Uberrime Praesto, Tantus Sport, & Silc Arts Renaissance dildo reviews

3 BEAUTIFUL, beginner-​friendly G‑spot dildos
Uberrime Praesto, Tantus Sport, & Silc Arts Renaissance dildo reviews 1

In this fast-​blast round-​up, there's a lit­tle something-​something old (the Tantus Sport), some­thing new (the Silc Arts Renaissance), noth­ing bor­rowed (I wouldn't be com­fort­able with that), and some­thing blue (the Uberrime Praesto).

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Uberrime Praesto artisan G-spot dildo

(The most filling of these three G‑spot dildos. Plus! Glitter!)
Uberrime Praesto, Tantus Sport, & Silc Arts Renaissance dildo reviews 2

From the Uberrime Praesto prod­uct page:

In Latin, Praesto is both a verb and adverb mean­ing, "I am ready, at your ser­vice" or "On the spot." A prop­er name, as the Praesto was designed specif­i­cal­ly for G‑spot and prostate stimulation.

Whether for solo vagi­nal play or strap-​on play, the Uberrime Praesto is a poten­tial all-​arounder for those want­i­ng a dil­do with slight­ly above-​average girth. Its low-​profile flared base is both butt-​safe and harnessable.

Like the Uberrime A‑Spot Avenger, the Praesto's base includes an ori­en­ta­tion bump. That way, you can always tell which side faces ante­ri­or­ly, even when play­ing in the dark.

Fast facts about the Uberrime Praesto:

  • Length: 6" total (5.5" insertable)
  • Maximum head diam­e­ter: 1.59"
  • Shaft diam­e­ter: 1.27"
  • Firmness: Shore 12A (medium-​firm)
  • Available col­ors: orchid blue/​indigo, mer­maid blue/​teal at SheVibe; oth­er options avail­able at Uberrime​.com

How the Uberrime Praesto feels in use

With any G‑spot toy, head shape is one of the essen­tial fea­tures. The Uberrime Praesto fea­tures a round­ed tip and semi-​representational coro­na. It's more dif­fuse than direct; the cur­va­ture mas­sages my front wall in gen­er­al, while its flared mush­room tip digs in a lit­tle bit shal­low­er on my G‑spot.

Uberrime Praesto, Tantus Sport, & Silc Arts Renaissance dildo reviews 3

This dildo's coro­nal ridge makes an excel­lent fit for those who enjoy stim­u­la­tion at the mouth of the vagina.

The Praesto's slight bul­bous­ness and arc also work well for cervix mas­sage and A‑spotting — if your vagi­na is of short-​to-​medium height. It's one of those weird exam­ples where I can aim pre­cise­ly enough in my pos­te­ri­or fornix that length doesn't mat­ter, much.

(A partner's bent fin­gers or the Blush Lush Iris, for exam­ple, can pro­vide suf­fi­cient pres­sure for me.)

The Uberrime Praesto might be for you if you:

  • Enjoy mush­room heads
  • Prefer oth­er­wise min­i­mal texture
  • Have a G‑spot sen­si­tive on the pubic bone — some­times, G‑spot dil­dos aim too far past it for me. That's not the case with the Praesto.
  • Enjoy the slightly-​above-​average 1.6" diameter
  • Are explor­ing your inter­nal eroge­nous zones in general
Consider the following, in addition to the Uberrime Praesto:

Tantus Sport firm G-spot dildo

(Most bulbous and affordable of these three.)
Uberrime Praesto, Tantus Sport, & Silc Arts Renaissance dildo reviews 4
Top to bot­tom: Blush Wellness dila­tors, Tantus Sport, Blush Avant Pride P3, and a peek of the Avant D4 base

The Tantus Sport is anoth­er G‑spot/​prostate dil­do with a round­ed tip, but suu­u­u­per front-​loaded. The egg-​on-​a-​stick head is akin to the njoy Pure Wand but on a rel­a­tive­ly straight and flex­i­ble shaft. It has a teardrop-​shaped base, which is anoth­er way of know­ing which side faces your (or your partner's) front wall.

Fast facts about the Tantus Sport:

  • Length: 6.2" total (5.5" insertable)
  • Maximum diam­e­ter: 1.25"
  • Shaft diam­e­ter: 1"
  • Firmness: Shore 20 (OG firm formula)
  • Available col­ors: black, mid­night purple

How the Tantus Sport feels in use

There's a dis­tinct "pop" between the Tantus Sport's head and neck, mak­ing it direct and focused. This toy that locks into place and works best with small movements.

