What Makes a Bullet Vibrator Rumbly — A Look at 6 Motors!

Buzzy is skin-​deep. Rumbly is to the bone (sometimes).
Deconstructed Vibrator Hardware
What the Je Joue Rabbit bul­let, Hot Octopuss Digit, Blush Gaia Eco, FemmeFunn Ffix, VeDO Bam, and VeDO Bam Mini bul­let vibra­tors looked like after I took them apart!

"Rumbly" and "buzzy" are two descrip­tors that sex blog­gers use to describe vibra­tion qual­i­ty. The for­mer is deep and often low-​pitched, while the lat­ter is surface-​level or irri­tat­ing­ly high-pitched.

What gives them these traits comes down to a handful of factors:
  • How big is the spin­ning weight inside?
  • How heavy is it? How dense is the material?
  • How fast are the com­po­nents moving?

I've talked about rumbly vs. buzzy wands before, but this post is going deep­er into five rumbly (some more so than oth­ers) bul­lets and one buzzy one. I took them apart to show you the inter­nal com­po­nents and dis­cuss how they affect the vibrator's pow­er and sensation.

UPDATE: Mini-​vibes have changed a lot since this post was orig­i­nal­ly writ­ten! Check out this oth­er post for my top bul­let vibra­tor picks. Also, it was back when I didn't have a weigh­ing scale, and if I did, I def­i­nite­ly would have been more pre­cise with the measurements.

Bullets vibrators included on this list

(And my subjective power and rumbliness ratings of them on a 1 – 10 scale,  with Tango as a 10.)

UPDATE: With all the new releas­es, my pow­er cal­i­bra­tion has changed sub­stan­tial­ly. I don't nec­es­sar­i­ly stand by these num­bers any­more, nor do I care for the Digit as much anymore.

Nowadays, I'm prac­ti­cal­ly all about pen­e­tra­tion! If I had to pick, though, my top pick for a bul­let would be the BMS Swan Maximum.

  1. Hot Octopuss Digit — 8 pow­er /​ 8 rumble
  2. Je Joue bul­let — 6 pow­er /​ 6 rumble
  3. VeDO BAM — 7 pow­er /​ 5 rumble
  4. Femmefunn Ffix — 6 pow­er /​ 5 rumble
  5. Blush Gaia Eco 7" — 4 pow­er /​ 5 rumble
  6. VeDO Bam Mini* — 2 pow­er /​ 2 rumble

*Not pic­tured in this next photo

What the Je Joue bullet, Hot Octopuss Digit, Blush Gaia Eco, FemmeFunn Ffix, and VeDO Bam bullets looked like BEFORE I took them apart!

1. Hot Octopuss Digit

Wearing the Hot Octopuss Digit bullet finger loop

The Hot Octopuss Digit was one of the rum­bli­er bul­lets I had tried when I orig­i­nal­ly wrote this post. Times have changed, and we have bet­ter options now, but it was great for its time (and price tag).

My hypothesis for how Hot Octopuss Digit looks inside

With this bullet's deep and purring vibra­tion qual­i­ty, I'd expect the spin­ning weight to be more sub­stan­tial. It may be a dif­fer­ent, denser mate­r­i­al than the oth­ers on this list.

What I actually found when dissecting the Digit

I was right! The Digit's motor wheel was the only one on this list made of cop­per. From the top view, it's a cir­cle, instead of a wider half-cir­cle like most of the others.


If any­thing, the motor is small­er than some of the oth­ers, but the denser mate­r­i­al choice was key to the Hot Octopuss Digit's purrrrrring pow­er in a petite package.

Hot Octopuss Digit motor components side view
Hot Octopuss Digit bullet vibrator copper motor wheel

2. Je Joue Bullet

Holding a teal Je Joue Rabbit bullet in my hand

Though Je Joue's bul­lets are small­er than their oth­er vibra­tors, they're very much in the lux­u­ry realm.

They res­onate with a deep purr on the low­er set­tings. There's an inter­est­ing flut­ter to the vibra­tions, though it's less notice­able as you increase the speed.


I took apart the rabbit-​eared Je Joue bul­let for this post, and I don't miss it. BUT I bought myself a Je Joue bul­let in the Classic shape to use for recre­ation­al orgasms!

