Le Wand Contour vs. njoy Eleven (Comparison & Review)

You don't fuck with perfection. Why did Le Wand try to do that again?
Le Wand Contour vs. njoy Eleven (Comparison & Review) 1

I just love the curves' reflec­tion of the sky!

My sin­gle favorite dil­do is the njoy Eleven. Beyond its sexy exte­ri­or and lethal con­struc­tion, there's a rea­son it's in my avatar.

Simply, the njoy Eleven is an "instant orgasm" instru­ment for me. And not a local­ized cli­toral one, but a series of gasp­ing, five-​octave scream­ing orgasms. The "Oh my God, oh God, oh God, I think I might black­out" type.

Wait, this is a review of the Le Wand Contour, isn't it?

Well, yes. It's impos­si­ble to talk about the Contour (or much else of Le Wand's stain­less steel dil­do col­lec­tion) with­out bring­ing up njoy. Cue flash­back to the Le Wand Rechargeable and Hitachi Vibratex Magic Wand Rechargeable. Le Wand isn't doing much to dis­tin­guish itself here, either. But the stain­less steel dil­do lines are far from the same.

Table of contents

Similarities between the Le Wand Contour and njoy Eleven

A closer look at the difference between the Le Wand Contour and njoy Eleven's ridges. The Eleven also has a more rounded head shape.

The Le Wand Contour and njoy Eleven share the fol­low­ing characteristics:

  • Eleven inch­es long
  • Mirror-​polished stain­less steel
  • Shallow S‑curves
  • Generously swelling heads
  • Double-​ended, with dif­fer­ent size options
  • A ridged shaft on the "small" end
  • SUPER heavy (but that's what I love!)

Their length and cur­va­ture make them both fan­tas­tic for A‑spotting and cervix mas­sage — result­ing in my favorite kinds of orgasms.

During part­ner play espe­cial­ly, the S‑curved shaft serves as a lever. One hand in the cen­ter push­es the insert­ed end up toward the front wall, while the oth­er hand push­es the "han­dle" down to apply addi­tion­al pressure.

Boom, boom, insta-​come all-​around. Sharp. Like the orgasms are blast­ed out of me. ("Wow, it looks like you real­ly enjoyed it," my boyfriend said, after using the Le Wand Contour on me. "… or should I say, you real­ly 'Le Wand'ed it!" GROAN.)

Is the Le Wand Contour just a njoy Eleven knockoff?

Le Wand Contour side view vs. njoy Eleven stainless steel dildo top view, with the head way flared out.

There's no deny­ing that the Le Wand Contour is high­ly deriv­a­tive of the njoy Eleven, retain­ing many fea­tures I like. (My njoy Eleven review was essen­tial­ly a love let­ter.) However, the dif­fer­ences aren't minor — and I can't ignore the dis­par­i­ty in price. With or with­out my coupon code (SUPER) at Betty's Toy Box, the Le Wand Contour costs way less than the Eleven.

In any case, the Eleven is an EXPENSIVE dil­do. For anoth­er toy­mak­er to release a small­er and less cost­ly ver­sion is a legit­i­mate response. Consider that the Le Wand Contour is 1.87" max­i­mum diam­e­ter at the big end, while the njoy Eleven is 2" thick. At the small end, they mea­sure 1.45" and 1.75", respec­tive­ly. Let that sink in: one has a rea­son­ably aver­age girth (com­pared to human penis­es), while the oth­er is dip­ping its toes in size roy­al­ty territory.

I love big toys, and I can­not lie, BUT I under­stand that size is some­times a deter­rent for peo­ple con­sid­er­ing an Eleven.

What about the rest of the Le Wand stainless steel line?

Stainless steel dildos and plugs on mirrors and in glass vases

Contour /​ njoy Fun Wand /​ njoy pFun plug /​ Arch

I'd only be salty about Le Wand's stain­less steel dil­dos if they got awards and njoy's didn't. (Yes, I'm side-​eyeing the Le Wand Rechargeable's acco­lades.) I like njoy's toys more, but I don't hate the Le Wand line.. Let's break it down:

  • Arch – Doesn't resem­ble njoy at all. More like a hybrid between the LELO Gigi's and Desirables Dalia's shapes.
  • Bow – While bul­bous, has a shal­low­er curve than the njoy Pure Wand — bear­ing clos­er resem­blance to some gener­ic glass toys I've seen.
  • Swerve – S‑curved like the njoy Fun Wand, but doesn't dip down in girth between beads. Has a prostate-​massaging head like the njoy pFun plug. Nice com­bi­na­tion toy.

