BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy review: powerful G-spot vibrator

I struck gold when I first tried the BMS Pillow Talk Sassy.

BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy review: powerful G-spot vibrator 1

Even as a rel­a­tive­ly new review­er, I knew that I was on to some­thing. What I didn't know at the time, though, was that this budget-​friendly G‑spot vibra­tor car­ries thud­di­er, more pow­er­ful vibra­tions the leg­endary LELO Mona 2. And for a third of the Mona 2's price. A review of the BMS Pillow Talk Sassy needs to do jus­tice it.

Why the BMS Pillow Talk Sassy is one of the best budget G-spot vibrators

With the PowerBullet tech­nol­o­gy that BMS Factory is known for, the Sassy is hel­la rumbly and pow­er­ful. It splash­es more when dipped in water than the LELO Mona 2 does. And the most unnerv­ing attribute of the BMS Pillow Talk Sassy is that its low-​frequency/​high-​amplitude vibra­tion qual­i­ty is com­pa­ra­ble to the Magic Wand Plus's low­er settings.

[Image: the BMS Pillow Talk Sassy and LELO Mona have very similar silhouettes!]

Let that sink in. The Pillow Talk Sassy is an insertable vibra­tor with a 1.5" diam­e­ter head. It's diminu­tive com­pared to the Magic Wand but some­how car­ries a sim­i­lar­ly rich tim­bre. I fell in love the first time I turned on this vibra­tor. I swooned over the barely-​there but defin­i­tive­ly low-​pitched purr emit­ted. No oth­er G‑spot vibra­tor I've tried tops it. And for that, I'll make every effort to be buried in the tomb with the Pillow Talk Sassy when I die (along with my njoy Eleven).

Its con­tin­u­ous range of inten­si­ties is unpar­al­leled; there's a speed option for prac­ti­cal­ly every­one. When I use the Pillow Talk Sassy, I get to have it all— the com­bi­na­tion of rum­ble and range is the epit­o­me of what my cli­toris finds essential.

I would have fan­girled over just using this vibra­tor exter­nal­ly, fine-​tuning the speed for mul­ti­ple back-​to-​back orgasms. Its G‑spotting head, though, total­ly sealed the deal. The Pillow Talk Sassy's ver­sa­til­i­ty, com­bined with its price, makes it a prac­ti­cal­ly per­fect first sex toy. But even if it cost way more, it would still be a wel­come col­lectible for any con­nois­seur want­i­ng a robust and rumbly G‑spot vibrator.

The Pillow Talk Sassy's shape

The BMS Pillow Talk Sassy fea­tures a gen­er­ous­ly curved G‑spotting neck and flex­i­ble shaft. Its head is only slight­ly bul­bous— mod­er­ate cir­cum­fer­ence, and not super round or front-​loaded. It also has 5" of insertable length, allow­ing it to hit a vari­ety of G‑spot depths.

BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy review: powerful G-spot vibrator 2

For me and many oth­ers, this vibra­tor will fall into a "Goldilocks" hap­py medi­um. The front-​facing part of the tip is just slight­ly flat­tened, and enough to knead my G‑spot, but still round enough to thrust.

The bul­bous­ness and curve nes­tle the dip of my pubic bone and stay in the opti­mal spot. There's no awk­ward straight taper­ing like with the Je Joue Uma or the slim end of the Desirables Dalia (the more promi­nent­ly swelling end rocks, though!). All in all, the Sassy's head is a gen­tle option for easy aim­ing. If you do want a rigid G‑spot vibra­tor (and prob­a­bly the rum­bli­est one), con­sid­er the Swan Wand.

BMS Factory's rumbly PowerBullet® vibrators

I almost declined to review the Pillow Talk Sassy because of its gener­ic appear­ance. But I imme­di­ate­ly changed my mind upon see­ing that BMS Factory designed it with a recharge­able Powerbullet motor.

