10 A-Spotty Dildos For Deep Penetration and Cervix Massage

Sex Toys That Target the Anterior and Posterior Fornices

Discovering cer­vi­cal orgasms changed my sex life. For myself, the orgasms from deep pen­e­tra­tion feel like potent hits of oxy­tocin — heart-​eyes emo­jis and implo­sions far more full-​bodied than cli­toral or G‑spot orgasms.

10 A-Spotty Dildos For Deep Penetration and Cervix Massage 1

My love of cervix stim­u­la­tion has raised some eye­brows. "Doesn't that hurt you?" While your mileage may vary, peo­ple can and do enjoy pres­sure against the cervix. Ramming direct­ly into it hurts me, of course.

However, for many, slip­ping some­thing behind the cervix to mas­sage, it feels ter­rif­ic. And there's also a hot spot on the front wall just shy of the cervix, known as the A‑spot or AFE (ante­ri­or fornix eroge­nous) zone.

Curious? Read my full BS-​free guide to the deep eroge­nous zones!

For those who enjoy or want to explore cervix and A‑spot mas­sage, here's a list of my favorite sex toys for deep pen­e­tra­tion. They come in a vari­ety of shapes, sizes, and mate­ri­als, but there are recur­ring fea­tures among them that make them outstanding:

  • Firm enough to tar­get the right spot
  • Gentle for­ward curve or tilt for aiming
  • Bulbous, swelling, or oth­er­wise defined head

I've sort­ed the fol­low­ing list by how (sub­jec­tive­ly) intense the toys are, start­ing with what I con­sid­er the gen­tlest. They're meant to be exam­ples of the prin­ci­ples at play, rather than a com­pre­hen­sive list.

UPDATE: Want vibra­tions? See how I ranked my favorite A‑spot vibra­tors!

You can also keep up with new releas­es by book­mark­ing my A‑spot dil­do archive.

…and now, on to the dildos!

BS Atelier Max

[Image: BS Atelier Max Poly Pride black, red, and blue striped dildo]

This dil­do looks sleek and frill-​free, but its elon­gat­ed head is one of its great­est strengths. I wrote in my BS Atelier Max review:

Most dil­do heads are about 1.5″ long, while the BS Atelier Max‘s is 2.6″ long— a full inch longer. With that longer head, I can let that slen­der tip slide behind my cervix on the “in” stroke, and have the ridge rub up against my G‑spot on the “out” stroke …

With most oth­er dil­dos, I have to choose between my G‑spot and my cervix. In con­trast, with the BS Atelier Max, I don’t have to make exces­sive­ly long thrusts to get both eroge­nous zones in one go.

As well, the gen­tle taper and aver­age girth make it easy to slide in front of my cervix for A‑spot stim­u­la­tion. The BS Atelier Max's sim­plis­tic ver­sa­til­i­ty makes it one of my favorite beginner-​friendly dildos!

Chrystalino Champ

[Image: Chrystalino Champ and Gallant cobalt blue glass dildos]

The Chrystalino Champ also fea­tures a tapered head and defined "coro­na," but glass's firm­ness deliv­ers more intense G‑spot pres­sure than sil­i­cone does. During shal­low pen­e­tra­tion, this dildo's flat head kneads the front wall. But if I want to go hard against my cervix and don't feel like using a fat insertable, this dil­do is per­fect for that, too.

Overall, it's anoth­er ter­rif­ic sex toy for begin­ners. I wish I could go back in time and give my past self the Chrystalino Champ.

Désirables Dalia

The Désirables Dalia's shape is in the same fam­i­ly as the LELO Mona 2— a clas­sic for a rea­son. It’s gen­tle but fill­ing swell nes­tles against the pubic bone's dip.

[Image: Desirables Dalia porcelain dildo in hand]

Whether your G‑spot is most sen­si­tive on the pubic bone or past it, there's a good chance that the Dalia's thick end will fit against both. There's indeed no such thing as a per­fect G‑spot toy. However, the Dalia and Mona 2 serve a far wider vari­ety of peo­ple than, say, the more spe­cial­ized njoy Pure Wand. The main dif­fer­ence between the Dalia and Mona 2's shape is that the former's bend isn't as steep.

