We-Vibe Nova review: rabbit vibrator with rumbly clitoral stimulator

The We-​Vibe Nova address­es some of the most glar­ing short­com­ings in the most over­rat­ed group of sex toys: rab­bit vibra­tors.

[Image: We-Vibe Nova side view showing the flexible clitoral stimulator's generous curve]

For one, the cli­toral stim­u­la­tion motor on the Nova is thud­dy as all heck, with a rich tim­bre. If you've ever tried oth­er brands' rab­bits, you've prob­a­bly noticed that the cli­toral prong is usu­al­ly way buzzi­er— more surface-​level and high-​pitched— than the insertable prong. It's under­stand­able when it's eas­i­er to fit a more mas­sive mov­ing weight inside a thick­er vibrator.

However, We-Vibe's petite cli­toral vibra­tors have long proven that small can be mighty. The We-​Vibe Tango, after all, is the gold stan­dard of deep and rumbly vibra­tions. So many sex blog­gers, includ­ing me, com­pare oth­er brands' bul­lets to the We-​Vibe Tango or Touch.

The Nova met my high expec­ta­tions in that regard. Its vibra­tions have giv­en me some of the most intense orgasms I've ever had with­out using large inserta­bles. As remark­able as it is, how­ev­er, the pow­er is not the main fea­ture that drew me to the We-​Vibe Nova.

The We-Vibe Nova rabbit's external stimulator

[Image: The We-Vibe Nova is a rabbit vibrator that flexes to stay in contact with your clitoris]

Most oth­er rab­bits' out­er arms pull away and lose touch with my cli­toris when I thrust. I've tried a few that main­tain con­tact, but none are as well-​executed as the We-​Vibe Nova's.

UPDATE: The orig­i­nal We-​Vibe Nova has been dis­con­tin­ued, and the new one fea­tures an adjustable shaft and loos­er grip. Read my We-​Vibe Nova 2 review here. Unfortunately, the new ver­sion also doesn't hold up against my pelvic floor and can bend out of place.

The flex­i­bil­i­ty of the Nova's cli­toral arm isn't its only strength. It's also that it firm­ly clamps against my cli­toris, hands-​free. If I'm feel­ing lazy, I let the Nova sit, sta­tion­ary, while the deep vibra­tions do their thing. I don't have to aim or apply pres­sure. My hands are free to con­trol their inten­si­ty with the We-​Connect Bluetooth app on my phone. And adding the good old thrust­ing motion to that deli­cious, slight­ly flat­tened G‑spot head is optional.

I don't thrust the Nova most of the time I'm using it. The main rea­son is that the clamp­ing is so tight at its rest­ing posi­tion that adding pres­sure would some­times be uncom­fort­able. I can turn the vibra­tion speed down when I'm super sen­si­tive after an orgasm, but I can't decrease the pres­sure against my cli­toris much. If you're more hard­core than me with your cli­toral stim­u­la­tion, though, the Nova might be per­fect for you.

Whose anatomy would the We-​Vibe Nova fit?

[Image: No rabbit vibrator is perfect, but the We-Vibe Nova is highly adjustable and will suit many people's anatomy.]

I say "might" because no rab­bit vibrator's fit is 100% per­fect. The We-​Vibe Nova's cli­toral arm is flex­i­ble and pos­able, but the actu­al motor is rigid. Thus, there's a lim­it to its range of motion. I have a very aver­age clit-​vag gap of 1 inch, and the clit arm flex­es delight­ful­ly for me. If yours is under 2 inch­es, the same will prob­a­bly apply to you, too.

UPDATE: The new­er We-​Vibe Nova 2 fits peo­ple with a clit-​vag gap of up to 3 inch­es, as well. You can change its cur­va­ture a loooot. But it's not as firm. Read my We-​Vibe Nova 2 review here.

If your cli­toris is 2 to 3 inch­es away from your vagi­na, though, the flex­ing while thrust­ing gets a bit awk­ward. The flex­i­ble part of the clit arm meets its lim­it, and the pres­sure is most­ly on the rigid por­tion. Its posi­tion doesn't leave room for much more than nudg­ing and or jig­gling motions.

While the We-​Vibe Nova isn't "one size fits all," it's a god­send for many users who crave heavy cli­toral pressure.

The We-Vibe Nova's G-spot stimulator

[Image: Taking a closer look at the We-Vibe Nova G-spot rabbit vibrator's insertable head]

This G‑spot vibrator's head com­bines a volup­tuous curve with a slight­ly flat­tened top. It kneads my front wall while the round­ed cor­ner fits com­fort­ably where my pubic bone dips in— an intense­ly hap­py medium.

