Snail Vibe powerful rabbit vibrator review

Disappointment set at the moment I insert­ed the Snail Vibe. It’s like get­ting a hotel room for a hookup and quick­ly real­iz­ing that your part­ner will prob­a­bly not get you off.

At the Snail Vibe’s price, I might as well have wast­ed a hotel stay.

The Snail Vibe has two bulbs: one or the clitoral motor, and the other serves as a stopper and control panel

Are my clit and G‑spot just too hard­core about pres­sure for most rab­bit vibra­tors to sat­is­fy? No, I know there’s noth­ing faulty with me. But the Snail Vibe isn’t wrong either, per se. We’re just not compatible.

What does the Snail Vibe promise to do?

The Snail Vibe is a dual stimulation/​rabbit vibra­tor that promis­es a com­bi­na­tion of simul­ta­ne­ous vagi­nal pen­e­tra­tion and intense, rumbly cli­toral stim­u­la­tion. More notably, its design main­tains con­stant cli­toral con­tact while thrust­ing. And it accom­plish­es that with its spiral-​shaped out­er prong.

(To be clear, the straight, rod-​like por­tion is the part you insert. Not the ball end.)

Snail Vibe external clitoral vibrating stimulator close-up
The Snail Vibe comes with a zip­per stor­age case.

Its cli­toral stim­u­la­tor coils and uncoils as you fuck your­self with the Snail Vibe. Insert as much or as lit­tle of the shaft as you want — the out­er por­tion will still main­tain con­tact with your vul­va. You can insert up to 5”. Its insertable diam­e­ter is also aver­age, at 1.4” wide.

What's so special about the Snail Vibe's clitoral stimulator?

The spi­ral is firm enough for many users to deliv­er steady pres­sure at any pen­e­tra­tion depth — even going 2 inch­es deep yields cli­toral con­tact. Make sure you use lots of lube to cut down on fric­tion since the out­er ball will roll and slide over the clit a lot.

Snail Vibe powerful rabbit vibrator review 1

Snail Vibe's mak­ers also got the memo about exter­nal cli­toral vibra­tions being more impor­tant than inter­nal ones; the out­er motor is rumbly AF and five times as pow­er­ful. Think mini-​wand lev­el. A rich, low purr emanates from the cli­toral stimulator.

You can also con­trol the two motors inde­pen­dent­ly of one anoth­er. One side turns the vibra­tions on and cycles through the five inten­si­ties, while the oth­er changes the rhythm. Of the four pat­terns, two are con­sis­tent enough to be useful.

Snail Vibe control panel and charing cord close-up
The stor­age case includes a vel­cro loop for the charger.

Overall, the Snail Vibe’s clever spi­ral design deserved its XBIZ Europa Award for Innovative Sex Toy of 2020. Its mak­ers claim it was cre­at­ed by pro­fes­sion­als with a "sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly backed research and devel­op­ment" process, but what does that mean for the user?

Moreover, what’s my problem with the Snail Vibe?

While the Snail Vibe was well-​made, and it does stay in con­tact with some part of my vul­va at all times, it’s not for every­body. There’s not enough pres­sure or pre­ci­sion for my clitoris.

Nothing per­son­al — I respect it on paper, just like I appre­ci­ate the We-​Vibe Nova 2 — but nei­ther one clamps tight­ly enough for me in practice.

I crush wand mas­sagers against my clit like I’m try­ing to sand off my vul­va. And the Snail Vibe’s coil doesn’t have a strong enough spring con­stant to please my clitoris.

Snail Vibe flexible rabbit vibrator fully extended in my hands

(Were my expec­ta­tions too high? I don’t think so. Plenty of oth­er dual stim­u­la­tors push hard enough. I just want­ed this one to do some­thing for me.)

What’s more, it slight­ly over­shoots my cli­toral glans. Users with a short clit-​to-​vag dis­tance will like­ly find the Snail Vibe’s fit less-​than-​optimal for their anato­my. For con­text, my clit-​vag gap is about 1 inch.

So who is the Snail Vibe ideally for?

I was not too fond of the Snail Vibe, but again, I respect it. And I under­stand why it can be game-​changing for the right user — some­one who:

  • Likes straight penetration
  • Doesn’t mind a total­ly rigid insertable
  • Has a clit-​vag gap on the wide-​ish side (about 1.75 to 2”)
  • Likes mod­er­ate cli­toral pres­sure with a broad vibrator

There aren’t many rab­bit vibra­tors for a clit that far apart from the vagi­nal open­ing; the Snail Vibe caters to an impor­tant but under-​served audience.

UPDATE: There's a soft­er, curved, more G‑spotty Snail Vibe Gizi now! Unfortunately, it's also not for me.

Snail Vibe storage case and charger

Some review­ers have com­plained about the lack of G‑spot and A‑spot stim­u­la­tion due to the pin-​straight shaft. However, I think keep­ing that part sim­ple was a good call.

Adding more frills would have made align­ing with users’ anato­my sub­stan­tial­ly more chal­leng­ing. Clit-​vag gaps vary a lot, and so does G‑spot depth and sensitivity.

My verdict on the Snail Vibe vibrator

I’m not mad at it for not work­ing for me. Plenty of rab­bit vibra­tors fit my 1" clit-​vag gap:

In oth­er words, I’m priv­i­leged to have so many toys align with my body. Not every­thing has to be made for me.

Snail Vibe storage case exterior view next to vibrator and lube bottle

This rab­bit vibe offers some­thing dif­fer­ent — some­thing sel­dom seen in Toyland before. I’ve already found my soul­mate dual stim­u­la­tion vibra­tor. To my vulva-​owning pals with wider-​set anato­my than me: the Snail Vibe might be yours.

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6 Responses

  1. Cam says:

    Love your hon­est review. It’s so inform­ing to learn what doesn’t work for you. The unwind­ing snail part is such a cool shape.

  2. Sm says:

    It looks like a real­ly bad design? Just look­ing at it makes me a lit­tle con­fused. But I've nev­er real­ly expe­ri­enced larg­er toys (or part­ners) so it's just pret­ty intim­i­dat­ing just look­ing at it.

  3. C says:

    This sure is an inter­est­ing shape. It’s good you clar­i­fied because at first I thought the ball end was the part you insert and i was like ? that sure is a con­cept i haven’t thought about before lol. Not sure if this would work for me or not, I do tend to like to be able to put more pres­sure on my clit with vibes.

  4. Shawn Stover says:

    It looks like this will be so much fun! My wife would love it!

  5. D. Dyer says:

    I’ve read quite a few reviews of this toy, most­ly pos­i­tive and I’m actu­al­ly quite excit­ed to read one from some­one who had less suc­cess with it. I real­ly appre­ci­ate the chance to hear mul­ti­ple per­spec­tives, it real­ly does help me to know whether a toy can work for me and how. Thank you.

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