Rabbit Vibrator Trends: Air Pulse Dual Stimulators & More

My spir­it slight­ly sinks when­ev­er I see that damn U‑shaped Bellesa Airvibe pro­mot­ed on Instagram.

Wearable dual-stimulation vibrators and air pulse rabbit massagers
Clockwise from the top: We-​Vibe Chorus, Bellesa Airvibe, We-​Vibe Chorus, LELO Enigma

It's not going to fit my anato­my — I can already tell from the shaft's flex­i­bil­i­ty in videos and pho­tos that it lacks the struc­ture to deliv­er ade­quate pres­sure to my G‑spot.

Likewise with the We-​Vibe Chorus, despite its adjustable fit.

And the Je Joue Hera Flex, whose mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als claimed it would bend to any posi­tion and help you dis­cov­er new plea­sure points.


Sure, the Chorus and Sync 2 can fit more bod­ies than the orig­i­nal We-​Vibe. However, there are lim­i­ta­tions to how much they can con­tort to my clit due to their hard-​shelled vibrat­ing motors. The Chorus's exter­nal motor over­shot and deliv­ered vibra­tion slight­ly above my glans. Meanwhile, its bend­able por­tion didn't grip tight­ly enough to do much.

We-Vibe Chorus
Above: We-​Vibe Chorus wear­able dual stim­u­la­tion vibrator

As a review­er who didn't have to pay for it, I'm still upset about the We-​Vibe Chorus's price tag. Sex toy trends like dual-​stimulation air pulse mas­sagers and pos­able shafts often con­jure sim­i­lar feel­ings for me.

What's to Love About Air Pulse Dual Stimulation

Clitoral suc­tion rab­bits sound great on paper. What's not to love when you're promised:

  • The out­side sim­u­lates oral sex
  • The inside vibrates
  • You get both from thrust­ing with one hand or even no hands?!
LELO Enigma
Above: LELO Enigma and Enigma Cruise air pulse rab­bit vibrator

The LELO Enigma, for exam­ple, thrums air on the clit and stays in place if you sit down or lie prone. Depending on your mea­sure­ments, that posi­tion­ing could press the noz­zle on your vul­va while your hands flick through porn unin­ter­rupt­ed. Woooahh!

And that can work great for you — and does deliv­er dreamy orgasms to some — if you:

  • Love sta­tion­ary G‑spot vibration
  • Don't need much inter­nal pressure
  • Want some­thing rumbly to clench around
  • Care a lot about cli­toral stimulation
  • Are not petite in build with your junk spaced close­ly together

That last point alludes to rea­sons I haven't per­son­al­ly tried the Enigma yet.

The Downside of Pressure Wave Rabbit Vibrators

My Reservations About the LELO Enigma

Quite sim­ply, there's noth­ing about the LELO Enigma that I think I would love, based on my past expe­ri­ences with vibrators:

  • I despised the LELO Sona 2, which is essen­tial­ly the exter­nal part of the Enigma
  • I tend to pre­fer G‑spot toys with a more volup­tuous swell rather than a straight taper (and I didn't like the LELO Soraya Wave, which doesn't bode well for the similarly-​shaped Enigma)
  • The neck is suu­u­per flex­i­ble and looks like it was made for users with a more sig­nif­i­cant clit-​vag gap than me. Indeed, quite a few reviews had men­tioned that the spac­ing was odd and that (par­tic­u­lar­ly for petite play­ers) the cli­toral noz­zle was posi­tioned too high by default.
  • Clitoral air pulse mas­sagers must be at the right height and angle to seal around the cli­toral glans and prop­er­ly pulse.
  • I get pret­ty aggres­sive with G‑spot thrust­ing, and even if I could aim the insertable por­tion just right, it would involve tilt­ing it and poten­tial­ly pulling the cli­toral stim­u­la­tor away.
  • The LELO Enigma is expen­sive.