In the past, I've observed that sex toys with very blunt­ly squared-​off heads often (but not always) miss my G‑spot. The oppo­site extreme— a straight, sub­tle taper— also only rarely works for me. Pubic bones vary in shape, and I spec­u­late that the Nova's curvy G‑spot stim­u­la­tor is one of the "safer" forms that would fit more bodies.

[Image: We-Vibe Nova vibration water splash strength and rumbliness test]
The Nova's out­er stim­u­la­tion arm makes a splash in the water. It's not even halfway sub­merged here!

Its very tip is also point­ed, giv­ing me the option to use the Nova's rumbly good­ness exter­nal­ly with­out pen­e­tra­tion. Unfortunately, the insertable prong's vibra­tions don't com­pare to the exter­nal prong's, or even to the LELO Mona 2's. It's rum­bli­er than the Mona 2 but not as strong in absolute terms. If you're look­ing for a Mona 2 alter­na­tive, don't expect the We-​Vibe Nova to do it all.

There are about 4 inch­es of insertable length on the We-​Vibe Nova, which is long enough to fit most people's G‑spots. However, bear in mind that, the longer your pubic bone is, the more tight­ly the Nova will grab on to your bits. My G‑spot is 1.5 inch­es inside my vagi­na. It's not espe­cial­ly deep by any means, so if yours is deep­er than mine, be sure that you want hard pres­sure against your cli­toris. If you'd pre­fer a gen­tle touch, you're going to have a mis­er­able time with the We-​Vibe Nova.

Controlling the We-Vibe Nova dual stimulator

[Image: A close-up of the We-Vibe Nova vibrator's 5-button control panel]

Please down­load the We-​Connect app if you get a Nova and have a smart­phone. Yeah, there's a 5‑button con­trol pan­el on the We-​Vibe Nova, but it doesn't do jus­tice to the vibrator's capa­bil­i­ties. So much is hap­pen­ing at once that it's far more intu­itive to use the remote con­trol app. It con­nects rea­son­ably quick­ly, and I've nev­er had a prob­lem with it.

What exactly do the buttons do?

Press the cen­ter but­ton to pick which motor(s) you'd like to con­trol. It allows you to turn on both, only the inter­nal one, only the exter­nal, or (of course) turn off the We-​Vibe Nova entire­ly. The left and right but­tons cycle through the pat­terns. And the up and down but­tons con­trol the intensity.

Sounds comprehensive already! What features does the app come with?

[Image: A screenshot of We-Vibe's We-Connect vibrator remote control app]

The prob­lem with using the We-​Vibe Nova's han­dle but­tons alone is that you can't 100% con­trol the two motors inde­pen­dent­ly. Patterns and inten­si­ties would apply to both of them unless you turn one off entire­ly. If you want, say, a mod­er­ate speed for the out­er prong and full strength for the inter­nal prong, you need the app for that.

In the We-​Connect app, you can drag or pinch to choose which of the ten speeds you'd like on each motor. Swipe left and right to select your set­tings. Or draw your own.

But would that really add much to the experience?

The We-​Vibe remote con­trol app is essen­tial if you ask me.

For one, I'm not fuck­ing around when I say that the exter­nal motor is pow­er­ful— often to the point of over­pow­er­ing the inter­nal vibra­tions and thrust­ing. Most times, I'd pre­fer to tone down the cli­toral vibra­tion a bit but still get a sub­tle zing from the inter­nal motor.

[Image: The We-Vibe We-Connect remote control app allows you to create custom vibration patterns]

Also, even though peo­ple say they hate pat­terned vibra­tions, they might feel dif­fer­ent­ly if they had total con­trol. I get it: pat­terns that slow­ly but dras­ti­cal­ly dip down in pow­er are the worst. They do noth­ing for me.

However, I appre­ci­ate a fast, jit­tery stac­ca­to vibra­tion if the motor is rumbly enough. Even slow waves aren't so dull if they stay between 70% speed and 100%. That's still plen­ty to make me come. It's like using it at 70% pow­er with an added boost some­times, as opposed to a frus­trat­ing shift between 0 and 100. And the We-​Vibe Nova's cli­toral vibra­tions are pow­er­ful enough that I nev­er need max speed to enjoy it anyway.

Finally, I firm­ly believe that prac­ti­cal­ly any sex toy can be a cou­ples' toy if a part­ner uses it on you. Doubly so with the Nova: a part­ner can thrust the toy and adjust vibra­tion speed. You could use the app to tight­ly con­trol your partner's orgasm, watch­ing their reac­tions as you tease and taunt and edge them.

A shining example of well-executed sex tech

[Image: Holding the We-Vibe Nova rumbly G-spot vibrator in my hand]

The We-​Connect con­trol helps you get so much more out of your We-​Vibe prod­ucts (not just the Nova!). It's sex tech that enhances an already-​solid prod­uct instead of over-​engineering a shit­ty one, and I high­ly respect We-​Vibe for that. The more lux­u­ry sex toys I try, the salti­er I get. For some rea­son, high-​end sex tech often comes with sub-​par vibra­tions. That doesn't apply to the We-​Vibe Nova.

