Review: Love Spun & Tilt-O-Whirl spinning "tongue" rabbit vibrators by Evolved Novelties

[Image: close-up of Evolved Novelties Tilt-O-Whirl and Love Spun side view among giant gold Easter egg, fake plants, and magenta sequins]

Receiving oral while get­ting pen­e­trat­ed is among the most enjoy­able of past-​times. I'm no stranger to using sex toys with a part­ner! So what hap­pens when a vibra­tor com­bines both? Evolved Novelties' Love Spun and Tilt-​O-​Whirl dual stim­u­la­tion vibra­tors do just that. These rab­bit vibra­tors each fea­ture three sep­a­rate motors:

  • Tongue-​like flaps that spin as "fans" on the cli­toral arm for oral sex simulation
  • Moving tex­tures in the shaft— think beads and spi­ral­ing waves
  • Traditional vibra­tions in the slight­ly curved and flex­i­ble tip

Despite the appar­ent unfa­mil­iar­i­ty of these designs, the tech­nol­o­gy is noth­ing new. The LoveHoney Sqweel Classic, a clunki­er external-​only unit with rotat­ing "tongue" tabs, orig­i­nat­ed around 2009. (Yep, over a decade ago.) Fun fact: the now-​discontinued com­pact Sqweel Go was my first pow­ered sex toy ever, back in 2014.

[Image: close-up of Evolved Novelties Tilt-O-Whirl and Love Spun spinning clitoral licking wheels side view]

I don't know pre­cise­ly when the Evolved Novelties Love Spun came out, but I've seen it around since 2015. Both the Love Spun's and Tilt-O-Whirl's cli­toral stim­u­la­tors are quite com­pact, most close­ly resem­bling the Sqweel Go's size.

Their wheels' flaps are about a cen­time­ter long and slight­ly curved to slide over the skin (with some good lube, of course). One spins par­al­lel to the cli­toris, and the oth­er per­pen­dic­u­lar to it. Both ori­en­ta­tions have pecu­liar­i­ties and drawbacks.

That rais­es a ques­tion: how usable are any of these rab­bit vibra­tors' func­tion com­bi­na­tions? The Evolved Novelties Love Spun boasts 8 vibra­tion set­tings, 3 bead speeds, and 3 spin­ning func­tions, for 72 con­fig­u­ra­tions. Its sib­ling, the Tilt-​O-​Whirl, has 8, 5, and 5, respec­tive­ly, for a prod­uct of 200. And that's not includ­ing the option of turn­ing a motor off!

These fig­ures sound impres­sive until you real­ize that they're oppor­tu­ni­ties to please and to dis­ap­point— a risk inher­ent to rab­bit vibra­tors. Find out which com­bi­na­tions I liked and which ones I loathed.

In this post

Love Spun and Tilt-O-Whirl anatomy alignment

The good news is that the cli­toral arms on the Love Spun and Tilt-​O-​Whirl are high­ly flex­i­ble. You can push them back all the way and (BOING!) they'll spring to their rest­ing posi­tions. That means that your clit-​vag gap is most­ly irrel­e­vant to whether the tongue wheels will reach the right spot. Alternatively, a per­son with a penis can insert one (or more, I guess) of these vibra­tors anal­ly while their balls get "licked."

[Image: the Evolved Novelties Tilt-O-Whirl is purple with light ribbing on the shaft, while the Love Spun is SERIOUSLY STUDDED]

However, for me to get prop­er pres­sure and posi­tion­ing, I have to hold the cli­toral stim­u­la­tor in place. As such, my hand isn't in the most com­fort­able posi­tion to thrust. That's not a sig­nif­i­cant draw­back to me, but it's not effort­less the way the We-​Vibe Nova's tight-​but-​adjustable clamp­ing is.

What does mat­ter, though, is how deep you insert. My G‑spot is on the shal­low side— we're talk­ing about 1.5 or 2 inch­es inside. While I can use the Love Spun or Tilt-O-Whirl's slight­ly hooked head in my G‑spot, the 5‑inch insertable length works best with deep­er pen­e­tra­tion in my A‑spot. Otherwise, the wheel doesn't make con­tact with my clit for dual stim­u­la­tion. Depending on your anato­my, though, your mileage may vary.

Consider in con­trast the Nova's shaft, which is short­er and more steeply curved. It tes­sel­lates more neat­ly against my G‑spot while still press­ing firm­ly against my clit.

Evolved Novelties Love Spun vibrator functions

So let's say I'm using the Evolved Novelties Love Spun as a dual stim­u­la­tor, insert­ed all the way in. In such sce­nar­ios, G‑spot or shal­low vagi­nal sen­sa­tion comes not from the head but from the 8mm beads on the shaft. Again, rab­bit vibra­tors with beads aren't a new con­cept— as any­one who has watched Sex and the City could tell you.

A unique dual stimulation vibrator with beads

[Image: pink Evolved Novelties Love Spun rabbit vibrator side view among fake plants]

What's dif­fer­ent about the Evolved Novelties Love Spun is that the studs under the sil­i­cone slide up-​and-​down the shaft, rather than spin­ning. It's like the Blush Wellness G Ball's flick­er­ing ball on steroids. What's more, the Love Spun's beads pro­trude far­ther and stim­u­late a far broad­er sur­face area than the G Ball and the b‑Vibe Rimming Plug 2, whose beads are con­fined to the neck.

