5 Top Types of Sex Toys for People With Penises

Sex toys aren't just for ciswomen! There's a plethora of sex toys for penises out there, from strokers and sleeves to pumps and prostate massagers.

If you're look­ing to upgrade to sen­sa­tions beyond your hand, you've come to the right place!

Fleshlight masturbation strokers: Stoya Destroya and classic pink

I've col­lab­o­rat­ed with Martin Moore, the writer behind the Male Sex Toys blog, to bring you an intro to some of the best sex toys for penis­es and prostates.

Masturbation Sleeves for Penises

Masturbation sleeves and penis stro­kers are the most pop­u­lar choice among male sex toys. These sex toys are designed to sim­u­late pen­e­tra­tive sex for peo­ple with penises.

What to Look for When Shopping for Strokers

When you’re choos­ing the best option for you, pay spe­cial atten­tion to the mate­ri­als and size. If the sleeve is too small, you could rip it. If it’s too wide or too long, you won’t expe­ri­ence the whole texture.

Also, if you’re look­ing for a real­is­tic mas­tur­ba­tion sleeve, get your­self a pink Fleshlight sleeve. See-​through sleeves are stick­i­er. Warming up the sleeve makes a huge difference.

Top Fleshlights

Top Automated Masturbators by Kiroo

  • Onyx+ for real­is­tic and intense experiences
  • Keon for Fleshlight lovers
5 Top Types of Sex Toys for People With Penises 1

Cock Masturbators for Transmasculine People

For AFAB peo­ple with bot­tom growth (over 0.5" diam­e­ter), the New York Toy Collective Jack is a 2‑in‑1 pack­er and stro­ker for trans peo­ple with bot­tom growth. Its strength as a mas­tur­ba­tion sleeve lies in its inter­nal tex­tures and gender-​affirming exterior.

Go check out Kelvin Sparks' blog for an in-​depth review of the NYTC Jack stro­ker and his thoughts on oth­er pen­e­tra­ble toys for trans­masc folks.

Those who don't have as much bot­tom growth could con­sid­er the LELO Sila or Satisfyer Curvy 1+ or 2+. They have big­ger "mouths" for fit­ting a wider range of anatomies than most cli­toral air pulse toys. (I'm look­ing at you, LELO Sona and Biird Obii!)

Prostate Massagers

Even though many men are still very con­ser­v­a­tive when it comes to prostate plea­sure, mas­sagers are final­ly get­ting their recog­ni­tion. The prostate is often com­pared to the female G‑spot since it can actu­al­ly help peo­ple with penis­es expe­ri­ence mul­ti­ple orgasms. Also, the orgasms tend to be longer and more intense.

This eroge­nous zone is a small gland locat­ed between the penis and the blad­der. Even though it can be reached from the out­side, it’s a lot eas­i­er to stim­u­late it from the inside.

Best prostate massagers

Cy's Thoughts on Prostate Stimulation

Instead of think­ing of the prostate as the male G‑spot or the G‑spot as the female prostate, I pre­fer to see them as the same tis­sues in a dif­fer­ent shape. It's just that, in peo­ple with­out vagi­nas, there's one less hole you can use to access the ure­thral sponge.

If you want to stim­u­late the prostate from the out­side, you can do that by mas­sag­ing the root of the penis (behind the balls). Feel around the per­ineum until you reach a spot where the tis­sue is rel­a­tive­ly dense and gives a lit­tle more resistance.

My boyfriend says that it makes eeeev­ery­thing more sen­si­tive when I mas­sage his prostate. Another friend has referred to it as an "eject" but­ton for cum.

Top Picks for Prostate Stimulators

Je Joue Mio vibrating cock ring

Cock Rings

Cock rings are an excel­lent choice for peo­ple who have dif­fi­cul­ty keep­ing their penis hard dur­ing inter­course. Originally, they were cre­at­ed to do that and ONLY that. Cock rings today still do the same job and more.

Modern penis rings often come with vibrat­ing heads that can stim­u­late the cli­toris dur­ing pen­e­tra­tion to increase plea­sure. They often come with a remote con­trol option so that any part­ner can be in charge of the vibra­tion intensity.

Top Choice for a Vibrating Cock Ring

The Je Joue Mio is a nice and rumbly ring vibra­tor that's not too bulky!

There's a trade-​off when it comes to pow­er vs. size. A vibrat­ing cock ring should ide­al­ly be big enough to con­tain a decent motor but not so big that it buffers pen­e­tra­tion depth if a vagina-​owning receiv­er likes being bot­tomed out.

Bathmate Hydroxtreme and Hydromax penis pumps

Penis Pumps

Penis pumps were cre­at­ed to increase the penis size tem­porar­i­ly by draw­ing blood to it. Usually, some­one uses the penis pump right before inter­course, and its effects last around 30 minutes.

When choos­ing a penis pump, it’s impor­tant to find a qual­i­ty one of the right size. If the pump is too big, it won’t cre­ate a vac­u­um around the penis.

Top Choices For Penis Pumps

  • Penomet — best for build­ing your­self up
  • Bathmate Hydroxtreme — good for expe­ri­enced users
  • Bathmate Hydromax — beginner-friendly

UPDATE: Read more about them in my Bathmate HydroMax and HydroXtreme penis pump guide!

5 Top Types of Sex Toys for People With Penises 2

Extension Sleeves

Penis exten­sion sleeves come in var­i­ous shapes and sizes. While some choose to get them sim­ply for pleasure's sake, oth­ers use it to help them fight erec­tile dys­func­tion or pre­ma­ture ejaculation.

If you're the recep­tive par­ty, anoth­er way of using a penis exten­der is to put it on a hand­held fuck­ing machine like the Velvet Thruster!

An exten­sion sleeve can cov­er the whole penis or only a part of it. Usually, it depends on their pur­pose. When you’re choos­ing one, it’s impor­tant to seek com­fort, func­tion­al­i­ty, and skin-​safe materials.

5 Top Types of Sex Toys for People With Penises 3

Top Penis Extension Sleeves

  • For pre­ma­ture ejac­u­la­tion or erec­tile dys­func­tion — VixSkin Holster or Colossus
    • These may sound pricey, but they last a life­time with prop­er care!
  • Affordable options for big­ger size — Lovehoney sleeves
    • This one is sil­i­cone, but many oth­ers at Lovehoney are porous and don't last as long — check those for signs of micro­bial growth before every use.
  • For cou­ples that want new intense expe­ri­ences — Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo Lux

Wrapping It Up!

What are your favorite sex toys for penis­es and prostates, and which ones would you like to see reviewed in the future?

This post was a col­lab­o­ra­tion between Cy, the own­er of Super Smash Cache, and Martin Moore from the Male Sex Toys blog.

About Martin Moore

Martin has been a sex blog­ger for about to years now. Even though he's a begin­ner as a blog­ger, he con­sid­ers him­self a vet­er­an in the male sex toys field. His goal is to help oth­er men dis­cov­er qual­i­ty sex toys, as well as stop being shy about them.

About Cy Smash

Head over to Super Smash Cache's "about" page to read more about her and her ser­vices!

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3 Responses

  1. Yam says:

    Strokers look liie so much fun! I wish I had the anato­my for them

  2. Emma says:

    Super post …

  3. Emilia says:

    I have noticed a few like the fun fac­to­ry man­ta and some vedo toys that vibrate the penis. Hopefully one of these day you can get your hands on one. They seem very cool but I’m won­der­ing if they actu­al­ly feel plea­sur­able or if it’s just mar­ket­ing. Anyways, this post is great and real­ly infor­ma­tive. Thank you!

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