Review: Cal Exotics Slay Thrust Me, Charm Me, and Arouse Me

One of these California Exotics Slay mini-​vibes gave me 27 orgasms in one session — but the other two belong in the trash.
Review: Cal Exotics Slay Thrust Me, Charm Me, and Arouse Me 1
Left to right: Slay Thrust Me self-​thrusting remote con­trol vibra­tor, Charm Me bul­let, and Arouse Me minin-vibe

"I can't tell if the COVID vac­cine is about to induce my peri­od or if I'm just ungod­ly horny," I texted a friend and Tweeted. At the time, I had orgasmed 10 times with a cli­toral vibra­tor and no pen­e­tra­tion. By the time my friend respond­ed, that count was up to 26.

The mag­ic toy in ques­tion? The zingy AF California Exotics Slay Charm Me bul­let. Though Cal Ex's vibra­tor motors are hit-​and-miss over­all, it's no secret that I'm a fan of their recharge­able bullets.

Their Marvelous Flicker tongue vibra­tor not only got me close to squirt­ing but also gave a blog­ger friend orgasms so strong that she had an asth­ma attack. And the Marvelous Lover (also from the Cal Exotics Mini Marvels line) unex­pect­ed­ly made me squirt on my boyfriend.

Review: Cal Exotics Slay Thrust Me, Charm Me, and Arouse Me 2

The oth­er new Slay mini-​vibes, though? Ehhhh… While the Slay Arouse Me had poten­tial, I don't think its motor place­ment is ide­al. And let's say I'll prob­a­bly nev­er use the Slay Thrust Me again after this review.

California Exotics Slay Charm Me rumbly bullet vibrator review

The Cal Exotics Slay Charm Me bullet is one of the best cheap bullets I've tried.
Review: Cal Exotics Slay Thrust Me, Charm Me, and Arouse Me 3

If there's noth­ing else to take away from this review, it's that the California Exotics Slay Charm Me packs a seri­ous punch for its size and its price. The splash is real when you dip it in water. And it's no Tango or Amo or Digit, buu­u­u­u­ut the Slay Charm Me could com­pete with most of the rumbly bul­lets I dis­sect­ed the pre­vi­ous year.

Comparison to other affordable bullets

More specif­i­cal­ly, the Slay Charm Me car­ries vibra­tions that are:

Versatile size for bullet cavities

At a mere 0.8" across, though, the Cal Exotics Slay Charm Me is also more com­pact than most oth­er cheap but pow­er­ful recharge­able vibrators.

It's only a lit­tle fat­ter than the We-​Vibe Tango and skin­nier than the Je Joue bul­lets, mak­ing the Slay Charm Me a great can­di­date for slip­ping inside sleeves and dil­dos with bul­let cav­i­ties. Just make sure to use ample water-​based lube for the eas­i­est time get­ting it in and out.

Controls and settings

What's more? The Slay Charm Me doesn't do any­thing weird with its con­trols and settings.

It doesn't start with the high­est steady speed, then drop down to the low­est, then play pat­terns, unlike the Maia Jessi and VeDO Bam. It also doesn't have a gazil­lion rhythms, unlike the recharge­able FemmeFunn and NU Sensuelle bul­lets tend to. More options sound cool until you have to press a but­ton 19 times to cycle through pat­terns and loop back to a low­er steady speed.


Review: Cal Exotics Slay Thrust Me, Charm Me, and Arouse Me 4

The Slay Charm Me is sleek and sim­ple, with a one-​button con­trol for the 10 func­tions — 3 steady speeds and 7 pat­terns. Notably, two rhythms are fast and con­sis­tent, mak­ing it easy to main­tain arousal and keep going. The oth­ers are use­less unless you like edg­ing. Overall, though, there's enough vari­ety to cov­er all the bases.

Any downsides to the Cal Ex Slay Charm Me?

While the Charm Me bul­let is a dream to use, it's not per­fect. For one, it's only avail­able in pink. It's also not for you if you:

  • Strongly dis­like vibra­tions trans­fer­ring to your hand — there is a lii­i­it­tle bit of that with the Charm Me
  • Need some­thing low-​pitched or espe­cial­ly rumbly — try the Je Joue bul­lets instead
  • Would pre­fer to have "increase" and "decrease" but­tons — get the We-​Vibe Tango X or BMS Swan Maximum

How do I FEEL about it?

The California Exotics Slay Charm Me is yum­my for long ses­sions where I have time to build up for extra explo­sive orgasms — hence so many con­sec­u­tive mul­ti­ples and the abil­i­ty to make me squirt. It won't please every­body, but it's a good fit for those who enjoy a lit­tle bite to their bullets.

