Pixies Exciter & Pretty Little Wands Review: beginner G-spot and A-spot vibrators!

Cottagecore + bim­bofi­ca­tion = cot­tage­whore vibes for your fan­ta­sy wood­land wench.

If the rose sex toy is any indi­ca­tion, cute­ness and afford­abil­i­ty go a long way for begin­ner buy­ers. The cot­tage­whore mush­room vibra­tor would have fit right in on TikTok — if only I weren't banned there. Sigh.

Cal Exotics Pretty Little Wands and Pixies Exciter packaging

Nevertheless, the Pixies Exciter, Pretty Little Wands Curvy, and Bubbly all make excel­lent ear­ly explo­ration toys for a hand­ful of reasons:

  1. They're on the dain­ty side — between one and two fin­gers wide — and dis­creet. Nothing too intim­i­dat­ing here!
  2. TEN STEADY SPEEEEEEDS! Cal Exotics GOT THE MEMO that we don't fuck­ing want Morse code pat­terns; we just want a range of speed set­tings and easy controls.
  3. Double-​ended for dif­fer­ent pen­e­tra­tion sen­sa­tions in one toy. Plus, the Curvy and Bubbly fea­ture pos­able shafts to adjust the angling. A‑spot, G‑spot, and cli­toral stim­u­la­tion are all with­in reach.
  4. Waterproof for bath­tub and show­er play.
  5. Decent strength for the price — each of these vibes is under $50

Let's take a clos­er look at these fabled fairy batons. Two yield intense incan­ta­tions, and one is more fit­ting for first-​time fascinations.

Pixies Exciter review: a rechargeable mushroom vibrator

The Pixies Exciter mush­room vibrator's frame is fit­ting for those who:

Note that I'm spot­light­ing shal­low inser­tion here.

California Exotics Pixies Exciter discreet waterproof mushroom vibrator review

How the Pixies Exciter feels in use

The buzzy vibra­tions ver­rry quick­ly make me cum via my inter­nal cli­toris, espe­cial­ly when I pull on it to rub the mush­room cap's “coro­nal ridge” along my front wall near the entrance.

Clenching around it inten­si­fies the pres­sure, which makes me cum hard­er and clench more, and you know the rest. The Pixies Exciter gets the job done dis­creet­ly when inside me. (And thank good­ness! Sometimes, I need pen­e­tra­tion to cum nowadays.)

My inter­nal cli­toris is pleased.

California Exotics Cottagewhore Pink Mushroom Vibrator

This mush­room vibra­tor is decid­ed­ly more stim­u­lat­ing on the “out” stroke than “in." Due to the flex­i­ble neck, I wouldn't exact­ly call it G‑spotty — at least, not with­out some effort in aiming.

Also, my (exter­nal) cli­toral glans is more finicky, and I wouldn't reach for this vibra­tor for exter­nal use. There's just so much sil­i­cone damp­en­ing the otherwise-​okay vibrations.

This semi-​phallic massager's oth­er, slim­mer end is a gen­tly swelling, round­ed stalk. It's a basic, unin­tim­i­dat­ing intro­duc­tion to pen­e­tra­tion. Double up if you dare. (If you're like me, you'll take it as a chal­lenge to DP.)

Pixies Exciter & Pretty Little Wands Review: beginner G-spot and A-spot vibrators! 1

Pixies Exciter measurements

Here's how this mush­room vibra­tor measures:

  • 4.3” total length
  • 1.3” max­i­mum diam­e­ter (mush­room “cap”)
  • 0.5” min­i­mum diam­e­ter just below that
  • 1.1” max­i­mum diam­e­ter (mush­room “stalk”)
  • Firm but flex­i­ble sil­i­cone with a silky finish
  • One but­ton clicks through 10 speeds
  • 90 min­utes of charg­ing time
  • 110 min­utes on low speed and 55 on high

My verdict on the Pixies Exciter

It's a flex­i­ble and most­ly frill-​free first vibrat­ing dil­do. Take it if you like shal­low pen­e­tra­tion and tip drilling. Leave it if you don't. Sometimes, I need a lit­tle something-​something against my inter­nal cli­toral cru­ra while rub­bing the out­side. Nothing more and noth­ing less.

The Pixies Exciter Mushroom vibra­tor works well for that, mak­ing me insta-​cum while being cute and com­pact. (Those adjec­tives were for the mas­sager, though they could fit me, too.)

See also: the Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom is a Bluetooth remote con­trol "love egg" vibra­tor. It's shaped like a mush­room, a lit­tle small­er, and buzzi­er but firmer. Check out my full Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom review.

Pink Punch Sunset Mushroom inside inductive charging and storage case with packaging

Pretty Little Wands Curvy and Bubbly review

slender S‑curved vibrators by Cal Exotics

I love a clas­sic S‑curve for aim­ing at all my inter­nal hot spots:

  • Going deep and rock­ing against my cervix
  • Exploring the A‑spot (ante­ri­or fornix eroge­nous zone)
  • Applying pin­point pres­sure against my G‑spot
  • Massaging the pelvic floor mus­cles to release tension

…and the Pretty Little Wands Curvy and Bubbly do all of that, with the option of intense vibrations.