It retains the rum­ble, it's a more pin­point shape that trans­mits the vibra­tion strength bet­ter, and it comes with a fin­ger loop. What's not to love?

My hypothesis for how the Je Joue Bullet's motor looks

I'm not sure what caus­es the unique­ly non-​sinusoidal vibra­tions, but I'm guess­ing that the weight is asym­met­ric and even more lop­sided than the others.

Actual observations upon dissecting the Je Joue Bullet

Je Joue Rabbit bullet motor wheel and hardware

I was wrong! The Je Joue bullet's motor is the same mate­r­i­al and a sim­i­lar shape to the BAM's (which you'll see next), Ffix's, and Gaia Eco's. The Hot Octopuss Digit's wheel, in con­trast, is a full circle.

The Je Joue bullet's wheel is a half-​circle, but nar­row­er and taller than the BAM's to fit a sim­i­lar vol­ume into a small­er space. Not much else dis­tin­guish­es it.


It looks like Je Joue's vibra­tion qual­i­ty lies more in the chip's pro­gram­ming than the actu­al motor wheel.

See also:

3. VeDO BAM bullet

(Not to be confused with the VeDO Bam Mini)
Teal VeDO Bam in my hand

The full-​sized VeDO BAM bul­let vibra­tor is quite a bit thick­er than the oth­ers — for some, its 1" diam­e­ter and 3.81" length can feel good for vagi­nal insertion.

It's pow­er­ful but on the high-​pitched side, with some bite to the vibra­tions. Though it's a cheap and GOOD bul­let for half of the Tango's price, I wouldn't ever in hell call it a We-​Vibe Tango alternative.

(Oh, and it starts at the high­est speed and goes down, then to pat­terns. The func­tion order might be a deal­break­er for some.)

My hypothesis for how the VeDO Bam bullet's motor looks

I expect­ed a moderate-​to-​small spin­ning weight but a big bat­tery for this zingy vibrator.

Actual observations upon dissection of the VeDO Bam

VeDO BAM's motor wasn't much dif­fer­ent from the Je Joue bullet's. More uncan­ni­ly, it's prac­ti­cal­ly iden­ti­cal to the FemmeFunn Ffix bul­let. But that makes sense.

VeDO Bam motor components
The flat edge of the half-​circle motor is super obvi­ous in this picture!

While the VeDO BAM's motor isn't bad by any means, it def­i­nite­ly relies on its speed for power.

4. Femmefunn Ffix bullet

The Femmefunn Ffix bul­let is anoth­er zingy bul­let vibe. It's a 2‑AAA bat­tery alter­na­tive to the Ultra Bullet in a hard plas­tic shell, mak­ing it a lit­tle weak­er but way more affordable.

Femmefunn Ffix ABS plastic bullet vibrator

Its type of vibra­tion feels sim­i­lar to the VeDO BAM, but a lit­tle weak­er. Separate-​battery vibra­tors tend to more notice­ably lose "juice" as they die out than recharge­ables do.

For a more luxe look and feel, upgrade with the Booster Bullet or Bougie Bullet.


I expect­ed about the same motor as the VeDO BAM.

Observations upon dissecting the FemmeFunn Ffix bullet

Yep! Again, the VeDO Bam and FemmeFunn Ffix have prac­ti­cal­ly the same motor wheel.

FemmeFunn Ffix Bullet components
What Makes a Bullet Vibrator Rumbly — A Look at 6 Motors! 1

The FemmeFunn Ffix bul­let offers com­pa­ra­ble rum­bli­ness at a low­er price. The trade-​off is that its pow­er isn't as con­sis­tent and declines over time.

5. Blush Gaia Eco slimline

Blush Novelties' Gaia Eco biodegrad­able slim­line vibra­tor is about as bare-​bones as it gets. It's 1" wide and 7" long, mak­ing it a great first toy for get­ting used to penetration.

Blush Gaia Eco bullet in hand next to VeDO Bam, Femmefunn Ffix bullet, and Je Joue Rabbit bullet

As far as the Gaia Eco's strength goes, it's a lit­tle less pow­er­ful but notably rumbly for how cheap it is.

What I expected the Blush Gaia Eco's motor to look like

Probably also a similarly-​sized motor weight.

Observations upon dissecting the Blush Gaia Eco vibrator

Unsurprisingly, the Gaia Eco's motor wheel is almost the same as the VeDO BAM and Ffix bul­lets'. Almost. It has about the same cross-​section area but is a bit (about 17%) short­er in height.

