Review: Arcwave Ion Penis Stroker with Pressure Wave Motor

This penis mas­tur­ba­tor comes with a whole-​ass charg­ing sta­tion that fits right in with my boyfriend's VR equip­ment and com­put­er set­up. His words of choice for the Arcwave Ion's case were "fleek" and "min­i­mal­ist style [com­mon] for electronics."

Galactic glitter dildo next to Arcwave Ion penis masturbator
Left to right: Naughty Bits Ombré Hombre, Arcwave Ion in charg­ing stand, Arcwave Ion case lid
The quality went far beyond first impressions.

On a plea­sure inten­si­ty scale of 1–10 — 1 is his hand alone, and 10 is actu­al­ly hav­ing sex with me — my boyfriend would give the Arcwave Ion a 7.  It's a huu­u­uge upgrade from con­ven­tion­al stroking or vibrat­ing against his penis; you get the best of both worlds.

I wouldn't expect any­thing less from the lux­u­ry par­ent com­pa­ny behind We-​Vibe and Womanizer.

What is the Arcwave ion?

Arcwave is Womanizer's penis-​oriented sib­li­ing; the Ion adds to a super soft sil­i­cone stro­ker the Pleasure Air pulse tech­nol­o­gy™ that Womanizer inno­vat­ed. While the tex­tured sleeve sim­u­lates inter­course, the rumbly motor blows air on the head and frenu­lum through a tiny "mouth," about the size of a pistachio.

The air puls­es don't encom­pass the entire penis; the Arcwave Ion's forté is strate­gic aim­ing, mak­ing it quite dif­fer­ent from oth­er stro­kers and mas­tur­ba­tors avail­able on the market.

Uberrime Astra dildo inside Arcwave Ion
One-​of-​a-​kind rain­bow Uberrime Astra Large dil­do inside Arcwave Ion

Arcwave Ion penis masturbator air pulse quality and sensation

I've spoiled my boyfriend with a huge range of sex toys, like the:

And those oth­er toys were fun for him, but they didn't com­pare to the Arcwave Ion for him.

"Would you say it's rumbly?" I asked him.

He said, "Oh, yes," in a heartbeat.

The "mouth" light­ly suc­tions to the tip of his penis, and his favorite part is when it blows against his ure­thra. While the stro­ker is only 4" long and not enough to encom­pass his entire penis, it focus­es pow­er where it mat­ters more for him.

Review: Arcwave Ion Penis Stroker with Pressure Wave Motor 1
Arcwave Ion out­side of its case and Naughty Bits Ombré Hombre dildo

He also says the scal­ing among the inten­si­ties is fan­tas­tic — the 8 set­tings give you a wide range from a light flut­ter to a full vrooooom­m­mm. Since bod­ies can become accus­tomed to vibra­tion and air puls­es dur­ing long ses­sions, it helps to start with just stroking before slow­ly ramp­ing up. The speeds and three-​button con­trol pan­el make adding vari­ety a breeze.

Another Arcwave Ion feature we're marveling at

Due to my boyfriend's SSRI, his mas­tur­ba­tion ses­sions tend to be long, but the Arcwave Ion is still going and going on a sin­gle charge. On paper, 120 min­utes of charg­ing gives you 70 min­utes of full-​power play. In prac­tice, the Arcwave Ion is plen­ty intense; we don't usu­al­ly turn it all the way up.

Arcwave Ion stroker silicone, shape, and size

And the stro­ker por­tion? It's body-​safe sil­i­cone but actu­al­ly still suu­u­per soft!

I've felt a lot of squishy sil­i­cone, but the Arcwave Ion prob­a­bly has the soft­est I've ever felt — way more pli­able than I was expect­ing. The Fun Factory Manta and Hot Octopuss Duo, for exam­ple, are firmer for the sake of trans­mit­ting vibra­tion. They also don't go all the way around. That's not (entire­ly) the case with the Arcwave Ion.

There's a hard plas­tic shell around the part with the motor, but the actu­al stroking por­tion goes a full 360°. At rest, it's 1.3" wide and can com­fort­ably accom­mo­date a 2" diam­e­ter penis. I can grip it tighter or stretch it to envel­op my fist.

The only down­side is that, while the Manta can poten­tial­ly be used on any penis size, the Arcwave Ion's design isn't for any­one with under 4" of length.

Arcwave Ion air pulse stroker texture

Review: Arcwave Ion Penis Stroker with Pressure Wave Motor 2

Inside the Arcwave Ion are small rip­ples with a glossy fin­ish. Add a few drops of water-​based lube — a sam­ple of pjur is includ­ed — to take away some of the stick­i­ness inher­ent to soft toys. Don't use sil­i­cone lube with squishy sol­id silicone!