These double-​ended mas­sagers give you a range of ways to play.

Cal Exotics Pretty Little Wands Curvy and Bubbly head shapes and Pixies Exciter mushroom vibrator

Curvy strengths & specs

As the name sug­gests, the Pretty Little Wands Curvy is a volup­tuous vibra­tor with va-​va-​voom. There's a strong swoop from the head to the slen­der neck.

Its bul­bous bulge grips against the G‑spot, effort­less­ly hook­ing on it and pulling against it, and the strong-​ish vibra­tions rock your cli­toris from the inside. Think of it as a dain­ty, vibrat­ing njoy Fun Wand “lite” version.

Here's how the Pretty Little Wands Curvy measures:

  • 7” total length
  • 1.3” big­ger head diameter 
    • Only this end vibrates
  • 0.9” shaft diam­e­ter under the big­ger bulb
  • 0.9” small­er head diameter
  • 0.6” shaft diam­e­ter under the small­er bulb
  • 0.7” mid-​shaft
Cal Exotics Pretty Little Wands and Pixies Exciter packaging

Bubbly's strengths & specs

Meanwhile, the Pretty Little Wands Bubbly's slim and svelte sil­hou­ette is more for reach­ing into the expans­es of the A‑spot and pos­te­ri­or fornix. Maybe you haven't thought, “Man, I wish I had an 8‑inch-​long fin­ger to feel myself on the inside,” but I have, and I love depth play.

With a thin, S‑curved vibra­tor, you can spelunk while pin­point­ing where the pock­ets around your cervix are the most recep­tive to plea­sure. Explore this under­rat­ed eroge­nous zone and maybe answer some ques­tions about the mean­ing of love.

Here's how the Pretty Little Wands Bubbly measures:

  • 8” long
  • 0.7” diam­e­ter on the thin end and shaft
  • 1.0” max­i­mum diam­e­ter at the bulbs 
    • Only this end vibrates
Pretty LIttle Wands Bubbly and Curvy vibrating Kegel release curves

California Exotics vibration quality

As is par for California Exotics vibra­tors, the Curvy and Bubbly aren't the bassy kind of rumbly, but they car­ry their own charm:

  • They're medium-​high in pitch with mod­er­ate ampli­tude — “zingy.”
  • They have some “bite” to them.
  • There's suf­fi­cient strength to splash when dipped in water
  • The focus and con­cen­tra­tion of pow­er can make me squirt

In oth­er words? I have a soft spot in my heart for some of Cal Exotics’ recharge­able bullet-​sized vibrators.

The Pretty Little Wands Curvy and Bubbly have the same motor and only a lit­tle sil­i­cone over the hard shell; their vibra­tions shine bright through the material.

Pretty Little Wands vibrator flexibility

Both are firm at the ends, with a part­ly pos­able shaft in the middle:

  • Bubbly's wire core seg­ment starts right after the beads and ends near the midpoint
  • Curvy's is between the larg­er bulbed end and the two bumps at the middle

Unfortunately, the pos­able por­tion isn't as stur­dy as I'd like; my vagi­na tends to straight­en it a lit­tle in use. These shafts will retain some cur­va­ture but are not as firm as the Je Joue G‑Kii or Fun Factory Limba Flex.

Pretty Little Wands Bubbly vs. Curvy thin beaded vibrators

My verdict on the Curvy and Bubbly

Still, the Pretty Little Wands Curvy is hel­la G‑spotty, and the Bubbly is A‑spotty despite the slight mal­leabil­i­ty. They're lit­er­al­ly not hard­core, but still mod­er­ate­ly intense.

The Curvy's con­tours tes­se­late well against my front wall's dip, and the Bubbly reach­es deep inside me. Both shake my cli­toris with enough brava­do to get the sheets wet.

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7 Responses

  1. Alex says:

    It's nice to see some inex­pen­sive toys that still have decent motors. While you wouldn't expect super bass at this price point, you shouldn't have to set­tle for an elec­tric tooth­brush motor either.

  2. Trix says:

    “Vibrating njoy lite” imme­di­ate­ly piques my interest…

  3. B R says:

    I appre­ci­ate the detail you put into your reviews, sav­ing us frus­tra­tion and mon­ey on prod­ucts that we wouldn't like. Thanks

  4. Ana says:

    is that pix­ie exciter as DP toy meant like dou­ble vagi­nal? any rec­om­men­da­tions for that? thanks!

  5. L says:

    I appre­ci­ate that you're doing some reviews of stuff on the cheap­er end of the spec­trum (nowa­days I am an njoy and Magic Wand enjoy­er and try to avoid brands like Calexotics but when I looked back at my first sex toy pur­chase a few years ago I wouldn't buy buy any­thing above $30 on sale…) I'd noticed these on SheVibes site for the long but thin/​firm shapes that appeal to me, but know­ing only the thick ends vibrate I think I'll pass.

    • Yup, total­ly valid. It's been trendy late­ly to have just one end be bend­able and the oth­er vibrate and 🤷🏻‍♀️ tbh I don't think it will last long

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