The pho­to below shows that the Gaia Eco's motor wheel has the same half-​moon shape and width as the BAM and FemmeFunn Ffix, BUT it's five "notch­es" tall instead of six.

Blush Gaia Eco motor
What Makes a Bullet Vibrator Rumbly — A Look at 6 Motors! 2

Yep, I now have more evi­dence that the Blush Gaia Eco is only a step down in pow­er, but its vibra­tion qual­i­ty is sim­i­lar. Since it retails for quite cheap at Spectrum Boutique, the quality-​to-​price ratio is phe­nom­e­nal here.

6. VeDO Bam Mini

I wasn't orig­i­nal­ly going to include the Bam Mini, but after see­ing the lack of vari­a­tion, I want­ed to add some­thing that was unde­ni­ably buzzy!

What Makes a Bullet Vibrator Rumbly — A Look at 6 Motors! 3

It's more potent than the shit­ty free bul­lets you get with most vibrat­ing dil­dos, but that's a low bar to clear.

And yes, it's strong enough to get me off on a pat­tern, but as we've seen above, there are more pow­er­ful and rumbly bul­let vibra­tors for the price. If you expe­ri­ence pelvic pain or just pre­fer more gen­tle vibra­tions, though, I understand.

VeDO Bam Mini components

How I expected the VeDO Bam Mini's motor to look

The motor wheel in this bul­let vibra­tor is def­i­nite­ly tiny and cheap.

How it actually looked

I emphat­i­cal­ly con­firmed my hypoth­e­sis. Like, yes, there's some mate­r­i­al den­si­ty to com­pen­sate, but it's seri­ous­ly sooooo embar­rass­ing­ly dinky com­pared to the oth­er motors that it didn't even feel fair to have them side-by-side.

Discussion & conclusion

To recap, I mostly found what I was expecting to:
  • The Hot Octopuss Digit had the dens­est motor for some thud and a great size-​to-​strength ratio
  • The full-​sized VeDO BAM and Femmefunn Ffix bul­let motors were about the same
  • Blush Novelties' Gaia Eco was one step down but still close
  • The VeDO Bam Mini's guts are as dis­mal as its mosquito-​like hum would suggest

Also worth not­ing is that the Hot Octopuss Digit had the short­est gap under the motor head — result­ing in qui­eter vibra­tions. The VeDO Bam Mini's dis­tance is far longer, and the Je Joue bul­let some­where in between.

What I wasn't expecting
Vibrator motors: Je Joue bullet, Hot Octopuss Digit, and VeDO Bam Mini

One thing that sur­prised me was Je Joue's bul­let motor. It makes sense that the vibra­tion qual­i­ty would be more a mat­ter of how it's pro­grammed, but it struck me just how sim­i­lar its hard­ware was to the others.

So what?

Nevertheless, Je Joue's low thrum gets along with my clit remark­ably well — I'm far more often in the mood for the Je Joue Bullet than the VeDO BAM or Ffix bullet's type of power.

I also reaf­firmed my love for Hot Octopuss toys. Most of their prod­ucts are deli­cious­ly rumbly, and it's refresh­ing to see why from the inside for myself.

Further reading

What Makes a Bullet Vibrator Rumbly — A Look at 6 Motors! 4
Thank you to Spectrum Boutique!

They sent me many of these bul­let vibra­tors for the sake of destruc­tion <3

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4 Responses

  1. D. Dyer says:

    This is fas­ci­nat­ing and it was very very cool to see the inside of some of these toys.

  2. JY says:

    Thanks for the arti­cle. I own a Je Joue Bullet Rabbit and I have been won­der­ing about this for a while now.

    I bought the Je Joue Bullet Rabbit to use it to stim­u­late my penis (frenu­lum), and I love it. One thing I love about Je Joue's Bullet is that the high­er and low­er set­tings feel like 2 dif­fer­ent vibra­tors. Lower set­ting has a nice tap­ing feel to it. Higher set­ting is buzzy but it works pret­ty pret­ty great to tick­le or stim­u­late oth­er parts of my body.

  3. Prudence says:

    Interesting, I hadn't real­ly thought about how the motor design relates to the type of vibration.

  4. JK says:

    Very infor­ma­tive, thanks!

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