Personally, the orgasms I had with the Cal Exotics Slay Charm me were beyond worth the price tag; it's delight­ful how ver­sa­tile it is for the price.

Review: Cal Exotics Slay Thrust Me, Charm Me, and Arouse Me 5

Slay Arouse Me soft, pear-shaped vibrator review

I could summarize this section in three words: "unfortunate" and "had potential."

The Cal Ex Slay Arouse Me has a sim­i­lar motor to the Charm Me, but the vibra­tions get lost in the broad bulb. There's no focus to the Slay Arouse Me.

I respect what the design­ers were going for:

  • The big, grip­py ball is easy to hold on to and an arthritis-​friendly shape.
  • There's some squish to the silicone.
  • Its tip is pointy, flut­ters a lit­tle, and focus­es the sensation

However, I can tell that the peak isn't where the motor is focused. Again, it's in the bulb — the place where most peo­ple would grab it. And I wouldn't call tingly hands an acces­si­ble fea­ture among vibrators.

Review: Cal Exotics Slay Thrust Me, Charm Me, and Arouse Me 6

I also think California Exotics' claim of "ultra-​soft™ dual-​density sil­i­cone" on the Slay Arouse Me is mis­lead­ing. It's soft, sure, but not near­ly what you'd expect on a dual-​density dil­do. Don't expect to smoosh it around like mochi balls or a pug's face. If any­thing, the Slay Arouse Me's sil­i­cone is about as firm as Blush's small­er Avant dil­dos and Wellness dila­tors.

Know what you're get­ting your­self into with the Cal Exotics Slay Arouse Me: lots of vibra­tion in your hand and very lit­tle on your genitals.

The Slay Arouse Me could be con­sid­ered a stronger alter­na­tive to Iroha's cheap­er pear-​shaped vibra­tors, to its cred­it. However, your hands and hot spots would ulti­mate­ly thank you for get­ting a Marvelous Flicker or Iroha Temari instead.

Slay Thrust Me thrusting wearable vibrator review

I left the worst for last.

Don't ask me what the best remote con­trol panty vibra­tor is. There are a few decent lux­u­ry ones (name­ly the OhMiBod Esca 2 and Lovense Lush 3), but it's oth­er­wise, the cat­e­go­ry is a bust.

Review: Cal Exotics Slay Thrust Me, Charm Me, and Arouse Me 7

The Slay Thrust Me's thrust­ing mech­a­nism looks impres­sive in videos, but that's about it. If I bought it with my own mon­ey, I'd prob­a­bly use it more often, try­ing to con­vince myself to like it before admit­ting the defeat of a sunk cost.

While the bullet's accor­dion stretch­ing and con­tract­ing feels like some­thing, it doesn't do much for my plea­sure. And the vibra­tions are too buzzy to be useful.

Because of the round­ed bead and lack of taper­ing, my vagi­na sucks in the Slay Thrust Me. It locks in place past my pubic bone, too deep to do much for my G‑spot but too shal­low to put pres­sure on my cervix or A‑spot in any mean­ing­ful way.

Inserting only half of the Thrust Me doesn't help, either, since that makes it stay in place while the out­er part wags up and down.

It would be cool to try a self-​thrusting pussy plug — one with a base that could anchor in place.

The only thing I like about the Slay Thrust Me? There's a remote con­trol and a split charg­er for both that and the actu­al vibe. You don't need sep­a­rate bat­ter­ies or a phone app. (Lawdie knows I've had trou­ble with Bluetooth vibra­tor apps!)

Unfortunately, this self-​thrusting bul­let falls short in pret­ty much any oth­er regard. My top remote con­trol vibra­tors of choice include the Lovense Lush 3 and Honey Play Box Oly 2, which are tapered enough to rest low­er in my vagi­nal canal and deliv­er rum­bli­er vibra­tions to more sen­si­tive hot spots.

Maybe, just maybe, the Slay Thrust Me might be okay for those who like small thrusts and have a low-​set cervix, but that's not me. I'm stick­ing to my Velvet Thruster when in that mood.

I also loved fuck­ing myself with my Pris Toy Sentinel and a strong, com­pact bul­let. For a pair­ing like that, the California Exotics Slay Charm Me fit the bill, build­ing up blend­ed orgasms and heart-​eyes emo­jis galore.

Further read­ing:

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2 Responses

  1. B R says:

    Thanks for anoth­er help­ful review. I now know not to won­der about this style of toy.

  2. G says:

    anoth­er love­ly review, ty for sharing!!

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