Lush Iris review: thrusting, gyrating, pressure wave rabbit by Blush

[Image: holding the Blush Novelties Lush Iris rabbit vibrator outside in front of a snow-covered evergreen tree.]

"What a fuck­ing abom­i­na­tion!" I scrunched my nose the first time I saw a clit-​sucking rab­bit vibra­tor. First came the Womanizer Inside Out, then the Satisfyer Pro G Rabbit, then the rum­bli­er Womanizer Duo. I declined to review all three.

"G‑spot air pul­sa­tion dual stim­u­la­tor" sound­ed like a big oxy­moron. G‑spot toys work best with thrust­ing, while pres­sure wave stim­u­la­tors man­date stay­ing put and seal­ing around the cli­toris. The OG designs meant hav­ing to choose between one or the oth­er. And there's no way I'd rec­om­mend $219 for one prod­uct with such glar­ing limitations.

The concept didn't seem promising until Blush Novelties released the Lush Iris— a clitoral air pulse rabbit with a self-​thrusting and revolving shaft.

The move­ment allows for inter­nal and exter­nal stim­u­la­tion. Which, you know, is what rab­bit vibra­tors are for. SELF-​THRUSTING 👏 DUAL STIMULATORS 👏 MAKE 👏 SENSE. 👏

What's more, this toy's twirling is what drew me in. I love a partner's fin­gers behind my cervix, swivel­ing or "come hither"-ing. I have dil­dos I can thrust and mount and ride, and hand­held fuck­ing machines, and vibes that flick­er and lick and suck. But my dain­ty dig­its can't repli­cate how some­one else's fin­gers feel inside me. Until the Lush Iris, I didn't have a toy for that.

At its fastest, it thrusts about 90 times per minute, but the gyra­tion is even faster. Cue heart-​eyes emojis.

Observe the Blush Novelties Lush Iris's movement below.

Both clips are of the low­er of the two speeds.

The Blush Hop Cottontail is anoth­er potent rab­bit vibe I've tried that spins, but I don't think its range of motion com­pares to the Lush Iris. Likewise for the BMS Factory Naked Addiction rotat­ing and vibrat­ing dil­do.

Blush Lush Iris general specs and measurements

The Lush Iris's insertable por­tion fea­tures 4.5" of length and 1.4" max diam­e­ter. Neither dimen­sion is huge, but when com­bined with the firm­ness and method­i­cal motion, the size is enough to hit my favorite inter­nal hot spots. It's a bit long to be G‑spotty for me (at least, while using the cli­toral prong), but that's fan­tas­tic news for my A‑spot and cervix.

4.5" is plen­ty for me with the right firm­ness and motion. Insertables don't have to be super long, but a longer cock allows more ver­sa­til­i­ty when it comes to posi­tion­ing and still being able to hit the right spot for me. Fingers work real­ly well, and it's not a size thing as much as a pre­ci­sion thing.

As with oth­er pres­sure wave rab­bits, the Lush Iris's exter­nal arm is rigid. However, its dual stim­u­la­tor aligns well against my aver­age clit-​vag gap of 1 inch. And the suc­tion "mouth" is about 0.5" wide and 0.7" deep. That's pleas­ant­ly big­ger than most pres­sure wave stim­u­la­tors', allow­ing a wider vari­ety of clit sizes to fit inside. The sil­i­cone "lip" is also detach­able for easy clean­ing. Yay!

The clitoral suction & pressure wave stimulator

[Image: Blush Novelties Lush Iris self-thrusting rabbit vibrator 3/4 view to show the clitoral arm and control panel with rose gold accents]

Usually, when turn­ing on an air pulse toy like the Womanizer Classic or Liberty, it sounds like a soft and low thrum. On the low-​to-​moderate speed set­tings, I can hear dis­crete, indi­vid­ual oscil­la­tions as it alter­nates between suck­ing and blow­ing. On the high­er speeds, the tone blurs togeth­er. In con­trast, even the low­est options on the Lush Iris are indis­tinct. Think of the sound of a cat purring. The tonal flut­ter­ing is there, but it's bare­ly dis­cernible, and with a buzzi­er quality.

