Tracy's Dog OG 3 Review: 2-in-1 Air Pulse Dual Stimulator

Two toys in one to flit on your clit — both inside and outside
Tracy's Dog OG 3 air pulse dual stimulation rabbit vibrator and Lora DiCarlo Ose 2

Womanizer pio­neered air pulse mas­sagers in the mid-​2010s. Toward the end of the decade, Lora DiCarlo went viral for her air pulse dual stim­u­la­tor, the Osé.

And now that Lora DiCarlo's com­pa­ny is defunct, we're see­ing more and more bud­get air pulse dual stimulators.

That's where we are with Tracy's Dog OG 3.

Which leads us to this ques­tion: Did the OG 3's mak­ers improve on the Osé 2's short­com­ings? Or are we get­ting a “close enough” cheap­er alter­na­tive — what make­up mavens call a “dupe”?

Tracy's Dog OG 3 dual stimulation air pulse rabbit vibrator with clitoral suction pressure waves

Or nei­ther — a fuck­able that's fab­u­lous in its own way?

Tracy's Dog OG 3 Massager Features

Tracy's Dog OG 3 boasts blend­ed orgasms via inter­nal vibra­tion and exter­nal air puls­es. A few fea­tures I appre­ci­ate about it include:

  • A pos­able wire core to adjust the anatom­i­cal alignment
  • Zingy, decent strength vibra­tions on the insertable portion
  • The option to detach the inter­nal mas­sager from the air pulses 
    • And the tex­tured insertable end grabs onto my G‑spot
  • A bat­tery indi­ca­tor show­ing how much play time you have left
  • Some exter­nal pulse pat­terns that edge you on the plateau!
  • Buttons for increas­ing and decreas­ing speed on both motors

If the all-​in-​one unit is bang-​on with your clit-​vag gap, you get the con­ve­nience of all of the above with one hand.

Tracy's Dog OG 3 vibrator packaging

If it doesn't fit you quite right, you can still use them sep­a­rate­ly and, at least on paper, have it your way!

Is the OG 3 Up to the Challenge?

I've found rab­bit vibra­tors to be a dou­ble-edged sword. When they're good, they're good. Unfortunately, find­ing a good fit is far eas­i­er said than done, and that's espe­cial­ly true of air pulse dual stim­u­la­tors because:

  1. A pres­sure wave mas­sager noz­zle needs to seal around the cli­toris or tar­get zone — with­out gaps — to deliv­er sen­sa­tion optimally.
  2. Insertable vibra­tors feel best for me when I thrust them.
  3. Thrusting tends to dis­rupt the seal in point 1, men­tioned above.
  4. A rab­bit vibra­tor that's rigid is lim­it­ed in who it can fit
  5. Too flex­i­ble, and it either: 
    • Ends up not pro­vid­ing enough resis­tance to my inter­nal hot spots
    • Doesn't line up with my bits quite right for point 1 men­tioned above

This cat­e­go­ry promis­es a lot but, almost by def­i­n­i­tion, can­not deliv­er it all — and cer­tain­ly not for everyone.

While I'm not its tar­get audi­ence, I can let you know:

  1. Where the Tracy's Dog OG 3 fails and where it flies.
  2. Who it is a good fit for.

So here goes.

Tracy's Dog OG 3 insertable vibrator and air pulse massager 2-in-1

Internal Portion: Features, Pros, Cons

The OG 3's inter­nal mas­sager sec­tions off into a long and lean G‑spotter, featuring:

  • 1 but­ton cycling through 3 steady speeds and 7 patterns
  • About 7” of insertable length
  • 1.35” max­i­mum diam­e­ter on the straight, smooth end
  • 1” max­i­mum diam­e­ter on the bul­bous, scal­loped end
  • 0.55” min­i­mum diam­e­ter at the neck
  • About 1” of the neck, a bit past the bulb, has a light­ly pos­able core
Tracy's Dog OG 3 insertable G-spotting portion

The wire core isn't very stur­dy, mean­ing that the neck won't hold curves — it's super easy to straight­en it out with my walls. Since the arc isn't firm enough to do the work, we're rely­ing on the shape of the bulb.

(Want a petite, pos­able G‑spotter that can actu­al­ly hold its shape? Try the Fun Factory Limba Flex Small.)

What I Love About It

  • Moderately strong vibra­tions! While they're a lit­tle high-​pitched and buzzy at 95, 115, and 125 Hz for the steady speeds, I only have kind words about the intensity.
  • Easy cervix mas­sage, thanks to ample length and firm­ness on the straight end
  • The ball end's swelling bulb grabs and grips my G‑spot — and the con­trast between the “head” and “neck” effort­less­ly dips into and tes­se­lates with the con­tours of my pubic bone.
  • A‑spotting is also easy with the ball end dur­ing deep penetration
  • It's long and flex­i­ble enough to fold into a dual stim­u­la­tor — clit and G‑spot stim­u­la­tion — itself
Tracy's Dog OG 3 insertable G-spotting portion with adjustable neck

What I Dislike About It

  • The con­trol but­ton is on the part that goes inside me if I'm using the straight end. 
    • In all fair­ness, the mak­er does man­age this via but­tons on the air pulse part work­ing as a con­trol pan­el for the G‑spot arm
  • Only two of the sev­en rhythms are con­sis­tent enough to be use­ful. The oth­ers either pause for too long between puls­es or vary too much.

