25+ Deep Penetration Dildos For A-Spotting and Cervix Massage

Sex Toys That Target the Anterior and Posterior Fornices
25+ Deep Penetration Dildos For A-Spotting and Cervix Massage 1

Discovering cer­vi­cal orgasms changed my sex life. For myself, the orgasms from deep pen­e­tra­tion feel like potent hits of oxy­tocin — heart-​eyes emo­jis and implo­sions far more full-​bodied than cli­toral or G‑spot orgasms.

My love of cervix stim­u­la­tion has raised some eye­brows. "Doesn't that hurt you?" While your mileage may vary, peo­ple can and do enjoy pres­sure against the cervix. Ramming direct­ly into it hurts me, of course.

However, for many, slip­ping some­thing behind the cervix to mas­sage, it feels ter­rif­ic. And there's also a hot spot on the front wall just shy of the cervix, known as the A‑spot or AFE (ante­ri­or fornix eroge­nous) zone.

(Curious? Read my full BS-​free guide to the deep eroge­nous zones!)

For those who enjoy or want to explore cervix and A‑spot mas­sage, here's a list of my favorite sex toys for deep penetration.

Uberrime Night King long ribbed fantasy dildo review

They come in a vari­ety of shapes, sizes, and mate­ri­als, but there are recur­ring fea­tures among them that make them outstanding:

  • Firm enough to tar­get the right spot
  • Gentle for­ward curve or tilt for aiming
  • Bulbous, swelling, or oth­er­wise defined head

Consider these exam­ples of the prin­ci­ples at play, rather than a com­pre­hen­sive list.

There's a looooot of over­lap between dil­dos for ante­ri­or fornix mas­sage and cervix mas­sage, so I'll start with the A‑spot spe­cial­ists, then move on to sex toys for cer­vi­cal orgasms.

…and now, on to the dildos!
25+ Deep Penetration Dildos For A-Spotting and Cervix Massage 2

Dildos For A-Spot Massage

Here are my favorite anterior fornix massage dildos, from milder to wilder

  • Uberrime Astra — comes in three sizes, so you can go at the speed of comfort
  • NS G Spot Wand — yeah, it's called a G‑spot wand, but every body is dif­fer­ent, and I find that I can go in deep­er with it, right on my A‑spot, snip­ing it like no other
  • L'Acier Reverb — I was so "wow"-ed that I banged out this review in one night
  • njoy Disco — this delight­ful dil­do was made for twisting
  • Tantus Tsunami — these ridges rubbed my G‑spot and A‑spot at the same time
  • Blush Avant D3/​D4 — dit­to, but less sharp and more blunt
  • Pris Toys Syren — tex­tures galore, girth, and lots of squish

Vibrators for A-Spot Massage

Lucky for you, I wrote an entire sep­a­rate post about this top­ic: 9 Breathtaking A‑Spot Vibrators for Deep Penetration, Ranked!

L'Acier Capo, Dame Com, and BMS Factory Swan Wand

Dildos For Cervix Massage

Here are my favorite cervix-​loving, deep spot dildos, from milder to wilder

The Uberrime Aptus silicone realistic dildo and L'Acier Capo stainless steel dildo both have that lovely, lovely cervix-massaging tilt.
Ummm… I think I have a "type": long and lean.

As far as motor­ized toys go, any­thing Velvet Thruster is also love­ly if you want a com­pact fuck­ing machine that can go deep and hard.

25+ Deep Penetration Dildos For A-Spotting and Cervix Massage 3
25+ Deep Penetration Dildos For A-Spotting and Cervix Massage 4

If you want to keep up with the lat­est and great­est, I've tagged my reviews of great A‑spot and pos­te­ri­or fornix dil­dos. <3

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4 Responses

  1. D. Dyer says:

    Thank you for this infor­ma­tive list, this is my pre­ferred form of stim­u­la­tion, and I have not tried near­ly enough of these.

  2. Jimena says:

    Thanks for this list!

  3. AJ says:

    This post is so help­ful, ever since I real­ized I pre­fer A‑Spot stim to G‑Spot, posts like this help wonders

  4. Rober says:

    Just want to say how awe­some your site is and how much I have learned from it. As a guy born with a micro penis I could only grind against my wife and give her oral , then I incurred ed issues so only oral and fin­gers. Wanting so bad­ly to give her deep pen­e­tra­tive orgasms she relu­cant­ly agreed to have sex with a mutu­al male friend . Although She enjoyed his cock alot and I loved watch­ing my wife get sat­is­fied I want­ed to be able to please her also so I start­ed buy­ing real­is­tic dil­dos and she loved them. It gave me con­fi­dence as a hus­band to be able to sat­is­fy her myself. I start­ed read­ing your arti­cles on G &A spot orgasms and bought the Vixen Creations Maverick dil­do and wow! She said she had nev­er had these kind of orgasms from any oth­er guy before she said they even have become addic­tive to her. We still enjoy hav­ing our friend come over to "give it to her" but the Maverick in my Rodeoh briefs still out­lasts him.Thanks for your clear con­cise infor­ma­tion that has giv­en me so much insight into pleas­ing my wife and has giv­en me more con­fi­dence that I also can sat­is­fy her. Thanks again.?

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