To me, that's a perk because it means that I can insert it all the way and let the bulge do its thing against my cervix and A‑spot. And why porce­lain? It pro­vides firm pres­sure, while the mat­te fin­ish adds a bit of fric­tion. Read my full Desirables Dalia porce­lain G‑spot dil­do review.

Tantus Tsunami

[Image: The Tantus Tsunami is a dildo with a curved tip and 3 ridges down the shaft.]

This sil­i­cone dil­do is a bit dif­fer­ent from the pre­vi­ous ones on the list, fea­tur­ing not one bump or ridge, but three. Pressing the Tsunami's curved tip against my A‑spot and feel­ing the shaft's waves against my G‑spot? Fuck yeah! Front wall stim­u­la­tion galore, whether you hard­core thrust it, min­i­mal­ly move it, or clench around it for a sta­tion­ary stimulus.

If you want to explore tex­ture, this dil­do is for you. Read my full Tantus Tsunami sil­i­cone dil­do review.

LuzArte (formerly Jollies and ChavezDezignz) Jollet

[Image: Luzarte Jollet next to Funkit Pangolin]

Speaking of sta­tion­ary stim­u­la­tion, the LuzArte Jollet is per­fect for clench­ing around, if you can han­dle the firm, 1.75" diam­e­ter. Its unique form is a cast of the inside of a vagi­na, designed to tes­sel­late along the G‑spot's con­tours. At the base is a cav­i­ty for insert­ing a bul­let vibe (may I sug­gest the We-​Vibe Tango X or BMS Swan Maximum?) to make the entire unit vibrate.

Everything I said before about elon­gat­ed G‑spotting heads and the Dalia's shape applies dou­bly to this dil­do. I'll admit that many oth­er review­ers say not to thrust the Luzarte Jollet. However, I love that I can get intense pres­sure on my G‑spot and cervix in one go, with even short­er thrusts than the BS Atelier Max. It's one of my holy grail toys for a rea­son. What's more? It's cute AF. The pol­ka dots are tiny pom-​poms sus­pend­ed in clear silicone.

Vixen Creations VixSkin Outlaw

[Image: VixSkin Outlaw dildo Pringles can comparison]

If you've nev­er heard of VixSkin, then I'm hon­ored to be the one to intro­duce you to it. It's a lux­u­ri­ous com­bi­na­tion of two sil­i­cone den­si­ties, form­ing a firm inner core for thrust­ing and squishy out­er core for a flesh­like feel. So while the VixSkin Outlaw is far more mas­sive than the aver­age penis, it doesn't feel espe­cial­ly harsh, thanks to the squish. The entire head is plush and pli­able, per­fect for push­ing behind my cervix and going hard.

If your cervix and front wall are more demand­ing, also con­sid­er a VixSkin Maverick, which is about the same size as the Outlaw, but with a curve and pro­trud­ing coro­na. Or put a VixSkin Colossus sleeve on the Velvet Thruster for hands-​free thrust­ing. Or maybe a VixSkin Gambler, if you want some­thing even bigger.

Blush Novelties Avant D3/D4

[Image: Blush Novelties Avant D4 Pretty in Pink striped dildo next to Temptasia Elvira] Like the Tantus Tsunami, the Blush Novelties Avant D3 and D4 come with bumps galore. The boxy, 2" wide head is girthy cervix heav­en, the coro­na feels fan­tas­tic against my A‑spot, and the ver­ti­cal tex­tures on the low­est bump are delight­ful for twist­ing. Think of it as mul­ti­ple "heads" on one dil­do. Its mat­te sil­i­cone comes with only the slight­est drag, but I rec­om­mend using lube lib­er­al­ly with its intensity.

And for under the price? This dil­do is a steal. Read my full Blush Novelties Avant D4 review.