I want to be clear: it's not a sub­sti­tute for the njoy Pure Wand since there's no steep curve to aim at your G‑spot for you. The Tantus Sport is also a lit­tle bendi­er at the shaft than I'd pre­fer. Consider, in con­trast, the Chrystalino Champ's firm glass body or the Cloud 9 G‑Spot Slim 7", which is most­ly firm, except for at the neck.

Because aim­ing has to be more pre­cise with the Tantus Sport's head shape, I sug­gest pro­ceed­ing with cau­tion if you have short arms or ample bel­ly fat. Its lim­it­ed length means you don't have much of a han­dle to work with.

Otherwise, if you already know where your G‑spot is, and want a starter toy, the Tantus Sport is intense enough to help you become BFFs with it. I would have loved to use it as a first dil­do.

Uberrime Praesto, Tantus Sport, & Silc Arts Renaissance dildo reviews 5
Left to right: Silc Arts Renaissance, Uberrime Praesto, Uberrime Amo, LELO Soraya Wave

The Tantus Sport might be for you if you:

  • Are eye­ing the njoy Pure Wand's front-​loaded head but want some­thing less hardcore
  • Don't want any tex­ture at all — just pure, glossy curves, please!
  • Mostly want to tar­get your G‑spot  — and it is slight­ly past your pubic bone.
  • Are intim­i­dat­ed by hard materials
  • Are new to toys and want some­thing budget-​friendly but effective
Keep in mind:

Tantus has flash sales every month, so you might some­times even be able to get this sil­i­cone dil­do for under $20! Check the manufacturer's web­site often.

Silc Arts Renaissance G-Spot

The prettiest and most customizable of these three G‑spot dildos
Uberrime Praesto, Tantus Sport, & Silc Arts Renaissance dildo reviews 6

This gor­geous arti­san dil­do by Silc Arts fea­tures twists and turns and fine fil­i­gree tex­tures inspired by Victorian scroll­work. From the Silc Arts Renaissance prod­uct page:

The twist of leaf. The petal's curve. The grace of it all. I love how the leaves nes­tle, grow bold from the same bud. They arch for­ward in grace.

(I request­ed to have mine in blue because it reminds me of water waves.)

Like the previously-​mentioned dil­dos, the Silc Arts Renaissance also has a bul­bous head but with a more grad­ual teardrop-​shaped swell and a thin­ner shaft. It also has an asym­met­ric base for easy orientation.

Fast facts about the Silc Arts Renaissance:

  • Length: 6.75" total (5.5" insertable)
  • Maximum diam­e­ter: 1.25"
  • Shaft diam­e­ter: 0.8"
  • Firmness: Shore 32 (in this size, it's hard but springy), 20, 10
  • Available col­ors: Your choice! Buy one ready-​made or get a cus­tom 2‑color gradient.

How the Silc Arts Renaissance G‑Spot dildo feels in use

I'm a fiend for fat sil­i­cone dil­dos, but with 1.25" diam­e­ter and such a bendy shaft, the Silc Arts Renaissance suits users who pre­fer gen­tle inser­tions. This dil­do isn't one that I use for hard thrust­ing, but slow pulling and clench­ing to savor its tex­tures. Its bendi­er shaft and less sud­den swell make the stim­u­la­tion way less direct.

To an extent (usu­al­ly until the first orgasm), I can use it for cervix stim­u­la­tion, until my vagi­na tents/​expands. Though its base is a bit bulky for har­ness­ing, I like how the slight­ly raised mid­dle can grind up against my cli­toris when thrusting.

Overall, the Silc Arts Renaissance isn't for me. I like the tex­tures, and would high­ly rec­om­mend it for butt stuff, but the Sparrow is much more my speed.

Uberrime Praesto, Tantus Sport, & Silc Arts Renaissance dildo reviews 7

The Silc Arts Renaissance might be for you if you:

  • Are drool­ing over the aesthetic!
  • Want built-​in cli­toral grinding
  • Enjoy tac­tile textures
  • Seek a begin­ner dil­do for butt stuff
  • Usually oth­er­wise have pain with penetration

Recap of these basic G-spot dildos

Of these three G‑spot dil­dos, my favorite is the Uberrime Praesto. It's no mys­tery that I'm a size queen and pre­fer some­thing a lit­tle girthier.

However, as far as focused stim­u­la­tion goes, the Tantus Sport takes the cake. And the Silc Arts Renaissance's main appeal to me is the leafy tex­tures — with­out them, it would feel too much like I'm fuck­ing myself with nothing.

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