The main dil­do in the Le Wand stain­less steel col­lec­tion that I cringe at most is the Hoop. And that's because it does have a step curve like the njoy Pure Wand, but with added ridges on the shaft. While it's easy to think that the extra stim­u­la­tion enrich­es the expe­ri­ence, I'd steer clear. I don't want the unyield­ing ridges rub­bing that close to or that hard against my ure­thra. And when it costs more? No, thanks. I'm stick­ing with my Pure Wand.

Further differences between the Le Wand Contour and njoy Eleven

Okay, back to the Contour. Aside from the size, Le Wand brings us two oth­er crit­i­cal devi­a­tions from njoy's Eleven design: the weight and head shape.

Le Wand Contour stainless steel dildo weight

When you're used to the njoy Eleven (2.75 lbs OR 44 oz), the Le Wand Contour is a mill­stone in com­par­i­son (about 4.5 lbs or 72 oz). Despite its small­er size, it's waaaaay denser. That may be use­ful as a weapon for zombie-​bludgeoning. Or vagi­nal weightlift­ing, but I'd rather just cara­bine a Pure Plug to a buck­et of dumbbells.

I don't mind. But those who have mobil­i­ty prob­lems or orgasm more slow­ly than I do? They may not have the fore­arm sta­mi­na to sus­tain thrust­ing with the Le Wand Contour.

[Image: Le Wand Contour and njoy Eleven side-by-side]

The reflec­tions in this pic­ture per­fect­ly show­case the dif­fer­ences between the Le Wand Contour and njoy Eleven, from the size to the Eleven's more bul­bous head

A flattened G‑spotting head

It's way more evi­dent in per­son than in pic­tures: the Le Wand Contour's head shape is more squared off from the side per­spec­tive and has less of a lat­er­al flare from the top view. It's designed to knead the area on the front wall, just past the pubic bone. Not a pure njoy Eleven copy, but a hybrid with the LELO Ella.

[Image: just me squatting while in the reflection while holding the Le Wand Contour]

Many users would love Le Wand Contour's flat head design, but not me, for a few rea­sons. For one, it's not as intense as the njoy Eleven.

And unlike the Eleven, the Le Wand Contour doesn't mas­sage the sen­si­tive area on my pubic bone as it dips. I find that the for­mer more tight­ly tes­sel­lates with my anatomy.

In my njoy Eleven review, I also men­tioned that it pounds my front wall with such brava­do that my A‑spot and G‑spot seem­ing­ly blur into one. That kind of syn­er­gy doesn't hap­pen with the Le Wand Contour for me. I feel like I have to con­scious­ly focus on one eroge­nous zone or the other.

Vertical, walnut-​shaped ridges?

You may also be won­der­ing whether the ridges on the Le Wand Contour's head do any­thing for my G‑spot. I do enjoy ver­ti­cal bumps, like on the low­er shaft of the Blush Avant D4. However, with a blud­geon­ly dil­do like the Contour, the ridges are sec­ondary; the inten­si­ty of the thrusts drown out any lat­er­al twist­ing stim­u­la­tion I'd get. That's not a bad thing — it's just not as syn­er­gis­tic as I'd hoped.

UPDATE: I've com­piled list of my favorite stain­less steel dil­dos! Read all about how the Le Wand Contour mea­sures up to them.

What to consider before deciding on a Le Wand Contour or njoy Eleven

I wouldn't rec­om­mend either stain­less steel dil­do for begin­ners. If you want a Le Wand Contour or njoy Eleven, you bet­ter have built up your dil­do col­lec­tion to be sure of what you like.

My history with flat-​headed G‑spot toys

I'm lucky that Le Wand Contour hap­pened to fit my anato­my well. Not per­fect­ly or effort­less­ly like with the Eleven, but rounded-​off enough to jus­ti­fy the price.

Historically, I've found that toys like the LELO Ella and Blush Wellness G Ball aim too far past my G‑spot and miss it. As such, it makes sense that, while the Le Wand Contour works for me, it still doesn't com­pare to the njoy Eleven.

Your history with G‑spot toy head shapes

Think of oth­er G‑spot toys you've tried. Did you, unlike me, find stim­u­lat­ing the LELO Ella or Wellness G Ball or Stronic G's place­ment? Do you like the Uberrime Amo's flat head? If so, Le Wand Contour's G‑spot-​massaging design will feel amaz­ing for you.

[Image: njoy Eleven in black leather purse among grass and dandelions]

But if your type is more the Tantus Sport or Dorcel SO or Stronic Surf, con­sid­er stick­ing with the njoy Eleven. Even though it costs more, I'd pre­fer to invest in a toy that feels like it was made for me.

My verdict on the Le Wand Contour stainless steel dildo

As with Le Wand's met­al vibra­tors, the stain­less steel dil­do line radi­ates silk and suave. Their Contour dil­do doesn't come in a leather purse as the njoy Eleven does, but mir­ror fin­ish and sen­su­al curves are nev­er­the­less showstopping.

