Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared!

My vagi­na is made of the same mate­r­i­al as the inside of Mary Poppins’ purse.

Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared! 1

My vagi­na is made of the same mate­r­i­al as Mary Poppins’ purse. A soda can fits inside. Yet, a recent part­ner had a mere sin­gle fin­ger inside me when he said, “Wow, you’re tight.”

He had no idea that he was about to have his whole hand inside me.

"My vagi­na doesn’t ‘take’ a fist; it con­sumes as it goes into ‘crush and cum' mode."

How I personally feel about vaginal fisting

Fisting gives me some of the most intense orgasms my body is capa­ble of, back-​to-​back, seem­ing­ly indef­i­nite­ly. Pillows for scream­ing into are high­ly recommended.

I’ve walked the talk so many times that I keep for­get­ting how this het­ero­nor­ma­tive cul­ture views fisting.

To me, it’s not about hole-​punching and destruc­tion as an extreme sport. Instead, it’s a nat­ur­al and high­ly inti­mate pro­gres­sion of fin­ger­ing. My vagi­na doesn’t “take” a fist; it con­sumes as it goes into “crush and cum” mode.

And I want oth­ers to expe­ri­ence the mar­vel of fist­ing as well.

Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared! 2

What to expect in this guide to fisting and giant body-safe dildos

This guide to fist­ing will dis­cuss the opti­mal mind­set for fist­ing prepa­ra­tion, undo­ing the stig­ma and shame, tech­nique, and, of course, body-​safe sil­i­cone fist­ing warm-​up dildos!

My focus is on vagi­nal fist­ing, but those seek­ing infor­ma­tion on butt stuff may nev­er­the­less find parts of this post help­ful. I’m also not going to delve toooo too deep into the fan­ta­sy dil­do realm; that’s a top­ic that mer­its a whole oth­er post.

It’s a looooong guide, so be sure to pause and read through the table of con­tents if it’s your first time here.


The modifiers, “silicone” and “body-​safe” are important here.

Silicone is non­porous for our pur­pos­es, and you can boil and bleach such toys to san­i­tize them. While sil­i­cone dil­dos are more expen­sive upfront (com­pared to PVC and jel­ly), non­porous dil­dos made of glass, steel, and sil­i­cone are far eas­i­er to care for.

More impor­tant­ly, with prop­er main­te­nance, sil­i­cone dil­dos will not cause you gyne­co­log­i­cal harm for some­thing like a chem­i­cal burn or micro­bial infec­tion. Yeah, jel­ly dil­dos can leech tox­ins, and porous mate­ri­als can house germs under the sur­face. Silicone dil­dos are inert for our pur­pos­es. I care about your health and well-being.

Combating the stigma around fisting

Let’s lay down the foundation.

Hole Punch Toys Moonshiner wine bottle dildo next to lube bottle and wordslut book

How can some­one feel emo­tion­al­ly safe when try­ing fist­ing? I don’t mean con­cerns about phys­i­cal dam­age (though we’ll get to that, too).

I’m talk­ing about the shame and stig­ma, as some­one famil­iar with the unso­licit­ed com­men­tary about the pre­sumed state of my holes.

“Let’s just say she’s ‘open’ to new things.”

“How does her part­ner even feel plea­sure after being vagi­nal­ly stretched out like that?”

I’ve heard it all before.

My cur­rent phi­los­o­phy around big dil­dos and fist­ing is, “I say noth­ing [to the haters]. I just keep hav­ing a good time.”

Really, it’s okay. I’ve had vagi­nal inter­course imme­di­ate­ly after fist­ing or using a huge dil­do. My vagi­na has (unin­ten­tion­al­ly) cracked a partner’s fin­ger. And I know that the pelvic floor, as with any oth­er mus­cles, can be strong and flex­i­ble.

See also: 4 Commandments For Size Royalty
Self Delve eggplant aubergine dildo dripping with lube

All good times and no harm done; my vagi­na is still “tight” after fisting.

But I under­stand that the insen­si­tive com­ments may cut deep­er for my read­ers. On that front, I’d like to remind you that fist­ing isn’t all-or-nothing.

Long-term habits for fisting preparation

Use pro­gres­sive­ly girthi­er dil­dos or more fin­gers, lit­tle by lit­tle — not just for phys­i­cal prepa­ra­tion, but to ease your mind and gath­er evi­dence that your vagi­na is high­ly resilient.

Try a slight­ly big­ger dil­do for some ses­sions. Use your usu­al dil­do or have inter­course for oth­er ses­sions. Mix it up, and observe for your­self over time that, “Yeah, I’m actu­al­ly not get­ting loose from using this big dil­do.” Then rinse and repeat with more mas­sive sex toys at the speed of comfort.

Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared! 3

Your state of mind is one of the most crit­i­cal parts of get­ting ready for fist­ing. The same applies if you’re scared of being desen­si­tized by strong vibra­tors. Been there and done that.

I’d also encour­age you to do pelvic floor exer­cis­es. Cycles of clench­ing and relax­ing your vagi­na are both use­ful for fist­ing prepa­ra­tion. This sug­ges­tion isn’t just about stay­ing “tight,” but also:

  • Conscious aware­ness and con­trol of what your pelvic floor is doing
  • Strength train­ing can con­tribute to flexibility

Mindset reminders when you’re about to be fisted

Flexibility is cul­ti­vat­ed over time; your body and mind learn that it is safe to unwind. That applies to the pelvic floor mus­cles dur­ing fist­ing, too.