Uberrime Night King

[Image: Uberrime Night King dildo in hand]

The Uberrime Night King wasn't includ­ed in the orig­i­nal arti­cle because it's not avail­able at Spectrum Boutique. But on my web­site? It would be a trav­es­ty to not include the Night King in a cervix mas­sage dil­do round-​up. From my Night King dil­do review:

The Uberrime Night King dil­do feels like it was made just for me. I have all but died and come back to earth from heav­en. I’d clutch it hiss­ing, “PRECIOUS” if any­one tried to take it. Because, if you love tex­ture and cervix stim­u­la­tion, this sil­i­cone dil­do is the fuck­ing truth …

You see that grad­ual but pro­nounced curve? There’s no ignor­ing how eas­i­ly, effort­less­ly the curve and girth mas­sage my pos­te­ri­or fornix (also known as the PFE or Deep Spot). It brings out my favorite kind of orgasm: the cer­vi­cal orgasm. Deep, full-​bodied, expan­sive­ly build­able, and full of spell­bind­ing heart-​eyes-​emoji voodoo.

Self Delve Eggplant

[Image: Self Delve Eggplant dildo amid peppers, asparagus, and a cucumber]

The Self Delve Eggplant dil­do looks sil­ly from afar, but at 2.4" max diam­e­ter, it has seri­ous girth. The curve is gen­tle, but the com­bi­na­tion of width and sil­i­cone den­si­ty is per­fect for me. I wrote in my Self Delve Eggplant review:

It's squishy enough to con­form to my pubic bone’s dip and tes­sel­late against my G‑spot, while fat and firm enough to give my G‑spot intense resis­tance … Once it’s in, there’s no escap­ing the pres­sure and the bulging for­ward tilt. Perfect for when I’m crav­ing some­thing excep­tion­al­ly thick …

If you’ve ever fan­ta­sized about fuck­ing your­self with veg­eta­bles, Self Delve’s designs can ful­fill that. But with all of the perks of sil­i­cone dildos.

njoy Eleven

[Image: njoy Eleven stainless steel dildo in my hand

"I could kill some­one with this blud­geon steel dil­do if I want­ed to. Wielding the njoy Eleven is what it means to be alive. I feel invin­ci­ble." I wrote that sen­tence in my njoy Eleven review, and I stand by it. It's not for the faint of ori­fice. The njoy Eleven's S‑curve is the crème de la crème of firm A‑spot and fornix stimulation.

Its bul­bous head on the "small" 1.75" end glides into the pock­ets around my cervix, while the ridges rub against my G‑spot. And the 2" wide end? "I clenched. I came. I cried. I repeat­ed until I col­lapsed into my tears." I'd be con­tent with it being the only dil­do I use for the rest of my life.

[This arti­cle is a repost with some edits. I orig­i­nal­ly wrote it for Spectrum Journal.]

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4 Responses

  1. D. Dyer says:

    Thank you for this infor­ma­tive list, this is my pre­ferred form of stim­u­la­tion, and I have not tried near­ly enough of these.

  2. Jimena says:

    Thanks for this list!

  3. AJ says:

    This post is so help­ful, ever since I real­ized I pre­fer A‑Spot stim to G‑Spot, posts like this help wonders

  4. Rober says:

    Just want to say how awe­some your site is and how much I have learned from it. As a guy born with a micro penis I could only grind against my wife and give her oral , then I incurred ed issues so only oral and fin­gers. Wanting so bad­ly to give her deep pen­e­tra­tive orgasms she relu­cant­ly agreed to have sex with a mutu­al male friend . Although She enjoyed his cock alot and I loved watch­ing my wife get sat­is­fied I want­ed to be able to please her also so I start­ed buy­ing real­is­tic dil­dos and she loved them. It gave me con­fi­dence as a hus­band to be able to sat­is­fy her myself. I start­ed read­ing your arti­cles on G &A spot orgasms and bought the Vixen Creations Maverick dil­do and wow! She said she had nev­er had these kind of orgasms from any oth­er guy before she said they even have become addic­tive to her. We still enjoy hav­ing our friend come over to "give it to her" but the Maverick in my Rodeoh briefs still out­lasts him.Thanks for your clear con­cise infor­ma­tion that has giv­en me so much insight into pleas­ing my wife and has giv­en me more con­fi­dence that I also can sat­is­fy her. Thanks again.?

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