Masturbators made of porous mate­ri­als like TPE and TPR tend to be squishi­er, but you sac­ri­fice long-​term qual­i­ty for short-​term sen­sa­tion. They tend to grow microbes in the mate­r­i­al over time. The Arcwave Ion, in con­trast, is way more hygien­ic; the pores in sil­i­cone aren't big enough to house germs.

Arcwave Ion storage case and Smart Silence technology

Back to the sexy charg­ing sta­tion that I was talk­ing about. The Arcwave Ion's stor­age case is dis­creet, fits tight­ly around the prod­uct, eas­i­ly man­age­able, and con­ve­nient­ly charges the toy via micro-​USB. Again, though, charg­ing hasn't been nec­es­sary, even after three weeks of own­ing the Arcwave Ion. Its bat­tery life is ridicu­lous, in the best way possible.

Arcwave Ion air blowing stroker penis masturbator charging stand

Adding to the Arcwave Ion's dis­cre­tion is its Smart Silence™ tech­nol­o­gy, also found in the Womanizer Premium and We-​Vibe Wand. These toys sense when something's in con­tact with the stim­u­la­tor. When you pull away, it stops puls­ing. And thank good­ness, because the Arcwave Ion tends to be on the loud side if its air pulse port isn't smothered.

It does make ses­sions sub­stan­tial­ly qui­eter, but there is a slight delay where it's still loud before it reacts to the lack of con­tact. You can mit­i­gate the sound by:

  • Doing small­er strokes so you don't pull away from the port for too long.
  • Smothering it with thick blankets
  • Playing white noise in the background.

The Smart Silence is super use­ful dur­ing actu­al stroking, even if it's not per­fect. While the Arcwave Ion isn't the absolute most dis­creet toy, it's super intense, and the power-​to-​noise ratio is rea­son­able for every­thing you get.

Review: Arcwave Ion Penis Stroker with Pressure Wave Motor 3
Bottom view of the Arcwave Ion stroker's ridges
Review: Arcwave Ion Penis Stroker with Pressure Wave Motor 4
Stretching the sleeve to expose the air pulse port

Further recommendations

Deciding whether the Arcwave Ion is right for you

The Arcwave Ion is deli­cious­ly engi­neered but expen­sive. I high­ly rec­om­mend that peo­ple with penis­es try a cheap­er air pulse toy on their frenu­lum first, com­bin­ing it with a hand or cheap sleeve stroking. That way, you can check to see if your penis even enjoys pres­sure waves, and if so, where rel­a­tive to the glans.

Some peo­ple with penis­es pre­fer air puls­es (and vibra­tion, for that mat­ter) on the head, while oth­ers enjoy it a lit­tle fur­ther down. Get to know your body a lit­tle bet­ter before drop­ping $199 on a lux­u­ry toy. Then add stroking to the expe­ri­ence with the Arcwave Ion.

Arcwave air pulse masturbation sleeve textures

Arcwave Ion control panel

Yes, despite the gen­dered mar­ket­ing, you total­ly can use cli­toral air pulse toys and wand mas­sagers on a penis. Remember that a penis's erec­tile tis­sue is like a big exter­nal cli­toris — the glans is homol­o­gous to the out­er cli­toris, while the shaft is like the clitoris's inter­nal legs and bulbs. There's noth­ing inher­ent­ly fem­i­nine about using tools to enhance the stroking sensation.

Review: Arcwave Ion Penis Stroker with Pressure Wave Motor 5

Arcwave Ion storage case

My verdict on the Arcwave Ion

If, after try­ing oth­er pres­sure wave toys, you decide that you like the air puls­es on your penis  — and want an eas­i­er time get­ting stroking and focused blow­ing — get the Arcwave Ion. It's a well-​made prod­uct that will last years and years, but its rel­a­tive­ly pin­point nature is not for everyone.

I can't promise you "the clos­est thing to female orgasms" with this penis toy, but I can say that it's like sam­pling the sen­sa­tions of a hand, a vagi­na, and a tiny vibrat­ing mouth in one stroke. I can say that the Arcwave Ion's motor does much of the work for you, tak­ing you from 0 to 60 in a flash. It was a much-​needed addi­tion to the world of lux­u­ry penis masturbators.

Get the Arcwave Ion at Peepshow Toys or Spectrum Boutique.

Take 10% off at these shops with code SUPERSMASHCACHE or SUPERSMASH10, respectively.

Further reading: Top 5 Types of Sex Toys For Penises

Review: Arcwave Ion Penis Stroker with Pressure Wave Motor 6

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4 Responses

  1. Trix says:

    I don't think I've heard any­one men­tion penile use of pres­sure wave toys but once since they were introduced…it's a good reminder!

  2. G says:

    that looks almost intim­i­dat­ing­ly big, a very good read ^^

  3. Jimena says:

    I love that now there’s air pulse toys for penis­es too!

  4. AJ says:

    I love how your writ­ing style is con­sis­tent even when you weren't the one test­ing. Great work!

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