Vixen Creations Randy Review: single-density dildo with girth of soda can

The Vixen Creations Randy is my per­son­al, pen­e­tra­tive ana­log of being strapped to a Hitachi and forced to orgasm uncon­trol­lably as torture.

Vixen Creations Randy dildo and soda pop can comparison. The girth of the Vixen Randy is about the same as the top of a soda can.

This fat dildo's max­i­mum diam­e­ter is 2.25", about the same diam­e­ter as the top face of a soda can. (Or if you're where I'm from, "pop.") The Randy that I got is single-​density. It's uni­form­ly the stiff­ness of a stale gum­my bear, mak­ing it decid­ed­ly less squishy than oth­er Vixen Creations toys I've tried.

You can get the dual-​density ver­sion for a more lav­ish price tag, but I don't think I would have liked that one's squishy out­er lay­er more. Not when the single-​density Randy's firm­ness bet­ter suits what I'm look­ing for:

  • Something to pre­pare my vagi­na for part­ner fisting
  • Intense stretch­ing by myself
  • Serious G‑spot pressure

Indeed, like with oth­er big and rigid toys I've tried, good water-​based lube is a must for me. There's some ure­thral irri­ta­tion when push­ing it in. Thus, I try to keep the pres­sure on the back wall instead of the front at first. I have to be delib­er­ate about my breath­ing to relax and stretch. Once it's past my ure­thra and pubic bone, the dis­com­fort is pret­ty much over; I can get to the good stuff.

Vixen Creations Randy thick soda-can-sized dildo on its side

Vixen Creations Randy's penetration sensation

It doesn't take much to give me back-​to-​back orgasms, but that's not just what this is. It's not just like when I'm receiv­ing oral and (con­sen­su­al­ly) held down and I orgasm over and over, and I try to get away but not real­ly. That's cutesy porn moan­ing (which isn't bad as long as it's genuine).

I'm talk­ing about being turned into a fuck­ing ani­mal, com­ing and scream­ing like I'm expe­ri­enc­ing an extend­ed labor con­trac­tion until the stim­u­lus stops. I'm not kid­ding. You know that baby show­er game called, "porn or labor"? If you saw a pho­to of my face or heard an audio clip of me while get­ting fist­ed, you'd be for­giv­en for think­ing I was giv­ing birth. Maybe that's an ugly descrip­tion to some, but it does jus­tice to the inten­si­ty of what I felt.

Now imag­ine that inten­si­ty, but dialed down a bit to ~70%. That's the inten­si­ty of being pen­e­trat­ed by the Vixen Creations Randy. And it might be "only" 70% as intense as fist­ing, but it's more intense than any oth­er toy I have ever tried.

Vixen Creations Randy vs. njoy Eleven, both very fat dildos
Vixen Creations Randy vs. njoy Eleven and large njoy Pure Plug (about the same girth as njoy Pure Wand's large end). Click to zoom.

Vixen Randy compared to other intense toys

The Vixen Creations Randy applies pres­sure over a large area. Between my vagi­nal walls, the over­all girth stretch­es, and with the slight­est tilt, the curved shaft and exag­ger­at­ed head don't have much room to apply pres­sure any­where else but my G‑spot, espe­cial­ly when I clench. And that's a beau­ti­ful thing; the Randy gives me more over­all stretch and more G‑spot inten­si­ty with­out the pubic bone grind­ing of a rigid, G‑spot-​specific assailant's head.

My verdict on the Vixen Creations Randy

The Vixen Creations Randy is every­thing I hoped it would be and more. It makes me feel almost as euphor­ic and high as fist­ing does, which I expect­ed. I wasn't expect­ing the Randy's real­is­tic head to be that effec­tive on my G‑spot. While the Johnny's real­is­tic head could eas­i­ly apply G‑spot pres­sure, that wasn't the toy's main appeal for me; cer­vi­cal pres­sure was. My G‑spot usu­al­ly pre­ferred round­ed and bul­bous toys. The Vixen Creations Randy is my first toy with a real­is­tic head whose pen­e­tra­tion sen­sa­tion I con­sid­er G‑spot cen­tric. Perhaps the firmer single-​density sil­i­cone empha­sizes this more.

Vixen Creations Randy, njoy Eleven (big end), Vixskin Outlaw, Vixskin Johnny
Vixen Creations Randy's head com­pared to Johnny, Outlaw,  njoy Eleven's big end. Click to zoom.

Don't overlook single-density Vixen toys!

Sure, Vixen's single-​density dil­dos aren't as real­is­tic or cushy or lux­u­ri­ous as their dual-​density coun­ter­parts. The VixSkin Mustang and Maverick are right­ful­ly praised. But for those built like me, with demand­ing but picky G‑spots, I high­ly rec­om­mend look­ing into the less well-​known Vixen Creations dil­dos like the Woody (a single-​density ver­sion of Mustang, 1.6" max girth), Randy (2.25" max girth), and Bent (2" max girth). They cost less to make and thus have small­er price tags, but that doesn't mean that they are inher­ent­ly less pleasurable.

I rec­om­mend the single-​density Vixen Creations Randy to size roy­al­ty, espe­cial­ly those look­ing to lev­el up from 2" to 2.25" diam­e­ter. I don't know if forced orgasm tor­ture is one of your kinks, but after try­ing the Vixen Randy, you might dis­cov­er that you're into it, too.

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5 Responses

  1. I wish I could take toys this large! I'm glad so many old dil­dos are now com­ing in dual-​density or, in the case of Tantus, "super soft."

  2. RANDY. Dildo names like the Admiral or the Johnny nev­er real­ly caught my eye but RANDY. So much char­ac­ter I love it.

  3. G says:

    Oooh, thank you for inform­ing me about what looks to be a very good dil­do, and one of the thick­est at that!

  4. DizzyD says:

    I like my toys firm. The Vixen Randy seems a very good option for me to try a firm dil­do with more girth. Vixen toys aren’t eas­i­ly found in my area, so I’ll have to look into that.

  5. Jay says:

    My sin­gle den­si­ty Randy is one of my favorite dil­dos too. I orig­i­nal­ly got the sin­gle den­si­ty over the dual den­si­ty for bud­get rea­sons, but now I couldn’t imag­ine Randy with­out it’s firm­ness. While vixen’s dual den­si­ty is some of the best, their sin­gle den­si­ty options should not be overlooked!

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