Relaxation is the name of the game:
  • Don’t try fist­ing on a stress­ful day
  • Schedule more than enough time
  • Maybe try some CBD lube
  • Give your­self a serene environment
  • Go slow
  • Have a full-​body mas­sage and a few orgasms first, if you can
SelfDelve eggplant dildo and GoLove CBD lube

Also, remem­ber that if you can’t go all the way, that’s cool, too. While I under­stand that being fist­ed for the first time is a sig­nif­i­cant mile­stone, I think hav­ing fun (and stay­ing safe!) through­out the process should come first. Listen to your body’s cues about what you can handle.

Slight dis­com­fort is nor­mal, but shoot­ing pain isn’t. If it’s hard for you to decide where to draw the line, remem­ber that you can pull the fist or dil­do back to your com­fort zone. Pause. Attempt to increase depth again lat­er. Again, hav­ing fun should be the top priority. 

Reserve fist­ing for solo ses­sions and part­ners atten­tive to your com­fort and plea­sure. Vaginally con­sum­ing a hand is a big deal.

Fisting techniques and general guidelines

Now we’re get­ting to the fist­ing tech­nique. It’s prob­a­bly what you orig­i­nal­ly came here for, yeah?

CrashPad Guide to Fisting porn still - using Hitachi while fisting

Porn to learn about fisting

If you’re look­ing for somewhat-​educational porn, CrashPad’s Guide to Fisting is a great place to start. I can’t spread enough pos­i­tiv­i­ty about it (but I cer­tain­ly tried in my review)!

CrashPad’s Guide to Fisting gives you:
  • A visu­al overview of how to tran­si­tion from fin­ger­ing to fisting
  • Clips of mul­ti­ple fist­ing scenes of vary­ing inten­si­ties, like a pornception
  • Fisting depict­ed as a rec­i­p­ro­cal act of intimacy
  • Beautiful humans enjoy­ing themselves!

Fisting can be as sen­su­al and sweet as you want it to be, and I think Lorelei Lee, Beretta James, and Shine Louise Houston do a beau­ti­ful job demon­strat­ing that.

You can watch CrashPad’s Guide to Fisting by:
  • Renting for $5.95 for 48 hours
  • Buying it for $8.33 to stream indefinitely
  • Subscribing to PinkLabel​.TV, which allows you access to a vast library of oth­er indie porn flicks, with or with­out fisting 

Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared! 4

Bellesa Plus also has a few eth­i­cal porn flicks fea­tur­ing fist­ing. They’ve dubbed them­selves “the Netflix of porn.”

Before stretching the limits

I rec­om­mend incor­po­rat­ing cli­toral stim­u­la­tion before and dur­ing giant inser­tions. Have a few orgasms first, if you can.

Ideal candidates for pairing internal and external stimulation include:

They’re espe­cial­ly remark­able because they don’t take much space on the vul­va, leav­ing plen­ty of room for a big insertable.

Dame Aer air pulse stimulator for couples during intercourse

If you’d pre­fer to use a full-​sized wand like the Doxy Die Cast or Magic Wand Plus, a vul­va mas­sage can still increase blood flow and help you relax.

Then, use your line-​up of big dil­dos to warm up to fist­ing. I’ll save that part (the best part!) of the guide for last.

Best lube to use for fisting

You’ll want to use a lot of lube for fist­ing, espe­cial­ly along the front wall, to reduce fric­tion on the urethra.

The ide­al per­son­al lubri­cant for fist­ing is prob­a­bly water-​based with a thick, gel-​like con­sis­ten­cy. Hybrid lubes (which have a bit of sil­i­cone) also fit the bill. They’re a nice bal­ance between long-​lasting and easy to wash off.

Sensuva Erosense Hybrid cum lube with silicone

Some of my favorite fisting lubes include:

(Find more of my favorite body care prod­ucts.)

While you can use oil-​based lube inter­nal­ly, I wouldn’t put it in my vagi­na. Everyone’s vagi­nal micro­bio­me is dif­fer­ent, though some users may find that an oil-​based lube is more com­pat­i­ble with theirs. As for sil­i­cone lube, I find it too thin for fist­ing, and even worse, it can degrade the integri­ty of my favorite (sil­i­cone) fist­ing warm-​up dil­dos. Plus, it’s on the pricey side.

Lotions & potions for relaxation and arousal

On anoth­er note, CBD lube can help for fist­ing warm-​up, but I don’t think it’s thick enough for the main event. Try rub­bing some CBD-​infused lubri­cant (I like GoLove and Dani Pepper) on the vul­va 10 min­utes before you start penetration.

Also, con­sid­er an arousal balm on the out­side. I like the one by Bijoux Indiscrets a lot; it’s slight­ly warm­ing but noth­ing too wild­ly tingly.

Hand position for fisting

Fisting starts one fin­ger at a time and ramps up to a duck-​billed hand.