While I have reviewed straight-​shafted lick­ing or suck­ing rab­bits in the past, they tend­ed to be on the cheap end. Even when they weren't quite for me, they were accept­able for the price, and not as much of a gam­ble as the Enigma.

Having all of those con­cerns about prop­er anatom­i­cal align­ment, com­bined with the price, made the LELO Enigma too risky to review or recommend.

A Blended Orgasm Combo for People Built Like Me

I'd instead save some mon­ey and use a cli­toral air pulse mas­sager and long dil­do separately!!!!!

Excuse me while I drip and day­dream, think­ing about insert­ing the Dame Com while the Dame Aer thrums against my clit. A‑spotty, deep, exten­sive, stretchy, rumbly, yum. I love remix­ing my guts with a big, bludgeon-​like insertable and a for­ward tilt. The Dame Com wasn't made for that pur­pose, yet it feels like it was made for me.

Aer by Dame also has plen­ty going for it as an air pulse toy to pair with pen­e­tra­tion:

  • Its noz­zle is angled with­out any over­hang, leav­ing plen­ty of room for an insertable per­vert­ible to move freely
  • Its open­ing is wider than the LELO Sona and Enigma mod­els’, fit­ting a more thor­ough range of clits and hoods
  • The three-​button con­trol pan­el is excel­lent and allows for breezy control
  • It's strong, which you might not be into, but I immense­ly enjoy it!
Purple Dame Aer
Above: Dame Aer

Further Downsides to Air Pulse Rabbit Vibrators

As far as solo toys go, I'm on Team Deep Dicking All Day.

I love a robust thrust — some­thing that most pres­sure wave dual stim­u­la­tors can't deliver.

“What a fuck­ing abom­i­na­tion!” I thought upon see­ing the Womanizer Inside Out for the first time. Then the Satisfyer Pro G Rabbit. Then the rum­bli­er Womanizer Duo. I oblig­ed and tried that last one, which fur­ther reaf­firmed that the cat­e­go­ry wasn't for me.

Rabbit Vibrator Trends: Air Pulse Dual Stimulators & More 1
Left to right: Blush Lush Iris, Womanizer DUO 2 rab­bit vibra­tor, and Arcwave Ion air pulse penis stroker

To quote my past self:

"G‑spot air pul­sa­tion dual stim­u­la­tor" sound­ed like a big oxy­moron. G‑spot toys work best with thrust­ing, while pres­sure wave stim­u­la­tors man­date stay­ing put and seal­ing around the cli­toris. The OG designs meant hav­ing to choose between one or the other.

That was from my review of the now-​discontinued Blush Novelties Lush Iris, which segues nice­ly into the fol­low­ing sec­tion: the excep­tion to the rab­bits’ rules.

Rabbit Vibrators With Gyrating or Self-Thrusting Shafts

SELF-​THRUSTING 👏 DUAL STIMULATORS 👏 MAKE 👏 SENSE 👏 if you love pen­e­tra­tion. The exter­nal por­tion stays still while the inner exten­sion juts in and out, deliv­er­ing inter­nal slid­ing and exter­nal suck­ing and blowing.

Lush Iris thrusting gyrating and pressure wave rabbit review
Above: Blush Novelties Lush Iris (now discontinued)

And if it can reach my A‑spot or cervix, as the Lush Iris did, that is where the “eject oxy­tocin” mag­ic hap­pens for me. Ideally, I want to go deep. The BMS Pillow Talk Lively also gyrates with 5” of insertable length, and between its firm­ness and the type of motion, that's plen­ty to stim­u­late my deep spots.

Lastly, my shal­low­ing G‑spot soul­mate is the California Dreaming Santa Cruz Coaster. It deliv­ers pin­point and zingy cli­toral vibra­tions (par for Cal Exotics), a stroke length of 0.6”, and a tight grip for intense (and hands-​free!) sen­sa­tions. As always with rab­bits, though, check the mea­sure­ments. The Santa Cruz Coaster is best for some­one with a shal­low G‑spot and the vagi­nal open­ing spaced an inch or less away from the clitoris.

