Je Joue Hera vs. Hera Flex G-spot rabbit vibrator review

Rabbit vibra­tors are a blursed sex toy cat­e­go­ry — a simul­ta­ne­ous bless­ing and curse. Their empha­sis on cli­toral stim­u­la­tion, on paper, sym­bol­ized the ulti­mate blend­ed orgasm.

In prac­tice, they’re often akin to 2‑in‑1 sham­poo and con­di­tion­er; a vibra­tor can’t do every­thing for every­one all at once. That didn’t stop the Je Joue Hera Flex dual stim­u­la­tor from try­ing, though.

Je Joue Hera Flex vs. Hera rabbit g-spot vibrator comparison review

Many of its fea­tures struck a Goldilocks bal­ance. Unfortunately, what I thought was a sell­ing point was a fatal flaw, mak­ing the Hera Flex bland and impo­tent by my stan­dards. Here’s why I con­sid­er the Je Joue Hera rab­bit bet­ter than the Hera Flex.

Je Joue Hera rabbit vibrator in purple and Hera Flex black sturdy packaging

Je Joue Hera vs. Hera Flex overview

All of the fol­low­ing Hera Flex fea­tures make it quite versatile:

  • A flex­i­ble but not-​too-​yielding exter­nal arm
  • Renowned rum­ble with com­pre­hen­sive controls
  • A slight­ly swelling but slen­der G‑spotting curve
    • 3.5” insertable length x 1.2” diameter
  • A pos­able shaft for com­fort fit­ting in users’ anatomy

That last bit dis­tin­guish­es the Hera Flex from the Hera: the Flex mod­el has a duc­tile wire core, while the lat­ter con­tains a con­ven­tion­al hard plas­tic shell under its plush sil­i­cone coating.

“The flex­i­bil­i­ty allows you, or a part­ner, to explore dif­fer­ent posi­tions and find new plea­sure points,” the mar­ket­ing copy promised. That could only be a good thing and accom­mo­date more bod­ies, right?


Je Joue Hera Flex posable shaft flexibility vs. Hera G-spot rabbit

Where the Hera Flex fails me

I think of the Je Joue Hera Flex as a puz­zle piece that’s filed down its edges. While I expect­ed a pow­er­ful shape-​shifter, it’s mere­ly bland and undis­tin­guished for vagi­nal use.

My heart sank imme­di­ate­ly upon insert­ing the Hera Flex and feel­ing my pelvic floor straight­en it. There’s no way it’ll push up against my pubic bone the way my G‑spot craves.

I’ve repeat­ed­ly observed the fol­low­ing about my body:

  1. My clit and G‑spot make pret­ty hard­core pres­sure demands.
  2. My Kegel strength will stop motors and expose every vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in a toy’s constitution.

Yes, a bendy shaft is more com­fort­able. I would, for exam­ple, rec­om­mend it for dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion; the small­er arm is only an inch wide.

However, the flex­i­bil­i­ty comes at the expense of tar­get­ed force, oomph, and inten­si­ty. And I wish Je Joue’s Hera Flex incor­po­rat­ed a more durable cen­ter, like the Fun Factory Limba Flex and Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 did.

Hand holding Je Joue Hera slender soft sleek G-spot vibrator

Instead, I get to re-​experience the heart­break of flat­ten­ing the We-​Vibe Nova 2’s shaft cur­va­ture and feel­ing its out­er prong swerve away from my cli­toris. RIP my beloved (and hard­er core) We-​Vibe Nova clas­sic.

How I like using the Je Joue Hera

Lucky for me, the firmer Je Joue Hera model’s apex aims at my finicky G‑spot just right. “Voluptuous” doesn’t quite describe the 1.2” head, but it sure is front-​loaded rel­a­tive to the 0.8” shaft. There’s plen­ty of con­trast to awak­en my G‑spot effort­less­ly and insta-​cum. And I love going hard for inter­nal sensations.

For dual stim­u­la­tion, I like rock­ing the Je Joue Hera back and forth. That way, my G‑spot and clit get hit in split time while my wrist push­es the out­er part clos­er, such that it stays in con­tact with my clit for longer.

Je Joue Hera vibrator clitoral arm flexibility

I do wish that the prongs were an even tighter squeeze. Shape-​wise, the Je Joue Hera would best fit some­one who fits any of the following:

  • Has a wider clit-​vag gap than I do (1” apart)
  • Wants to use a rab­bit vibra­tor for simul­ta­ne­ous anal and vagi­nal stimulation
  • Doesn’t need much exter­nal cli­toral pressure

Again, my bits are pret­ty hard­core for that last point. It’s not ide­al to put extra effort into crush­ing the exter­nal prong against me, but it’s worth it for the vibra­tion rum­ble.

