njoy Disco Review: Next-Level Textured Steel Dildo

Magic mirror on my fingers, let the orgasms loop and linger!
njoy Disco stainless steel bead dildo and packaging
Yeah, it comes in a match­ing metal­lic clutch. How extra is that?

I rel­ished my reflec­tion on the njoy Disco's flat­tened facet before it dis­ap­peared between my lips.

Its pol­ished stain­less steel ele­vates my self-​love ritual.

  • Man, I look good.
  • Fuck, that feels good.
  • Fuck, where's my phone so I can record a voice note?

So much infor­ma­tion came in from the sen­so­ry smorgasbord:

  • So many planes and points of focus
  • So many ways to thrust and twist and tap and rock
  • So many ways to orgasm on the njoy Disco
njoy disco stainless steel bead dildo in hand

I rapid­ly logged the details of cum­ming and cum­ming, like wak­ing up from a delec­table dream I def­i­nite­ly want to remember.

What Is the njoy Disco?

The njoy Disco is a tiered stain­less steel dil­do — made for seri­ous­ly slam­ming insides.

Its stacked seg­ments increase in size as you move toward the base, which is expect­ed for an anal bead-​style sex toy.

But there's a twist — lit­er­al­ly and figuratively.

Its tiers aren't round; they're ovals posi­tioned on per­pen­dic­u­lar planes. In layperson's terms, if you looked at it from the top, you wouldn't see a small cir­cle atop a big­ger cir­cle atop anoth­er cir­cle, like a tar­get typ­i­cal of tiered beads.

With the njoy Disco, you'd see some­thing like a four-​leaf clover or round­ed cross.

There's alter­nat­ing pres­sure — focus on the front and back walls, then side-to-side.

What that means for the user is:

  • Knots lock­ing and throb­bing against the G‑spot
  • Ample A‑spotting if you get the right tilt
  • Experimentation with swivel­ing and spinning
njoy Disco loop engraving and beads bottom view

The njoy Disco's name fits not just because of its flashy facets and metal­lic stor­age clutch (!!!) but also because — at least to me — it was made to rotate.

But first, let's mar­vel at this mag­ic mirror's mea­sure­ments. They affect how you, dear read­er, will use it.

njoy Disco Measurements

First, I hope you're mes­mer­ized by mass (and momen­tum and force). The njoy Disco's sol­id stain­less steel is no joke, pound­ing my pussy with a hefty 3.2 lbs.

Yes, it's even heav­ier than the giant (but part­ly hol­low) njoy Eleven. On one hand, you may get tired of thrust­ing it by hand. On the oth­er, its intense­ly con­trast­ing con­tours don't take much move­ment for mag­ic to hap­pen. My cunt cums quite quick­ly on the njoy Disco.

njoy Disco beaded stainless steel dildo in hand

But I don't know how long or how hard you like fuck­ing your­self or your pre-​existing arm strength. The njoy Disco is best for users who appre­ci­ate ample gus­to and small­er swivel­ing, slid­ing, or side-​to-​side sensations.

Now that that's out of the way, let's dis­cuss Disco's dimensions.

At a Glance
  • 5 tiers of bulging beads
  • 8.0” total length
  • 6.2” insertable length
  • 1.1” long neck
  • 1.6” wide fin­ger loop
  • 52 oz of medical-​grade stain­less steel
Diameters (Major Axis x Minor Axis)
  • 1.15” wide x 0.6” deep
  • 1.35” wide x 0.7” deep
  • 1.55“ wide x 0.8“ deep
  • 1.75” wide x 0.9” deep
  • 1.95” wide x 1.0” deep

Real talk: it's too big and bumpy for me to enjoy using anal­ly, but you might be into such a size.

njoy Disco stainless steel dildo textures and contours

Ready for Depth Play?

If you're using it vagi­nal­ly, you might want to con­sid­er how much of the insertable length you can take. 6.2 inch­es of insertable length is a lot for some users, and not every­one can take the max­i­mum 1.95” diameter.

To enjoy the…

  • …first bulb, you'd ide­al­ly con­sume at least 1.4” of length
  • …sec­ond bulb, you'd ide­al­ly con­sume at least 2.2” of length
  • …third bulb, you'd ide­al­ly con­sume at least 3.2” of length
  • …fourth bulb, you'd ide­al­ly con­sume at least 4.5” of length
  • …fifth bulb, you'd ide­al­ly con­sume the entire insertable length

These num­bers would allow room for the bottom-​most bead to lock in place against your G‑spot or prostate while the vagi­nal open­ing (or anal sphinc­ter) clos­es around the slim­mer neck.

Note also that the neck is only about 1.2” long, so if you have a G‑spot deep­er than 2” inside, the final bulb might not opti­mal­ly fit your dip — but you can still enjoy the pin­point sen­sa­tions from the oth­er beads. There's so much to savor!

njoy Disco dildo packaging box and storage clutch
njoy Disco car­ry­ing clutch and stor­age box

Disco vs. Other njoy Toys

It was over 15 years since njoy last released a new toy, and Disco is unlike any­thing they've ever made before:

  • Totally straight-​shafted
  • But quite girthy at its max­i­mum diameter
  • Features con­trast­ing con­tours galore, all the way up and down the shaft

Such fea­tures make it suu­u­per intense. Here's how its mag­ni­tude com­pares to oth­er stain­less steel dil­dos from njoy.

njoy's Disco is far more intense than the Fun Wand and Pfun plug — it has more heft, girth, and con­trast between beads. It's in anoth­er league entirely.

