L'Acier Reverb review: steel vibrator for hands-free orgasm

“Oh, my Goddddd. What is hap­pen­ing? Fuuuuck, how is it doing that?” I thought, cum­ming not too long after insert­ing the L’Acier Reverb stain­less steel dildo.

All L'Acier metal dildos come in sturdy boxes with velvet-flocked foam inserts and slots for the toy itself, a bullet vibrator, charging cord, loop handle, and angled long reach handle

I wasn’t thrust­ing it. I was bare­ly even hold­ing it. I hadn’t even turned on the vibra­tions, yet my eyes were wide, and my mouth was hang­ing open. The A‑spot and G‑spot pres­sure was next-​level, with prac­ti­cal­ly no effort on my part.

It didn’t take me much clench­ing to cum for the first, sec­ond, and third orgasms and beyond. The L’Acier Reverb was doing it all for me.

L'Acier Reverb steel vibrating anal hook with retrieval loop and removable bullet vibrator



And when I turned on the vibrations?



How to use the L’Acier Reverb steel dildo

I seri­ous­ly under­es­ti­mat­ed the L’Acier Reverb steel vibra­tor. No, I was con­fused. For one, why is the han­dle so extra? Why does this met­al dil­do weigh almost 2 lbs? Is this gad­get sup­posed to be an anal hook? How am I sup­posed to thrust some­thing so steeply bent?

The short answer: you don’t. That’s a les­son from the Pure Wand that is once again rever­ber­at­ing in my sys­tem. (I wasn’t con­scious­ly think­ing of the L’Acier Reverb’s name when I typed that. Nevertheless, it fits.)

You let the weight dis­tri­b­u­tion do all the work and sur­ren­der. And wooooowwww, if there’s any sex toy mate­r­i­al that lit­er­al­ly lever­ages its cen­ter of grav­i­ty, it’s a stain­less steel dildo.

I felt like I had dis­cov­ered one of the great secrets of the universe.

Oh gosh, I need to rehy­drate, so let’s take a break with the L’Acier Reverb specs and mea­sure­ments before con­tin­u­ing my ADHD hyper­fo­cus rave.

The above han­dle ori­en­ta­tion is most suit­ed for part­ner play. Get cre­ative with the posi­tions! <3

L’Acier Reverb steel vibrator measurements

  • Material: 316 stain­less steel, pol­ished to a flaw­less mirror-​like finish.
  • Weight: 1 lb. 15 oz.
  • Insertable length: 5.2”
  • Maximum diam­e­ter: 1.3”
  • Minimum diam­e­ter: 0.3”
  • Handle length: 6.3”
  • Handle diam­e­ter: 1.3”

Take 20% off the L'Acier Reverb with code SUPER20. As of March 2024, the dis­count code brings the price down to just over $100, which is very rea­son­able for every­thing you get!

This fan­tas­tic met­al dil­do also comes with the fol­low­ing bonuses:

  • ABS plas­tic han­dle exten­ders — one angled, and the oth­er a loop
  • A hard plas­tic bul­let — water­proof and recharge­able with 3 steady speeds and 7 pat­terns. It mea­sures about 0.81" across, and that hun­dredth of an inch does make a dif­fer­ence. You can't slot in, say, one of the 0.80" Blush bul­lets as a replacement. 

UPDATE: A read­er in the com­ments sug­gest­ed maybe using rub­ber bands on a thin­ner (stan­dard) bul­let like the We-​Vibe Tango or Slay Charm Me for cush­ion­ing and a tighter fit and… I got­ta say, I love this idea! It's janky, but it works.

The L'Acier Reverb steel dildo has a steep bend for pressure on the front wall; it can be used vaginally or anally as a plug.
This way of attach­ing the han­dle is best for easy grab­bing dur­ing solo use!

Hands-free dildo weight distribution — genius!

Okay, hi. We are back.

The L’Acier Reverb’s han­dle is gra­tu­itous, not for grab­bing onto — though you cer­tain­ly can. As with all L’Acier met­al dil­dos, this one comes with a rigid plas­tic han­dle exten­der to aim even more precisely.