The expen­sive AF Lovely 2.0 cock ring can get me off, but its buzz is not much bet­ter than the mosquito-​like VeDO Bam Mini. And how am I sup­posed to sleep at night, know­ing that there are peo­ple who praise the overengi­neered, piece-​of-​shit MysteryVibe Crescendo? I'm all for respect­ing per­son­al pref­er­ences, but I can't stand behind the Crescendo's dis­mal quality-​to-​price ratio.

Final thoughts on the We-Vibe Nova rabbit

[Image: Another side view of the We-Vibe Nova on gold holo-glitter]

Let's say that We-​Vibe incor­po­rat­ed their renowned, rumbly bul­let motor in a gener­i­cal­ly shaped rab­bit vibe, and called it a day. Nobody would have been upset if they did that. But We-​Vibe didn't stop there. They lis­tened to sex geeks' gripes about rab­bit vibra­tors and made one whose awe­some­ness doesn't end on paper.

The We-​Vibe Nova's rumbly motor main­tains con­tact against the user's cli­toris. Its design is also flex­i­ble to enough fit a vari­ety of clit-​vag gaps, with­out need­ing much man­u­al adjust­ment. And, just as impor­tant­ly, We-Vibe's many app-​compatible toys prove that you don't have to sac­ri­fice qual­i­ty for techy customizability.

[Image: We-Vibe Nova length and width diagram]

The We-​Vibe Nova isn't per­fect for me because it grabs so firm­ly. But it's hard to imag­ine any oth­er rab­bit usurp­ing its posi­tion as my favorite dual stim­u­la­tor. Few of its fea­tures are lack­ing— the only thing I don't like about the Nova comes down to per­son­al preference.

For a user with aver­age mea­sure­ments, one who thirsts after tighter cli­toral clamp­ing than I do, I can't rec­om­mend a closer-​to-​ideal rab­bit vibra­tor than the We-​Vibe Nova.

UPDATE: You can adjust the Nova 2 so that it's tighter or loos­er — mak­ing it even more ver­sa­tile than before! It's the clos­est thing to a rab­bit vibra­tor that can fit every body. If you clench tight­ly, though, you may find that you can eas­i­ly bend it out of place, so for me, the grip still ends up being super loose. I wish We-​Vibe hadn’t dis­con­tin­ued their orig­i­nal Nova. I don’t love the Nova 2 as much, but it’s still one of the best sex toys in exis­tence. Just not for me.

Take 10% off at Spectrum Boutique with coupon code: SUPERSMASH10

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Get the We-​Vibe Nova at Spectrum Boutique. If you'd rather have We-Vibe's rum­bli­ness exter­nal­ly only, with con­trol over how much pres­sure you apply, try a Tango or Touch. Or get a We-​Vibe Rave if you want a We-​Connect-​compatible G‑spot vibra­tor with no exter­nal stimulator.

Please use my affil­i­ate links when you shop for sex toys. They bring me a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you and doesn't affect my opin­ion of the prod­uct. Thank you!

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5 Responses

  1. Abby says:

    I absolute­ly need this in my life. I hate rab­bits but LOVE pow­er­ful, intense clit rum­bles and I feel like this will give it to me!!
    Also I nev­er thought of mea­sur­ing my vagi­na to clit dis­tance or dis­tance to my g spot!

  2. Valiziosa says:

    I love the Nova and it's my favorite Rabbit vibra­tor so far! The pres­sure of the lit­tle arm on my clit is just per­fect, and that rumbly shake… yum!

  3. Jay says:

    The Nova is the only “rab­bit” style vibe I’d ever con­sid­er pur­chas­ing, but my urge to do so is basi­cal­ly non exis­tent. Great run­down on the we-​vibe app; I’ve always been skep­ti­cal of app-​connected sex toys, but maybe I’ll give it a try with my oth­er we-​vibe toy.

  4. DizzyD says:

    Duo vibra­tors are very hit or miss for me. I have one that fits quite well and it’s vibra­tions are oke, but I wish the exter­nal vibe was less buzzy and had more pow­er. The inter­nal part is quite strong. The fact that the exter­nal vibe of the We Vibe Nova out­per­forms the inter­nal vibe, makes this a very inter­est­ing toy for me. One more for the wishlist.…..

  5. C says:

    I love that this exists! I love that it stays in con­tact with your clit, unlike oth­er rab­bit vibes that feel like they’re stab­bing you when you thrust it. And the fact that it can fit many dif­fer­ent anato­my arrange­ments is very impor­tant and I’m so glad that gap has been filled (that’s what she said)

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