Review: BMS Naked Addiction & XR Thump It self-thrusting realistic dildos

It's the "I can't stop coming" kind of dildo that I'd set aside time to use all night.
[Image: Self-thrusting dildos in flesh, purple, and teal. Left to right: Velvet Thruster Teddy with VixSkin Colossus extension sheath, Zalo Sweet Magic Desire, BMS Factory Naked Addiction 9" self-thrusting dong, Fun Factory Stronic Real Pulsator II, original Velvet Thruster Jackie, XR Thump It 7.25]

I've reviewed many self-​thrusting dil­dos, but until now, none were espe­cial­ly squishy or real­is­tic. That's where BMS Factory's Naked Addiction 9" Thrusting Dildo comes in: a hybrid between a dual-​density dil­do and a thruster.

Like a penis, it's firm on the inside and squishy on the out­side and through­out the tip. What's more, its sur­face has just the right lev­el of mat­te­ness and drag to feel like skin — not too tacky and not too smooth.

BMS Factory Naked Addiction 9" vs. other thrusters I've used in the past

Yes, I've put a super-​soft VixSkin Colossus cock exten­der on my Velvet Thruster Teddy fuck­ing machine to make it feel more like a cock. But the Colossus is an expen­sive add-​on, made for size queens crav­ing some­thing THICC.

It also costs more than the BMS Factory Naked Addiction Thrusting Dildo, whose mea­sure­ments are only slight­ly above aver­age: 9" total with balls, 6.75" insertable, and 1.6" max­i­mum shaft width.

The Velvet Thrusters, by default, have some flex­i­bil­i­ty and rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al tex­tures, but their sil­i­cone is on the medium-​firm side. That's not a bad thing — just dif­fer­ent. As far as self-​contained mini fuck­ing machines, the BMS Factory Naked Addiction Thrusting Dildo is the clos­est to flesh you'll get. I'll go into the mech­a­nism and thrust­ing sen­sa­tion in just a bit.

[Image: self-thrusting dildos left to right — Fun Factory Stronic Real Pulsator II, Zalo Sweet Magic Desire Thruster, and XR Thump It 7.25"]

But first, an introduction to the other new self-​thrusting dildo I'm reviewing in this post:

The XR Brands Thump It 7" dil­do. Its sil­i­cone is firm, and its veins are admit­ted­ly slight­ly unset­tling by my stan­dards. However, what makes it stand out is that it has a lin­ear mag­net­ic motor (dubbed, "Kinetic Technology).

If you remem­ber my Fun Factory Stronic Real or Zalo Sweet Magic Desire Thruster review, the con­cept is sim­i­lar. There's a weight inside that gets shut­tled back-​and-​forth to pro­pel the dildo.

Though the Thump It self-​thrusting dildo's stroke length is short­er (less than a cen­time­ter) and not super pow­er­ful or real­is­tic, it still looks more phal­lic than the oth­er options with this kind of motor. Plus, both the Naked Addiction and Thump It have suc­tion cups and (one-​button) remote controls!

Skip to a section to read more about these thrusters:

BMS Factory Naked Addiction 9" self-thrusting dildo review

Every time I give guests a tour of my sex toy dis­play, the BMS Factory Naked Addiction thrust­ing dong is a must-feel.

"Squish the tip!" I implore. "Isn't it delight­ful­ly fleshy?"

[Image: self-thrusting dildos left to right — Zalo Sweet Magic Desire thruster, Velvet Thruster Jackie realistic handheld fucking machine, and BMS Factory Naked Addiction Thrusting dildo]

Then I turn on the thrust­ing action, and my friends' eyes widen. Even more so when I turn on the high­est of 7 speeds, at which point the Naked Addiction's mov­ing head is but a blur. You can hard­ly dis­cern the sound of indi­vid­ual thrusts any­more — they blend into prac­ti­cal­ly one tone.