Lorelei Lee showing Beretta James the hand's position when starting to fist someone

The fister’s fin­gers are straight while their thumb is tucked against the palm. Hand size mat­ters when fist­ing, but so does fold­ing and stream­lin­ing it.

(The receiver’s body size also mat­ters, but prob­a­bly not as much as you think. I’m mere­ly 5’1” tall.)

Once your hand has been inside your partner’s hole for a hot minute, clos­ing the fist is option­al. Bex Caputo had more to say about it on The Dildorks pod­cast. I don’t par­tic­u­lar­ly care for a closed fist inside me.

Go slowly. Stop when you need to

However slow you think fist­ing prepa­ra­tion needs to be, go even slow­er. We’re talk­ing mere mil­lime­ters at a time and some­times not even mov­ing one’s hand at all.

It goes a long way to keep the hand or fist­ing warm-​up dil­do sta­tion­ary while the receiv­er clench­es and relax­es. Go in a few more mil­lime­ters. Pause. Twist and swiv­el slight­ly for a bit. Make tee­ny, tiny thrusts. Repeat the cycle. Hold. Push. Swivel and rotate. Pause. Hold. And so on.

While the fis­ter is doing that, I’d rec­om­mend the receiv­er do cycles of clench­ing and relax­ing. Squeeze the pelvic floor mus­cles while the hand is motion­less to reaf­firm to your body that it’s safe and can han­dle the vagi­nal stretch­ing, and relax while the top­ping part­ner push­es or turns their hand. Also, remem­ber to take big, slow breaths through the whole process.

Fisting duck-billed hand position

Many read­ers also asked how to han­dle pres­sure on the ure­thra when fist­ing. I don’t have a solu­tion for every­one deal­ing with it, but I’ll share what helped me:

  • Using soft­er dil­dos with more tapered tips (noth­ing super firm or blunt) for warm-up
  • Tilting toward the back wall (and away from the front wall) — basi­cal­ly leav­ing some extra slack/​room at the front
  • Ceasing move­ment at the first sign of dis­com­fort. You don’t have to end the scene right away, but if you pro­ceed, at least hold the insertable in place and clench around it for a while. Then push in slight­ly fur­ther while relaxing.
  • Recognize that lev­el­ing up to girthy dil­dos and fists may take months or even years. It used to be that a 2.1” thick vibra­tor would pull against my ure­thra on the way in, but that’s not the case any­more. Give it time.

Getting knuck­les past the pubic bone is the most chal­leng­ing part. Again, hand size mat­ters, but the abil­i­ty to fold one’s hand and straight­en knuck­les is even more crit­i­cal. After that, every­thing more or less gets sucked in. 

Okay, we’re in. Now what?

Continue doing small move­ments for as long as it feels good to both of you. Slowly expand the range of motion, whether that’s thrust­ing, turn­ing, or “come hith­er” bending.

One sug­ges­tion: fist with your palm fac­ing their front wall. Bend your fin­gers back and forth. Or revolve them in cir­cles to play with the cervix or A‑spot.

Fisting duck-billed hand position

If they pre­fer G‑spot stim­u­la­tion, turn your hand in the oppo­site direc­tion: palm towards the back­side. Focus on the “out” stroke and pull your knuck­les against the G‑spot. (Think of this eroge­nous zone as the dip just slight­ly past the pubic bone.)

If you close your fist, remem­ber to straight­en your hand again before pulling it out.

Congratulations! Now you know the basics of fist­ing tech­niques. Let’s start shop­ping for fist­ing prepa­ra­tion dildos!

Using a big dildo to prepare for fisting

For expe­ri­enced play­ers, fist­ing might be a straight shot from 1–2‑3–4 fin­gers, then thumb.

If you’re new to fist­ing, though, the giver’s hand more than like­ly will get cramped and sore from all the squeez­ing around it. Let’s give cred­it for their ath­leti­cism, too.

Fisting warm-​up dil­dos lit­er­al­ly take off the pressure.

Big dildos to prepare for fisting: Pris Toys Sentinel, Dame Com wand, Self Delve eggplant/aubergine, BMS Swan Wand, NS Colours DP Pleasures double penetration dildo, Uberrime Deep Diver, and Blush Neo Elite 10" dual-density dildo next to hard cider can

Here’s my categorization of the best dildos for fisting preparation:
  1. Pre-​warm-​ups - Thick dil­dos that are above aver­age but still very much in the realm of a nor­mal human penis
  2. Tapers - They’re more pointy and start super slim but ramp up
  3. Off-​label use — Wands and plugs prob­a­bly weren’t ini­tial­ly made for vagi­nal inser­tion, but I do what I want.
  4. OMGs - Bigger dil­dos with rough­ly soda can thick­ness. These can feel good against my cervix, depend­ing on squishiness.
  5. OMFGs — A self-​explanatory next step up
  6. “Okay, too much for me, but you do you” — Dildos that make me want to be nice to moth­ers every­where for giv­ing life.

Happy shop­ping! And be sure to check out my sales and dis­counts page for coupon codes!

  • Peepshow Toys – 10% off non-​sale items with code SUPERSMASHCACHE
  • Spectrum Boutique – 10% off your first order with code SUPERSMASH10
  • Dee's Big Daddies – one-​stop shop for real­is­tic dil­dos sized from aver­age to omg to OMFG!!!