Rabbit Vibrator Shopping Tips

So what's the takeaway?

A sex toy receiv­ing rave reviews doesn't nec­es­sar­i­ly mean it's a good match for you. Rabbit vibra­tors are noto­ri­ous for being finicky with fit, so when shop­ping for one, ask your­self the following:

  • What's more impor­tant to me: pen­e­tra­tion or cli­toral stimulation?
  • How deep do I want the insertable por­tion to go?
  • How flex­i­ble would I want the exter­nal stim­u­la­tor to be?
  • How vital is the one-​handed dual sen­sa­tion to me, really?
  • Would it be eas­i­er to sat­is­fy my pref­er­ences with two dif­fer­ent toys?

If you're dis­abled, you might care more about one-​handed or no-​handed sen­sa­tions than I do. Single-​handed, simul­ta­ne­ous pen­e­tra­tion and cli­toral vibra­tion are still pos­si­ble! Nowadays, I rec­om­mend pair­ing Fun Factory's Nos vibrat­ing cock ring with a dil­do. Choose your insertable for a cus­tomiz­able fit.

You already know my per­son­al answer to that last ques­tion, though: I'd rather have the reli­a­bil­i­ty of inde­pen­dent units if I’m crav­ing cli­toral stim­u­la­tion, too.

Rabbit vibra­tors are pri­mar­i­ly for when I'm craving:

  • Gyration sen­sa­tion
  • Crazy con­sis­tent clamp­ing and coasting

I'm not done talk­ing about rab­bit vibra­tors yet, though; there’s more to unpack.

Sex Toys With Wire Cores or Posable Shafts

After so many reviews men­tioned how easy it is for rab­bit vibra­tors to fail, sex toy man­u­fac­tur­ers respond­ed with flex­i­ble and adjustable shafts. Not only did the sil­i­cone bend but these new­er dil­dos and vibra­tors also had wires inside to hold dif­fer­ent shapes.

Je Joue Hera and Hera Flex rabbit vibrators
Left to right: Je Joue Hera Flex and Hera

That idea was applied in mul­ti­ple ways:

I under­stand the inten­tion behind the shift­ing shaft cur­va­tures, but more often than not, they cre­at­ed a new prob­lem for me: my vagi­na fuck­ing straight­ened them out. The Je Joue Hera Flex did fuck-​all for my G‑spot. We-Vibe's Nova 2 no longer clamped on my clit as intended.

We-Vibe Nova vs. Nova 2
Left to right: We-​Vibe Nova Classic and Nova 2

(Rest in peace, Nova Classic. Your unyield­ing for­ti­tude will be missed.)

Even out­side the realm of oblig­ate rab­bits, I wasn't a fan of the Puissante Coco (the Coco Mini is fab­u­lous, though!) or Depth by The Oh Club. And while we're here? I don't fuck­ing get why the Naughty Bits Ombré Hombre incor­po­rat­ed ver­te­brae ted­dy bear arma­ture in its core.

Rabbit Vibrator Trends: Air Pulse Dual Stimulators & More 2
Clockwise from the top left: Naughty Bits Ombré Hombre, BMS Addiction David, Fun Factory LIMBA FLEX small, LIMBA FLEX medium

The Plus Side to a Dildo With a Posable Shaft

There's a time and a place for flex­i­bil­i­ty, though. Let's look at three exam­ples of pos­able shaft dil­dos that I enjoyed!

Fun Factory does it well with their Limba Flex dil­do. It's slen­der and frill-​free for inter­nal explo­ration, but the wire core most­ly holds its curve in use, whether you want to bend it into:

  • A steep C for G‑spotting
  • A shal­low S for A‑spotting
  • A gen­tle L for packing

It's not per­fect, but it's def­i­nite­ly stur­dier than oth­er pos­able dil­dos I've tried.