"I know the point isn't to com­pete with sex toys, but damn. I can't help but think, 'My dick doesn't do that!'"

Indeed, no human penis can move as this dildo does.

Like the Velvet Thruster, part of the BMS Factory Naked Addiction's shaft extends and con­tracts. But where­as the for­mer has fold­ing accor­dion pleats to accom­mo­date a 2.5–3" thrust length, the latter's sil­i­cone "skin" stretch­es. Its dis­tal half ham­mers back-​and-​forth by about one cen­time­ter — a small­er range of motion, but don't under­es­ti­mate it as I did.

The pack­ag­ing isn't fuck­ing kid­ding when it says, "Powerful Thrusting Action." Yes, I could sub­stan­tial­ly sti­fle the move­ment with my hand, and it slows down when I come and clench, but not enough to dis­rupt the expe­ri­ence. I'd nat­u­ral­ly go less hard right after orgasm, any­way, before speed­ing back up. As far as alter­na­tives go, the quirk applies to the Velvet Thruster Teddy, too (but not the orig­i­nal Jackie or Walter).

[Image: BMS Factory Naked Addiction realistic dual-density self-thrusting dildo with suction cup base next to leaves and flowers vertical view]

Luckily, both the Teddy and Naked Addiction self-​thrusting dil­do have two-​button con­trol pan­els for breezy speed increas­es and decreas­es. They also both have suc­tion cup bases for easy mounting.

Unlike the Velvet Thruster's smooth and sinu­soidal rhythm, though, the Naked Addiction is more jerky, punchy, and rough, even at slow speeds. You can hear the click­ing of the motor.

If your cervix abhors that descrip­tion, I urge you to trust your intu­ition here. I'm pret­ty hard­core with deep pen­e­tra­tion, and the Naked Addiction's chop­py throb­bing is almost the per­fect inten­si­ty, if not a bit much when push­ing towards my cervix prop­er. I should empha­size: only a bit.

For manual thrusting, its squish feels especially fantastic against my cervixa recurring theme with softer-​shored silicone dildos especially.

My cervix adores the Uberrime Aqua-​King and A‑Spot Avenger, as well as the Vixen Creations Johnny and Outlaw. They're fill­ing but pli­able and con­form to my for­nices with just the right amount of resis­tance.

As a dil­do with the motor off, the BMS Naked Addiction 9" thrust­ing dong does the same thing. It's the"can't stop com­ing" kind of dil­do that I'd set aside time to use all night. If you want more bang for your buck, con­sid­er the non-​powered Naked Addiction dual-​density dil­do instead. It's not exact­ly the same, and a lit­tle short­er, but feels even more real­is­tic — and for about half the price.

With the power on, though, the self-​thrusting is better suited for my A‑spot, with the dildo aimed at my front wall

…almost all the way in but away from my cervix. The BMS Factory Naked Addiction 9" self-​thrusting dual-​density dil­do is hel­la pow­er­ful and with a defined enough head that it works for my entire front wall.

That includes my G‑spot. If you seek a real­is­tic dil­do that can dig past the pubic bone, I still sug­gest the (inan­i­mate) curved VixSkin Johnny. However, my G‑spot is still a fan of straight dil­dos when paired with fast thrusting.

[Image: BMS Factory Naked Addiction realistic dual-density self-thrusting dildo with suction cup base next to leaves and flowers horizontal view]

Case in point: my Fun Factory Stronic Surf pul­sator and self-​thrusting dil­do review. The Stronics' mech­a­nism is dif­fer­ent from the BMS Naked Addiction's self-​thrusting, but both fea­ture rapid, short thrusts that allow the flared head to zoom in and focus on an espe­cial­ly sen­si­tive area.

I wasn't a fan of this dildo's sib­ling, the BMS Factory Naked Addiction Rotating and Vibrating Dildo (also only avail­able in "vanil­la"… ugh). The lin­ear self-​thrusting ren­di­tion, though, pleas­ant­ly sur­prised me. As a dil­do, it's high­ly realistic.