Factors in choosing a big dildo: size, firmness, and more

Digital calipers measuring dildo diameter
Here’s how I’d sum up picking the right dildo size:
  • 1.25” diam­e­ter is on the small side of average
  • 1.4 to 1.5” is about standard
  • 1.75” diam­e­ter is where many shops would say size queen ter­ri­to­ry starts
  • 2” tends to be the cut­off after which big dil­dos are con­sid­ered a fetish
  • 2.1” is the diam­e­ter of the top of a soda can
  • 2.6” is the diam­e­ter across the mid­dle of a soda can

Shown to the right is a pair of calipers mea­sur­ing the shaft diam­e­ter of the Uberrime Amante, which is slight­ly big­ger than aver­age in girth.

Extreme big dildos are super intense, as you can imagine.

Once I go past the 2.1” diam­e­ter mark, my G‑spot and inter­nal cli­toris are bul­lied. I must orgasm when there’s that much pres­sure against them. Sometimes, with soft­er or more tapered mod­els, I can get cervix or A‑spot stim­u­la­tion, too.

Girth isn’t the only thing that matters in a fisting warm-​up dildo, though.

So does cur­va­ture. Bent toys, for exam­ple, tend to tar­get the A‑spot and G‑spot. That’s ide­al for hav­ing some fun before you even attempt to insert a whole hand.

Length also mat­ters in dil­do selec­tion. Even if you’re not insert­ing all of a dildo’s shaft, it’s still use­ful. You get more con­trol of where the tip is angled. So if you want ample front wall stim­u­la­tion or you want more of a han­dle for reach, a dil­do longer than 6” is ideal.

I’ve also used a cheap shore durom­e­ter to mea­sure silicone’s hardness.

Shore durometer measuring silicone dildo firmness

Firm single-​density dil­dos feel more intense than squishy ones, and dual-​density dil­dos offer you the best of both worlds. They have a firm core for aim­ing, but their soft tips are gen­tle against the cervix. Also notable: soft­er dil­dos won’t drag against the ure­thra as much.

These shore hard­ness read­ings I took weren’t an exact sci­ence. The durom­e­ter I used doesn’t reg­is­ter the full spec­trum of sil­i­cone den­si­ties I have on hand. Readings also var­ied depend­ing on the con­tours where I stuck the durometer’s pin. As such, take these firm­ness rat­ings with a pinch of salt. They’re not exact; they’re a gen­er­al guide­line for comparison.

Got it? On to the actu­al toys themselves.

Maker Spotlight: Dee's Big Daddies

You might have guessed that Dee's Big Daddies focus­es on huge sil­i­cone dil­dos, but what's not as obvi­ous is that they also have a mid-​sized Dee's Wee Daddies line.

In short, their real­is­tic sil­i­cone dongs gen­er­al­ly come in five sizes, from "aver­age human" to "WOOAAAHH"

Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared! 5

So if you find a shape you love, you can get it in the next size up!

Best sex toys for fisting preparation

These are my all-​around favorites and go-​to sex toys to pre­pare for fist­ing, now that I’ve already got­ten com­fort­able with using huge dil­dos vaginally.

Best dildos for fisting preparation: Tantus Fist Trainer Super Soft XL dildo, Tantus Bishop, Oxballs Ergo plug Large Super Soft, Vixen Creations Randy

Dildos and plugs for fisting training
  • Squarepegtoys G Squeeze — a plug made explic­it­ly for vagi­nal use. Comes in 8 sizes (!!!)
  • Oxballs Ergo Large super soft — a squishy plug mea­sur­ing about 2.3” across and 4.8” insertable. Comfortable for all-​day wear if you get the right size.
  • Vixen Randy single-​density — a medium-​firm dil­do about 2.1” across, a lit­tle thin­ner than a soda can
  • Tantus Bishop - a slight­ly squishi­er and super long dil­do about 2.6” across, with curved con­tours and front-​loading for A‑spot and G‑spot mas­sage. It's over­all the best large dil­do for fist prepa­ra­tion IMO.
  • Tantus Fist Trainer - same firm­ness as the Bishop, but as the name sug­gests, the Fist Trainer is more point­ed to emu­late a duck-​billed hand

If you’re not quite size roy­al­ty yet and need a lit­tle help ris­ing through the ranks, keep reading.

The pre-warm-up dildos

These dil­dos are a bit girthy but not quite extreme or beyond-​human. They’re a great place to dip your toes in the water and see if huge dil­dos are suit­able for you.

Best moderate girth dildos: Evolved Luminous Stud dual-density, VixSkin Outlaw, VixSkin Colossus, njoy Eleven, Uberrime Aqua-King
My top picks, from mild to wild:

It's hard to pick favorites from that list, but if I had to choose, the top three would be the Eleven, Sammie, and Dante XL.

What makes each of these fat dil­dos so special?

Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared! 6

Dee's Big Daddy Dante XL

It con­forms to my pos­te­ri­or fornix well, and the length is juu­u­u­ust right. My vagi­na wants to con­sume every­thing the Dee's Big Daddies Dante XL can give.

