Uberrime Kraken's Revenge Tentacle Dildo Review

I did say that the Kraken's Revenge ten­ta­cle dil­do was the most extra Uberrime design I had ever seen, but then again, that entire stu­dio is known for extra car­toony flashiness.

Uberrime Kraken's Revenge artisanal silicone tentacle dildo in hand

Imagine the splen­dor of:

Uberrime Dildos often look like they'd belong in a com­ic book — espe­cial­ly their col­lab­o­ra­tions with SheVibe — but the Kraken's Revenge takes it further.

Uberrime Kraken's Revenge and Uberrime Deep Diver silicone tentacle dildos
Uberrime Kraken's Revenge and Deep Diver

This sculp­ture is a com­ic book scene!

Uberrime Kraken's Revenge fuckable sculpture design

It fea­tures a div­er seek­ing trea­sure chests in the ocean, nau­ti­cal ropes, and, of course, the Kraken's mul­ti­ple ten­ta­cles wrapped and entwined around the intrud­er. Suckers galore adorn the sur­face, and if you look close­ly enough, you can even see the eye of the monster.

Uberrime Kraken's Revenge dildo with diver and antique diving helmet

Fittingly of Uberrime, the Kraken's Revenge dil­do comes in mul­ti­ple col­or options, all of which have shim­mery pearling, and two are blacklight-reactive:

  • Triton's Voyage — blue and UV pink
  • Neptune's Kingdom — blue and UV green
  • Nemo's Descent — a deep­er teal

Whichever palette you choose, cosmetic-​grade mica high­lights the leather-​like skin tex­tures and SheVibe logo on the base.

Uberrime Kraken's Revenge tentacle dildo shaft with Kraken eye and SheVibe logo base

Can you make leather from cephalopods? No, their skin would be too thin for that. Nevertheless, it does have a rugged­ness to it. And where Uberrime used to sculpt mod­els pri­mar­i­ly by hand, we're see­ing more ways they incor­po­rate 3D print­ing to get granular.

And I could have tan­gents all day about the visu­al vibrance! You're prob­a­bly here because you want to know about the Uberrime Kraken's func­tion­al­i­ty, though.

Uberrime Kraken's Revenge aquatic dildo with treasure chest near base of shaft

So how does the Uberrime Kraken's Revenge feel in use?

To state the obvi­ous, Kraken's Revenge by Uberrime is super intense­ly tex­tured, for bet­ter and for worse. You'll want to scrub the crevices with a soapy, soft-​bristled tooth­brush, then rinse and boil it or use a UV light to dis­in­fect.

Less bla­tant from the light­box pho­tos is how soft this ten­ta­cle dil­do is. It's squishy Shore 0050 sil­i­cone, akin to gum­my can­dy, and eas­i­ly fold­ed between my thumb and forefinger.

Uberrime Kraken's Revenge Tentacle dildo Shore density 0050

As such, the tex­tures feel deli­cious and nev­er too spicy for me.

And due to the way the Uberrime Kraken's Revenge curves, ramps up in tex­ture, and flex­es eas­i­ly to the con­tours of my vul­va, it's ide­al for vagi­nal pen­e­tra­tion while slid­ing and grind­ing along the cli­toris.

One such spec­i­men is Dee's Big Daddy Davy. Both the Davy and Kraken's Revenge are too soft to hold up much struc­ture inter­nal­ly (kiss good­bye to any hope of G‑spot pres­sure!), but there's a smor­gas­bord of sen­so­ry suck­ers. Davy felt like it was made pri­mar­i­ly for exter­nal grind­ing with some penetration.

Uberrime Kraken's Revenge tentacle dildo with treasure chest near tapered tip

The Kraken's Revenge reminds me of that, though there are a few key differences:

  1. Its tex­tures are more gran­u­lar and less struc­tured — they pop out a lit­tle less and are chaot­ic rather than neat lit­tle rows.
  2. It's thick­er, mea­sur­ing about 1.7” at the mid-​shaft and 2.6” at the bot­tom of the shaft.

Uberrime Kraken's Revenge tentacle dildo measurements

  • Total length: 7.5 inches
  • Insertable length: 6.5 inches
  • Head diam­e­ter: 1.2 inches
  • Mid-​shaft diam­e­ter: 1.7 inches
  • Base shaft diam­e­ter: 2.6 inches
  • Density: Shore 0050 — like cool gum­my candy

This squishy tentacle dildo's penetration sensation

I can actu­al­ly feel it fuck­ing me and slip­ping behind my cervix. Its pres­ence is clear, though not tar­get­ed or firm.

Uberrime Kraken's Revenge with diver and rope textures near tip

While the Kraken's Revenge dil­do does ramp up to 2.6” at the base of the shaft, it's suu­u­u­per slim at the tip. You prob­a­bly won't make it all the way to the most sig­nif­i­cant stretch unless you're real­ly roused and pound­ing it in.

And even then, it's quite yield­ing and feels like it belongs inside me. Or maybe I'm just telling on myself about how much I enjoy big dildos.

In any case, the Kraken's Revenge is much more gen­tle than it looks due to the (lack of) sil­i­cone den­si­ty. When I'm ready to fin­ish myself off, I tend to bend the shaft and pull it along my clit, both for bump­ing and slid­ing. That exter­nal stim­u­la­tion imme­di­ate­ly takes me over the edge.

Uberrime Kraken's Revenge squishy tentacle dildo and Deep Diver firm silicone tentacle dildo

A regular rhythm or a captivatingly chaotic chorus? Your choice!

Magic. All-​around mag­ic. Big Daddy Davy's ten­ta­cle dil­do suck­ers give you a deep­er and more defined edge to play with, but the Uberrime Kraken's Revenge gives you a fin­er grain on the sur­face. It's up to you whether you want your hap­tic har­mo­ny to feel like a loud, reg­u­lar rhythm on the out­side — or a cap­ti­vat­ing­ly chaot­ic cho­rus you can feel all over.

Get the Uberrime Kraken's Revenge at SheVibe.

SheVibe logo — vibe responsibly!

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