Fun Factory Limba Flex posable dildos
Left to right: Fun Factory LIMBA FLEX medi­um and LIMBA FLEX small

Pack-​and-​play is anoth­er fun way to deploy this design fea­ture with inten­tion. In oth­er words, a pos­able dil­do like the BMS Factory Addiction David is 2‑in‑1. You can:

  • Strap on the BMS Factory Addiction David dil­do and fold it down to tuck under your clothes
  • Whip it out and pull it erect for spon­ta­neous strap-​on playtime

Warning: the BMS Addiction David is quite girthy. It also won't main­tain its curve dur­ing use; this dil­do most­ly straight­ens out under pres­sure from someone's walls. With how long it is, though, my cervix is spell­bound!

Finally, the Je Joue G‑Kii incor­po­rat­ed “joints” that you could lock and unlock to make the curve tighter or more relaxed. This com­pro­mise had the right idea with selec­tive bend­abil­i­ty! It's also super rumbly, mak­ing it one of the best G‑spot vibra­tors I had ever tried.

Je Joue G-Kii posable G-spot vibrator
Above: Je Joue G‑Kii G‑spot vibrator

Recapping Dual-Stimulation, Air Pulse Toys, and Flexible Shafts

Dual-​stimulation sex toys are pop­u­lar, par­tic­u­lar­ly with a new­er wave of air-​pulse rab­bit vibra­tors. They're showy and trendy but can be hit or miss depend­ing on anato­my and per­son­al preferences.

Do you main­ly want gasp-​worthy cli­toral stim­u­la­tion while the inter­nal por­tion stays in place to vibrate your vagi­na? Maybe you do! Maybe the LELO Enigma's mechan­i­cal com­po­nents sound dreamy to you, as does the Womanizer DUO.

But I can only wish the Womanizer DUO fit my body right, and I don't want to make that mis­take with the LELO Enigma's price tag. The more a G‑spot vibra­tor attempts to do at once, the more like­ly it is to fail.

All of the Following Features Would Have to Harmonize for Me:

  • Does my G‑spot like the shape? If not, does this toy fit well with my deep­er eroge­nous zones?
  • How flex­i­ble is it, and how tight­ly can it grip?
  • Does my clit adore the exter­nal motor?
  • How do the two motors align with my G‑spot, vagi­nal open­ing, and clitoris?
  • How vig­or­ous­ly can I thrust?

It's a chal­leng­ing feat. Indeed, some toys have tried to fit a broad­er range of bod­ies — and I can respect it when a design works amaz­ing­ly for oth­ers but not me.

However, I'll scroll past most ubiq­ui­tous U‑shaped air pulse toys and pos­able shaft dil­dos, know­ing they're high­ly like­ly to dis­ap­point me.

Rabbit Vibrator Trends: Air Pulse Dual Stimulators & More 3
Above: Bellesa Airvibe

For peo­ple who love hard­core pen­e­tra­tion, con­sid­er steer­ing clear of the band­wag­on entirely.

Remember to pri­or­i­tize your own plea­sure and sat­is­fac­tion when choos­ing sex toys. Don't be afraid to exper­i­ment, diverge from what “every­one else” is doing, and find what works best for you.

This post con­tains a spon­sored link, but the writ­ing and views expressed here are my own. 

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4 Responses

  1. D. Dyer says:

    Agree with so much of this, I have yet to find a rab­bit that works for my body in the way that I want it to, maybe I’ll stum­ble upon one one day, but in the mean­time, it’s not a big pri­or­i­ty after so many failed attempts. There are so many ways for it to go wrong that I hes­i­tate to spend more mon­ey on the search you know.

  2. Alex says:

    I feel the same way! So many of the pop­u­lar dual stim­u­la­tion toys just clear­ly will not fit me. While a wider vari­ety of designs are becom­ing avail­able, it is still real­ly hard to find toys for bod­ies that vary from the sup­posed "aver­age".

  3. Cam says:

    I’ve nev­er thought of this but it real­ly does have to be the right height and adjustable for every­thing to work great with the dual air ones

  4. Trix says:

    I’d nev­er thought of insert­ing the Com, but I can see how the shape could work…

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