Think less knock­ing on the door, more tap­ping on the ceil­ing, and the "I can have anoth­er orgasm, and anoth­er, and anoth­er…" loop. Repeat until dazed and star­ing at the ceil­ing, think­ing, "What decade is it? How long have I been gone from this planet?"

Did I pant with my tongue stick­ing out while tex­ting a friend, “Once again seek­ing con­sent to send some audio of me moan­ing”? Yes. Did anoth­er friend ask, “How the hell did all that fit inside you?” Also yes. My height is about 14% vagi­na, after all.

Uberrime Aqua-King textured and triple-crowned merman dildo

Uberrime Aqua-​King

I’ve tried many Uberrime Dildos, but the Aqua-​King is prob­a­bly my favorite one for a mod­er­ate stretch. Its triple-​crowned head digs into my A‑spot and G‑spot at the same time for what I’ve called “orches­tral dopamine magic.” 

(Uberrime’s A‑Spot Avenger is basi­cal­ly Aqua-​King 2.0. The for­mer is soft­er for cervix stim­u­la­tion and depth play, while the Aqua-​King is firmer for the stretch.)

the njoy eleven stainless steel dildo thicker than my wrist

njoy Eleven stainless steel dildo

This blud­geon is my all-​time favorite A‑spotter. It’s expen­sive, but the com­bi­na­tion of heft, cur­va­ture, and head shape are some heart-​eyes-​emoji witch­craft. If I had to keep only one dil­do, it would be the njoy Eleven.

I’ll have to direct you to my full njoy Eleven review to do jus­tice to it.

Use dis­count code SUPERSMASHCACHE at Peepshow Toys for 10% off.

Comparison among the thick (but not too thick!) dildos

Max DiameterMid-Shaft Diam.Diam. Near BaseUsable LengthFirmness (Outer Layer)
VixSkin Outlaw1.
VixSkin Colossus2.3*1.71.762
Uberrime Aqua-King2.
njoy Eleven21.7n/a (no base)9.5F-ING HARD

We have a range of hard­ness­es, from VixSkin’s plush out­er lay­er at a 2 and stain­less steel being off the charts.

(The shore durom­e­ter I used was meant to mea­sure soft rub­bers. Also, since the Colossus is a sleeve with some stretch, its cir­cum­fer­ence is depen­dent on what you slip it over.)

As such, the Dante XL and Outlaw would be the most gentle-​feeling among them. Consider also head shape. Uberrime’s Aqua-​King feels the most intense of the sil­i­cone dil­dos in this sec­tion due to the com­bi­na­tion of:

  • Head-​to-​shaft contrast
  • The point­ed, sawtooth-​like crowns
  • The firmer silicone

But it can’t, of course, pum­mel my G‑spot or A‑spot with the njoy Eleven stain­less steel dildo’s direct­ness and sheer force.

Tapered silicone dildos to prepare for fisting: Hankey's Toys Davy's Tendrils, Uberrime Deep Diver, Uberrime Flora, Tantus Fist Trainer huge dildos next to beverage can

The big tapered dildos & plugs

These dil­dos have pointy tips and ramp up in cir­cum­fer­ence for grad­ual vagi­nal stretch­ing. They’re still chal­leng­ing to con­sume in their entire­ty, but you can start with just the tip and ease into it.

My top picks, from mild to wild
  • Squarepegtoys G Squeeze — super soft plug that ramps up in size and is way gen­tler than it looks
  • Uberrime Kraken's Revenge — tex­tured ten­ta­cle dil­do with curve for G‑spot stim­u­la­tion before you con­sume the whole shaft
  • Uberrime Flora — flo­ral fan­ta­sy dil­do with a dis­tinct, plug-​like knot. Get the widest part of the bulb past your pubic bone, and let the tight­est sec­tion of your vagi­na wrap around the Flora’s “neck.” It’s soft and fun to squeeze against the G‑spot.
  • Tantus Fist Trainer — Self-​explanatory. Make no mis­take: it is severe and far more advanced than the oth­ers in this sec­tion due to its firmness.
Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared! 7
Uberrime Kraken's Revenge artisanal silicone tentacle dildo in hand

The Tantus Fist Trainer is among the firmest in this sec­tion, and it ramps up in girth the quick­est. In con­trast, the Deep Diver's strength lies in its cur­va­ture and grad­ual gauge.

For a sat­is­fy­ing “pop­ping” sen­sa­tion against the G‑spot or short-​term vagi­nal plug­ging, I high­ly rec­om­mend the Squarepegtoys G Squeeze in a larg­er size or Uberrime Flora's shape.

Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared! 8
Squarepegtoys G Squeeze

The XL and XXL also made me cum instant­ly upon insert­ing and lock­ing in the G Squeeze vagi­nal plug — and not just an orgasm, but an expan­sive one. Like, last­ing longer than a minute with no effort on my part besides the ini­tial pen­e­tra­tion. Beyond that, the orgasms were hands-​free. No thrust­ing, no rock­ing. Nothing. Just clench­ing and cum­ming and more clench­ing and more cumming.

And, of course, the XL and XXL G Squeezes are even more intense against the G‑spot when you turn them around. At these sizes and the super soft firm­ness, the G Squeeze vagi­nal plug is defin­i­tive­ly a plug and not a dil­do. Forget about thrust­ing or twist­ing; just squeeze around it.

