Mini-Reviews: Dame Kip & BMS Mini Swan Rose

Some days, I'm lazy with mas­tur­ba­tion and want a clit vibe through my panties. Conveniently, bul­lets like the Dame Kip and BMS Mini Swan Rose car­ry a fan­tas­tic fun-​to-​size ratio for that.

[Image: yellow Dame Products Kip, pink BMS Factory Mini Swan Rose, and jade green Dame Products Pom]

Though they're very dif­fer­ent and tar­get dif­fer­ent audi­ences, they're (to me) equal­ly enjoyable.

The key dis­tin­guish­ing fea­tures? The BMS Mini Swan Rose fea­tures deep, thud­dy vibra­tions for its size, while the Dame Kip's sharp edges and con­trol pan­el are its claims to fame for this pin­point princess. Want some high-​amplitude voom? Get the Mini Swan Rose or Hot Octopuss Amo. Want to pack a more wob­bly, flut­ter­ing kind of pow­er into a blade-​like edge? Get Kip by Dame Products.

Vibration quality: BMS Mini Swan Rose vs. Dame Kip

[Image: BMS Factory Mini Swan Rose silicone bullet vibrator and the flattened head of the Dame Kip]

The BMS Mini Swan Rose bul­let has con­sid­er­able "jump" to it. Its pow­er comes close to the Femmefunn Bougie Bullet but car­ries a low­er pitch and more sig­nif­i­cant range of motion. Dare I say it? This bul­let is an afford­able alter­na­tive to the We-​Vibe Tango. Though it's not as pow­er­ful as the Tango, the Mini Swan Rose is fit­ting if you want a bul­let with sub­stan­tial depth to shake part of the inter­nal cli­toris, and for way less. Want to make this pow­er­ful cli­toral vibra­tor even more afford­able? Take 10% off with my coupon code SUPERSMASH10 at Spectrum Boutique.

Kip by Dame Products is surface-​level in com­par­i­son. It has refined and mod­er­ate pow­er— unques­tion­ably pow­er­ful for the size— but won't suit those look­ing to bul­ly their clit into obliv­ion. Instead, it's for those who (like me) enjoy press­ing with a fin­ger­nail for cli­toral stim­u­la­tion. This vibrator's sil­i­cone edges and prism cor­ners are most­ly firm, except for the very tip, which flex­es to flutter.

I wrote in my Dame Products Pom review that the pitch is delight­ful­ly low and basslike, but I wished it had more pow­er for the price. Well, Kip does deliv­er more pow­er— its motor is sim­i­lar to Pom's, but there's less sil­i­cone to damp­en the move­ment. And Kip costs less than Pom does. If you want qual­i­ty vibra­tion with tight con­trol, def­i­nite­ly check out Dame's new products.

Kip by Dame Products' shape: pinpoint AF

[Image: holding the Dame Kip lipstick bullet vibrator in my hand and flexing the pointy tip]

Again, Kip is far sharp­er and more tar­get­ed. One can­not overem­pha­size how per­fect the Dame Products Kip's edges are for me. Bullets are abun­dant, but it's hard­er to find anoth­er cli­toral vibra­tor with this much def­i­n­i­tion. For com­par­i­son, the Mini Swan Rose's motor is in the round­ed end. And though I can orgasm with a rumbly and far broad­er wand's head, a bullet's shape only reach­es per­fec­tion when I can apply eye­lin­er wings with it.

I can cer­tain­ly do that with the Dame Kip. With the right pres­sure, the mul­ti­ple con­sec­u­tive orgasms flow freely for me. I've been told that I some­times look like I'm in pain while orgas­ming with it. That's how enam­ored I am by the sharply pris­mat­ic shape. If pin­point stim­u­la­tion isn't your thing, no wor­ries; the Dame Kip's flat sides also allow for broad­ly dis­trib­uted pressure.

Dame Kip and BMS Mini Swan Rose control panels

[Image: Dame Kip has a sharp head, whereas the BMS Mini Swan Rose has a rounded one]

Both Kip by Dame Products and the BMS Mini Swan Rose fea­ture a broad and con­tin­u­ous speed range to suit dif­fer­ent moods. There are three but­tons on the for­mer: on/​off/​pattern tog­gle, increase, and decrease. You can change the inten­si­ty by press­ing the but­tons for dis­crete speeds or hold­ing them down for grad­ual adjust­ments. Fuck yeah. The pan­el is use­ful if you're sen­si­tive after orgasm and need to turn it way down. For the Mini Swan Rose, there's one but­ton. Press to turn it on or off. Hold to ramp up the speed. That's it. It's not the most con­ve­nient or intu­itive, but for the fan­tas­tic price, I'm not complaining.

My verdict on Kip by Dame Products and the BMS Mini Swan Rose

[Image: Dame Kip, Dame Pom, and BMS Mini Swan Rose]

The BMS Mini Swan Rose is hel­la impres­sive for its price and size, with ample rum­ble. The only oth­er We-​Vibe Tango alter­na­tive  I've tried that's almost as pow­er­ful­ly basslike is the Hot Octopuss Digit. It's worth not­ing that the Digit's sib­ling, the Amo, is the best of both worlds: as pointy as the Kip but as rumbly as the Mini Swan Rose..

If you need a lit­tle more and are will­ing to sac­ri­fice com­pact dis­cre­tion, also con­sid­er the BMS Mini Swan Rose's cousin, the BMS Pillow Talk Sassy. The Sassy rivals even the leg­endary LELO Mona 2 in pow­er and rum­ble. As well, the BMS Factory Swan Wand Classic's basslike low­er speeds come close to the Magic Wand Plus's first set­ting. And is high­est speed is between the sec­ond and third. Overall, I stan BMS Factory's motors— they usu­al­ly have a rad quality-​to-​price ratio.

As for Dame Products, Kip's motor and wide speed range are noth­ing to scoff at. However, as usu­al, Dame's shapes are what make their toys out­stand­ing to me. I'll con­clude this post with the same thing I said in my Dame Pom review: "I'm in love with the shape of you." Dame Products' take on a lip­stick vibra­tor could have been Just Another Bullet, but the design dis­tills the vibra­tions into a mes­mer­iz­ing­ly potent bite.

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1 Response

  1. G says:

    Awesome review and such col­or­ful, pret­ty pic­tures as well!

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