We-Vibe Tango review: most powerful bullet vibrator

The We-​Vibe Tango is near­ly uni­ver­sal­ly laud­ed among sex blog­gers as the most pow­er­ful cli­toral vibra­tor of its size class. The pow­er of even the low­est set­ting baf­fles my friends. It sounds like fire­crack­ers when I put it in a bowl for it to bounce around.

We-Vibe Tango X Blue

The Tango lives up to every claim made of its leg­endary, clit-​rattling rum­ble. It's a qual­i­ty toy, that pow­er queens will love, but was just too much for my cli­toris back in 2015. (If you can get off in under 2 min­utes with a fin­ger, this bul­let might make you cry.)

Nowadays, though, I ful­ly appre­ci­ate why it's the gold stan­dard: because it chan­nels near­ly wand-​level pow­er into a small, pin­point­ed pack­age. Four years have passed since I orig­i­nal­ly wrote this review, but the We-​Vibe Tango is time­less­ly god tier. It is to bul­lets what the Magic Wand is to massagers.

We-Vibe Tango X Blue lipstick slant tip powerful bullet vibrator

Why do I enjoy using the We-Vibe Tango?

It's still the ulti­mate when it comes to high-​amplitude pow­er. Yes, there are many zingy and high-​speed bul­lets, but the Tango starts low-​pitched with a big range of motion. The hard plas­tic shell trans­fers that thud­dy move­ment well. Yes, the inex­pen­sive Blush Exposed Nocturnal has sur­passed the Tango in its amount of pow­er. But when it comes to ample qual­i­ty vibra­tion, the We-​Vibe Tango is almost unbeat­able. It's the bul­let that all oth­er bul­lets are com­pared to.

The We-​Vibe Tango is a sure­fire way to take me from 0 to 100 very quick­ly, any day. Even when I'm not in the mood, I can turn up the Tango and use it through my panties and fin­ish in less than a minute. And every sin­gle time, it's incred­i­ble. Even when mas­tur­bat­ing in the lazi­est way pos­si­ble, lying on my back with the We-​Vibe Tango sta­tion­ary on my clit, my body shakes uncon­trol­lably. And con­sid­er­ing how vital pen­e­tra­tion is to me, that's say­ing a lot. The orgasm is one-​and-​done for my feath­er­weight clit, but it's a very sat­is­fy­ing one-and-done.

We-Vibe Tango X powerful bullet vibrator in hand

When I pair it with the direct­ly G‑spotty njoy Pure Wand, the Tango's inten­si­ty bal­ances out the aggres­sive pound­ing and takes the edge off. It's also the per­fect bul­let to insert in the bul­let cav­i­ty of one of my favorite dil­dos of all time, mak­ing the G‑spotting even more intense. I love the Tango's pow­er com­bined with its Pulse set­ting for inter­nal vibra­tions. The pat­tern gives it a sense of throb­bing and move­ment, more excit­ing to me than a steady speed.

Does anything else compare to the We-Vibe Tango's rumble?

I did men­tion before that the We-​Vibe Tango was almost unbeat­able. As a pin­point princess, I do pre­fer the oscil­lat­ing Zumio S, whose tiny tip revolves in cir­cles, rather than shift­ing in pres­sure like a con­ven­tion­al vibra­tor. As far as bul­let vibra­tors prop­er go, though We-​Vibe has just a few contenders:

On half of the occa­sions I use the We-​Vibe Tango, I feel the non-​stop whim­per­ing and shak­ing for con­tin­u­ous min­utes. The cli­max­es are amaz­ing if there's more than one. As such, I'm thank­ful for the new Tango X upgrade — it lets me turn the speed down after orgasm when my cli­toris enjoys the pres­sure, but not that much vibra­tion. And once again, the plateau-​to-​orgasm cycle repeats.

We-Vibe Tango X and Touch X control panel

How do the oth­ers mea­sure up? You get tighter con­trol with the Swan Maximum Bullet since the speed range is con­tin­u­ous rather than incre­men­tal. And the Amo has a sharp­er tip for focus­ing the vibrations.

Other review­ers wor­ship their Tangos, though. Many swear by them and buy mul­ti­ple back-​up We-​Vibe Tangos to use back-​to-​back in case one needs recharg­ing — to them, it's a must-​have for satisfaction.

Tango X, Inner Goddess Silver Pleasure Balls, Glass Dildo from Lovehoney

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10 Responses

  1. EJ says:

    Ooph — just tried a Tango for the first time from my new We-​Vibe col­lec­tion box and it was WAYYY too pow­er­ful for me haha­ha. Even on the first set­ting it’s a bit much. I find that I orgasm most eas­i­ly by either rub­bing w fin­gers, or by use of a g spot­ty dil­do. Vibration always tends to make me super numb which isn’t the most fun. I had to gift away my Magic Wand for that rea­son.. Any advice on work­ing my way up? Any good qual­i­ty but low pow­ered vibra­tors out there I could try? Thanks! 🙂

    • Try the BMS Mini Swan Rose or Hot Octopuss Amo. Or you could get a G‑spot vibe like the BMS Pillow Talk Sassy. All three vibes I've men­tioned have a bii­i­i­igggg range of speeds!

  2. Judi says:

    Admiring the ded­i­ca­tion you put into your web­site and in depth infor­ma­tion you
    offer. It's awe­some to come across a blog every once in a while
    that isn't the same unwant­ed rehashed material.
    Fantastic read! I've saved your site and I'm includ­ing your RSS feeds to my Google account.

  3. Clara says:

    Thanks for the review!!

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  6. June 7, 2018

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