Squarepegtoys G Squeeze review

Plugs and wand massagers inserted vaginally

A.K.A. The “Off-​Label” Uses
Silicone wands and huge plugs to insert vaginally

Oxballs Ergo super soft plugs

The Oxballs Ergo plugs come in a wide range of sizes for long-​term wear — what­ev­er your expe­ri­ence lev­el with giant dil­dos or fist­ing. And they’re just fun to clench around.

Here's how the Oxballs Ergo plugs I have measure up:
  • Ergo XS — 1.3" max width and 2.75" insertable length
  • Ergo L — 2.3" max width and 5.75" insertable length

Yeah, the Large is a huge butt plug, but my shore durom­e­ter bare­ly reg­is­tered the hard­ness at a 1. That’s how soft Oxballs’ super soft sil­i­cone is.

I’ve said it before: yes, you can use a huge butt plug vagi­nal­ly, depend­ing on the shape — though there are pussy plugs made exact­ly for that pur­pose.

Oxballs Ergo Super Soft smoke plugs extra small and large size comparison to mug
Ideally, a vaginal plug would be:
  • Slightly off-​center
  • Not too pointy
  • Nice and squishy

That way, it won’t irri­tate your cervix too too much, and you can focus on the good part: enjoy­ing vagi­nal stretch­ing and prepar­ing for what’s next.

Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared! 9

Wand massagers used vaginally

Who looks at a ful­ly silicone-​coated wand mas­sager and thinks, “Yeah, that looks yum­my for stick­ing in my vagi­na”? Me. That’s who.

My favorite wands for inser­tion are the Dame Com, Swan Wand Classic, and We-​Vibe Wand, all for dif­fer­ent reasons.

Dame Com wand massager

The Dame Com is the most com­pact of the three but the most A‑spotty and G‑spotty. Between the girth, curve, and moderately-​rumbly vibra­tions, I audi­bly insta-​came the first time I tried the Dame Com internally.

Dame Com wand massager periwinkle blue

Use it on a part­ner who craves huge dil­dos and watch them either beg for more or for you to stop because it’s so overwhelming.

BMS Factory Swan Wand

Meanwhile, the BMS Factory Swan Wand is even girthi­er for more exten­sive vagi­nal stretch­ing and suu­u­per pow­er­ful. We’re talk­ing like Hitachi-​level. So if you’ve ever want­ed to insert the Magic Wand, the BMS Factory Swan Wand is for you.

BMS Factory Swan Wand girthy G-spot vibrator in hand

We-​Vibe Wand 2

Finally, the We-​Vibe Wand 2 is even THICCer but has a more tapered tip, mean­ing it can help you pre­pare for fist­ing with­out near­ly as much ure­thral irri­ta­tion. It also offers We-​Connect capa­bil­i­ty, and its low, bass-​like purr makes it the rum­bli­est recharge­able wand I’ve ever tried. Close to the strongest, and the deep­est for sure.

Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared! 10

Max DiameterMid-Shaft Diam.Usable Length
Dame Com21.58
BMS Swan Wand2.11.38
We-Vibe Wand2.2n/a4

The OMGs - big but squishy dildos

These dil­dos give more sig­nif­i­cant vagi­nal stretch­ing than the “Pre-​Warm-​Ups” but are still quite squishy on the outside.

Vixen Creations VixSkin Cash girthy dual-density realistic silicone dildo head shape
Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared! 11

Remember when I said that, above 2.1” thick­ness, it’s expo­nen­tial­ly hard­er to find big dil­dos? Yeah, we’re now veer­ing fur­ther away from promi­nent man­u­fac­tur­ers and more towards indie makers.

VixSkin Cash

Orgasms with the VixSkin Cash meld and flow into each oth­er, like a slow merg­ing where you can hard­ly tell where you end and the oth­er enti­ty begins. In this case, it’s sil­i­cone against skin.

And I wouldn’t blame you for for­get­ting that it’s silicone.

That’s the main thing you need to know about the VixSkin Cash: yes, it’s huge, but also soft and sumptuous.

Veins flow along the flesh-​like, out­er­most sil­i­cone lay­er … It’s hot how its den­si­ty mim­ics a real cock’s move­ment against my thumb and fingers

my full VixSkin Cash huge dil­do review

SelfDelve Aubergine /​ Eggplant dildo

Silly? Sure. Sensual? Hell, yeah.

It’s blunt­ly volu­mi­nous for sure […] Once the broad­est part is past my pubic bone, how­ev­er, its glossy sil­i­cone is all smooth sail­ing and end­less, intense orgasms. […]

It’s squishy enough to con­form to my pubic bone’s dip and tes­sel­late against my G‑spot, while fat and firm enough to give my G‑spot intense resis­tance. […] And for deep pen­e­tra­tion? My A‑spot and cervix are pleased.

— my full SelfDelve Aubergine /​ Eggplant dil­do review

Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared! 12
Dee's Big Daddies Danny huge uncut dildo next to legs for size comparison

The OMFGs - huge realistic dildos & more

Cue ahe­gao hot drool­ing face emo­ji. These big dil­dos will def­i­nite­ly pre­pare you for fist­ing. Or enjoy them on their own. If you can rise to the chal­lenge, explo­sive orgasms abound — same deal as in the above sec­tion, but take it to the next lev­el. I don’t need to make the rest of this post porno­graph­ic, do I?

