Bswish Bwild Deluxe Bunny Review: Why I Don't Like Rabbit Vibrators

Every time I hear the ques­tion, "Have you tried The Rabbit Vibrator?" a tiny part of me eyerolls.

Bswish Bwild Deluxe Bunny Rabbit Vibrator

For one, when peo­ple say, "THE Rabbit," they're usu­al­ly talk­ing about the one infa­mous­ly fea­tured on Sex and the City. It uses porous mate­ri­als with a rotat­ing bead­ed shaft and rabbit-​shaped cli­toral stim­u­la­tion arm. It's osten­si­bly addict­ing (a term which I dis­like being used to describe vibra­tors) and mind-​blowing. However, rab­bits include so much more than that.

Rabbit vibra­tors as a group of sex toys have much advanced and diver­si­fied since Carrie Bradshaw's Rabbit was fea­tured. Body-​safe sil­i­cone exte­ri­ors and recharge­able motors are com­mon in rab­bits nowadays.

On paper, rab­bits offer cli­toral vibra­tions and vagi­nal pen­e­tra­tion with one hand, mak­ing them sound like the ulti­mate sex toy.

In prac­tice, it's hard to write a mean­ing­ful review about rab­bit vibes because they're so extreme­ly spe­cif­ic to the dimen­sions of the user's anato­my. Most notably, vul­vas vary in the dis­tance between the cli­toris and the vagi­na, mean­ing that if a rab­bit vibrator's dual stim­u­la­tor doesn't align with your clit-​vag gap, there's no point; you're bet­ter off using two sep­a­rate toys.

I have a rel­a­tive­ly aver­age clit-​vag gap of one inch, or what Marie Bonaparte would have called "meso­cli­tori­di­enne." This aver­a­ge­ness makes it rel­a­tive­ly easy for me to find prop­er alignment.

For oth­er users look­ing for a dual stim­u­lat­ing vibra­tor, I sug­gest the We-​Vibe Nova, which flex­es with you as you use it. UPDATE: The Nova clas­sic has been dis­con­tin­ued and replaced with the We-​Vibe Nova 2… which I don't like near­ly as much.

About the Bswish Bwild Deluxe Bunny

Bswish Bwild Deluxe Bunny Review: Why I Don't Like Rabbit Vibrators 1

The Bswish Bwild Deluxe Bunny is cov­ered in sil­i­cone, takes 2 AAA bat­ter­ies, and fea­tures a flex­i­ble cli­toral arm, a dis­tance away from the insertable por­tion that I would call aver­age or slight­ly short­er than average.

Everything "should have" checked out. Its C‑V gap fits mine quite well. I like cli­toral stim­u­la­tion. I love pen­e­tra­tion. I'm not par­tic­u­lar­ly demand­ing of vibra­tion strength. However, in prac­tice, I nev­er find myself reach­ing for this toy.

Why the Shape Didn't Work for My Clitoris

It's one thing to like exter­nal and inter­nal stim­u­la­tion at the same time, but it's anoth­er thing to want the same stroke length and rhythm for both.

For one, I have to be care­ful with how I thrust the Bwild Deluxe Bunny because the "rab­bit ears" on the cli­toral prong are a painful­ly incom­pat­i­ble design for my cli­toris. They're the per­fect shape for pok­ing under the cli­toral hood, stab­bing along­side my cli­toris, and touch­ing it direct­ly, result­ing in sharp pain.

Many clits like direct stim­u­la­tion, but that isn't me. I find it irri­tat­ing and, even with lube, it's not some­thing I want in a vibra­tor. Further, the bun­ny shape and length of the arm doesn't lend well to dou­ble (anal and vagi­nal) penetration.

Why the Shape Didn't Work for Me Internally

Bswish Bwild Deluxe Bunny vibrator

It's tough for this toy to do any­thing for my G‑spot. The bulge's slope is grad­ual, and the ABS plas­tic core is rigid. In the cas­es where I do fina­gle G‑spot stim­u­la­tion, my clit gets irritated.