In short, I quite like the G‑spotty and A‑spotty vibra­tor por­tion! It does every­thing it needs to as a stand­alone unit: vibrat­ing with vig­or and hit­ting my hot spots, includ­ing my high ceil­ings. And the tex­ture and dra­mat­ic bulb cer­tain­ly add some oomph to the pen­e­tra­tion sensation.

Tracy's Dog OG 3 detachable components

External Air Pulses: Features, Pros, Cons

The cli­toral air puls­es are what draw peo­ple to Tracy's Dog toys. Let's dis­cuss how they mea­sure up.

What I Like About This Part

  • Buttons for click­ing for­ward and back­ward through the set­tings menu. If you're sen­si­tive after orgasm, it's easy to go back to the low­est set­ting for only a lit­tle stimulation.
  • Most of the options actu­al­ly feel good and keep me coming! 
    • 3 steady speeds, 3 longer teas­ing “jour­ney” set­tings, and 5 out of 7 short­er loop­ing rhythms
  • Two slight­ly dif­fer­ent noz­zle options — one has a thick­er rim for com­fort and a small­er open­ing, while the oth­er has a wider open­ing and thin­ner “lips.”
    • The big­ger one is about 0.55” long by 0.65” wide
Tracy's Dog OG 3 external air pulse stimulator portion
The two but­tons vis­i­ble here con­trol the G‑spot arm. The three but­tons on the oth­er side con­trol the air pulses.

What's Left to Be Desired

  • The air puls­es could be more robust, but they do the job. The Tracy's Dog OG 3 air puls­es are buzzi­er and less intense than the Womanizers’. 
    • For com­par­i­son, the OG 3's speeds range from 1 to 4.5 on the Womanizer Premium 2's 14-​speed scale.
    • Satisfyer's air pulse toys are pret­ty cheap and go up to a 5.5 — again, not my favorite, but they get my job done for the price.

Tracy's Dog OG 3 pres­sure wave mas­sager is about par for the course. While the “jour­neys” are a cool addi­tion to this brand's soft­ware, the hard­ware is noth­ing to com­plain about or write home about.

They work. They're part of a toy that does all the things. Nothing less.

Putting It All Together: Dual Stimulation

I quite enjoyed the Tracy's Dog OG 3 insertable and exter­nal por­tions individually.

But can it do all the things at once as a rab­bit vibra­tor? That is the big question.

Tracy's Dog OG 3 air pulse dual stimulation vibrator
The short answer:
  • Yes, it can fig­u­ra­tive­ly rock my world
  • It per­forms best when lit­er­al­ly rocking
  • It doesn't cost too much!
The longer answer has some nuance about:
  • How often I'd actu­al­ly use it
  • How ver­sa­tile it is or isn't
  • Who it would be a good fit for in practice

With air pulse mas­sagers, you'd have to con­sid­er not only the dis­tance between the cli­toris and vagi­na but also the angle of the nozzle.

Tracy's Dog OG 3 air pulse dual stimulation vibrator upside down

What That Means in Practice

To keep the air puls­es going and going on my clit, I'd have to keep the thrust­ing to small rock­ing motions, if mov­ing it at all. Tracy's Dog OG 3 works best when insert­ing about 3.5” of length.

And that's not ide­al for my pen­chant for pen­e­tra­tion depth, but:

  • It's for users who want a moderate-​girth vibra­tor to clench around
  • It's a bet­ter fit for those who have low­er (or more sen­si­tive) ceil­ings than me

The end meant to be insert­ed dur­ing dual stim­u­la­tion is also straight-​shafted, mean­ing it's not very G‑spotty dur­ing shal­low penetration

It feels good, but it leaves me crav­ing more depth.

So while I can enjoy the vibra­tion and air pul­sa­tion sen­sa­tions at first — I'm even more thank­ful that I can then take the longer vibrat­ing dil­do out of its loop and fuck myself with more fervor.

Tracy's Dog OG 3 2-in-1 dual stimulator massager insertable and external portions taken apart

Who Is Tracy's Dog OG 3 Vibrator For?

To summarize:
  • The dil­do portion's two ends make it fun for explor­ing the inter­nal hot spots
  • It can also fold to stim­u­late the inside and out­side simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, even before adding the air pulse portion
  • Its adjustable core won’t hold up to my goril­la grip coochie, but the ball end is still defined enough to pull on my G‑spot!
  • The exter­nal part isn't super intense, but it works, and I appre­ci­ate the controls.

When you put Tracy's Dog OG 3 all togeth­er, it may not be the per­fect fit for every­one — it's just not my type. However, its parts can be mixed and matched, open­ing an oppor­tu­ni­ty to find what works best for you.

You get a pack­age deal for try­ing a wide range of sensations.

Tracy's Dog OG 3 external air pulse clitoral massager portion
This dual stimulation vibrator kit might fit a user who:
  • Doesn't need deep, hard, or pre­cise penetration
  • Enjoys mod­er­ate­ly strong inter­nal vibration
  • Likes gentle-​to-​moderate exter­nal stimulation
  • Appreciates pat­tern set­tings for their cli­toral air pulses
  • Wants some­thing beginner-​friendly (or to gift to a begin­ner) for exploration
  • Wants to sam­ple many dif­fer­ent types of stim­u­la­tion and is down to enjoy the ride!

This review was spon­sored. Opinions expressed here are my own.

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