Disco is made to be thrust­ed rather than worn like the Pure Plugs. Could you wear the njoy Disco? Sure. But it's not designed for com­fort while doing that.

njoy Pure Wand stainless steel dildo curvature

Disco can feel more intense or less intense than the njoy Pure Wand, depend­ing on how you angle it:

  • You won't get as much direct­ly ham­mer­ing (read: per­pen­dic­u­lar) front wall focus
  • But its most promi­nent hump will still grab and push the front wall with every thrust
  • Disco is also made to go deep­er, mean­ing you can tilt it for shal­low G‑spot and all-​in A‑spot stim­u­la­tion.

njoy Eleven vs. njoy Disco

Lastly, com­par­ing the njoy Disco to the Eleven is like com­par­ing a sorcerer's scepter to a brutish blud­geon. They're both pow­er­ful in their own ways.

The njoy Eleven:

  • Is front-​loaded
  • Provides a big­ger stretch all around
  • Blurs my G‑spot and A‑spot into one big zone of “UGGGGHHDKLJSFLDFFUCK”
  • Is kinder to my cervix because it's less pointy

The njoy Disco:

  • Is bottom-​heavy
  • Alternates between front wall pres­sure and side-​to-​side pressure
  • Is more focused on sev­er­al dis­tinct hot spots
  • Takes some dis­cern­ment to work with, so save it for solo sessions

They both feel fan­tas­tic, but I would nev­er ask a part­ner to thrust the njoy Disco inside me. I would trust one to wield the njoy Eleven.

The njoy Eleven's "smaller" head is 1.75" across, super bulbous for the G-spot and A-spot, and has ridges along the shaft. They serve as both a handle and as stimulation for the front wall.

How Does the njoy Disco Feel?

Okay, okay, you came here for my fer­al field notes.

First, def­i­nite­ly use lube with the njoy Disco, even if insert­ing it vagi­nal­ly. There's so much sur­face area to keep slick.

Second, uggh­hh, my face flush­es think­ing about the knot­ting sen­sa­tion as my cunt con­tracts and relax­es around the Disco on the way in. I start small and work my way up.

Yes, it'll press into the G‑spot again and again, like loop­ing the first thrust with a partner.

njoy Disco stainless steel dildo shape and mirror finish reflections
Look at those mirror-​like, near­ly flat faces, OMG.

There are a few ways to move it, move it:

  • Twisting against my A‑spot (han­dle loop is par­al­lel to my slit) — just small arcs side-to-side
  • Broader, com­plete, con­tin­u­ous rota­tions on repeat
  • Really, any degree of swivel­ing — feel­ing the hor­i­zon­tal, lat­i­tu­di­nal drag­ging and slid­ing inside me
  • Thrusting with all but the bottom-​most bead, enchant­i­ng AF against my front wall
  • A‑spot pres­sure with G‑spot pres­sure simul­ta­ne­ous­ly — thrust­ing or twist­ing or “draw­ing” shapes with the move­ments, like let­ters writ­ing the sauci­est sto­ry on my cave walls
  • Holding it in place, almost plug-​style, all the way in — each clench pulls the njoy Disco in hard against my ceil­ing. Clench, cum, repeat.

It was a sen­su­al, slow (by my stan­dards) jour­ney, but for any­one else on the out­side look­ing in, it wasn't long before I was shak­ing and stick­ing my tongue out, pant­i­ng in fervor.

I could be kept there indefinitely.

njoy Disco mirror finish knotted stainless steel dildo for G-spot and prostate play

Who Would Not Love the njoy Disco?

Here's the thing. You'd ideally:

  • Love straight penetration
  • Maybe savor A‑spotting along the front wall, if using it vaginally
  • Be BFFs with your inter­nal hot spots and famil­iar with how to aim
  • Have a taste for tex­ture (duh)

…or else you'd find the firm­ness uncomfortable.

If you want just a slight­ly bumpy plug, try the Blush Matrix Bumped.

Blush Novelties' Anal Adventures Matrix Bumped booty bling plug

njoy's Disco is also real­ly not shaped for cervix mas­sage — it's too cen­tral and focused, and I pre­fer some­thing off-​center with a bit of a tilt. If you intend to use the Disco for deep pen­e­tra­tion, aim towards the front, away from the cervix.

It's also not for those with lim­it­ed mobil­i­ty, as this dil­do is super heavy. If that's you, but you still love knot­ty, naughty tex­tures, consider:

Who Would Love the njoy Disco?

I can make good enough rec­om­men­da­tions for tex­ture sluts, but there isn't much that real­ly repli­cates the njoy Disco's bold bulges and per­pen­dic­u­lar cross-sections.

njoy Disco stainless steel dildo next to silver storage pouch

The ide­al user of the njoy Disco:

  • Is com­fort­able with or inter­est­ed in larg­er, fill­ing toys, includ­ing depth play
  • Loooves rhyth­mic stretch­ing at the entrance
  • Revels in next-​level G‑spot and prostate play with seri­ous force
  • Craves pin­point pres­sure on the wall in front of the cervix
  • Enjoys intense stim­u­la­tion and repeat­ed orgas­mic cycles
  • Loves a whole jour­ney with a begin­ning, mid­dle, and end!

njoy's Disco isn't just about deliv­er­ing a big bang — it's more like a fire­works show with end­less, pro­fuse points of explo­sion and ecstasy.

Take 10% off the njoy Disco at Peepshow Toys with code SUPERSMASHCACHE

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