There are twelve beads total on the Love Spun, divid­ed into four columns of three. The cen­ter studs? They don't move much beyond in-​and-​out pul­sa­tion in their sock­ets. The top and bot­tom rows alter­nate mov­ing toward and away from the cen­ter. This motor spans a good 2.5" of the shaft, for a smor­gas­bord of inter­nal stimulation.

You can, of course, adjust the Love Spun's angle to tar­get the sen­sa­tions. Tilt the handle:

  • Backward to stim­u­late the per­ineal sponge
  • Forward to rub the inter­nal cli­toris and G‑spot via the front wall
  • In small twist­ing motions to get a com­bi­na­tion of both

And yes, as with the Wellness G Ball, you can use the Love Spun's shaft exter­nal­ly for a cli­toral mas­sage! Overall, the lin­ear bead motions are delight­ful. I wish more toys had some­thing like it. If it's the stud­ded sen­sa­tions that you seek, I'd rec­om­mend the Love Spun over the G Ball.

As for the Love Spun's vibrations and clitoral stimulator? Well…

[Image: a look at the Evolved Novelties spinning tiny tongue-flicking clitoral wheels from above]

I like the first set­ting on the Love Spun's clit-​licking wheel a lot, but it's the only one (out of three!) that I find usable. For me, going under my cli­toral hood is a car­di­nal sin; there's too much friction.

When the wheel spins down on my clit, it stays over the hood— as it should. When it spins in the oth­er direc­tion and push­es up, it lifts the veil. I'm over­stim­u­lat­ed. It feels scratchy for me, even with lube. The first set­ting only goes in the "cor­rect" direc­tion, the sec­ond only the "wrong" one, and the third switch­es back-and-forth.

No, thanks. If you crave the flap­ping sen­sa­tions of tiny tongues against your cli­toris, I sug­gest you stick with the NU Sensuelle Trinitii. That way, you can con­trol the ori­en­ta­tion and direc­tion. They have more steady speeds and some pat­terns, giv­ing you more ways to play effec­tive­ly.

It's also a good thing that the Love Spun's motors are inde­pen­dent­ly con­trolled, because the vibra­tions are use­less. There's buzzy, and then there's "Is this thing on?" Or worse, "Is someone's phone going off in the dis­tance?" They wouldn't make a dif­fer­ence when turned on, but I like con­serv­ing the bat­tery for what mat­ters, thank you. And the Evolved Novelties Love Spun's strength is decid­ed­ly in its linear-​moving beads.

Evolved Novelties Tilt-O-Whirl dual stimulator

[Image: purple Evolved Novelties spinning oral sex simulator rabbit vibrator]

Rotation direc­tion also mat­ters on the Tilt-​O-​Whirl, but for a dif­fer­ent rea­son. Remember: it spins side-​to-​side instead of up-​or-​down. So when I turn it on, it tends to migrate over my labia majo­ra, like a tiny toy car tra­vers­ing. On a steady speed set­ting, it's mere­ly a mod­er­ate both­er— if the wheel tends to roll toward my left labia, I can con­sis­tent­ly push it to the right to cen­ter it on my clit.

But the third option (out of five) spins back-​and-​forth. Slowwwwly towards the left. Sloooowly towards the right. Baaaack. And fooooorth. Two words: Y THO. It's use­less. And the fourth is a pat­tern with too long of a pause between move­ments to get me off. Yawn.

The Evolved Novelties Tilt-O-Whirl's vibra­tions are as use­less as sibling's. Worse, its undu­lat­ing shaft's motions just get… lost. It's like my vagi­na grabs on to it, keeps that part still, and the spin­ning trans­fers to the han­dle. And the waves don't pro­vide any mean­ing­ful sen­sa­tion since they lack the def­i­n­i­tion that the Love Spun's shaft beads have.

[Image: Evolved Love Spun next to Blush dildos and a fuckton of lube]

My verdict on the Evolved Novelties Love Spun and Tilt-O-Whirl

The Evolved Novelties Tilt-​O-​Whirl is use­less. I don't even have the ener­gy to con­struct a sick burn about it.

As for the Love Spun, I'd more read­i­ly rec­om­mend it, but not nec­es­sar­i­ly in a heart­beat. If it's the lit­tle tongues' lick­ing you want, get a NU Sensuelle Trinitii for freer posi­tion­ing, more set­tings, and a small­er price tag. If you want a robust G‑spot vibra­tor, there are so many supe­ri­or options, like the BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy.

When in doubt about a dual stim­u­la­tor, get two sep­a­rate toys rather than an all-​in-​one unit.

If you know your body well and seek the beads' pin­point pres­sure, though, then fuck yes.

Review: Love Spun & Tilt-O-Whirl spinning "tongue" rabbit vibrators by Evolved Novelties 1

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3 Responses

  1. Sam says:

    Is the Love Spun noisy? Would you say the low­est speed of the beads is slow or fast? Does it hurt to thrust the Love Spun because of the pro­trud­ing beads?

  2. G says:

    i adore how you give a lot of basic info in each arti­cle so that one can just click ran­dom­ly and you'll most like­ly get all your ques­tions answered ^^

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