That's not to say that the Lush Iris's exter­nal motor is weak— the bot­tom two set­tings out of sev­en can get me off quick­ly. However, don't expect the pres­sure waves to over­take the wig­gling shaft as the star of the show.

I wish there were more set­tings on the inner motor. Both speeds are pow­er­ful and sat­is­fy­ing, but I'd appre­ci­ate some warm-​up options that don't over­pow­er the exter­nal pres­sure waves. If you want some­thing more pow­er­ful cli­toral­ly, check out my guide to the best cli­toral air pulse stim­u­la­tors.

Putting it all together: cacophony or symphony?

[Image: purple Blush Lush Iris, Pipedream Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure, and Blush Wellness G vibrators on snowy evergreen]

Whoever decid­ed to com­bine self-​thrusting with air pul­sa­tion in a rab­bit vibe is a genius. If it weren't for that, I would have dis­missed the entire cat­e­go­ry and said, "Nobody fuck­ing asked for this." A clit arm that lim­its me to sta­tion­ary G‑spot vibra­tion? Meh. But auto­mat­ed, rotat­ing A‑spot pres­sure and thrust­ing? Oh, hell, yes!

That's com­ing from some­one who usu­al­ly hates dual stim­u­la­tors. Some are too bendy to press my clit in any mean­ing­ful way. Some have too wide of a gap between the prongs. And some are too pokey. As with oth­er rab­bit vibra­tors, the Lush Iris inher­ent­ly has lim­i­ta­tions to whose anato­my it can fit. However, its design suits my clit-​vag gap, while mit­i­gat­ing many of my recur­ring complaints.

Its thrust­ing mech­a­nism isn't a case of being extra for the sake of being extra. It allows for inter­nal macro-​movements with­out break­ing cli­toral con­tact, which helps sig­nif­i­cant­ly if the exter­nal arm isn't flex­i­ble. I'll repeat it: SELF-​PROPELLING RABBIT VIBES MAKE SENSE.

My verdict on the Blush Novelties Lush Iris self-thrusting and air-pulsing vibrator

Overall, the Lush Iris by Blush Novelties is my second-​favorite rab­bit vibra­tor I've tried, only pre­ced­ed by the We-​Vibe Nova. Yes, there are oth­er dual stim­u­la­tors with spin­ning heads, but their exter­nal appendages almost always have the pokey rab­bit "ears." No. To hell with that.

[Image: Blush Novelties Lush Iris purple thrusting and gyrating rabbit vibrator hanging from a tree branch amid green and red leaves]

Big dil­dos and bot­tom­ing out are still my favorite forms of stim­u­la­tion, but I often miss the gyra­tion of two or three fin­gers. The Blush Novelties Lush Iris beau­ti­ful­ly ful­fills that niche in my col­lec­tion— the hero I didn't know I need­ed. My front wall and my cervix are effort­less­ly pleased.

Get the Blush Lush Iris at Peepshow Toys and take 10% off with my coupon code, SUPERSMASHCACHE

[Image: Peep Show Toys logo]

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5 Responses

  1. avoryfaucette says:

    When you mea­sure "the gap" ? is that from the low­est place you'd expect a properly-​placed suc­tion toy over your clit to sit to where the inner front wall would be if you pro­ject­ed it out? Or is there some oth­er way to think of this? Tempted to try this toy, but also wary with the mon­ey I spent on Lelo's Ina Wave 2, which only makes con­tact with my body sig­nif­i­cant­ly above the clit (as in towards the navel), that per­haps my mea­sure­ments are small­er than aver­age. Thanks for any mea­sure­ment help you might be able to offer!

  2. Slink says:

    Almost reminds me of the OG rab­bit in that theres an over­whelm­ing amount of dif­fer­ent stim­u­lous fea­tures. When I saw the air pres­sure part I fig­ured there is no way this would work because the toy would need con­stant skin con­tact until real­iz­ing it was a self thrust­ing toy! V Clever.

  3. G says:

    Also adore see­ing rab­bit vibra­tors as well, see­ing as there's so few that are actu­al­ly good enough to be worth the money.

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