FUN FACTORY VIM Review: best, rumbliest cordless wand

My VIM guest review on the FUN FACTORY USA blog is now live!

Upon turn­ing on [this] wand, I only thought two words, “Oh, fuuuuuuuuck.” 

FUN FACTORY VIM Review: best, rumbliest cordless wand 1

I've tried over 350 sex toys, and FUN FACTORY'S VIM is an S‑tier stand­out in the wand-​style mas­sager cat­e­go­ry. How is it so damn rumbly? The key is its hel­la front-​loaded head — VIM's motor is unique­ly weight­ed for a thud­dy, rumbly vibra­tion qual­i­ty, while the han­dle is slim­mer and more light­weight than the competitors.

FUN FACTORY VIM review summary

Yup, my review of FUN FACTORY's VIM also com­pares this wand to the Magic Wand Rechargeable and LELO Smart Wand 2 Large. In short:

  • VIM's high­est set­ting is only a hair less pow­er­ful but waaaaay rum­bli­er than the Magic Wand Rechargeable.
  • VIM has 5 steady speeds and 3 pat­terns; there isn't that big inten­si­ty gap in the mid­dle like with the Magic Wand Rechargeable. Also… I actu­al­ly like the waves and rhythms?!
  • The LELO Smart Wand 2 also has a deep, purring tim­bre, but doesn't come close to VIM's pow­er.

The full post explains it in more detail. As far as cord­less wands go, VIM blows all else out of the water.

Fun Factory VIM vs. Magic Wand Rechargeable and Doxy

I con­sid­er it com­ple­men­tary to my faith­ful­ly mains-​powered Doxy Die Cast — VIM for the thud­di­est vibra­tion qual­i­ty, and Doxy for when I just fuck­ing want a pow­er tool with the raw pow­er to sand off my clit. VIM's top speed is some­where between the Doxy Die Cast's first and sec­ond settings.

Here's my FUN FACTORY VIM review quote that real­ly takes the cake:

…mul­ti­ple [orgasms] that over­whelm me with rap­tur­ous dopamine delight. I turn it up, cli­max, turn it way down when I’m sen­si­tive but still on the plateau, insta-​cum again, and repeat, going high­er every time until I'm a sob­bing mess.

Nobody's sur­prised about how much I love VIM, con­sid­er­ing my long his­to­ry of "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA" fan­girling for FUN FACTORY's G5 vibra­tors, right?

Read more and get the VIM by FUN FACTORY

FUN FACTORY VIM Review: best, rumbliest cordless wand 2

Celebrating VIM, just for fun!

Taking a closer look at the influencer release box

FUN FACTORY makes their new releas­es so fes­tive. My VIM came with:

  • Hiyo's sweet seltzer with nootrop­ics and mush­room extracts for a booze-​free buzz
  • A can­dle that smells like pep­per and palm, i.e., if Old Spice were less bro‑y
  • A tray that fits the wand and refresh­ments juu­u­ust right
  • Lil itty-​bitty match­es — HOW FREAKING CUTE?!

Thank you so much to FUN FACTORY USA for this col­lab­o­ra­tion and for let­ting me guest review VIM on their web­site. The US HQ is in California, while the toys them­selves are eth­i­cal­ly made with love in Germany.

Fun Factory VIM vs. Magic Wand Rechargeable comparison

I also made a playlist to go with VIM's viva­cious vibe, which Fun Factory titled "Wand Wave." Their descrip­tion goes:

Made for us by Cy Smash, this mix fea­tures ’80s-​flavored, cin­e­mat­ic pop jams. The synth-​heavy sound is a wel­come update to a clas­sic, much like VIM, the toy that inspired this playlist.

That just fur­thers how I've sum­ma­rized my music taste, "80s revival sum­mer beach rom-​com." Enjoy!

Got any ques­tions for me about the FUN FACTORY VIM? Drop them in the com­ments below!

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13 Responses

  1. Alex says:

    Glad to see Fun Factory did such a good job on their first wand. Their motors have always been A+.Also, orange is a crim­i­nal­ly under­used sex toy color.

  2. Trix says:

    This is a case where FF sil­i­cone drag will be a good thing (don’t like my exter­nal vibes too glidy)…does the rib­bing add much?

  3. B R says:

    My wife is not a pow­er queen, so I guess this is not for us. Can any­one sug­gest a wand that starts with a fair­ly low inten­si­ty, and has a decent high inten­si­ty for those "spe­cial" times?

  4. Cam says:

    Lightweight han­dles are great. I dig the col­or too

  5. LJ says:

    I'm not real­ly a wand person- I have a few but nor­mal­ly find the sen­sa­tions to be too broad for me- but I am so curi­ous about this one. I feel­like the tex­ture of yhe ridges might also help off­set the broad stimulation.

  6. B says:

    How do you think it com­pares to the Dame Com, if you have tried it ? In ter­mes of Power and rumbly­fun, but also ergonom­ics and texture. 🙂

    • VIM is way stronger than COM. It's ergonom­i­cal­ly not ide­al, but that comes with the ter­ri­to­ry of such a front-​loaded head. The sil­i­cone fin­ish is great! Nice and mat­te. I could take or leave the tex­ture, but that's because I use VIM over my pants.

  7. nightingale says:

    Yuuum. It sounds like every­thing i need and even some extra.
    I have a lil ques­tion tho, is the head made of Fun Factory's reg­u­lar drag­gy silicone?
    Also, how does it com­pare to doxy's first 2 speeds in terms of power?

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