Affordable picks: BMS Addiction Roman and Blush Neo Elite 10"

Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared! 13

Dee's Big Daddy Dallas XL dildo for vaginal stretching

I slide my thumbs over the swollen coro­na, its “meat” yield­ing just a lit­tle under pressure.

… an act of devo­tion, wor­ship­ping the wind­ing vas­cu­la­ture wrap­ping the shaft — is enough to get me wet.

I'm pre­pared to be dickmatized.

I'm drool­ing at the drips of lube trail­ing the turgid, curv­ing veins.

I don't just take or con­sume this fat cock — I feel the urge to merge.

Dee's Big Daddy Dallas XL dil­do review

Uberrime Anurian dildo bigger than soda can

THICK DOESN'T EVEN BEGIN TO DESCRIBE IT. IT IS VOLUPTUOUS. THERE'S SO MUCH OF IT, with 2.7" max­i­mum diam­e­ter. It's a human-​amphibian hybrid fan­ta­sy dil­do with:

  • A two-​lobed, point­ed head
  • A swollen and round mush­room tip corona
  • RIDGES GALORE along the frenu­lum and below
  • A shaft that tapers down from 2.7" to 1.8", like an extreme vagi­nal plug
Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared! 14

It's sooooooo, so pret­ty and fill­ing that I had to add it to this guide, more than a half year after I orig­i­nal­ly wrote it! JUST GET THE UBERRIME ANURIAN. OR READ MY NEAR-​PORNOGRAPHIC REVIEW.

Colours DP Pleasures double dildo by NS Novelties

Fisting and dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion in one hole involve the same skill set, yeah? The NS Colours DP Pleasures is kind of like insert­ing two average-​sized cocks. 

Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared! 15

BMS Addiction Roman realistic silicone dildo

This huge real­is­tic dil­do with balls mea­sures a whopping:

  • 8" total
  • 6" insertable
  • 2.4" across the widest part of the shaft
  • 8A Shore den­si­ty (a lit­tle firm and quite intense!)
Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared! 16

The Addiction Roman is just anoth­er mem­ber (hah) of BMS Factory's afford­able real­is­tic dil­do line. As with all its sib­lings, the Roman dil­do is body-​safe sil­i­cone and an utter steal for the price.

Blush Novelties Neo Elite 10” dual-​density dildo

The Neo Elite 10” and 11” are also among the best huge sil­i­cone dil­dos you can get for the price.

Blush Neo Elite 10" girthy dual-density dildo size comparison

Vixen Randy (single-​density)

I deeply respect how sump­tu­ous dual-​density dil­dos feel, but the Vixen Randy’s defined head and OG firm­ness feel fan­tas­tic against my G‑spot. The Vixen Creations Randy curved girthy dil­do is shown below on the left.

(Don’t wor­ry, it’s not the cen­ter thing, lmfao.)

Vixen Randy vs. Tantus Pawn vs. PBR can size comparison

Uberrime Uberron vs. Uberous giant dildo head shapes comparison

Uberrime Uberron (without balls) and Uberous (colossal dildo with balls)

These dil­dos are both veeer­rry soft, with defined coro­nas and some vein and fore­skin texture.

While they ramp up to sim­i­lar diam­e­ters near the base, the Uberron has more of a taper to it. It increas­es from 2” wide at the head to a whop­ping 2.9” at the bot­tom. Meanwhile, the Uberous’s shaft diam­e­ters range from 2.1” to 2.6” wide. 

Hankey’s Toys Topher Michels

There’s a rea­son I sim­ply refer to it as “the big, wrinkly ball sack dil­do.” But also, it's pos­si­bly the best extra large dil­do for G‑spot stim­u­la­tion that I've tried.

Hankey's Toys Topher Michels Medium silicone dildo with wrinkly balls and vac-u-loc lock-on hole in base

There’s so much skin-​like sur­face grain and veinage, espe­cial­ly high­light­ed by the glossy sil­i­cone surface. […] 

One of the most notice­able traits (besides the balls) is the engorged head. […] Combine that with the curved shaft for the seri­ous­ly tar­get­ed stim­u­la­tion that my G‑spot some­times craves.

Even with shal­low pen­e­tra­tion, I’m prac­ti­cal­ly a 3‑pump chump when using Mr. Hankey’s Toys’ Topher Michels.

— my full Hankey's Toys Topher Michels Medium review

Hole Punch Toys Moonshiner

The Moonshiner sil­i­cone dil­do is for any­one who’s want­ed to insert a wine bot­tle, but safe­ly. Enough said. 

Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared! 17

Comparison of these yuuuuge dildos

Max DiameterMid-Shaft Diam.Diam. Near BaseUsable LengthFirmness
BMS Naked Addiction Roman2.42.12612
NS Colours DP Pleasures (tips squeezed together)2.7
Blush Neo Elite 10"
Vixen Randy2.222.15.513
Uberrime Anurian
Uberrime Uberron2.92.42.985
Uberrime Uberous2.
Hankey's Toys Topher Michels2.72.62.773.5

All of the dil­dos in this sec­tion are adored and demi-​godly. I refuse to choose my favorite. However, if you’re very spe­cif­ic in your behe­moth dil­do pref­er­ences, here are some considerations:

For G‑spot stim­u­la­tion with a vast, flared mush­room tip dil­do, get the Hankey’s Toys Topher Michels (HUGE) or Vixen Randy (still huge. But not wild­ly so).