As a thruster, it's more mechanical and "uncanny valley" than the Teddy or Jackie, but I can't stop squeezing it with my hands or my vagina.

If you want a dual-​density self-​thrusting dil­do, the BMS Factory Naked Addiction is the god­send you've been wait­ing for.

Get the BMS Factory Naked Addiction 9" thruster or dual-​density dil­do from Peepshow Toys and take 10% off your order with coupon code SUPERSMASHCACHE

XR Brands Thump It 7-inch self-thrusting dildo

Another recent real­is­tic release is the Thump It dil­do line by XR Brands. It comes in three sizes, but the one I tried is 7.25" long (6.75" insertable) and 1.6" across. The usable por­tion is about the same size as the BMS Factory Naked Addiction dil­dos and has a suc­tion cup, but no balls.

[Image: XR Brands Thump It 7.25" self-thrusting dildo next to BMS Naked Addiction 9" / 6.75" insertable dual-density in Vanilla]

As well, the Thump It dil­dos may feel thick­er because of how firm they are; there's some flex­i­bil­i­ty at the tip, but oth­er­wise very lit­tle give. You'll want a brush to clean the retract­ed fore­skin tex­ture under the dildo's head.

Veins are all along the (otherwise silky) shaft, but the tactile sensations are concentrated in that foreskin area.

It's those same ridges on the Thump It dil­do that delight my G‑spot. If you need a sharply pro­trud­ing coro­na, this dil­do isn't going to do it for you. Texture sluts read­ing this review, though, are already grinning.

Does the Thump It's "Kinetic Technology" feel any­thing like an actu­al penis thrust­ing? No. But again, a penis can't rub against my front wall in quite the same way— the cor­ru­ga­tion jig­gling with per­fect consistency.

The mov­ing weight isn't as heavy or thud­dy as with the Fun Factory Stronics or Zalo Sweet Magic Desire thruster, but it moves like a hybrid between jig­gling and vibra­tion. One but­ton con­trols the 3 speeds and 4 pat­terns. The sen­sa­tion is still intense, con­sid­er­ing that the tex­tures make up for the rel­a­tive­ly sub­tle move­ment. I'd more read­i­ly rec­om­mend the Thump It self-​thrusting dil­do than the Zalo Desire's lev­el land­scape and lux­u­ry price tag.

Get the XR Brands Thump-​It in one of three sizes:

  • 6.75" insertable x 1.6" diameter
  • 7.25" insertable x 1.7" diameter
  • 8" insertable x 2" diameter

…and take 10% off at Betty's Toy Box with coupon code SUPER

My verdicts on the BMS Naked Addiction and XR Thump It self-thrusting dildos

[Image: self-thrusting dildo photo shoot! YAY!]
A behind-​the-​scenes of my self-​thrusting dil­do pho­to­shoot with the XR Thump It, BMS Naked Addiction 9" Thrusting Dong with balls, Zalo Desire, Stronic Real, and Velvet Thrusters
If you couldn't tell, I'm lukewarm about the Thump It but adore the BMS Factory Naked Addiction 9" self-​thrusting dildo!

It was a much-​welcome addi­tion to my col­lec­tion, with a squishy and real­is­tic tip, a delight­ful­ly veiny and skin­like mat­te sur­face (not drag­gy like Fun Factory's sil­i­cone), and lin­ear move­ment for lazy mas­tur­ba­tion. It won't replace my Velvet Thruster Edward's more real­is­tic stroke length, but some­times I crave the Naked Addiction's squish.

If you don't mind the orig­i­nal (non-​thrusting) Naked Addiction's short­er length, it's a fan­tas­tic invest­ment with a high quality-​to-​cost ratio. One thing is for sure: BMS Factory knows what they're doing when it comes to dual-​density dildos.

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1 Response

  1. Lisa Stone says:

    great job! thanx for such a detailed review!

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