, and body-​safe, with a firm core and squishy out­er lay­er. That com­bi­na­tion isn't super com­mon — I usu­al­ly asso­ciate it with the lux­u­ri­ous Vixen Creations dildos.


25+ Best Budget-Friendly & Body-Safe Sex Toys (2020 EDITION) 1

If you're a long-​time read­er of my blog, chances are, you want some­thing girthy. The great news: there are plen­ty of afford­able options here!

Evolved Novelties' Luminous Stud dil­do mea­sures 8.5" insertable by 2" max­i­mum diam­e­ter. And it's only $50! The Luminous Stud is com­pa­ra­ble in size to the VixSkin Outlaw and only a lit­tle firmer.

Meanwhile Blush Novelties' Neo Elite line has expand­ed beyond its usu­al price range to include some bii­i­i­i­i­ig dil­do options, too:

  • 6.25" insertable length by 1.75" diam­e­ter for $45
  • 6.5" insertable length by 2" diam­e­ter for $45
  • 9" insertable length by 2.25" diam­e­ter for $65
  • 9.25" insertable length by 2.25 for $71

BMS Addiction Roman

  • 8" total
  • 6" insertable
  • 2.4 inch­es across the widest part of the shaft
  • 8A Shore den­si­ty (a lit­tle firm and quite intense!)
BMS Addiction Roman huge realistic silicone dildo

The Addiction Roman is just anoth­er mem­ber (hah) of BMS Factory's afford­able real­is­tic dil­do line. As with all its sib­lings, the Roman dil­do is body-​safe sil­i­cone and an utter steal for the price.

It's $27 online if you're a Romantic Depot VIP, which is $15 per month to join. If you looove col­lect­ing sex toys, the sav­ings with your VIP Club mem­ber­ship will cer­tain­ly add up!

Blush Neo Elite & Neo Elite GLOW

Affordable dual-density dildos

Blush Neo Elite 7.5" and BMS Naked Addiction

These semi-​realistic dil­dos come in bright AF col­ors, from pink to orange to green to blue, and a vari­ety of sizes. I pre­fer my squishy dil­dos on the long side, so a sub-$35 dual-​density dil­do with 7" insertable length is a big deal to me. If you care about girth, there are shape options you'll like more.

Plus, they've expand­ed the line to include glow-​in-​the-​dark dil­dos — at still-​fantastic prices.

Shop now or read my review of the Blush Neo Elite 7.5" dildo without balls.

BMS Naked Addiction

If you want a more flesh­like dual-​density dil­do, check out the BMS Naked Addiction line, which starts at $59.99. Its mat­te sil­i­cone has sub­tle tex­tures for a real­is­tic sur­face fin­ish, and the veins actu­al­ly… aren't weird­ly Hulk-like?

Get the BMS Naked Addiction dildo or read my review of the self-​thrusting version.

UPDATE: My cur­rent favorite is the BMS Addiction David, a super afford­able pack-​and-​play dil­do with a pos­able core. For under $40, it's a steal!

Budget Butt Basics For Anal Play

I'm going to make this sec­tion quick since budget-​friendly butt plugs and small dil­dos aren't hard to find. I've men­tioned many of these in my guide to anal toys for begin­ners and inter­me­di­ates.

Best affordable silicone anal toys

Tantus Planet Dildos line

These dil­dos and plugs offer the same qual­i­ty as Tantus's oth­er toys, but with min­i­mal pack­ag­ing and few­er col­or options.

Also, keep in mind that Tantus usu­al­ly has a 25–50% flash sale every month.

Shop Planet Dildos.

Blush Avant Dildos

I'm not too fond of the Avant Pride plugs' bulky bases, but I have only good things to say about the Pride dil­dos. They're on the soft side for gen­tle inser­tion and come in delight­ful col­or schemes.

Shop now or check out these further readings:

Oxballs Ergo plug XS

Oooooh, the Super Soft option is delight­ful­ly squishy, con­form­ing to your body instead of the oth­er way. The for­ward tilt tick­les your front wall, while the base is big but bendy. It also makes a fun vagi­nal plug to clench around!

Shop now or read my full Oxballs Ergo plug XS & L review.

Let's wrap it up!

You don't have to break the bank to expe­ri­ence great orgasms! Some toys are only expen­sive because of their over-​the-​top mar­ket­ing, but some of the best sex toys have the most gener­ic pack­ag­ing. Such is the case with many gad­gets on this list.

You're not spend­ing much on the fan­cy box or the name — you're get­ting what mat­ters the most: the motor, the shape, the fin­ish — noth­ing more and noth­ing less.

Where to next?

5 characteristics of the best sex shops
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7 Responses

  1. Yam says:

    Most of my col­lec­tion is from Blush! I love their neo elite and avant lines for dil­dos, Noje for vibes.

  2. D. Dyer says:

    I real­ly appre­ci­ate how thor­ough this is, it will be incred­i­bly use­ful for some folks I know who are inter­est­ed in explor­ing new types of toys but hes­i­tant to spend mon­ey on some­thing they aren’t sure they will enjoy.

  3. Jimena says:

    Thanks for this list!

  4. Stacey b says:

    This is a great list!! There’s so many choic­es out there it’s good to know what is actu­al­ly worth the money.

  5. Prudence says:

    Thanks for research­ing these prod­ucts. It real­ly helps if you have a lim­it­ed budget.

  6. AJ says:

    This is so thor­ough, thank you!

  7. Maya Castillo says:

    thank you for post­ing !! i just turned 18 and used this to research my first vibe!

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