Romp Flip & Blush Nöje W4 rechargeable mini-wand reviews

[Image: a bunch of tiny silicone dildos in front of the ROMP Flip vibrator, Noje W4 wand, and Le Wand Arch stainless steel dildo]

Featured: Oxballs Ergo XS, Le Wand Arch, ROMP Flip, Nöje W4, and many tee­nie wee­nies (for decoration)!

If you've ever felt like wands had too much drab and not enough fab, you'll want to read today's review.

The ROMP Flip and Blush Nöje W4 are both com­pact and recharge­able mini-​wand mas­sagers with vibrant col­or schemes — AND they're both super affordable!

ROMP Flip & Blush Nöje W4 wand review table of contents

About WOW-Tech's new ROMP Toys line

If you've never heard of Romp OR Wow-​Tech before, let me re-​introduce them.

My long-​time read­ers are famil­iar with Womanizer and We-​Vibe; Wow-​Tech is the merg­er between these two well-​loved com­pa­nies. (I can't say enough good things about We-Vibe's Tango bul­let, Nova rab­bit, and Melt!)

You may remem­ber when We-​Vibe released Melt, their first pressure-​wave toy. Or when Womanizer made a new dual stim­u­la­tor with rum­bli­er G‑spot vibra­tions. Yeah, such addi­tions to the smor­gas­bord are the result of these mas­ter­minds mingling.

ROMP is their emergent child company, featuring more budget-​friendly models and a feistier aesthetic.

We're talk­ing every col­or of the rain­bow here. How often do you see a roy­al blue wand with yel­low accents or a green lay-​on vibe? AND STICKERS in quirky, equal­ly col­or­ful designs befit­ting of a queer punk princess's enam­el pin jacket.

Romp Flip & Blush Nöje W4 rechargeable mini-wand reviews 1

The ROMP sex toy line comes with cute AF stickers!

In oth­er words, Romp is to Wow-​Tech what Picobong is to LELO. These oth­er­wise lux­u­ri­ous brands are now tar­get­ing a more youth­ful crowd.

I also think it's a smart move on Wow-Tech's part to release afford­able pres­sure wave stimulators/​clitoral suc­tion toys.

The main rea­sons they're cheap are because of the short­er bat­tery life (up to 45 min­utes with the ROMP Shine, vs. 2 hours with the Womanizer Liberty, vs. 4 hours with the Womanizer Classic) and few­er speed settings.

Intensity-​wise, though? Va-va-voom!

How the ROMP Toys's vibrations feel

As far as the Romp vibra­tors go, I raised my eye­brows at the prices. Surely for half the cost of the We-​Vibe Tango, you have to man­age your expec­ta­tions. If you want an afford­able insertable vibra­tor, though, Romp has you covered:

  • Beat is a tex­tured "bul­let" that is 4.25" long by 1.5" wide 
    • Tbh kind of big for a bullet…
    • Warning: its base does vibrate quite a bit, so don't get it if your hands are sensitive
  • Hype has 6.25" of insertable length and a squishy tip that's about 1.3" diameter

In absolute terms, the vibra­tions are just aver­age. (Consider the Blush Exposed Nocturnal bul­let if you want max­i­mum pow­er in a small pack­age.) But it's hard to beat the qual­i­ty for the price when shop­ping for a silicone-​covered vibrat­ing dildo.

[Image: Oxballs Ergo, Noje W4, and Romp Flip AMID MORE TINY DILDOS]

For exter­nal vibra­tors, though, my clit is pick­i­er. It's hard to ignore the "meh" fac­tor for a wand. "ROMP Flip is small­er than oth­er wand mas­sagers – but is just as strong," claims the prod­uct infor­ma­tion page. My bull­shit meter is wailing.

The ROMP Flip isn't bad. A com­menter on my Instagram called it "the MVP" of afford­able mini-​wands, and I can see why. It's rumbly enough to splash a lit­tle when dipped in water, and it's strong enough for me to orgasm on one of the pulse set­tings. By no means would I be upset if I bought it.

However, the Romp Flip's motor indeed relies on a high-​speed buzz. And the neck is annoy­ing­ly flex­i­ble, by my stan­dards. I lost count of how many times I said, "I like the col­ors, and it's cute. That's it." There's no way it's going on my list of best com­pact cord­less wands.

ROMP Toys Flip vs. Blush Novelties Nöje W4 in use

Romp Flip & Blush Nöje W4 rechargeable mini-wand reviews 2

EVEN MOAR TINY DILDOS by Uberrime, Fun Factory, and Funkit Toys

The Blush Nöje W4 only costs a lit­tle more than the Romp Flip and offers deep­er vibra­tion qual­i­ty. (As well, the W3 wand costs less.) There's a rea­son I used it on my clit to pre­pare for insert­ing the gar­gan­tu­an Tantus Bishop and Fist Trainer Super Soft XL.

When you dip the Nöje W4 in water, the waves are big­ger, and the water droplets jump far­ther up. It's more refined and has a low­er pitch.

Even just "heft­ing" the W4 and Flip in my hand, can feel the Nöje W4's denser and more sub­stan­tial motor inside the head; the Flip feels hol­low in comparison.

My biggest com­plaint about the Nöje W4 wand is that it has only 2 steady inten­si­ties and 8 pat­terns. I do like the fast stac­ca­to rhythm on one of them, though. And the W3 has 5 con­stant speeds.

The only time I'd rec­om­mend the ROMP Flip (which fea­tures 6 inten­si­ties) over the Nöje W4 is if price and speed con­trol mat­ter a lot to you. Well, and maybe also if you despise pink.

Other alternatives to consider

If you're will­ing to splurge a lit­tle more, you can still get a teal BMS Factory Pillow Talk Cheeky, which fea­tures a rum­ble that's the crème de la crème of this size class and price range.

Romp Flip & Blush Nöje W4 rechargeable mini-wand reviews 3

I love my glass jars and fake plants.

I under­stand that, on my list of best rechargeable/​cordless wand mas­sagers, the Nöje W4 is over­shad­owed by seri­ous pow­er­hous­es. My Doxy 3 Rechargeable has spoiled me.

But as far as afford­able and com­pact cord­less wands go, Blush's Nöje W wand line is on fleek.

My verdict on the ROMP Toys Flip and Blush Nöje W4 rechargeable mini-wands

I'm so excit­ed about the Romp vibra­tor and air pulse line! Their afford­able cli­toral suc­tion toys pack a punch.

And while none of the Romp vibes are the absolute best in their class­es, they're up there, offer­ing a respectable cost-​to-​quality ratio. Add some col­or to your toy box today.

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