For A‑spot stim­u­la­tion, the curve and bulge are good, but the cli­toral arm is a dis­tract­ing has­sle. When I thrust the way I like for deep pen­e­tra­tion, the cli­toral stim­u­la­tion is ho-​hum. One upside is that the prong fits tight­ly enough to stim­u­late my cli­toris, but is flex­i­ble enough to push out of the way. However, when I have a mul­ti­tude of oth­er toys I could be using on my clit and vag, I'm can't think of some­thing this toy does for me that oth­er toys can't do better.

Why the Vibrations Didn't Work for Me

My taste in vibra­tions has become more refined over the years. I think this toy's vibra­tions, at best, are just "okay" and buzzy (shal­low and surface-​level) in sen­sa­tion. At worst, it's obnox­ious in noise. The vol­ume isn't remark­ably awful… usu­al­ly. You'd be able to hear it a lit­tle bit through a thick blan­ket at the low­er speeds. If you turn it up to the high­er set­tings when it's not insert­ed, the clit prong's rab­bit ears bump into each oth­er. This move­ment triples the noise. You can pinch the ears to stop this from hap­pen­ing, but it's some­thing to keep in mind.


Overall, think­ing of some­one to rec­om­mend this rab­bit vibra­tor to is a real Catch-​22. Someone new to sex toys wouldn't be dis­ap­point­ed by the medi­oc­rity, but may not know their pref­er­ences well enough to decide whether this toy is a good fit. Someone expe­ri­enced with sex toys would be more adept at mak­ing that deci­sion but prob­a­bly wouldn't want to buy it.

The bot­tom line is that, either way, you deserve a toy that fits you.

I cer­tain­ly wouldn't rec­om­mend the Bswish Bwild Deluxe Bunny. If you like flut­ter­ing vibra­tions direct­ly on your cli­toris, a gen­tle G‑spot bulge, mild vibra­tions, and know your clit-​vag gap is about an inch, it might work for you. That's a big "if," though.

We-Vibe Nova rumbly vibrator that stays in contact with the clitoris while thrusting
Further, fresher reading:
  • Single-​handed, simul­ta­ne­ous pen­e­tra­tion and exter­nal vibra­tion are still pos­si­ble! Nowadays, I rec­om­mend pair­ing Fun Factory's Nos vibrat­ing cock ring with a dil­do. Choose your insertable for a cus­tomiz­able fit.
  • I have per­son­al­ly found a rab­bit vibra­tor soul­mate! The Cal Exotics Santa Cruz Coaster's shaft thrusts while the exter­nal por­tion clamps tight­ly and stays put over my cli­toral hood.
  • The old We-​Vibe Nova worked around the fit issues by hav­ing a flex­i­ble arm that stays in con­tact with the user's cli­toris. That ver­sion has since been dis­con­tin­ued, unfortunately.
  • Air pulse stim­u­la­tion rab­bit vibra­tors are even more finicky with fit. Find out why.


I received this toy in exchange for my hon­est, unbi­ased opin­ion. All views expressed in this review are entire­ly my own.

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4 Responses

  1. Kalliopeia says:

    It's inter­est­ing that the flut­ter­ing ears are so com­mon on dual stim­u­la­tors and I rarely ever see that design on an exter­nal stim­u­la­tor alone. Idk why that design would be so pop­u­lar in only one type of toy. (espe­cial­ly con­sid­er­ing that the gen­er­al con­sen­sus seems to be that they are irri­tat­ing and terrible.)

    • taylor says:

      My basic reac­tion to see­ing ears on some­thing that oth­er­wise looks cool (Blush's new Aquamarine rab­bit, for instance) NOPE for the exact rea­sons you just described. (Admittedly, I most­ly just think the *color's* cool on that one, I have no idea how the vibe qual­i­ty is.)

  2. Jeff says:

    Our first rab­bit was sim­i­lar to this one. When I used it on my wife we had iffy result. When I let her take con­trol of it she had six orgasms in about 30 minutes.

  3. Sharmila says:

    Nice sex toys. The pink rab­bit vibra­tor is best. I have one.

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