Review: Sohimi Clitoral Suction & Pulsing Rabbit Vibrator

This toy sounds like a dream on paper, with a pulsing, penetrative portion and an external pressure wave motor — why wouldn't you want more, more, moar, MOAR, MOAR sensation?

Review: Sohimi Clitoral Suction & Pulsing Rabbit Vibrator 1

Pressure wave stim­u­la­tors used to be lav­ish­ly priced and avail­able only to the most pro­fuse spenders. Nowadays, you can find a wide range of afford­able and body-​safe air pulse toys, includ­ing rab­bit vibrators.

Vibration, licking, and tapping, all for quite cheap?!

The Sohimi cli­toral suc­tion vibra­tor offers three inde­pen­dent­ly con­trolled motors:

  1. The air puls­es on the out­side, with a flick­ing  "tongue" inside the nozzle
  2. A hump on the shaft that juts and thumps in-​and-​out for a tap­ping sensation
  3. Conventional vibra­tions on the tip of the phallus

Consider it the slightly-​swankier kin of the Honey Play Box Jubilee.

In practice, though, I still mostly consider pressure wave rabbit vibrators to be abominations.

In a nut­shell, air pulse noz­zles need to main­tain con­tact near the cli­toris (or whatever's being stim­u­lat­ed), while insertable toys shine best when thrust. It's hard to do both simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, but there are ways to get around that.

  1. Use a motor that thrusts, puls­es, or gyrates itself while the exter­nal por­tion stays in place.
  2. Add a flex­i­ble "neck" between the inner and out­er prongs for mobility.

Review: Sohimi Clitoral Suction & Pulsing Rabbit Vibrator 2

Sohimi's cli­toral suc­tion vibra­tor incor­po­rates both ideas into its design, mak­ing it high­ly ver­sa­tile. It's also mod­est­ly sized, with an insertable length of 5" and a max­i­mum diam­e­ter of 1.25".

It can feel real­ly (like, REALLY) good, but it's not for every­body. I'd like to point out some yel­low flags.

Review: Sohimi Clitoral Suction & Pulsing Rabbit Vibrator 3

How do the Sohimi clitoral suction vibrator motors feel?

In short:
  • Internal vibra­tions? Meh. Not quite dis­mal, but for­get­tably buzzy.
  • Mid-​shaft thrum­ming? Ooooooooooohh, give me that vroooom­ing rumble.
  • The cli­toral air puls­es? WoooOOOWWWwwww!?!
Bountiful orgasms come easily with this toy.

Even the sec­ond pres­sure wave set­ting out of five felt like a lot to me! It's not that that motor is excep­tion­al — it's about par with oth­er cheap cli­toral air pulse toys, like the Satisfyer Curvy 2+ and ROMP Switch. And there's a lit­tle suc­tion, not quite as intense as the We-​Vibe Melt or LELO Sona 2.

Review: Sohimi Clitoral Suction & Pulsing Rabbit Vibrator 4

The star of the Sohimi clitoral suction vibrator?

It's the hybrid of touch-​free pres­sure waves and con­tact from the puls­ing "tongue." While the for­mer shakes more of my inter­nal cli­toris, the lat­ter pro­vides yum­my, thud­dy, and pin­point stimulation.

And that's all while I'm using it over my cli­toral hood. The "tongue" pro­trudes a lot, and the air pulse tun­nel is a mere cen­time­ter long. As such, you'll want to take safe­ty pre­cau­tions. If your cli­toral glans is on the big side or needs direct touch, the Sohimi cli­toral suc­tion vibra­tor prob­a­bly isn't for you.

If you need a pres­sure wave stim­u­la­tor that can accom­mo­date a big clit, get a Satisfyer Curvy 1+ or 2+.

Consider also the flexible "neck"!

It bends enough for my glans to savor the mid-​shaft per­cus­sion. It's like the "kiss­ing" motor of the Karma Lilac Unihorn. Overall, though, it's the exter­nal air pulse stim­u­la­tor that left me gasp­ing and breathless.

Review: Sohimi Clitoral Suction & Pulsing Rabbit Vibrator 5

Anatomy and fit concerns inherent to rabbit vibrators

There's no way the Sohimi clitoral suction vibrator can fit every body.

No dual stim­u­la­tor can! I'm lucky that rab­bit vibra­tors usu­al­ly fit my (very aver­age) 1‑inch clit-​vag gap, but your mileage may vary.

The flex­i­ble neck allows for some adjusta­bil­i­ty. Don't expect vig­or­ous G‑spot thrust­ing and cli­toral suck­ing, though. Instead, con­sid­er the Sohimi cli­toral suc­tion vibra­tor a mostly-​stationary jig­gling toy.

Hold it in place, savor the exter­nal air puls­es, and let the mid-​shaft thud and tap against your front wall. Don't use broad strokes unless you're not using the out­er motor at all. That's okay, too!

Who would enjoy the Sohimi clitoral suction vibrator the most?

The mid-​shaft motor is best for those with shal­low G‑spots and short pubic bones. For exam­ple, my G‑spot is maybe an inch-​and-​a-​half inside. Those with deep­er G‑spots may find the puls­ing against their pubic bone uncomfortable.

(You can also use this rab­bit vibra­tor anal­ly. The cur­va­ture serves as a stop­per, pre­vent­ing the toy from get­ting lost inside.)

Closing thoughts about the Sohimi clitoral suction vibrator

Look, I'm not going to pre­tend that rab­bit vibra­tors with cli­toral air puls­es are rev­o­lu­tion­ary at all. The cheap ones are most­ly repack­aged white-​label prod­ucts from China — and the weak-​ass vibra­tions on this dual stim­u­la­tor reflect­ed that.

(See also the word choice on the prod­uct info page: "Tongue lick­ing, real tongue feel­ing. Strong vibra­tion, give you more sex­u­al feel­ing options," it boasts.)

Review: Sohimi Clitoral Suction & Pulsing Rabbit Vibrator 6

However, the pulsing pleasantly surprised me. It's quite rumbly for the price!

At its price, not all three motors were going to be top-​notch. It also prob­a­bly won't last espe­cial­ly long before break­ing. And that's fine by me — even if they removed the con­ven­tion­al vibra­tions alto­geth­er, the oth­er two motors still would have been worth it.

It's hard to beat the price for what you get! Let this vibe blow you away.

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