But when the tight­est part of your hole grabs onto the Reverb’s slen­der neck, the handle’s weight sinks down, and the insertable por­tion tilts for­ward all on its own.

And the auto­mat­ic, hands-​free pres­sure on the A‑spot, G‑spot, prostate, inter­nal cli­toris — what­ev­er junk you’re using it on — is just bonkers. Wild. Ludicrous. Unbelievable. (I opened a new brows­er tab for syn­onyms.) PREPOSTEROUS.

Oh my gosh.

Use it as a stain­less steel anal plug or vagi­nal plug. I’ve seen met­al G‑spot and prostate plugs with bul­bous bod­ies and forward-​focused frames before. And yes, the njoy Eleven and Pure Wand also use their weight dis­tri­b­u­tion strategically.

Buuuuuut I’d nev­er before seen a G‑spot toy rely on its exter­nal weight to dri­ve the user insane like the L’Acier Reverb met­al dil­do. It’s quite clever, actually.

L'Acier Reverb angled G-spot and prostate steel dildo with easy reach handle

Is the L’Acier Reverb right for your body?

It sure is for mine.

The pointy tip eas­i­ly slips into my A‑spot, in front of my cervix, and push­es against my front wall. Is that even the right way to say it? The tip push­es while grav­i­ty pulls on the handle.

Not every­one will like the L’Acier Reverb’s apex or insertable length. It's also more for gen­er­al front wall pres­sure rather than any­thing tar­get­ed. Moreover, if you want a thrust­ing toy, this isn't for you.

However, the way it goes in deep while aim­ing for­ward toward my A‑spot and away from my cervix makes it one of my vagina’s BFFs. This dil­do gives hands-​free orgasms again and again. My vagi­na wants to grab onto it for­ev­er and ever.

And the vibra­tions from the includ­ed bul­let are zingy but strong, turn­ing the orgasm-​to-​effort ratio into just some­thing else. There’s prac­ti­cal­ly no effort. We are approach­ing infin­i­ty and a “divide by zero” error.

Cue modem dial-​up sta­t­ic nois­es in my brain.

L'Acier Reverb angled G-spot and prostate stainless steel metal massager with bullet cavity

Oh, man. I’ve been through so much stuff this month, but this dil­do soooooo makes my job worth it. I’m in awe and grate­ful to exist at the same time as the L’Acier Reverb. It’s one of the best met­al dil­dos I’ve ever tried.

Take 20% off all L'Acier with code SUPER20.

This post was spon­sored! Opinions expressed are my own. <3

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7 Responses

  1. Trix says:

    I’m fas­ci­nat­ed by this one for sure!

  2. D. Dyer says:

    Always delight­ful to find new stain­less steel options and quite grate­ful for your per­spec­tive on the vibra­tions, I was quite uncer­tain about that.

  3. Phalaenopsis says:

    Ohhh you could also use some cling film on a small­er bul­let to thick­en it out

    (Spoken like some­one who just got into cling film bondage)

  4. L says:

    Any idea what bet­ter bul­let would fit in that cav­i­ty? I just got the Reverb today and the pro­vid­ed bul­let just ain't doing it for me.

    • No. I can make guess­es, but I don't have a defin­i­tive product.

      Ideally, it'd be a 0.8"-ish wide bul­let coat­ed with sil­i­cone for cush­ion­ing. The Je Joue bul­let is a bit too big to fit the bill, though. And I've tried that one and many others.

      It's dif­fi­cult because, with steel, you don't get much of a "mar­gin of error," as you do with sil­i­cone. Any slight­est bit too small, and it rat­tles if it's a hard plas­tic bul­let. Any bit too big, and it just doesn't go in.

      • L says:

        Hmm. I know you own most of the famous bul­lets — the Tango, Blush, etc — so at least now I know none of them fit. I only have the Hot Octopuss Amo which has way too weird a shape to fit. Maybe some rub­ber bands or a sil­i­cone cock ring would stop the rattle.

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