If you want some­thing that ramps up more slow­ly for deep­er pen­e­tra­tion, get the Uberrime Uberron or Uberous.

Not for me, but you do you

I can admit my lim­its — no shame in that.

The Split Peaches Screw You Large sound­ed man­age­able on paper, but its firm­ness and intense tex­tures were too much for me. And the Tantus Pawn XL was way big­ger than expect­ed — 3” across the head instead of 2” across, and it only ramps up from there.

Mega-Guide to Fisting and 26+ Huge Dildos, Compared! 18

Key takeaways from this mega-guide to fisting and giant dildos

1. Fisting can be a beau­ti­ful­ly inti­mate act.

2. The pelvic floor mus­cles can be both flex­i­ble and strong. You don’t have to explain that to anyone.

3. Relaxation is of the utmost impor­tance when prepar­ing for fist­ing. Pair exter­nal stim­u­la­tion with pen­e­tra­tion. Work through a chal­leng­ing girth by paus­ing, breath­ing slow­ly, then cycling through long phas­es of clench­ing and relax­ing. You don’t have to push the insertable deep­er continuously.

4. The hand is duck-​billed while fist­ing. Once you’re inside, you can close the fist if you want, but it’s not necessary.

5. While you don’t NEED big dil­dos to pre­pare for fist­ing, hav­ing toys makes it eas­i­er for every­one involved. Thickness cer­tain­ly mat­ters in choos­ing a fist­ing warm-​up dil­do, but so does firmness.

6. Huge dil­dos can cause intense sen­sa­tions and uncon­trol­lable orgasms with even the small­est thrusts.

And I want more peo­ple to expe­ri­ence the plea­sure of fisting.

Nowadays, I don’t even count how many peo­ple I’ve slept with any­more; I just count how often I’ve been the first per­son some­one fisted.

Huge squishy dildos next to cider can: VixSkin Gambler, Uberrime Maxime, SelfDelve Aubergine/Eggplant, Pris Toys Basilisk, Pris Toys Sentinel dual density dildos

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11 Responses

  1. Tez Miller says:

    Can you rec­om­mend any exter­nal toys that feel like knuck­les? (Though if they can work inter­nal­ly too, that would be a bonus.) Thanks if you can advise.

  2. Sptfan says:

    Great arti­cle!

  3. Sm says:

    I'm so hap­py to have anoth­er! Comprehensive list of toy that help explain some­thing I'm curi­ous about.

    I have a friend ( same friend ive men­tioned in anoth­er post) who is in large inser­tion and I'm curi­ous as well but I'm wor­ried I'm phys­i­cal­ly too small to try. 

    The tapered toys to try sec­tion helps.

  4. Alex Duba says:

    Good devices!

  5. Yam says:

    What are your thoughts on the Uberrime Uberron? I'm REALLY con­sid­er­ing but I can't find a sin­gle review, this post is the most I've found any­one talk about it. Can we have a review? Thank you! Lovely post I will try to uti­lize! For now I can only dream of being fisted. ?

    • Honestly, after a cer­tain point in girth, my main feel­ings about a dil are "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" haha. It feels amazing.

      • Yam says:

        Thank you for reply­ing!! I have the uber­rime Cephalatrox in the same den­si­ty, is the Uberron thick enough it's sta­ble? Or is it a lit­tle flop­py (any dif­fi­cul­ty insert­ing?) still? I have the Maxime also and I wish all of my dils could have that same density/​feel. Thank you! I'm p sure I'm going to be get­ting it ? it's cone shape/​gradual taper seems too per­fect, sounds like exact­ly what I need.

        • The taper and thick­ness make it quite stur­dy. No con­cerns there!

          • Obelisk says:

            I sec­ond an Uberrime Uberron review! I’ve been scour­ing for reviews and can’t find any either. I just bought the Vixen Gambler, but I’m also hun­ger­ing for some­thing that tapers to a super girthy base. For size-​experience ref­er­ence, I eat up the Vixen Randy in the blink of an eye, frus­trat­ed as I thrust for length and girth it just doesn’t have. The best exam­ple I can use to explain what I want is a super-​sized Vixen Buck— A smooth yet seri­ous ride from thick already to even thick­er to WHOAH NOW… for train­ing pur­pos­es! It seems me and the oth­er poster are look­ing for the same thing. I wish Uberrime’s XL dil­dos came in dual-​density, but I hear they almost as cushy? I’m a Vixen addict, but I’ve heard direct com­par­isons con­sis­tent­ly enough to trust Uberrime. It’s just, you know, a new invest­ment piece! Would you describe the Uberron as some­thing that fits what I’m look­ing for? I’d appre­ci­ate a brief compare/​contrast of the Uberron and Gambler, as they share the same girth ter­ri­to­ry (if not nec­es­sar­i­ly shape). Thank you!

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