Je Joue Hera and Hera Flex vibration quality

Je Joue’s vibra­tions are divine across the board: think flut­tery, thrum­ming, purring. They’re low-​pitched (75 Hz at the low­est speed), mak­ing moderate-​sized rip­ples in water and most­ly retain­ing that depth.

Je Joue Hera rabbit external stimulator with rumbly vibrations

There are two motors on the Je Joue Hera vibra­tor. Its cli­toral stim­u­la­tor is a bit stronger and zingi­er than the inter­nal one (129 Hz at the top speed vs. 105 Hz, respectively).

I’ve heard of peo­ple ini­tial­ly think­ing vibra­tors weren’t for them, then con­vert­ing due to Je Joue’s unique motors. The vibra­tions don’t have to be all-​powerful to be resonant.

Plus, they’re qui­et for the punch they pack — bare­ly audi­ble under a blan­ket while my heater’s run­ning (wel­come to autumn). The bassy sounds at the low­er speeds don’t trav­el as well as the high-​frequency ones. Lucky you!

Control panels and settings

Three but­tons con­trol the Je Joue Hera and Hera Flex:

  • + on/​increase
  • ~ cycle through patterns
  • - decrease/​off
Je Joue Hera and Hera Flex control panel

Overall, they quiver in 5 speeds and 7 pulse options:

  1. Vibrate both steadily
  2. Just shaft continuously
  3. Just clit continuously
  4. Pulses that quick­ly increase in speed and reset at 0
  5. Vibrations that quick­ly rise and decrease
  6. Higher inten­si­ty alter­na­tion between clit and G‑spot
  7. Even faster alter­na­tion between the motors

I like the rhythms a lot. It doesn't slow down too much, nor is it so incon­sis­tent as to make me “lose” the orgasm plateau entire­ly. The stim­u­la­tion stays pret­ty high and con­tin­ues to pique.

Additional perks and features

I love that Je Joue’s new prod­ucts con­tain micro-​USB ports, stan­dard­iz­ing charg­ing cords that are easy to iden­ti­fy and find.

Je Joue Hera, Hera Flex, and bullet micro-USB charging ports

Plus, as always, the sil­i­cone is silky-​smooth, the box is stur­dy and ele­gant, and it’s worth repeat­ing: Je Joue’s vibra­tion rock.

Key takeaways about the Je Joue Hera and Hera Flex

  • HMMHHHGGHGHGHG Je Joue’s vibra­tions are delicious
  • So is the Hera’s shape. It yields insta-​cums due to its shape and rigid­i­ty, even though it’s “only” 3.5” long by 1.2” wide
  • The main dif­fer­ence between the Hera Flex and Hera is the core: rigid plas­tic  vs. flex­i­ble met­al, respectively
  • The Hera Flex is too bendy to do much for me
  • But the hard­er Hera can be espe­cial­ly great for some­one whose bits are a bit more spaced apart than mine (1” C‑V gap and 1.5” deep G‑spot area)
Je Joue Hera rumbly sleek squishy rabbit vibrator purple

Rabbit vibra­tors are inher­ent­ly finicky because our anato­my comes in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and pref­er­ences. While Je Joue’s inten­tions were well-​placed in com­bat­ing that com­plaint, the Hera Flex tries too hard to please too many people.

My clit-​vag gap and G‑spot depth are on the short side, and both hot spots demand deep pres­sure. It’s okay that only a few will give me lob­ster claw-​level clamp­ing — often, I’d rather just cum on the Je Joue G‑Kii separately.

Use code SUPER15 to take 15% off your order at XOXTOYS​.ca

Je Joue Hera vs. Hera Flex colors

This post was spon­sored by XOXTOYS. Opinions expressed are my own.

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8 Responses

  1. Elena says:

    Would you rec­om­mend one of these for some­one with approx­i­mate­ly the same C‑V gap as you but doesn't require cli­toral pres­sure? I like stronger vibes that rest up against my cli­toris but don't apply pres­sure. I was also look­ing at the nova rab­bits but some reviews say they press too tight­ly. Right now I just have a basic Maude Vibe which worked great with just light­ly touch­ing until it died on me. Looking for an upgrade now 🙂

  2. Brandt McCutcheon says:

    Now these are what reviews should be–I can't thank you enough. This is a fan­tas­tic site. I found this look­ing for an x‑mas gift for my wife.

  3. LoriM says:

    I assume the Je Joue Juno would feel the same as the Hera just with­out the cli­toral arm. How do you think it would com­pare to the Pillow Talk Sassy? I’m afraid the Sassy would be too flexible.

  4. Citrine says:

    Would you say the abil­i­ty of the Hera Flex to keep its bend is the same as the We-​Vibe Nova II, or weak­er? I also tend to "straight­en out" bend­able toys, but the Nova 2 actu­al­ly kept its curve for me, at least when I was rock­ing it more than thrusting.

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