[Image: Le Wand Contour side view and njoy Eleven top view]


I wish I liked the Le Wand Contour more. It blud­geons my pos­te­ri­or fornix into near-​blackout obliv­ion, its heft deliv­ers in the oxy­tocin depart­ment, and its price tag is competitive.

It's so close to God-​tier. And, fuck, you could even get a Doxy clas­sic (read my Die Cast review) with the mon­ey saved from choos­ing the Le Wand Contour over the njoy Eleven. This review would have been so easy.

If I hadn't already tried the Eleven, the Le Wand Contour would undoubtedly have been one of my favorite sex toys.

But as with the Le Wand Rechargeable mas­sager, it's yet anoth­er case of, "If the queen had balls, she'd be the king."

FURTHER READING: see my new­er com­par­i­son and rank­ing of favorite stain­less steel dil­dos!

I know my body. I know that, giv­en a choice between an S‑curved dil­do with round heads vs. one with flat heads, I'd choose the for­mer the over­whelm­ing major­i­ty of the time. That's com­ing from some­one who's owned the njoy Eleven for five years and is still in the hon­ey­moon phase with it.

But let's say you know your G‑spot well, and you have a dif­fer­ent his­to­ry than I do. Let's say you're com­fort­able the Le Wand Contour's weight.

In that case, sav­ing sub­stan­tial­ly to shift from my per­son­al "God-​tier" to "demi-​god tier" is hard­ly a com­pro­mise. To you, it's more a con­scious pow­er move. Wield your weapon proudly.

Get the Le Wand Contour and take 10% off your order at Betty's Toy Box with code SUPER

Le Wand Contour vs. njoy Eleven (Comparison & Review) 2

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5 Responses

  1. KMJ says:

    Thanks for the review, the details you pro­vid­ed helped me decide that the Contour would be worth get­ting (not redun­dant) and I'm very hap­py with it! I love the addi­tion­al weight. If I posi­tion it so that grav­i­ty is in my favor, the weight actu­al­ly makes it less work, not more.

    We've also used it for tem­per­a­ture play and holds heat/​cold longer than the Eleven. I see why Le Wand catch­es flak for design sim­i­lar­i­ties some­times but I do think the weight of this one makes it unique. Maybe it's cheap­er to make a sol­id one, I don't know, but for me it's been great.

    Since get­ting the Contour I am always reach­ing for it instead of the Eleven to use when I'm by myself, though my part­ner still prefers the Eleven to use on me. The shape dif­fer­ence is neg­li­gi­ble to me, though again if I'm on my own it's nice to have some­thing slight­ly small­er and I can "aim" it bet­ter on myself. But I think they are both great toys and have their places in our bed­room! Funny enough, I felt very meh about the wands from Le Wand, but the Contour has put them back on my radar. I real­ly hope they'll come out with more in the stain­less steel line.

  2. Hey, thanks for the thor­ough review! Based on this, I bought an Eleven, from Come As You Are, thanks also for the refer­ral to them!

    And I have some insight, regard­ing the weight dif­fer­ence. When my Eleven arrived, I real­ized it wasn't near­ly as heavy as it should be if it was sol­id. Similarly, the bal­ance point is very near the mid­dle, which shouldn't be true if the thick­er end was sol­id. I con­sid­ered mea­sur­ing the mass and vol­ume and cal­cu­lat­ing the den­si­ty and com­par­ing it to the den­si­ty of stain­less steel. However, a quick search shows that many ven­dors use the iden­ti­cal descrip­tion, "The dil­do is cast in 316 grade stain­less steel and is hol­low, mean­ing its lighter than oth­er stain­less steel dil­dos yet still sat­is­fy­ing­ly weighty."

    So there you have it. The Eleven is hol­low, the Contour prob­a­bly isn't. The dif­fer­ences in man­u­fac­tur­ing process prob­a­bly account for some of the price dif­fer­ence as well. (Also, I wrote to Le Wand to ask what type of stain­less they use. They said "sur­gi­cal!" but didn't give a grade num­ber, so it's like­ly a cheap­er alloy. That prob­a­bly doesn't mat­ter, ulti­mate­ly, but makes me feel bet­ter about sup­port­ing njoy.)

  3. JB says:

    I was real­ly sur­prised by this review and that you don’t con­sid­er Le Wand toys to be rip-​offs of nJoy toys. I under­stand your rea­son­ing and real­ly appre­ci­ate the lev­el of detail that you go into explain­ing the dif­fer­ences between the two. Also how does a small­er toy weigh so much more? Totally unexpected.

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