[Image: Pillow Talk Sassy next to Pillow Talk Cheeky. Both are rumbly PowerBullet vibes in the same line by BMS Factory]

Every sin­gle PowerBullet toy I had ever tried had ter­rif­ic vibra­tions. Every last one: the Jopen Lust L2, Swan Wand, and now, the Pillow Talk Sassy and Pillow Talk Cheeky. I know that I men­tioned the Magic Wand Plus before, but let me remind you that the BMS Factory Palmpower Wand is tout­ed as a light­weight alter­na­tive to the Magic Wand. That's how good PowerBullet is

[Image: the BMS Pillow Talk Sassy's ample vibration splash when dipped in water. It's rumblier and in my opinion better than the LELO Mona 2.]

And I'm not just say­ing that PowerBullet is impres­sive just to say it; par­tic­u­lar attrib­ut­es make it so. The only one that you prob­a­bly care about, though, is that the cop­per weight in the motor is more mas­sive than most vibra­tors'. As a result, the vibra­tions are more pro­found and lux­u­ri­ous. There's more weight to them.

The BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy's press-and-hold speed control

One but­ton con­trols the BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy's vibra­tions. To turn it on or off, quick­ly press the but­ton. To increase the speed, hold the but­ton down. The Sassy's inten­si­ty will increase until you let go, or until it reach­es max­i­mum pow­er. Whichever comes first.

The one change I'd make is to add a "down" but­ton, but for the price tag, and how pow­er­ful the first set­ting is, I'm not com­plain­ing. After orgasm, when I'm most sen­si­tive, I quick­ly press the but­ton twice to go back to the low­est set­ting and orgasm again. And turn it up. And orgasm again. Ad infinitum.

I was so impressed upon turn­ing the Sassy on and hear­ing how low the motor purred. And it's not a "why does this weak-​ass set­ting exist?" low-​speed. It's rumbly enough that it doesn't need high speeds to com­pen­sate. Quite the con­trary! The low fre­quen­cy helps me appre­ci­ate the rum­ble even more. When I esca­lat­ed the inten­si­ty, I thought to myself at some point, "HOW ARE THERE EVEN STRONGER SETTINGS THAN WHAT I WAS ON JUST NOW?"

[Image: Cal Ex Embrace G Wand and Pillow Talk Sassy on Lucid Dreamer by Jeff Finley pillow]

Storage and cleaning

This vibra­tor comes with, of course, a charg­er, but also, the charg­er is labeled! There's also a stur­dy box, a satin pouch, and clean­ing brush for the handle's nooks and cran­nies. The vibra­tor itself is body-​safe and non­porous sil­i­cone. You can use a water-​based or oil-​based lube with it, and clean it with soap and water. If you want to dis­in­fect, dip or spray the insertable por­tion with a mild bleach solu­tion. It's splash-​proof but not sub­mersible, so don't let the Sassy sit in bleach.

Overall thoughts on the BMS Pillow Talk Sassy

The BMS Pillow Talk Sassy is the stan­dard to which I will com­pare every G‑spot vibra­tor in the future. Yes, the LELO Mona 2 has a rigid neck and pointy tip and comes close to the Sassy's rum­ble, but with a far steep­er price tag. And the BMS Swan Wand is rum­bli­er than the BMS Pillow Talk Sassy, but only has three steady speed set­tings (and also costs way more).

I would recommend the BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy to people who…

  • pri­or­i­tize a huge vibra­tion range
  • want a rumbly G‑spot vibrator
  • like low, purring vibrations
  • seek a budget-​friendly sex toy

…which is most peo­ple read­ing this review. Who isn't look­ing for the best quality-​to-​price ratio in a sex toy? You real­ly can't top the BMS Pillow Talk Sassy or its sib­ling, the Pillow Talk Cheeky Mini-​Wand, in that regard.

[Image: BMS Pillow Talk Cheeky and Pillow Talk Sassy.]

It has the look and feel of lux­u­ry G‑spot vibra­tor at an unbeat­able price. Turn it on. Hear the deep, pen­e­trat­ing vibra­tion qual­i­ty. And fall in love at first touch, as I did. Get the Pillow Talk Sassy from Peepshow Toys in pink or baby blue. Use coupon code SUPERSMASHCACHE for 10% off


Peepshow Toys sent me this rumbly AF G‑spot vibra­tor in exchange for my freely-​given and hon­est review. Thank you, Peepshow Toys! I do use affil­i­ate links through­out my posts. However, I only write what I know to be true. If I think a sex toy belongs in a flam­ing dump­ster, you'll know.

BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy review: powerful G-spot vibrator 3

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16 Responses

  1. Josh Long says:

    Would've con­tin­ued to have as go to if it didn't die.

    Battery became ques­tion­able after 8months, total­ly dead after 14 months. Turns off after 1 sec­ond now. It start­ed ran­dom­ly chang­ing speeds with­in the first mo, they're cus­tomer ser­vice: " you can pay $20 to ship it to us, if there is noth­ing wrong you will have to pay $20 to get it back."

    Very rumbly, refined design, qui­et and user friend­ly… but longevi­ty and sup­port… garbage. I'll try one of your oth­er rec­om­mend­ed ones next go around. If noth­ing else rum­bles like that, $39 dol­lars a year isn't too bad lol.

    • Agreed! Mine has last­ed me all these years, but there's def­i­nite­ly a point where you get what you pay for. We-​Vibe and Je Joue have rum­ble but with lux­u­ry price tags (and lux­u­ry quality).

  2. Frankie says:

    If only it came in more inspired colours! I feel like baby blue has been done a mil­lion times as the grudg­ing alter­na­tive to pink. At least in this incar­na­tion the blue is verg­ing more on teal.

  3. Jimena says:

    This is my first vibra­tor and I absolute­ly love it!

  4. G says:

    it took some time for me to warm up to this toy only bc i've dis­cov­ered my g‑spot doesn't do much for me but i've come to love it over time ^^

  5. Erica says:

    I’m hon­est­ly pret­ty new to vibra­tion, hav­ing a real­ly sen­si­tive body and most­ly enjoy­ing hands/​dils, but toy reviews like these make me want to try new things and explore more with vibra­tion! I just ordered some We-​Vibe toys for now and am excit­ed to see what they have to offer.

  6. Annie says:

    Sounds like a good bang for your buck, thanks for the review!

  7. planets says:

    This was an awe­some review and hyped me enough to get one for myself. Hopefully I'll like it as much as you do :]

  8. qc says:

    am i read­ing this cor­rect­ly that while this has mul­ti­ple INTENSITY lev­els and is like­ly to be a good choice for many users, this one's prob­a­bly not going to make my "likes to have pat­tern options" non­stan­dard sen­so­ry hard­wiring happy? 

    (also not always here for vibrat­ing my hands, but that's minor in com­par­i­son. to give you an idea of exact­ly how non­stan­dard mine is, near­ly every blog­ger ever says we-vibe's tan­go is one of the rum­bli­est things out there, but at least to my *hands* it just feels like straight-​up buzz.)

    • Correct! There are no pat­tern options on it. As for it vibrat­ing one's hands, I'll get on clar­i­fy­ing that (since I wrote this review a looong time ago). The handle's vibra­tion is def­i­nite­ly there, but it isn't any worse than the LELO Mona 2's.

    • Also, enjoy­ing pat­tern options isn't that weird! I espe­cial­ly enjoy stac­ca­to pat­terns internally.

  9. Trix says:

    Never knew about this one, looks amazing!

  10. Kalliopeia says:

    Damn, all of that for $43- that's kind of incredible.

  11. Denise Smith says:

    very pret­ty pink i love the col­or ty for the review

  1. December 29, 2018

    […] Even though I don’t enjoy the Sassy inter­nal­ly, I think it is a sol­id vibra­tor. I don’t have any prob­lems using it as just that. For peo­ple who do enjoy curved G Spot toys, I’m sure the Sassy will be great for that. Here’s a review that cov­ers this a lit­tle better. […]

  2. July 10, 2019

    […] rum­ble of BMS Factory’s Pillow Talk Sassy ruined prac­ti­cal­ly all oth­er G‑spot vibra­tors for me— even out­per­form­ing the renowned LELO Mona […]

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